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/lit/ - Literature

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8239905 No.8239905 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ allow and never delete threads about obvious left wing philosophers and writers, but immediately tanks and deletes anything remotely right wing?

I don't want serious conservative thinkers to be refered to the /pol/ echochamber of alt right buzzwords who reduce everythin to silly (((zion))) conspiracy theories.

>> No.8239906

Because allowing those things immediately turns /lit/ into an echochamber of alt right buzzwords who reduce everythin to silly (((zion))) conspiracy theories.

>> No.8239907

Neither belongs here honestly

>> No.8239916

Why do right wingers have a persecution complex?

>> No.8239918

Everyone has a persecution complex.

>> No.8239921

This. Fuck off to >>>/his/ you fags asked for a humanities board, fucking use it.

>> No.8239923

Care to back that statement up?

>> No.8239927


Because if any political wing is seriously persecuted it's the right.

Try voicing anti-immigration or anti-gay beliefs in the public sector and try holding a job there.

>> No.8239932


/lit/ is like China: If I ban the threads, the opinions won't be there.
But in every non-right wing thread you see /pol/ popping up and then the left wingers go "omg go to ur containment board!!!"
So obviously censoring the threads doesn't contain /pol/ at all.

>> No.8239957

all literature is in some way, shape or form political

>> No.8239990
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You have to understand because leftists have been given free reign in academia they've gotten away with censoring anything they don't like and pushing their dogma until it's become too divorced from the normal crowd to make sense.

They claim denying opportunity to someone due to the color of their skin isn't racism. They claim any religion that denies science is barbaric and stupid, yet attack and pressure any research that threatens their worldview, to the point a Nobel winner sold his award because of blacklisting. They've plateaued at a permanent victim status despite their stranglehold on institutions in the media, academia and lip-service politics. Anyone who deviates from the mob rule must be called a bigot and silenced. They hate discourse and intellectual challenge.

Tl;dr they're stunted children in a safe space brainwashed by propaganda, all they can do is spout a slur or strawman and block you.

>> No.8240003

Leftism is literally "delet this: the movement".

>> No.8240008

Source: >>/lit/

>> No.8240013
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>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

99% of such threads are just trolling

>> No.8240019


I didn't know 4chan bans racism.

Thanks for ruining everything.

>> No.8240023

Officially it does, it's not like those rules are applied


>> No.8240049

Because you don't post conservative/traditionalist philosophers.
The only thing is that they don't get too many replies, but I've never seen an Aquinas, Augustine, Feser, Kirk, Hayek, Belloc, Chesterton, Burke or any other type of thread deleted.
If you mean Ayn Rand, they also get to stay, unfortunately. Burning books is completely understandable when she's in question.

>> No.8240070


>> No.8240073



>> No.8240077

philosophy is a literary genre

>> No.8240079

For people who call lefties crybabies the alt-right sure do love whining.

>> No.8240081


those aren't political positions. they're pseudo-ideas

>> No.8240083

Wah wah wah ya big baby.

>> No.8240091

Belloc literally has a book called The Jews, but polfags are too retarded to even pick that up.
It has no meme value like Rand, Milo or Trump, it's just a discussion of what will happen with the Jews and why everyone hates them.
He was right, the holocaust happened. Man his historical dialectic was amazing.

>> No.8240098


My faction isn't the one asking for safe space ideological plan pens.


I'm sorry but you can't assume people know your dumbass neologisms, you postmodern fuckwit.

>> No.8240104

>My faction isn't the one asking for safe space ideological plan pens.
Just because you dont call them safe spaces doesn't mean they aren't. What are college republican clubs if not safe spaces for conservatives who dont want the mean old wiberals to call them wacist? What is /pol/ if not a right wing echochamber. You guys don't even make an effort to understand the opposition point of view beyond conspiracy image macros on /pol/.

>> No.8240106

you're whining right now

>> No.8240112

Everything is whining

>> No.8240113

Fuck off I'm serious.
Where is the proof that by allowing right wing thoughts, /lit/ will become an alt right echochamber?

If anything, /lit/ is becoming an echo directly because it censors right wing philosophy, thus stagnating into left wing ideologies.

>> No.8240116

I knew /lit/ was cucked ju-males when I saw they had removed flags, and after reading a few threads I want to know what Hiro was thinking adding this blue-pill shithole onto 4chan

>> No.8240120


I get to "assume" whatever I like about you, faggot. But I was clearly mistaken in assuming your literacy. "Pseudo-idea" isn't a neologism, it's just a fake idea, empty of political content, the result of your own narcissistic projections of your failures onto minorities who are finally getting privileges you've squandered. I get that it's hard to think about the meaning of words in context, though, especially when they have non-Saxonaye etymology and so perfectly describe a complex of feelings you would like to forget.

>> No.8240121

Has anyone seen the front page of Twitter? They're lambasting Trump for using a news bubble shaped like what they claim is a "Star of David" and this somehow indicates antisemitism. It's ridiculous even by /pol/ standards.

>> No.8240122

There are plenty of right wingers here. See: this thread

>> No.8240124

Go join ISIS if you want to meet more right winger who hate gays and women.

>> No.8240125

>this post
wew lad

>> No.8240126

>Has anyone seen the front page of Twitter
No, back to facebook fag

>> No.8240130

>especially when they have non-Saxonaye etymology and so perfectly describe a complex of feelings you would like to forget.

Top kek gj anon

>> No.8240140


Anti-immigration isn't a fake idea.
Homophobia isn't a fake idea.

But it is according to your standards? How cute. You're really cutting edge current year, aren't you, you big Spanish Civil War rebel. No pasaran!


People who share the same set of ideas get together more often than they engage with the opposition? Well, I never...

No dude, there's a difference between people of the same leanings getting together and a fucking safe space where people get together in order to not have PTSD-flashes from whatever trauma they invented for themselves.
Your ideology basically admits it attracts the mentally ill.
And reading Deleuze who glorifies the cognitive qualities of schizophrenia, it's not a surprise.

>> No.8240141

are you really defending those "lefties" who cry when they get "microaggressed"?

>> No.8240146


>it's a fake idea because you must blame capitalism and never ever brown people

Ok kid. I'm sure college is a blast.

>> No.8240151

I don't get involved with idpol shit so its up to them.

>> No.8240154


You went almost a 100 words without using the "neoliberalism" boogeyman?
I'm impressed.

>> No.8240159

Just saying that if the normies become crazy (which it seems like they have) then what happens to the weirdos on 4chan? Do they become normies?

>> No.8240165


I thought you people hated it when right wingers say "learn english"?

>> No.8240168


i would ask you what connection skin color and economic privilege could possibly have outside of racist conditions enforced by the owners of the means of production, but frankly I'm not interested in seeing phrenology charts.

>> No.8240172

>someone talked mean about my opinions
grow a thicker skin faggot

>> No.8240173

/pol/ is actually proof of this phenomenon tho

>> No.8240184


>owners of le means of broduction :DDDD

As a sentiment existed before capitalism. It existed before feudalism. It was there from the very start.

And apparantly it can exist among communists as well since your dear Che didn't hold blacks in the highest regard.

>> No.8240188

Are you seriously comparing meetings for people with similar interests to public areas where speech is curtailed for the sake that someone might feel uncomfortable? There's a huge difference in finding a space where you can express your ideas, and demanding that others make a space cater to you.

>> No.8240190

If you say so

>> No.8240192
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You just proved the point.

>> No.8240197

>burn Ayn Rand books
Boy she really got under your thin skin, didn't she?

>> No.8240201



Not today, kid.
You guys are really stuck in the 30's and 60's still.

If anything capitalists today want a diverse city. They support the brown rainbow. They're supporting mass immigration. They benefit from it. It's cheap labour for them. The changing demographics do not affect them as much.
That fallout is for poor white working class people who see themselves pushed out of their neighbourhoods by culturally non-relatable non-whites.. And if not them, by gentrifying yuppies like yourself who on top of that kill their career prospects because they don't agree with your Newspeak.

You're acting as capitalism's enablers by focussing on the white working class its intolerance and combatting them, instead of addressing how mass immigration does not in the least damage capitalism as it is.

>> No.8240202

She's quite frankly embarrassing to read.
It's so unsystematic, filled by out of nowhere claims based on incoherent axioms and just all around awful prose.
It's also incredibly annoying how a person whose works doesn't even approach the conservative ideals of mentioned authors is said to be conservative.

>> No.8240212


Give me examples of how the owners of production 'enforce' racism.

>> No.8240213

Its a star of david on a background of dollar bills, the Daily Stormer were writing about it

>> No.8240216

Well the administration treats them as both cheap labor (mexicans and muslims in us and europe both) and as being incapable of intellectual work and generally being human.
That's why you have all the social support for blacks who refuse to work and making them into artificial invalids.

>> No.8240218

Wah wah wah ya big baby.

>> No.8240222

Who cares what the Daily Stormer wrote about?

>> No.8240224

Because most republicans are belligerent children and dipshit hicks.

>> No.8240225


That's not enforcing racism. That's exploiting a group of people. It does not 'enforce' any racist ideas. Enforcing happens directly. Indirect consequences can hardly be called 'enforcements'.

>> No.8240228


No mercy for white trash.
They're also the proletariat.
But no mercy.
We don't need them in our revolt. We alienate them further.

And that is why you fail.

>> No.8240235
File: 62 KB, 540x694, third world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "poor white working class" are just those that benefited from the keynesian military-welfare state apparatus and imperialist looting of the third world. Most of them worked in jobs that are no longer necessary and which were artificially stimulated by government policies after WWII.
The authentic working class is in Asia today.


>> No.8240237

>filled by out of nowhere claims based on incoherent axioms

Such as?

>> No.8240240


I know it's taken you the whole of this decade to discover multiculturalism is instrumental, but im afraid you're the one stuck in the past: Marxists have been dealing with this exact aporia since the 80s, probably earlier. Class is certainly the dominant political category of politics; I'm against racism because it's a distraction in the same way multiculturalism is.

>> No.8240241

Leftist never seem to have met a working class man.
As soon as you can't talk proper English or don't display much (general) knowledge on a particular subject they start the namecalling.

Protip: when online talking to someone that disagrees with you, you're most likely not talking to a monocle wearing capitalist with a beaver hat

>> No.8240243

And most liberals are cowards, life failures and cuckhold fetishists.

>> No.8240245

>political category of politics

I'm an idiot

>> No.8240248

Productivity in itself being some kind of a goal for man.

>> No.8240253


I know you never leave campus, but poor working class whites still exist despite most of their jobs being shipped overseas. They struggle to find/keep a job and when they do, it's a shitty wage.

But I guess because their masters were colonialists and they themselves just happen to live in close proximity to them, and got paid wages from the loot, they can now get their teeth stomped or at least suffer even greater displacement.

>> No.8240257

Is that incoherent or out of nowhere?

>> No.8240259

>meme merchant rubbing his hands.jpg

>> No.8240262


>> No.8240263


Your dummie tier "owners of production" explanations and now your shitty sophomoric elucidations with the sneers are actually triggering.

>> No.8240264

lel, it's a why is /lit/ better read on rightists than people who think they're right aligned thread.

i love these, some idiot comes on claiming threads get deleted and fails to realise we scared the mods away, so they won't be deleted.

so yes, OP, the reason why all those Voltaire, Burke, Keruoac, etc threads get deleted is because you're a raving loony who hallucinates things. enjoy the credibility that brings you under TS Eliot's idea of permanent things, like the eternal need of society to stigmatise weaklings like you for its own survival.

>> No.8240265

because socialist > liberal > conservative
conservative is shit tier

>> No.8240268

Unruhe pls go.

>> No.8240273

I think he's mocking that fat fuck from Maoist Rebel News

>> No.8240281

You could make a point that Ayn Rand has a lack of metaphysics in her works. You could even make the point that she's long-winded, and you just don't like her style. But your criticism is far more incoherent than the "incoherent axiom" you just posted.

>> No.8240282
File: 63 KB, 331x402, butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no working class in America. People are either on welfare and purely profiting from corporate taxation and the third world labour force or those that "work" have massively inflated wages over any other global worker because of government regulations to pay them off from rebelling.

That's why it's absolutely crucial to spread cuckolding porn to prepare the worthless decadent first world male so he's ready to prep the revolutionary forces of the third world

>> No.8240286


is it triggering to think about how I'm a black college graduate from a working class household pursuing his master's in English literature and who won his scholarship over more deserving white people? and also I sell weed and write people's papers for money.

>> No.8240289


>> No.8240293


>pursuing his master's in English literature

Oh I'm burning with envy... The heights you will soar.

>> No.8240295

A little bit.

>> No.8240297

that's actually the only thing about my post that's true. I just love fucking with working class white dipshits like you

>> No.8240298 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8240299

Enjoy your job at Starbucks, darkie.

>> No.8240300

wow, this thread has been an unproductive shitshow. This is why these threads are deleted.

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.8240301


That's very revolutionary of you.

>> No.8240304


>> No.8240307


doing my part comrade

>> No.8240312


>Try voicing anti-immigration or anti-gay beliefs in the public sector and try holding a job there.

That has nothing to do with the fact that those ideas are politically conservative. It's because they are xenophobic and homophobic, respectively. Are you thick?

>> No.8240315


All you did was give two other terms for anti-immigration and anti-gay... It explained shit.

>> No.8240317

Nice buzzwords, you faggot nigger.

>> No.8240318

Nah I just don't care enough to post more about her.
She's similar to Voltaire and Rousseau, she said what people wanted to her, not a coherent and well thought out philosophy.
Those ideas are something which you cannot do without as a conservative.
Xphobia is a dumb concept for disregarding whatever you disagree with by playing the emotion card.

>> No.8240319

>he thinks we delete threads about right wingers
Did you mistake fan fiction for right wing philosophy? They're very different things, apart from maybe Carlyle and Dante.

>> No.8240321

I've never seen someone drink this much Kool-Aid.

>> No.8240324


What's wrong with xenophobia and homophobia despite it being 2016?

>> No.8240327

I've never seen a thread deleted for being about Samuel Johnson (or Boswell). Do Tories not count as right wing any more? I figured shitting on Milton would have given him at least some right wing points.

>> No.8240329

I wish polfags actually started reading conservative philosophy, there's a lot of it and its great.
Shame we have Milo instead of Chesterton nowadays.

>> No.8240330

They don't delete Burke or Romanticism either, probably because of that faggot Shelley.

>> No.8240332

Your comments actually make Ayn Rand look much better than she was. If she can rile up clueless, mouthy leftists a century later, she did something right.

>> No.8240335


I am aware that I simply changed the words. That was the point of my post- to highlight that those "ideas" are typically offensive to an educated person. Thus, I substituted the words with words that have a negative connotation, and also the words by which those "ideas" are typically referred to.

Nobody says "anti-gay idea". The word is "homophobic".

To actually address your question, it's because marxism/feminism/post-colonialism/etc. has an absolute stronghold in contemporary literary theory and this is a literature board.


>Xphobia is a dumb concept for disregarding whatever you disagree with by playing the emotion card.

How exactly is there emotional content embedded in the word?

>> No.8240337

Carlyle would suit them to a tee; he even does Sator Resartus in a fantasy setting so it should be accessible to GoT fans if their heads truly are filled with bilge.

>> No.8240346

I've never seen a thread deleted on Mein Kampf, even though it's the worst and most whiny art school memoir in existence. We just try to redirect the teenagers to his speeches, where the good lit is.

>> No.8240351


>what is "phobia"
I'm honestly surprised you're smart enough to breath on your own

>> No.8240361


Oh, I misread what you said. I thought you were trying to say something else.

>> No.8240365

Wasn't Saki a Tory even though he was a faggot? Pretty sure he was as right wing as they come otherwise The Morning Post etc wouldn't have made him a correspondent.

>> No.8240372

You still don't get it. The "embedded emotional content" in xenophobia and homophobia is the word PHOBIA. It implies you want a homogenous culture only because you are scared of gays and foreigners. It is an inherent emotional plea.

>> No.8240374

It's been much less then a century, and I'm not a leftist, not by a long shot if that's what you are implying.

>> No.8240384

yeah he was a reactionary right winger too. he's a great novel of "what if the german empire took over england" from 1913. it's sorely underread because a lot of people just read his shorts.

>> No.8240388

OK you're right. It's only been 70 years. But you are still riled up and incoherent.

>> No.8240391

>left wing
>right wing

Lol. Pleb.

>> No.8240396

LOL. Prole.

>> No.8240400


>It implies you want a homogenous culture only because you are scared of gays and foreigners. It is an inherent emotional plea.

Fear or hatred, yes = phobia. What's your point though? Because that word actually describes homo/xenophobic attitudes. Those ideas are emotionally rooted. What are the non-emotional reasons for being "against" gay people?

>> No.8240402

>i'll pretend the reason i don't know right wing philosophy is because /lit/ didn't let me learn
>/lit/ already having a right wing chart and barely deleting full frontal nudity as a blue board will surely make it convincing that i'm being deprived an education
not how it works, you dumb cunt, you have to go read the fucking books.

>> No.8240406

Thank God her thought is becoming less and less relevant, becoming only historical, much like Locke and Rousseau.

>> No.8240410

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.8240415

are you trying to imply the jacobites were right wing?

>> No.8240419

>Fear or hatred, yes = phobia. What's your point though? Because that word actually describes homo/xenophobic attitudes. Those ideas are emotionally rooted.
They don't, they describe the view you have of people you call names.
Neither is rooted in phobias and are completely rational.
>What are the non-emotional reasons for being "against" gay people?
Philosophical and legalistic, even if neither is against gay people, even if you'd love to prescribe violent and hateful views to those you disagree with.

>> No.8240420

Books are for Jews and fags
Delete /lt/

>> No.8240426

No, I'm saying he was wrong, but said exactly what we want to hear in law to give a, although acknowledged as wrong, basis for the dogma of a constitution and a liberal state.

>> No.8240428

daily reminder that max nordau, a jew, invented degeneracy as /pol/ knows it. :^)

>> No.8240436

>but said exactly what we want to hear in law to give a, although acknowledged as wrong, basis for the dogma of a constitution and a liberal state.
Are you a Pole upset that Poland exists as a state when it should not, or are you just otherwise retarded?

>> No.8240442

I definitely saw at least one Ezra Pound thread last all day yesterday. Where is this deleting supposed to be happening?

>> No.8240444


"Phobia" doesn't just mean actual fear of something.

>> No.8240445

Can gays adopt kids and raise them? Should we pay to have foreigners shipped to our country? Why? Are these things inherently good?

I hope these ethical questions will help you realize why using the term "xenophobia" doesnt refute anything. I'm sorry but you are one of the most brainwashed people I've seen on this board in quite a while.

>> No.8240446

What is wrong from what I've said? This is taken for granted more or less in constitutional law, which I studied this year?

>> No.8240448

If you start a thread that isn't actually about literature on the literature board, it will occasionally get deleted. This thread is presumably the result of one of these cases.

>> No.8240449

Why do you care? Genuinely curious.

>> No.8240452



L o l. Bourg.

>> No.8240455

It implies that such constitutions are wrong, and that means Poland is wrong. It's not like he wrote the constitution for an innumerable amount of nations, do try to keep up.

>> No.8240460

ITT: I am conservative and I'm being oppressed! That's my purse, I don't know you!
They came for the conservicucks and I didn't say anything because I wans't a conservicuck baka

Jesus Christ, be consistent with your damn views and stop fucken whining. First of all the whole right-left wing dichotomy should definitely not be applied to topics as complex as literature and philosophy.

>> No.8240463

meh, even those have a long enough life. sometimes we get crybabbies from the rest of the internet trying to delete pedo lit, i guess, but usually they get routed by the nabokov fans coming after them with half of canon.

it seems more likely that OP's just a lying pantywaist.

>> No.8240465

>It implies that such constitutions are wrong, and that means Poland is wrong.
Not really. A
>It's not like he wrote the constitution for an innumerable amount of nations, do try to keep up.
It's much larger than just his idea of there being a constitution.
I'm incredibly annoyed by her being a major face in conservative circles because she's just an excuse for neoliberalism, which I see as a major threat for all the values I hold dear.

>> No.8240466


Being anti-immigration or anti-gay isn't right wing it's just bigoted.

I think Milo has it right when he says we need to adjust our view of the political spectrum to focus more on authoritarian/libertarian views as opposed to liberal/conservative.

>> No.8240470


"ignorance is strength"

>> No.8240472

We already have a right-wing board. It's called /pol/. They'll be happy to discuss "serious" conservative thinkers like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.

Most of us on /lit/ have transcended petty political concerns.

>> No.8240477

Actually, we went over this a few threads back.

It's British conservatives who are the real conservative thinkers. Limbaugh and Beck are just platforms for ignorance.

>> No.8240480

Yes, really, and I'll make you eat Erasmus, Grotius, and Cicero until you stop being such an idiot as to think that Rousseau's responsible for more than his share (i.e. Poland) or die, whichever comes first. I think it'll be death before enlightenment tbqhwufam
I'll give you that the other state he had involvement in the constitution of failed, but that's hardly reason to say that Poland is a wrong.

>> No.8240483

Like whom?
I'd like to add some good ones to my read list.

>> No.8240484

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.8240488

You really should avoid saying things as dumb as this in public. It's embarrassingly naive and resentful. Also, you will get absolutely destroyed in an argument if you can't do anything but whine and pretend you understand universal morality. KYS, my man.

>> No.8240493


>> No.8240494

What does Poland have to do with this?
I also dig Grotius already my dude, going to read me some Cicero just after Laws and Human Condition.

>> No.8240495

every other thread on /lit/ is political in nature, masquerading as 20th century memery though

>> No.8240505

Not the best of threads.
The newspeak in political discourse is incredibly annoying.

>> No.8240517

>he read Grotius before Cicero
>he can't track the conversation has been about Rousseau's writing of a constitutions (i.e. Polans')
kek, you're a special guy.

>> No.8240523

did you bring up the time kipling couped canada for the conservatives? i'm still trying to work out what pisses off the mods, we need details, goddamn you

>> No.8240530

It's true, I don't understand what the fuck you are trying to say.

>> No.8240537

>Why does /lit/ allow and never delete

Let me get on my red phone to the mods ...

>> No.8240578

I can't respect any self-styled conservative who isn't an anticapitalist too.

>> No.8240603

Wah wah capitalism is mean and we should all be le anarchists

>> No.8240632
File: 22 KB, 640x601, 1466672485624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao liberal

reminder that capitalism is liberalism most significant contribution to society and everybody who is pro capitalism is also a libcuck.

>> No.8240636


Why are people tip-toeing around the word 'libertarian'?

>> No.8240639

>deletes anything remotely right wing?

Any proof?

I know that feel bro.

The eternal rule has always been


other than Snacks

>> No.8240643

Because libertarian means leftist anarchist everywhere in the world except the Burger Kingdom. What Americans call libertarians are called liberals in Europe.

>> No.8240649

What about England. too soon?

>> No.8240650

England may as well be an extension of America at this point desu.

>> No.8240651

You are a true-blue oldfag, bro.

>> No.8240654

>America cares about England

England is the red-headed stepchild of the western world, now.

>> No.8240656

it doesn't

unless you mean the obvious political bait threads

>> No.8240667

>eurocucks unironically believe this while their homelands are raped

>> No.8240675

>muh right/left dichotomy

NatSoc exemplifies how stupid this dichotomy is. You have "leftists" on one hand who call the "alt-right" Nazis, then the "alt-right" turns seeing and says "the Nazis were socialists!"

Philosophy transcends this dichotomy; it is apolitical. Philosophers that are considered right-wing or left wing are only that way because of the political group that borrows from their philosophy.

If /lit/ were able to have a proper discussion about "right wing" philosophy that didn't degrade into /pol/-tier bullshit I don't think there would be any problem. Either way, I notice more threads about right wing philosophy than left here .. despite/lit/ being more left leaning in general.

>> No.8240683

Nice try. You can talk out your ass about transcending binary biology, but you can't change it.

>> No.8240694

>then the "alt-right" turns seeing and says "the Nazis were socialists!"
The hilarious part is that's objectively wrong lmao. The "socialist" wing of the Nazis were all killed and the actual economic policies of the Nazis were authoritarian corporatism using muh Keynesian economic model.

>> No.8240714


everything is political
whether it trascend r not the left/right dichotomy it's another issue, but if anything philosophy arose right when the politeia became a central concern.

>> No.8240720

Idk thats pretty gay dude

>> No.8240721

Sex came before politics.

>> No.8240725

Yeah I made a thread asking for any texts by any prominent early 20th century, 19th century writers on the topic of Jews in society and it got deleted :( I have a genuine interest in the topic and wasn't trying to push an agenda or anything. I didn't think /lit/ moderated like, at all until that happened

>> No.8240734
File: 26 KB, 670x879, foucault-head-in-hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying sexuality is not political

>> No.8240740

that's weird, the Dreyfus Affair is major thing during that period, and Weininger was writing around the same time too. Half of Zola's shit (i.e. everything he's not writing as a lawyer) is about degenerations too.

If you look up "Dreyfusard" google should bring you a who's who of Parisian elite writers.

>> No.8240744

sex was made into a political, obviously

it is not inherently political.

you can have sex without it being "political"

>everything is political

is false.

>> No.8240749

you've got it backwards:
>Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.

>> No.8240763

>being anti-immigration is bigoted

thanks for justifying and legitimizing bigotry,and in a way making it a virtue.

>> No.8240764

>you can have sex without it being "political"

when one say that that everything is political, it doesn't mean that politics came "before" or it's the principle on which everything stands, it means that everything in some way conditioned by the political, not intended in the sense of left vs right, or ths party or this other party, but the complex social, historical and economical conditions in which people interact, and that largely determines the way people interact.

>> No.8240765

You can use whatever metaphors you like, sex can be done without thinking, a plan, etc.

Even after a person dies, their body can have sex.

While alive it can have wet dreams, spontaneous erections. I guess women can get wet, too, but I wouldn't know about that.

>> No.8240774

>when one say that that everything is political, it doesn't mean that politics came "before"

then the person who said it can come up with a more accurate wording.

If you want to be lazy on /lit/ expect to be called out on it.

>> No.8240775

>but I wouldn't know about that.


>> No.8240782

sorry but i supposed we were through with this foundational thinking by the 1950s, my bad

>> No.8240783

nice reductive observation,one of the many reasons why one shouldn't take a sadomasochistic gaylord seriously.

>> No.8240793

Don't advertise your lack of intelligence, unless you are also masochistic.

>> No.8240805

yeah I hope one day I'll become half as intelligent as you. I guess I should start reading Evola

>> No.8240806

I ring up Oscar Wilde's grave there and tell him he got his quip wrong. Does anyone have the area code for Paris?

>> No.8240819

OP maybe you should get a friend to report this thread before none of the mods pay you any attention?

Nearly 50 posters and 183 replies in a thread that will probably get into the archive makes it look like you're a lying idiot.

>> No.8240850

Does anyone here know how to conjugate verbs into past tenses?

>> No.8240902

Yeah, but I'm not proofreading for a dumbass who doesn't recognise a Wilde quote.

>> No.8240912

btw, you meant future not past.