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/lit/ - Literature

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8251580 No.8251580 [Reply] [Original]

>Sit in an empty coffee shop to read
>out of nowhere normies sit next to me for some reason and start kissing and talking
>forgot my headphones

>> No.8251592


You're not on /r9k/, weirdo

>> No.8251613

>using music to cover world noise
>not using plugs regularly when you go out
>not using white noise to cover world noise

you deserve what you get

lel youre a fag

>> No.8251631
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>read tranquilly in my car
>normie comes and ask me why am i alone and why am i doing nothing
>it's a social faux pas nowadays to read on your own in your car

>> No.8251637

>implying I'm already not listening to a hairdryer connected to a guitar and a distortion which I for some reason call music

>> No.8251646

>reading À la recherche du temps perdu in french for the third time in my room
>normie that sired me appears out of nowhere asking when I'm going to get a job

Some people.

>> No.8251651

>>it's a social faux pas nowadays to read on your own in your car
well yeah you're supposed to be paying attention to the road you fucking irresponsible retard

>> No.8251654

>think about reading in public
>Remember I'm not some attention whore normie slut

>> No.8251671

>not multitasking while driving

Besides, I forgot to add he told me i was "doing nothing" when i was reading. Reading equals doing nothing in normie perception of the world.

>> No.8251742


>> No.8252066

Same happened to me, but in my case it was a security guard. They wanted to make sure I wasn't getting high or beating off.

>> No.8252174

yeah you're unique amirite :)

>> No.8252316

Chuckled, I know the feeling.

>"Anon when are you going to be 'done' with all this reading?"
>mfw don't know how to explain that I will do this until I die and that I refuse to ever move out