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8244025 No.8244025 [Reply] [Original]

I tired to read this but the amount of colloquialisms and jargon used this book made it a very difficult read. It was much more understandable in the movie for some reason.

Does this make me a pleb?

>> No.8244029


>> No.8244035

Does it make me a pleb that I couldn't fucking stand all the gratuitous French in Lolita?

>> No.8244061

Sortof, yeah

>> No.8244073

>what is context
your a pleb

>> No.8244113

You get used to it a couple of chapters in

Kind of shitty book though, so maybe just move on

>> No.8244118

H.H. would certainly think so.

>> No.8244119

Learn russian faggot

>> No.8244135


Certain recent publications are appended with a Nadsat glossary intended for reference (also available electronically, although not necessary); much like the film, apprehending the neologisms is largely an exercise in contextualization, albeit you likely found less difficulty in ascertaining meaning in Kubrick's rendition due to a pedagogic predisposition for vocal cadence.

>> No.8244143

hang your gloopy gulliver in shame, dude. it has a glossary at the back

there's probably not any more slang in clockwork orange than has originated on 4chan over the past few years. btfo, greentext, even stuff like lolcat, etc etc

>> No.8244223

>not being native russian speaker
>not understanding all the jargon without commentary

>> No.8244479

I have the copy in your pic, OP.

There is literally a translation guide at the back.