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File: 20 KB, 200x307, Slaughterhousefive[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8242681 No.8242681 [Reply] [Original]

>So it goes
>What did he mean by this?

Please discuss

>> No.8242686

It's a printing error.

It's supposed to be, "Sew, it goes".

In other words, if you do the proper work, significant events will eventually happen.

>> No.8242705

Shit happens. People die. Get over it.

>> No.8242710

If you wanted to start a real discussion about Slaughterhouse-Five, you led with the shittiest question imaginable.

>> No.8242718
File: 621 KB, 2405x2010, Blue_Discus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8242736

I wasn't actually starting the discussion with that question. I only wrote it because it's a popular meme around here.

Isn't there more to the book or to life than this?

>> No.8242755

Meh. "Breakfast of Champions" is way better.

>> No.8242822


>> No.8242825

Of course there's more to the book and life than that.

>> No.8242836

Please, would you mind expanding, then?

>> No.8242906


>> No.8242914

I really liked this book. I thought the prose was excellent, and the juxtaposition of very real war experiences with seemingly fantastical external perspectives of aliens was very incisive.

>> No.8242930

I really like the beginning of your 9th grade book review.

>> No.8243265

My girlfriend's in Dresden right now. Last month, I read this book and told her about it, so she's reading it right now and enjoying it. Imagine the heightened solace you'd have if you read Slaughterhouse 5 in Dresden. I was equally taken with the comedy as well as the tragedy in Vonnegut's writing, but turning the pages of the book above what used to be a crater, I couldn't imagine feeling anything but sad.

>> No.8243287

this is my favorite book. made me feel better to be a human

>> No.8243294

>i loved that about her because it was so HUMAN

geez, that's everyone's favorite line

>> No.8243299

hah, you got me.

>> No.8243303

that's just the way it is OR it is what it is.

He uses the most annoying phrase in the world in the hopes of rousing you to pacifism.

>> No.8243304


>> No.8243306

i don't know. with how cynical he was in his writing and in real life, when he writes something like that, it's genuine to me.

>> No.8243313


You realise that they pretty much fixed every vague trace the war might have left and rebuilt the whole city over, and over? This is especially true to cities in the old DDR.

>> No.8243332

The phrase connotes motion, a journey, a passing. Tralfamadorians see the most sublime state as simply drifting through a lifespan. Billy's existence bleeds into itself. Saying 'so it goes' every time there is a death would seem as if life has ended, as if the soul has passed on, but what I found it to mean was the opposite; that person who has died is still here on earth and is still experiencing their ever changing life, just not in the capacity of right now.

>> No.8244089

If you don't mind, then you were supposed to have expanded. Mind your words, man.

>> No.8244157
File: 31 KB, 220x325, 220px-CatsCradle(1963).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, both are great, but Vonnegut's best is this:

>> No.8244242


I think it can pretty much be summed up by this...


>> No.8244441

Agreed. I always wondered why Vonnegut gave it a 'C' when he was personally grading it.

>> No.8244468
File: 51 KB, 421x700, titan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're both wrong

>> No.8244517

It's a handicap Vonnegut uses when he can't think of a transparent enough punchline to the dark humor passage preceding the "so it goes"