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/lit/ - Literature

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8249063 No.8249063 [Reply] [Original]

ITT, the worst books by your favourite authors.
Pic related.

>> No.8249072

>worst pynchon
>not gravity's rainbow

>> No.8249074
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damn, you too?

>> No.8249078

I read this after GR and I couldn't get past page 20 and it really put me off his other stuff. Are the others also this bad?

>> No.8249095
File: 820 KB, 2598x3907, thomas_pynchon_presse01-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, the rest is relatively good, some of his other novels are maybe just as good as GR, IMHO, but Bleeding Edge is just a giant turd. Try reading Lot 49.

>> No.8249158

Vineland was pretty trashy in its own way. Though the trashiness was somewhat thematically relevant. Also the stories in Slow Learner are pretty lame. I actually didn't mind Bleeding Edge that much. It obviously wasn't anywhere near his best but it was amusing enough.

>> No.8249196
File: 103 KB, 288x475, Lot 49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8249279


>> No.8249301

Take it back, cumslut.

>> No.8249314
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A baffling novel.

>> No.8249862

I actually really like BE and think its one of the best of the 21st century.

>> No.8249869

Well yeah but that doesn't mean much when you're talking about 21st century literature.

>> No.8249902

Did he write it from the horse's perspective or something batshit like that?

>> No.8249937

kek that novel was fucking insanity.

>> No.8249966

That's actually something I'd expect from Hawkes, t b h.

>> No.8251653

Holy fuck, I managed to write a bait so bad that /lit/ didn't fall for it.

>> No.8251669

Really? Not Vineland? I mean, I kinda liked that it had a female protagonist for starters.

>> No.8251693

delete this and then delete yourself

>> No.8251897

Who cares about that. Also, Vineland had basically a female protagonist as well since DL appeared more than Zoyd.