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8247288 No.8247288 [Reply] [Original]

>local philosophy factory closed down

>> No.8247291

what's a philosophy factory?

>> No.8247294

Mine outsourced to India. Fuck.

>> No.8247298
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>can only afford cheap chinese buddhism

>> No.8247301

haha, gave me a nice laugh, OP.

>> No.8247332

I feel you OP. I was just getting my application to the philosophy factory near my house together when it started going. The day of my interview they told me they didn't need anymore Marxist Lacanian Nietzschean aestheticians focusing on the subjectivist dualism of bra commercials and said they'd refer me to a new department, but when I went to check it out the room was full of redditors skimming books full of Ps and Qs and tweeting thought experiments about benevolent robots.

>> No.8247338

IKTF I'm not even working in the industry anymore.

Had to get a job at the local sophistry store. I'm not doing what I love, but at least the pay is decent.

>> No.8247846

The place that builds your worldviews

>> No.8247864
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>local library instituted in a no-singles policy

>> No.8247879

You shouldn't have for such high wages.

>> No.8247883

The local job centre.

>> No.8247885

*asked for

>> No.8247898
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>live in a town known for it's heavy philosophy industry
>economy is bad and factory after factory closes down
>it's Detroit all over again
>suddenly a producer switches it's product line from hedonism to some sort of clone of that that old absurdism thing

Long story short: I applied but didn't get the job due to lack of experience in the field.

If this continues I'll open my own workshop. Or some underground math lab to synthesize some divine geometry. I heard STEMfems dig that shit due to "muh high brow aesthetics".

You know... I think the industry suffers from that women quota the govt imposed.

>> No.8247933

>If this continues I'll open my own workshop.

The boutique philosophy industry is booming. The only problem is people trust the big brands, it might be hard getting people to buy your product when 'Camus brand Absurdism™' is right down the aisle.

The Math cook route is booming thanks to the STEM addict epidemic (I am one fyi) just be careful, the empiricist world is dangerous.

>> No.8247936

Good post.

>> No.8247937

u wut

>> No.8247969

The empiricists love it

>> No.8249059

>my parents were a critical theory worker for 30 years
>they company was bought up and the factory was shut down even though it was profitable
>they've been unemployed for 5 years and are so desperate they're considering prostitution or even academia

>> No.8249089

I used to work for an Existentialist dealer, but they got bought by Nihilist Express. It was a weird transition because they couldn't agree on the direction of the company even though they were saying the same thing.

>> No.8249111
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>bought AAA rated marxism backed feminist bonds

>> No.8249119

>observations of the utility of mathematics proves the axioms that it is based upon are correct
t. virtually every single STEMsperg out there.

>> No.8249154
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>reading job listings
>wanted, analyst for Intersectional Feminist consultation firm
>eyes light up
>at least 5 years experence needed

>> No.8249164

Well the research department laid me off.
"Your philosophy is too happy"
Where to now?
Freelance thinker or start brewing my thoughts at home independently?

>> No.8249176


>research department laid me off.

That's rough. Hey, there's always Starthoughts. The coffee's expensive and shit, but they're everywhere.

>> No.8250019

North Korea has the biggest job market for idealogical workers.

>> No.8250026
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what does 't.' mean?

>> No.8250039
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>the ideology village was razed to the ground

>> No.8250040

It's some abbreviated Finnish word that roughly translates to: fuggg! In my benis the bagina! XDdd

>> No.8250102

Yeah, you have to be careful with those mergers and acquisitions and consolidating the businesses lest you piss off the employees that like the 'good ol days' and lose talent to their (IMO more superior) competitor, Pragmatism LLP

>> No.8250124

When I realized it was only a matter of time before my factory closed down, I got into freelance contracting.

It's a pretty nice gig, companies pay me to fly across the country to wu wei a week here, a week there. I've even collected a bunch of hotel tao-els.

>> No.8250203

regards in Finnish or some shit;

>> No.8250255
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>The literary theory store is filing Chapter 11

Ship's going down, lads.

>> No.8250558


t. CPA candidate

>> No.8250579

>my local philosophy factory is run by moral realists


>> No.8250584


>> No.8250588

The library.

>> No.8250790

>mass-produced philosophy
>not making your own at home

>> No.8250859

what is goin on here??

>> No.8250866

It's really too bad they figured out how to automate the profession of constituting ideological worldviews.

>> No.8251148

>philosophers' union protesting for better pay and conditions
>utilitarian boss brings in strike busters
Hard times, friends.

>> No.8251158

Short for the finnish word terveisin, which means regards.
In real life you use it to end letters, messages and emails as in:

You are invited to X, which is held during Y
T. Petteri Nils-Aslak

You can also use yt. which means ystävällisin terveisin, "with kind regards"

In the spurdo world you use it to make clear who you are or to mock someone

Examples for the 1st kind:

Thats not true, actually X happened like this!
t. knower


t. CPA candidate

He's right you know
t. other

Examples for the 2nd kind:

>All languages descent from the turkish sun language
t. Mustafa Kemal

>observations of the utility of mathematics proves the axioms that it is based upon are correct
t. virtually every single STEMsperg out there

>scaring women is fun
t. Moldovan town rapist

Too bad to hear, I work in the finnish logician industry which has received support from the state since they want to keep heavy industry alive. Even though we don't produce practically anything nowadays, I myself spend my time staring at the pictures of von Wright and Wittgenstein sitting together and reading Hintikka's work while I masturbate and dream of a world that doesn't so often remind me of its illogicalness

>> No.8251166
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>the ICJ still hasn't brought Slavoj "The Slovak Slaughterer" Zizek to sweet dialectic justice even after half of your family died in one of his trashcamps

>> No.8251255

Know your Balkans, brah.

>> No.8251369

I didn't imply that he was wrong. The 'lol' signified an unironic silent chuckle, just was letting him know that I got that 11 reference

>> No.8251380
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>> No.8251383

You have misunderstood: I filed your post under the 1st kind of t., which I defined as "making clear who you are", which in this case means that the main reason I picked your post was indeed the "t. CPA candidate" part and not the "lol" part of the post

ps. what is a CPA candidate?

>> No.8251392

why are there so many fuckers who don't know how to 4chan of late? please don't answer this question it is rhetorical and directed at people who know, not you. the uptake in people who don't know how to quote/lurk/meme is abnormally high though
CPA is a chartered public accountant

>> No.8251395

Certified Poo Assings

>> No.8251402

Stirnerites bombed a vegan convention near me. They weren't doing much harm, only protesting the local milk farm, but the faggots went and killed them.

The superintendent said he's working on it, but I heard he was a closet Stirnerite himself.

>> No.8251409

a lot of stirnerites became veggie/vegans because the main free love commune at the time was a vegetarian one hesse thought they were fascistic when he went so you're not entirely wrong

>> No.8251607

It was really simple too, one of the quickest breakthoughs ever in AI. Humanities btfo.