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File: 214 KB, 660x440, david_foster_wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8246758 No.8246758[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

C'mon... you can't deny it... we all can see he looks quite [spolier]african-american-esque[/spoiler] in this pic.
Was he... you know? [spolier]black[/spoiler]?

>> No.8246781


>> No.8246790

>pale skin
>straight hair
>must be black

>> No.8246798
File: 20 KB, 389x484, barry white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Srsly how dont you see it?

>> No.8246811


>> No.8246818

nice doubles 1's

>> No.8246848

Have you actually read any of his books? He might just be one of the whitest authors ever.

>> No.8246852

what does that even mean
sounds kinda racist tbqh

>> No.8246877


Someone told me that all "White" Americans have a touch of the tar brush at this point. Considering how easy it was for some quadroons to pass themselves off as white and integrate into respectable society I'm not surprised.

Just look at Jefferson. He fucks his Sally Hennings, his slave, who is mostly white and also the half sister of Jefferson's wife, and has several mostly white kids with her. He frees these children and they pass themselves off as white and go on to have a million descendants. Repeat that by a few thousand and there you go.

Honestly, if Sally Hennings looked anything like Rashida Jones or Jennifer Beals I can't really blame him.

>> No.8246908

I don't know about being black but he does transition into African-American vernacular english pretty well

>> No.8247433

>pale skin
What ozon hole do yo live under where orange is considered pale.