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8251673 No.8251673 [Reply] [Original]

Is abortion ever ethically justified under normal circumstances? By that I mean pregnancies which are terminated out of pure convenience for the woman, rather than because of rape, or instances where the birth of a child would be severely damaging either to itself or to the mother, and would be incapable of maintaining a secure and nurturing environment.

no anti-natalist arguments pls, I'm talking specifically about the morality of the act of abortion, not the ethical position against raising children in general.

>> No.8251675


>> No.8251676


>> No.8251680


>> No.8251681

>ethically justified

>> No.8251686


>> No.8251687

>post pic related and ask for a positive claim about ethics

wew lad

>> No.8251692


>> No.8251697

Ethics are for chumps.

>> No.8251702


>> No.8251734

Of course. For example, if you don't have the emotional or financial capacity to raise a child in a suitable environment it is more ethical to abort the child than it is to raise it in utter squalor in an abusive home.

>> No.8251750

That was accounted for in the OP though. I meant when a woman is in a position perfectly capable of raising a child, but refuses to do so because she claims she isn't ready to do so. Very few people ever do believe they are ready to have a child, but the majority of babies are born out of cases like this.

>> No.8251758

Oh, sorry I'm retarded and apparently illiterate. In that case I would say no if you're not willing to entertain anti-natalist perspectives.

>> No.8251794

When you abort a child you take away everything it will be. It isnt about "but its a lump of cells!" its about removing the potential for a human being and every good and bad thing it will become.

Basically, if you are an empiricist and secularist or anti-natalist, yes it is ethical.

If you assign value to human beings re: natural rights or as a matter of Christian ethic, than it can only possibly be moral when the resultant birth doesnt have value as a human being (death of the mother and child is reasonably likely, extreme birth defects.

Reminder that abortion of rape as legal is the punishment of the child for the crimes of the father.

>> No.8251812

No. Killing your own child is evil.

>> No.8251821

As much as I dislike Ben Shapiro, I think he gave the best analogy for why the 'my body, my decision' argument is so weak - the line of reasoning is exactly the same as that of a slave owner justifying his ownership of slaves.

Basically when you choose to terminate your pregnancy, the choice is not between life and death, but between whether or not you consider the thing growing inside of you to be a living thing at all. A woman will say: 'this is my body, this thing occupies part of my property, therefore I have the right to decide whether it is a human life or not'. on the other hand, a slave owner will say: 'this is my land, this slave occupies part of my property, therefore I have the right to decide whether it is a human life or not'.

>> No.8251845

>If you assign value to human beings re: natural rights or as a matter of Christian ethic, than it can only possibly be moral when the resultant birth doesnt have value as a human being (death of the mother and child is reasonably likely, extreme birth defects.
Shouldn't people be makimg children all the time then?

>> No.8251855

abortion is not a legitimate response to negligence. birth control minimises harm - if you get pregnant because you're not sensible enough to take the pill or use some form of contraception, you don't have the right to kill a child.

>> No.8251862

I prefer the term "retroactive contraception" when I have an abortion, and ask my abortionist to use that term.

>> No.8251866

Reminder that if you're pro choice you support murder and if you're pro life you hate women.

No exceptions.

>> No.8251868

>kill a child
Top meme.

>> No.8251869

Sure. I have them recreationally.

>> No.8251872


>calls the other argument weak
>argues by homology between body and land

ok kid

abortion is always justifiable, even at late stages.

>> No.8251881

the slave is not a parasite, he could live on his own

>> No.8251882

Abortion is only justifiable from a population control standpoint.
Also, from an economical standpoint. A poor family will meet difficulties raising a child and they should be able to abort, if they want.

The "my body, my rules" argument is pathetic though, It's basically justifying murder. Especially in late stage abortions.

>> No.8251888

looks like you're spooked, friend.
don't worry; perfectly curable!

>> No.8251896

Why is it that the recent trend for women to 'shout their abortions' involves nothing but talking in euphemisms?

It's almost as if they don't want to directly confront the moral ambiguity of sticking cold steel instruments up their vagina to scramble the brains of an unborn baby

>> No.8251898

Before the fetus is viable, it requires no ethical justification whatsoever. Afterwards, I don't give a shit.

>> No.8251899

It can cause immense harm. If anything the abortion for foetuses with disabilities is much more of an ethical quagmire.

>> No.8251913

you've given me no reason as to why I should agree with you.

that isn't the point - the owner is convinced he has the right to decide whether or not the slave is a human being, and whether it has a right to life, because it consists as part of his property. the same goes for the 'my body' argument. also if you weren't aware, its quite difficult to be a slave and escape without ending up inside a dog's stomach

>> No.8251969

Look at all you ethical cucks positing strong morality out of your assholes