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File: 113 KB, 620x372, George-RR-Martin--010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8242163 No.8242163 [Reply] [Original]

So what are the odds Martin has been writing TWOW as long as he has because he's basically been rewriting the entire latter third of the series?

It's been assumed for a while now that he told the GOT showrunners everything about his plans for the series. However, Martin may have realized at some point that the show was going to catch and pass him, so all his tricky twists and all his clever surprises would be unveiled. And Martin, as we all know, lives off those things. He's fundamentally a TV writer at heart; his bread and butter is plot twists, shock deaths, and surprise endings.

I'll bet he decided he couldn't fucking handle ending the series with his original plan now that the show was going to spoil it, so he tore it all up and is taking everything in a new direction. I'd bet my life on it.

>> No.8242169

Who cares honestly

>> No.8242188
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This board doesn't give a shit about that fackfut wack highter.

>> No.8242268

I hate his lips

>> No.8242406

Le diarrhea man

>> No.8242408

El Don de Diarrhea

>> No.8242449

>Needs to finish two dictionary sized books for the finals two series of GoT in the space of two years.


>> No.8242479

>I'd bet my life on it.

do you have anything more valuable to bet?

>> No.8243049

I assume that the climax of the story will be either Dany or Jon killing the other one with Lightbringer to give them the power to defeat the Others, so I guess he could just switch who kills whom.

A bigger problem for him is how he just can't stop introducing new characters and subplots. Even if he finishes books 6 and 7 (the latter looks extremely unlikely) the series probably still won't be finished.