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8253146 No.8253146 [Reply] [Original]

I want to start with philosophy, where do I start and where do I head to from that?
Please, keep the "muh greeks starter pack" jokes to a minimum, I really need guidance here.

>> No.8253148

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.8253155 [DELETED] 

How do start with baking bread?
Please, keep the 'buy groceries' jokes to a minimum, I really need guidance here.

>> No.8253163

Pick a subject first. Starting with the Greeks usually gives people an idea about the history of philosophy and the evolution of the questions being asked. If you have something specific in mind then maybe someone can give specific advice. If not, get yer ass to Miletus and start with dem muddafuggin Greeks.

>> No.8253165

Fuck you so much.

>> No.8253168

its not a joke you need to start wiht the greeks idiot

>> No.8253171

Are there books that cover early philosophy in Greece?

>> No.8253184


>> No.8253189

The First Philosophers - Oxford Uni. Press

>> No.8253203

u need to stard with the greeks you dumbass

>> No.8253491

Yea just look around for history of philosophy books. Our understanding of their ideas is relatively limited due to the scarcity of reliable sources so you can cover a lot of their work pretty quickly. Most of it boils down to theories about metaphysics (what they believed the world was made of, what causes events, etc.)

>> No.8253496

Pre-socratics t b h

>> No.8253499
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>> No.8253553

Start with the Romans.

>> No.8253558

Just browse r/theredpill for a few hours

>> No.8253564
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>> No.8253741

probably the best way to get started is by reading The problems of philosophy by Russel. It's free:
Then go study the History of philosphy. Durant's and probably Russel's as well, with care.
Or/and you can study plato, with this reading recommendation. Plato is marvelous.

>> No.8253841

I don't really know anything about philosophy but it seems like this guy might have given some actual good advice?

>> No.8253850

>Reading anything by Bertrand "The Cuckpositivist" Russell


>> No.8253855

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8253864

The Presocratics by Edward Hussey. Relatively short.

>> No.8253868

Disregard everything in this thread and get The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant

>> No.8253874

Like, okay, I do not like Greek philosophy. I majored in philosophy, so I took one class Plato and one on Hellenestic philosophy (Stoics, Skeptics, Cynics, etc.), and I had to read a decent amount of Aristotle in various other classes. I think the ideas presented in most Greek philosophy texts are very outdated.

But you have to know a lot of it because every Western philosopher after the Greeks will reference either Plato or Aristotle. So it's annoying as fuck that everyone just says "start with the greeks lol XD" but in a sense you really need to, if only in the form of some exposure to the ideas.

>> No.8253894


>> No.8254026

Unironic answer here

Read Seamus Heaney's Beowulf translation, and then immediately read Gardner's Grendel with a philosophical and zodiac reading guide. Grendel is designed to match philosophy with the Campbellian Monomyth and explore an individual's journey through philosophical thinking, so for someone first delving into philosophy at large, it's a great means of learning surface level ideas without being bored to death.

>> No.8254039

this is actually the only respectable answer in this thread. the Meditations are very accessible and, if you read them carefully and think you some thinks, you'll be on your way.

another good way in is Plato (early and middle dialogues, mostly.)

>> No.8254044

yes and mostly no

>> No.8254083

real answer:

just google "good intro to phil book," get it, read it, and then just read around http://plato.stanford.edu/ and wikipedia to get an idea of how to approach primary texts. then i'd start with the grkeks or some foundational text in whatever area you're interested in (ethics, logic, metaphysics, etc.)

>> No.8254138

shit, yes. I've been meaning to do that for a while. (except with Rebsamen not Heaney, because he translates to keep the stress patterns and alliteration)

>> No.8254155
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follow this

>> No.8254170

How to get into Derrida?

>> No.8254177

read Saussure, Husserl, and Heidegger first.

>> No.8254213

don't. http://leiterreports.typepad.com/blog/2004/10/the_derrida_ind.html

>> No.8254219

Reading philosophy for the sake of it is pointless

>> No.8254229

What do you mean keep the SWTG meme under control? You literally need at least the core of Plato and Aristotle to make sense of anything since they fundamentally create the field.

Read Heraclitus/Parmenides' fragments > Plato > Aristotle > Descartes > Hume > Kant > Hegel > Nietzsche. That's the most condensed route through philosophy that I would recommend. Descartes, Hume and Kant are mostly there for providing historical context. Aristotle, Hegel (usually through Marx, late Marx has taken a beating but the much more Hegelian baby Marx remains influential) and Nietzsche are probably the 3 most used and abused thinkers in the 21st century. Oh and of course Plato who not only informs some philosophy but also theology as Christianity and Islam are both fundamentally based in neoplatonic metaphysics.

In fact the Islamic Republic of Iran is founded largely on a mixture of Sufi mysticism and Khomeini's reading of The Republic, which he saw as the basis of an ideal model of the state. America's founding fathers were also well versed in both Plato and Aristotle, and our constitution is as much a beast of Plato's identification of the demons of democracy and Aristotle's formula for a mediated democracy as it is of the enlightenment.

Honestly there is just no excuse for an intellectual to not be at least respectively well versed in Plato and Aristotle.

>> No.8254236

start by reading anything that gives you a good enough context to understand Phaedo
Then read Phaedo
Then read all the other relevant works from Plato
Then keep going

tl.dr: start with the greeks

>> No.8254243

Start with Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle ;)

>> No.8254789


>> No.8254846


>> No.8256475

Nigga it's litterally impossible to appreciate and understand philosophy without some knowledge of Plato and Aristotle at least.

>> No.8257893 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8257900
