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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 83 KB, 600x365, Hogwarts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8253080 No.8253080 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, the real world fucking sucks. How can you fucking stand reality when you read fiction like Harry Potter?

Go to school to learn magic like shooting fire balls.
Go to school to learn grammer and math.

Fuck the real world.

>> No.8253086

if you think learning grammer and math are the worst of the real world youd better just go ahead and get off mr bones wild ride now while you still have some innocence left

>> No.8253093 [DELETED] 

The real world would be as good or even better if it wasn't for feminism or political correctness

>> No.8253139

>Get to learn how to control the way others understand you
>Given a glimpse into an entire alternate way of understanding the universe
But no fuck that, I want to have to write a 36-inch essay about all the possible ways newt eyes are and aren't useful.

>> No.8253177

Dude, we built rail guns out of disposable cameras in eleventh grade physics. Fuck that British twats fireballs, we were hitting each other in the face with jets of plasma.

>> No.8253183

Join the army then

>> No.8253190

Rowling said a gun would beat a wizard 9 times out of 10.

>> No.8253221

why didn't voldemort use guns then?

>> No.8253230

Because he was so skinny that the recoil would shake him apart.

>> No.8253259
File: 646 KB, 512x481, 1445172534757.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>famines, genocides, endless wars
>ok but I can't make fun of women and minorities as openly any more

wew lad

>> No.8253278

all those things are good
famine clears the world of surplus population
genocides ensure the purity of the genetic pool
war is glory and power
political correctness makes everyone into retarded children for the rest of eternity

>> No.8253291

says the fat, living, retarded child who's never fought for anything but his opinions

>> No.8253298

Nigga he's either an idiot or a troll, why do you respond

>> No.8253304


>> No.8253305

If you don't respond to trolls, eventually people who actually believe in the things trolls spout will think they're in good company.

>> No.8253574
File: 69 KB, 680x593, 38a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you can ever get off Mr Bones wild ride

>> No.8253585

*reads the Harry Potter of the Harry Potter universe*
>Holy shit, the real world fucking sucks.

You'll never be satisfied.

>> No.8253859

Math >= Magic

>> No.8253870

He said the real world, not solipsistic, richkid private school salad-days lala land.

>> No.8253940

>real world

>> No.8253996
File: 39 KB, 650x366, 979583-scrooge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw decreasing the surplus population

>> No.8254028

build a still and make ethanol
then make molotov cocktails or an ehtanol flamethrower
if hicks can do it so can you

>> No.8254057

famine is failure of government and society
genocide is failure of civilization and pure degeneracy
war is only glorious when it's just, otherwise it's an embarassment, see for example the yugoslav wars between potato-like slav warlords.
pc is a meme that barely exists coherently

>> No.8254076

genocide is just advanced natural selection

>> No.8254095

if you think that the holocaust in any way resembles nature you've got something seriously wrong
that is also an incorrect use of natural selection

>> No.8254114

>be a hufflepuff student
>this googly-eyed spaz ends up putting our entire class in danger for seven years
>somehow still allowed to return every year because he's sucking the headmaster's dick
>restrooms are filthy because the janitor never does any cleaning with magic, owl shit everywhere
>greedy jew goblins taxing my gold at gringotts
harry potter world sucks

>> No.8254118

humans are animals
animals are a part of nature
genocide is done by humans
therefore, genocide is natural

tell me where I lost you

it's just conflict on a massive scale, impossible to other species because they lack complex societies and the required technology

in any case, the holocaust was nothing special. classical history saw plenty wars in which the losers were esentially annihilated as a people, like when Alexander burnt down Thebes and sold all the survivors into slavery, or the Romans doing the same to the Carthaginians after the Third Punic War

>> No.8254129

humans have opposable thumbs, large brains, consciousness, culture and technology
this might be described as the human condition

>in any case, the holocaust was nothing special.
you don't know enough about the holocaust then, there is no equivalent in history
and don't start with "muh 6 gajillion", memes aside, an entire modern nations intellectual class set on cold blooded annihilation of different nations on an industrial scale is completely unique, ancient slavery does not compare at all, that's extremely anachronistic i.e. fallacious

>> No.8254135
File: 847 KB, 1280x741, Stop it now you horny simpletons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's the best site to post my erotic Harry Potter fanfiction? I just wrote a hella steamy piece about Hermione doing interracial.

>> No.8254140

forgot that your view on nature is entirely tautological, nature either exists because it exists or might aswell not exist because it doesn't exist
humans occupy a different sphere than animals because of their ability to reflect and differentiate from nature, without this the term nature becomes meaningless

>> No.8254145

it's just an old idea scaled up to the size of technologically advanced society

you might say it's a pogrom of the industrial age

>> No.8254148
File: 132 KB, 799x1086, 1456884800187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jew's are gods chosen and do not eat pork therefore they are not """""""""""animals"""""""""" or a part of nature. God created nature, and god created humans, but god did not create humans as a part of nature. Both nature and humans( ie jews, those who don't follow the law arent really human in the same sense jews are) are extensions of god, but they are not one in the same. God is not a part of nature because he is not not nature while also being not not unnatural. (I wouldnt expect you to understand it without having being taught the law and the scripture from a young age)

jk i hate dirty rat shylocks as much as the next /pol/poster

>> No.8254168

humans are animals, with animal instincts and behaviour that doesn't differ more from that of higher primates than strictly necessary to accomodate a higher level of intelligence, and the meme idea that humanity can be divorced from nature is ridiculous

>> No.8254174

this was made clear by Darwin about 150 years ago... try to rejoin us thinking adults here in 2016, please

>> No.8254186

In all books with magic, magicians spent years studying. They discover the mysteries of the unknown and apply it to their world, creating fireballs, causing water to turn to ice, destroying cities or maybe flying. In our world, the exact equivalents are science and engineering. You need to know math for either of those. OP, you are like NPCs who are always in awe of magic but never take the steps to learn it themselves.

>> No.8254264

No, ideas cannot be scaled historically, this is your mistake, you live in a fantasy world where everything is the same, this is probably an oedipal problem on your part, you think you're all powerful, everything has to be part of your silly notions, you subjugate history and biology to your own sexual perversions.
get acquainted with history and evolutionary theory on a basic level and you would recognize instantly that there are serious qualitative distinctions between antiquity and modernity and animals and humans
Just like in analysis I can't tutor you like the small child you once were and teach you all these things, it's not practical

>humans are animals, with animal instincts and behaviour
and consciousness, which animals don't posess. you are incredibly stupid

darwin is not on your side
>try to rejoin us thinking adults here in 2016, please
lol, you are just a stupid child

>> No.8254377

Because if you kill your enemy, they win.

>> No.8254383

grammer and math are the most powerful spells in the real world. i bet there are tonnes of wizards thinking 'fuck this wizard shit i wish i was a muggle just learning grammer and math'

>> No.8255676

Cursed Child spoilers? My name's Delphi Belatrix D'arkness Dementia Ravenclaw Riddle

>> No.8255683


This shit always triggers me, even if it's ironic, same as would of/should of.

>> No.8256242

>The real world sucks I have to go to school to improve my basic understanding of the world and raise my long-term employment prospects

The West is imploding, and you are annoyed about learning subjects you don't like?

and underageb&

>> No.8256523

He hated muggles/muggle technology.

>> No.8256529

>would of/should of
Thank fucking GOD this bothers someone else.

>> No.8256544

No, anon, we're not on Mr. Bones' wild ride yet. That's what comes after. That's what anon wants to hop onto.

>> No.8256557

>famine clears the world of surplus population.
Famine creates the whole concept of a surplus population. Without it, there isn't one.
>genocides ensure the purity of the genetic pool
So? Who cares about the genetic pool?
>war is glory and power
War is glory (by definition), but it definitely is not power. It's a meeting of power.
>political correctness makes everyone into retarded children for the rest of eternity
But it doesn't.