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8249875 No.8249875 [Reply] [Original]

What are some great books about sexuality?

Thus far I've read Funeral Rites and Our Lady of Flowers by Genet, Story of the Eye by Bataille, The Lover by Duras, some works here and there by WS Burroughs, but that's it.

I've heard very good things about Peter Sotos. The main theme of the book doesn't necessarily have to be sexual, but as I'm trying to write a semierotic bildungsroman myself, I'd like to crib from the best. Is John Hawkes good? I remember seeing a chart reccing Blood Orange and The Lime Twig among other things.

tl;dr waht are great books about sex?

>> No.8249889

50 Shades of Grey

>> No.8250436

The Happy Hooker, by Xaviera Hollander

>> No.8250439

Academic reminder that eroticism and sex aren't the same thing.

>> No.8250440


>> No.8250452

>I've heard very good things about Peter Sotos.


>> No.8251556

Ok. So what are good books that deal in both?
Anything in particular by them? Which Collette?
I'll take a look, ty

>> No.8251564 [DELETED] 


>I've heard very good things about Peter Sotos.

nothing but fear porn. avoid. only the edgiest of edgelords are interested in his shit.

>> No.8251574

>author focuses on real life horror stories involving children

Oh look, it's another, "I don't pay attention to the news because it's all so negative" weenie.

>> No.8251575
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>> No.8252206

Sex, by Madonna

>> No.8252212

Confessions - St. Augustine

>> No.8252225
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>> No.8252290

Colette, the French lady, and all of her shit: Claudine at school/in Paris/married/leaves, Gigi, Cheri/The end of Cheri, The vagabond, all of it.

Her full name is Sidonie Gabrielle Colette, but she is normally known by just Colette.

>> No.8253620

Bump for interest

>> No.8253665

The single greatest exploration of sexuality is Tristan und Isolde

>> No.8253672

I've not taken German since high school. Do I git gud or is there a strong translation?

>> No.8253685

I actually started learning German last week with the goal of being able to read Wagner's libretti. Using Sandberg's Reading for German, would recommend. You can preview the entire book on google books.

There probably are very good translations, however, translating libretti is more problematic than translating poetry because time is more crucial, as specific words often need to coincide with specific notes or musical phrases.

>> No.8253698

I think as I am not especially keen on picking up another language, that I'll read in English. Thank you for the rec, though.

>> No.8253712

your loss

>> No.8253721

is that a statue?

>> No.8253724

I believe so.

>> No.8253732

Not my diary t.b.h.

>> No.8253734

I'm sorry, anon. Do you want a hug?

>> No.8255294

Thanks anyway

>> No.8256236


man gave his name to BDSM

he was also known to be an uber sexual deviant , something that not a single one of any of the other faggots that wrote shit about sex was.

>> No.8256247

I read Justine and it alternated between arguments of Why I Am Entitled To Rape You And PS God And Morality Are Shit; and further and further ridiculous sex situations that may or may not have been parodies/satires of French culture. It was good, but nothing worth rereading. Is all Sade like Justine?

>> No.8256257

>Beauvoir, not deviant for homopedo
>Huysmans, not deviant even if he was into armpits
>Gide, not deviant for homopedo
>Sacher-Masoch, not deviant for giving his name to masochism
>Burroughs, not deviant for homopedodrugging
>Byron, not deviant for sex tourisming homopedo shit, fucking his sister, howevermanysomes and generally being Byron
>Swinburne, not deviant for liking to be flogged or spreading rumours about himself that he fucked and then ate a monkey

>> No.8256271

kek, normies always misread Justine because she tries to live by normie virture signalling in a world where that means shit. if nudity meant virtue in your home country and you travelled to somewhere where it mean free sex, you'd be a fucking idiot to keep maintaining that your home country rules apply and it was everyone else's fault that people took it to mean free sex while also refusing to defile yourself with clothes. if the virtue of your nudity means that much to you in the new country, you're agreeing getting fucked by all comers is worth keeping your fucked ideas of virtue.

>> No.8256275

So it's a critique of contemporary (to its time of writing) values? A celebration of what it means to be a libertine? I remember when I read it I didn't know what a libertine was, so took it to be a synonym for paedophile before I dug up the actual definition.

>> No.8256284

>what a libertine was, so took it to be a synonym for paedophile before I dug up the actual definition.
lol, it often is. Juliette is her sister's side of it, and Juliette accepts the world and becomes the lady Justine meets at the end (it's been a while since I read either but I think it's the end of Justine they meet). She does better because she works out the score and so doesn't get fucked over by people and is able to fuck over other people who play by the same rules. Justine winds up destitute and raped trying to prove she's virtuous to people who don't operate by the same principles, while Juliette winds up rich and well liked by society because she works the system. Neither are really a celebration of anything (well, maybe shit) but they're paired to point out you work the system or the system works you.

>> No.8256291

Fair, fair. I might give Juliette a go, then. Thanks. Have you read Hawkes? And what do you think of Story of the Eye?

>> No.8256296

Haven't read either; Story of the Eye's been in my backlog forever so I can't help you on those, sorry.

>> No.8256301

It's only a hundred or so pages. It's chiefly rather hot, but you can find a variety of interpretations, especially alongside Bataille's economic theory about waste. (The Accursed Share). I imagine it's easier to find in French, though.