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/lit/ - Literature

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8252493 No.8252493[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

any philosophers or books that convincingly argue that women and non-whites do not have the same moral worth as a white man?

If so, I'd like to hear them.

>> No.8252498

Inadvertantly every classic does so.

>> No.8252499

Such an argument is pretty much impossible as race is a social construct.

>> No.8252503

t. nu-male cucks

>> No.8252508

Not really, the 'white race' is an invention of Americans to help justify chattel slavery. Europeans considered themselves separate races until very recently.

>> No.8252512
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>> No.8252521

>written by a women

into the trash it goes

>> No.8252527

I think you misunderstood the first one.

>> No.8252561

frogtards off /lit/

>> No.8252577

Sex and Character by Weininger

>> No.8252586

>Europeans considered themselves separate races until very recently.


>> No.8252597
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Pic related are the fags such as >>8252499 in this thread.

>> No.8252616
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To answer your question OP whites are what all white authors before the "enlightenment" called humans.

Non-whites and whites are the same genus but each "race" is a different species that are able to cross-breed.

Saying that africanoids, Caucasians, and asians are the same species because they can breed is like saying Coyotes and Grey Wolves are the same species, it's total bullshit.

>> No.8252641


>> No.8252795
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>oy gevalt only MY version of science is the truth goy, now take your goy-pills you're obviously crazy!

>> No.8252815

You mind showing us the proof to that statement my friend?

>> No.8252826

take the redpill, cuck

Science is a tool by the (((elite))) to breed out whiteness

>> No.8253225

Go back to /pol/ you fucking faggot.

>> No.8253274


>The term "white race" or "white people" entered the major European languages in the later 17th century, originating with the racialization of slavery at the time, in the context of the Atlantic slave trade[10] and the enslavement of native peoples in the Spanish Empire.[11]

>> No.8253290


>> No.8253301

Where did the smart stormfags go? This is low level shitposting.

Come on, I want someone to hurt my liberal feelings, not just type out bad words and insults.

>> No.8253322



>> No.8253324


>> No.8253351


Relatively speaking. Honestly I wish /pol/ was more like stormfront.

>polite, no swearing
>no cuck stuff
>no racial slurs
>more accepting of women

It's like moderate Islam.

>> No.8253353

>moderate Islam

There's a contradiction in terms, nu-male feminist cuck

>> No.8253359
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>> No.8253370

>seeking out material to confirm your already chosen opinions

This is as pleb AS IT GETS.

>> No.8253373

i see you are still posting these shitty threads
there are apparently some philosophers that convincingly argue that you should kill yourself. why don't you try reading one of those?

>> No.8253377

>t. butthurt roastwhore

>> No.8253436

I'm the opposite, their nonsense only works when you're memeing as hard as you can. White nationalists in serious mode are pretty boring once you're used to white nationalism.

>> No.8253454

>are the same species because they can breed
literally the definition of species, go fuck yourself

>> No.8253457
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>> No.8253464

>implying Jews didn't invent language with their superior verbal IQ to exploit the white man.

>> No.8253511


>> No.8253540


>Implying Englishmen are not inherently superior to Dutchmen and the French.