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8252473 No.8252473 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, y'all.

I have a lot of difficulty enjoying experiences due to over analysis in the moment. For example when a friend tells a good joke that makes me laugh and about a second into laughter I'm asking myself with sincerity "why am I really laughing? if this is a means of bonding, shouldn't we be more thoughtful? or maybe genuine relationships should be totally organic." etc. and then I'm no longer laughing and the moment has passed. I'm not trying to jerk myself because I'm so thoughtful. I rarely come to any helpful conclusions and its mostly annoying and restrictive to my being able enjoy normal human activities. I want to be able to just "go with the flow" or whatever.

Will philosophy help me this or exacerbate it?

>> No.8252478

maybe you're just thinking about that kind of thing a lot at the moment and it rises naturally
maybe you have ocd and intrusive thoughts
maybe you have autism

if its a good joke and you actually got pleasure from the joke itself i think it should be pretty straightforward, whereas if you're laughing out of social obligation you can usually feel it. the difference always seems pretty clear to me.

>> No.8252489

pure autism

>> No.8252537

>maybe you have ocd and intrusive thoughts

That would actually make a lot of sense given my history. I'm gonna look into that. Thx, m8.

>> No.8252633

Why do you want that, though? If you're going to force yourself to be or do something you don't want to or don't do for any other reason but to fit in you're going to be miserable.

I don't laugh at everything my friends say or laugh at. I "over analyze" everything according to everyone I know but I have accepted it and so have my friends/family. They may tell me to shut up or relax every once in a while, but most of the time they will listen and offer an opinion on the topic.

I am not invited back to Renaissance fairs with my friend and his wife though. Mainly due to his wife getting annoyed about me getting annoyed at the annoying and blatant disregard for history.

>> No.8252649

Because I enjoy reacting to things without incessantly mulling over my reaction.

>If you're going to force yourself to be or do something you don't want to do for any other reason but to fit in you're going to be miserable

Are you saying you should only change to fit in? That sounds asinine. Or was that a typo?