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8238626 No.8238626 [Reply] [Original]

Can you truly learn to love someone one? What if learned love is the only true love there is? An instantaneous equal requited love sounds downright implausible because as love you learn, and what you learn you might not love. But learning to love sounds so unhappy, so forced, that could it ever be true?

>> No.8238629

is this literature?

>> No.8238719


>> No.8238722


>> No.8238723

no, it's not. fuck off /adv/.

>> No.8238744

love is and always will be part of literature :P


Love should not be part of what you think. Loving is a part of life; loving is not hard, is not painful, is something beautiful, yet the adversities could make it baaaaad. There is no better love than the first love. After it we start to degrade it because of bad experiences. Learning to love is learning to do not fall in love; or learning how to keep a relationship at most.

>> No.8238778

yes. but it will only happen with your first.

first loves are harsh.

>> No.8238783

Rochefoucauld says that love may be compared to a ghost since it is something we talk about but have never seen, and Lichtenberg, in his essay Ueber die Macht der Liebe, disputes and denies its reality and naturalness — but both are in the wrong. For if it were foreign to and contradicted human nature — in other words, if it were merely an imaginary caricature, it would not have been depicted with such zeal by the poets of all ages, or accepted by mankind with an unaltered interest; for anything artistically beautiful cannot exist without truth.

“Rien n’est beau que le vrai; le vrai seul est aimable.”— BOIL.

Experience, although not that of everyday, verifies that that which as a rule begins only as a strong and yet controllable inclination, may develop, under certain conditions, into a passion, the ardour of which surpasses that of every other. It will ignore all considerations, overcome all kinds of obstacles with incredible strength and persistence. A man, in order to have his love gratified, will unhesitatingly risk his life; in fact, if his love is absolutely rejected, he will sacrifice his life into the bargain. The Werthers and Jacopo Ortis do not only exist in romances; Europe produces every year at least half-a-dozen like them: sed ignotis perierunt mortibus illi: for their sufferings are chronicled by the writer of official registers or by the reporters of newspapers. Indeed, readers of the police news in English and French newspapers will confirm what I have said.

Love drives a still greater number of people into the lunatic asylum. There is a case of some sort every year of two lovers committing suicide together because material circumstances happen to be unfavourable to their union.


>> No.8238787


>> No.8238810

The existence of love no longer belongs to the realm of philosophy after the discovery that the feeling of love is caused by chemical reactions in the brain.

>> No.8238816
File: 1.09 MB, 240x180, 1338183629526.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga is ANYTHING real?

>> No.8238819

all i know is that i love with those titties.

>> No.8238831

He's clearly cherry-picking La Rochefoucauld's claims. His take is much more profound than "DUDE THAT'S JUST AN ILLUSION LMAO"

>> No.8239191


>> No.8239284

Of course love is real; it's an empirically verifiable chemical reaction in your brain.

The metaphysics of love on the other hand are whatever the fuck you like, you big retard.

>> No.8239384


>one of the oldest philosophical questions ever, dealt with by the presocratic philosophers as well as Plato
>not philosophy because I'm a virgin and the notion of love triggers me

NORMIES REEEEEEE return to the council board immediately!

>> No.8239389

Is this what's considered bait nowadays? So every time science quantifies something that something is no longer considered a suitable subject for philosophical discourse?

So, basically, philosophy is /x/ ?

>> No.8240239

>“Rien n’est beau que le vrai; le vrai seul est aimable.”— BOIL.
You really not gonna translate that

>> No.8240250
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I told a girl I loved her a month ago and I believe I fucked shit up hard, it was fucking platonic too but it must have not come out that way. I tell my brother I love him, I tell my one friend I love him, fucking hell I don't know.

>> No.8240345

why the fuck didn't you tell her you meant it platonically you fucking idiot

>> No.8240366

I thought it was fucking implied, fuck. I still don't know how she interpreted it, she was out of the country for a month and she has been back for two weeks and hasn't said anything, we were planning to get together to watch some shit when she got back but I don't know anymore. I raised some other red flags the day before though when we were driving, then I called her and fucked it all up, I'm just oging to wait, I asked her if she wanted to go to the symphony but she said she can't, I think I may just be fucked for now. It's pretty funny whenever I think about it though

>> No.8240370

Just ask her what she thought
Don't make things complicated that's how you really fuck up it

>> No.8240404
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I think it's already too complicated, for me and my trash brain at least. When I told her, she thanked me, the reason for telling her had to do with her and my mental health/hospitalizations, I think that if I ask what she thought it would sound retarded or dramatic. She's a really busy/studious person and I am a jobless faggot, I'm probably just going to sit back and wait, if she is actually avoiding me it will just be more funny/absurd and I'll probably wait a year or two to make contact with her again, I don't even know if she is the kind of person I want to be friends with anymore

>> No.8240407

Source on that pic?

>> No.8240408


>> No.8240418

>my mental health/hospitalizations

>I am a jobless faggot

what the fuck m8 what else did you say to her lmao.

>> No.8240422

Yeah, it's probably better to just wait then. If she's avoiding you for two years she's not worth keeping around.


>> No.8240435

Love is great, it's true, but it's also false. Analyze why you love a woman so much to put her above others and you'll come up with a list that applies to many women. Then you will say "she is special to me, thats all that matters." A very laughable excuse. Now you say "you must not know what it's like!". But i do, that's why i have thought enough about it to come to this conclusion. The memories you've shared with a love would give you the same feelings another love in the same memories would. Love is thought to be special and real because it is unique. So remember that it is not, and you won't be fooled by it. It's an illusion of happiness, because another person gives it to you. Therefore it can be taken from you and upset your peace and therefore is not to be held in value.

>> No.8240447
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quasi-schizo, solipsistic, and misanthropic tendencies, , you know, the truth

>> No.8240451

thank you for this comforting post anon, you have reminded of why I continue to come back to this place

>> No.8240556

>boohoo love can go wrong and it might hurt you therefore you shouldn't value it
>everything that results from the interaction between people is illusory and all true happiness is internal
>placing value on an insipid, sterile inner peace

spoken like a true autist.

>> No.8240564


A portrait of a person dependent on externals.

>> No.8240567

Love is just an attitude, not an education.

>> No.8240571

Yes, but men are unable of it, they only have infatuations, and by lust alone.

>> No.8240572

Nothing is external

>> No.8240575

Interesting thread you guys have here

>> No.8240777

Infatuation is closer to the idealistic love than a woman's use of love as an adornment, and her love of what a man is, but not the man himself.

Lust is a factor in both men and women's love. It's a part of initial attraction.

>> No.8240813

>a woman's use of love as an adornment
You must be joking. We're the ones who have been treated as trophies for centuries.

>her love of what a man is, but not the man himself
Develop on what you mean by this.

>> No.8240874

Men never used love as an adornment, but the attractiveness of a woman. It hasn't had anything to do with a man's affections for a woman but for impressing others, saying "i fuck sexy women", not "i love this woman". Men have considered love sacred, but often not a woman's body.

A woman loves a man for what is attached to him. He's prestigious. He's a womanizer, a casanova. He's a tough guy, a bad boy, a rebel.

>> No.8240900

I think it's something like
" Nothing is more beautiful than the truth; The Truth by itself is lovely "

>> No.8240914

Those aren't attachments, they're words used to describe types of behavior.

>> No.8240928

This hypocrisy is laughable. Men likewise love women for what is attached to them: their beauty. You confessed to this literally in the previous sentence.
Like men, women can love what is attached to a man, yes. But men aren't displayed like show ponies in the sense trophy wives are. The thing attached to him, which the woman loves, is something she has no desire to pose with because it's a true love, it is part of who he is - his personality. A woman doesn't plainly love a man for his "tough guy"-aura but for it represents in his personality and manner: he is a man who is strong, confident, a source of protection, etc or whatever it might be. This is much purer and noble than men falling in love with women's beauty because lol boobs are fun or for the purpose of being able to spout "bros check it out, i'm putting my penis inside this sexy woman lol".


>> No.8241435

Why do people think that love and pain have to be mutually exclusive?

>> No.8241450

Ok but who dat girl in pic (un)related?

>> No.8241586


>> No.8241606

This is what happens to us in music: first one has to learn to hear a figure and melody at all, to detect and distinguish it, to isolate it and delimit it as a separate life; then it requires some exertion and good will to tolerate it in spite of its strangeness, to be patient with its appearance and expression, and kindhearted about its oddity:—finally there comes a moment when we are used to it, when we wait for it, when we sense that we should miss it if it were missing: and now it continues to compel and enchant us relentlessly until we have become its humble and enraptured lovers who desire nothing better from the world than it and only it.— But that is what happens to us not only in music: that is how we have learned to love all things that we now love. In the end we are always rewarded for our good will, our patience, fairmindedness, and gentleness with what is strange; gradually, it sheds its veil and turns out to be a new and indescribable beauty:—that is its thanks for our hospitality. Even those who love themselves will have learned it in this way: for there is no other way. Love, too, has to be learned.

>> No.8242095

This, men are hopelessly inferior.

>> No.8242109

Glad you see it.

>> No.8243414

Based Slavoj

>> No.8244472

That sounds like Fromm.

>> No.8244543
File: 26 KB, 472x312, hey-qt-sophie-ag-cook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love exists only between a woman and her offspring.

No other love is real

>> No.8244578
File: 383 KB, 346x545, 2016-07-05_1940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her tits look good but i would mostly like to cum on her feet

>> No.8244598

Not really famalam. Misses the point a bit.
"Nothing is beautiful but the truth. Only the truth can be loved."

>> No.8244602
File: 537 KB, 692x577, 1462706242272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that through the entirety of hyper-consciousness in humans that many authors and other artists have attempted to capture the essence of what love is. We only really have a very superficial view of what the emotion is, when in reality, it is a blend of almost every other one.

Speaking from experience, love has a twisted and oddish way of combining itself into different things and able to pass itself off, still, as 'love'.

I have Borderline Personality Disorder. Many times, I have screamed and yelled, abused and emotionally crippled those that I have 'loved' in an attempt to keep them longer. Through my lens, this is still 'love' - a different form, yet love nonetheless.

Love is the harmonious blend of each emotion that we put any investment in towards a singular person or thing because of their ability to provoke these reactions.

>> No.8244618

You found her without asking, congratulations.

>> No.8244661

It's the Nietz

>> No.8244675
File: 436 KB, 417x591, 2016-07-05_1955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you haven't read the whole thread, have you?

>> No.8244693

who reads the whole thread before posting

>> No.8244741

Yes, but only men are capable of feeling true romantic love.
Which is why no woman has ever sacrificed her life for a husband, bf whatever.

>> No.8244793


this is clearly not from this century.

>> No.8244797

>Speaking from experience, love has a twisted and oddish way of combining itself into different things and able to pass itself off, still, as 'love'.

No, you just have BPD.

>> No.8245634

>Which is why no woman has ever sacrificed her life for a husband, bf whatever.
Or it's because men are fools.

>> No.8245652

>love cant be real because multiple women could illicit the same feeling, all else being equal

>> No.8245691

Love is one of the answers that humankind has invented in order to look death in the face. Through love we steal from the time that kills us a few hours which we turn now into paradise and now into hell. In both ways time expands and ceases to be a measure. Beyond happiness or unhappiness, though it is both things, love is intensity: it does not give us eternity but life, that second in which the doors of time and space open just a crack: here is there and now is always. In love, everything is two and everything strives to be one.

>> No.8245706

spotted the faggot who didn't start with the greeks

>> No.8245720

concede that only a certain type of man has trophy wives fool. it is not the norm

>> No.8245731

>and her love of what a man is, but not the man himself

are you retarded.

>> No.8245762

here's a fun fact, our brains haven't evolved much in the past 3000 years so this chemical reaction has remained pretty much the same from ancient civilization and on, but you know what? our definition of the word love in all our languages has continued to change with the times.

the more you know.

>> No.8246547

This is all wrong. You can't get along with everybody, there's a select few people that you click with.

>> No.8247193

get out of here homophone

>> No.8247297

what makes certain people special to me is that i don't want to just stop talking to them after some period of time. It's not a feeling of anger, or anything they did wrong or said wrong in particular, but I just get tired of talking to most people and want to be left to my own devices eventually. Sometimes I pretend I'm not there if they message me and I'm just not up for it.

The people who don't make me feel that way are the people I love. maybe my definition is retarded but that's just how it is to me.

>> No.8247357

It's absolutely real, some people inspire personal growth in you by giving you things like understanding and honesty and respect and you get a lot by knowing that the similar things you give them are being appreciated, that's love I'd say

>> No.8248694

Women always say they just want someone that makes them laugh, but they'll laugh at anything and everything said by a guy they think is hot.

>> No.8248699

You speak like a woman

>> No.8249183

That is actually what they mean though. Even if you are the funniest man in the world the girl will still laugh more from a normal conversation with a man she likes.

>> No.8249311

love is meaning
meaning is generated by humans
verisimilitude is generated by humans
love is real

>> No.8249321

>if it were merely an imaginary caricature, it would not have been depicted with such zeal by the poets of all ages, or accepted by mankind with an unaltered interest; for anything artistically beautiful cannot exist without truth.
t. theist

>> No.8250858


>> No.8250862
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only women know how to love:

love of men towards women = love of women towards children = utopian unconditional love

love of men towards children = love of women towards men = utility towards more pleasures and less pains.

>> No.8250870

Women don't know how to love, they're all superficial whores, it's been proven by science.

>> No.8251162

you cannot separate the eroticism from love when talking of courtly love. there is a difference, believe this there is. do you wish to fuck all these people? if not then this not the love being discussed here. love desires exclusivity, the fact that though we have no freedom we choose to be bonded to another individual and one alone. without this middle finger there is no love. friends are not exclusive, it is a community. this is not love anon. you knew this

>> No.8251167

this also neglects eroticism. for lack of a better phrase, virgin detected. unless you are a pedo of course and an incestual one at that

eroticism is destructive, love is flourishing, but they are both sides of the same coin.

>> No.8251184

Well I did tell that to a girl not so long ago.
>I love you as a human being
We are both in separate and fullfilling relationships btw

>> No.8251235

Nah, love isn't real.

Infatuation and obsession is.

Love is literally just a drug, like MDMA, or cocaine, and while that subjective experience is real, and the chemical effects, what we mean when we say love, i.e the romantic 18th century bullshit invention, clearly isn't real.

I also blame Marx and Engels for writing that book about how marriage simply is a business transaction between parties who have something to gain, and how this was so horrible, which it isn't at all.

If people based marriages and life partners based on rationality, instead of their pathetic whims, we wouldn't have a 50% divorce rate after 5 years.

>> No.8251954

If that is your mom, i would breed her for you.

>> No.8251979

Are you still friends?

>> No.8252179

You confuse love and lust, anon; you know the latter well, but have said nothing for the former.

>> No.8252414

lol love the grace in your first sentence,
>this also neglects eroticism
will use :D

i don't get your math there, according to your equations men possess both utopian and utilitarian love.
also i reject the idea that love is known like a biological trait. call me romantic, but love (all types) to me is a response to biological stimuli in light of human knowledge, for example
>infant: this is my mother she feeds me i cling to her
this we call love, but we can admit that this is not full love, the baby doesn't have the knowledge of others to really have a CHOOSING love, it operates on mainly biological instinct.
>adult: this is my mother, she did feed me and clothe me. now i am grown, I will choose to spend time with her, defend her, feed and clothe her
the grown child here has no direct imperative to help his mother, she has fulfilled her duty to the child. but the child still desires to help her. this to me is the result of observing biological behavior and reacting with a taught or honed virtue. this is love. it most certainly is not universal, it most certainly is culturally relative, but nonetheless these actions undertaken for this purpose are what i call LOVE and they most definitely exist as potential.
in the case of sex, monogamous love is similar. it is a constructed set of actions taken (or abstained from) without direct biological necessity. note that adoration, view of perfection, etc. are not required here. the LOVE is in the sacrifice of options and time, which reflects the human wisdom (i.e. knowledge outside of biology) that monogamy can breed a longer, more virtuous relationship. i would add that most relationships don't sustain this LOVE action set for very long and fail. but just because most fail or do not attempt does not mean that the result does not exist.
i do believe LOVE exists. not a feeling, but actions.

>> No.8252745

I haven't had a crush in years, I think I'm incapable of loving. I just want to have sex.

>> No.8253032

longest fucking outro for what purpose

>> No.8253044

did you even graduate highschool?

>> No.8253445

i enjoyed it
it wasn't a rush to conclude
it let me linger

>> No.8253512

are you a hick? modern humans haven't mutated in probably at least 10,000 years desu, especially not our brains

>> No.8253544

if the romantic 18th century bullshit love isn't 'real' than most of 18th century bullshit literature isn't 'real' either

>> No.8253559

There have been some small changes, such as retaining the ability to digest dairy past infancy. but overall we're pretty much identical to people from thousands of years ago.

>> No.8253605

>tfw have been chucked by multiple boyfriends and now have problems with intimacy

I feel like a sexless drone.

>> No.8253607
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Isn't the premise of the question worded poorly?
It's as real as any other unweighted, non-mappable entity. People say there's love, so there is love. People say there is God, so there is. Whether or not it impinges on your existence and to what degree is where it starts to get interesting to think about. And whether it exists without people to experience it is the farthest I've gotten in my questioning.

>> No.8253623

Or can we teach machines to love? Is love a consequence of consciousness? A survival strategy?

>> No.8254562
File: 58 KB, 1665x1571, 1461849611738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beta think that love is real

>> No.8254568

what the fuck is this

>> No.8255314
File: 162 KB, 828x618, 1446444929847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true love

>> No.8255339

>A single concept in the books being irrational and not how reality works means all the concepts in those books are false


>> No.8255360
File: 224 KB, 560x413, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once told myself I wanted to fall in love then did.

>> No.8255380


>> No.8255462

it wanted to give you M O R E

>> No.8255477

Most black women only look good in clothes.
When they take them off it's all flabby and just without any curve. Just a blob that looked sculpted.
Black tits look horrible. Just flat bags.

>> No.8255591
File: 493 KB, 1920x2108, 1461689218713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes love is real. But nobody loves you.

>> No.8255760


>> No.8255992

bump desu

>> No.8256030

u wot m8

>> No.8256494

Is it that easy?

>> No.8256856

>comparing google search results for single words widely used in the vernacular and phrases generally associated with specific introspection
>doing this to feel a yearning for a time you've never been in and to look down on people

>> No.8256876

Look at the x-axis, it looks like the frequency of those words in books published through the years.

>> No.8257638

kill yourself you stupid fucking idiot

>> No.8257654

u sound mad

>> No.8258058

you drank to much of the Stoicism Kool-AId

>> No.8258175

what a hack.

A fucking daytime made for TV movie could have told me, and does, that platitude.

>> No.8258310

>and not how reality works
>not how reality works
>how reality works
>reality works

you dumb faggot. how at all does the poetry of the romantics ever set out to do that. you literally cannot study the romantics without exploring the concept of love

>> No.8258856

first off, the made for TV movie would have a simplified and not totally correct version of his statement, not a complete one

second, what do you expect, that a philosopher will have a new and edgy answer for every question? sometimes the right answer isn't new or surprising. if anything it proves that Zizek isn't a hack in the sense that he's sometimes accused of being one: he doesn't just take any excuse to be sensational.

>> No.8258962

Only in le current year

>> No.8259374

I just learned it's her birthday today. Happy 25th, Riley!

>> No.8259423

My theory is that it's her small size (5'4") and weight (107 lbs) and submissiveness that is the most appealing aspect of her, which is why you'll find so many scenes in her prolific filmography of her being dominated.

>> No.8262068

women are not submissive because they have no ideology beyond ''I want to feel good'', which permits women to feed whatever men wish to hear , like ''I love you'''

>> No.8262222

Love is basicaly a combination of anchoring and other evolutionary mechanics like conditioning. Outside of a realationship you see a good looking female and your brain emits dopamine. When you're in a relationship you start to connect the presence of her with an increase in dopamine. This is because humans take so long to become adults opposed to other animals. Because of that its beneficial for the offspring when the parents stay together. Part of love is also the social construct and expectations built by socienty. If you tell someone you love them you also start telling it yourself to stay true to the picture you are giving others of you. Nontheless love is probably one of the "highest" things humans can produce.

>> No.8262642

>scientific realism
>not being a retard

>> No.8263895 [DELETED] 


>> No.8264689 [DELETED] 


>> No.8265238

That image implies all women are like that.

Anyone who's left the basement knows that stereotyping isn't good whilst critically thinking.

>> No.8265677

It died around 16 years ago

>> No.8265681

well said

>> No.8265683

dude you're not alone

I fucked up my chances with 2 legit beauties b/c I'm an unstable overly emotional faggot sentimentalist

>> No.8266067

> Love isn't real because muh chemicals
> Muh evolutionary psychology
> Muh nihilism
> Muh there is no meaning

Fuck off.

True love is real, it's a rare and precious thing. But it definitely exist.

Here's a decent poem to save this shit thread.

J'ai tant rêvé de toi que tu perds ta réalité.
Est-il encore temps d'atteindre ce corps vivant
Et de baiser sur cette bouche la naissance
De la voix qui m'est chère?

J'ai tant rêvé de toi que mes bras habitués
En étreignant ton ombre
A se croiser sur ma poitrine ne se plieraient pas
Au contour de ton corps, peut-être.
Et que, devant l'apparence réelle de ce qui me hante
Et me gouverne depuis des jours et des années,
Je deviendrais une ombre sans doute.
O balances sentimentales.

J'ai tant rêvé de toi qu'il n'est plus temps
Sans doute que je m'éveille.
Je dors debout, le corps exposé
A toutes les apparences de la vie
Et de l'amour et toi, la seule
qui compte aujourd'hui pour moi,
Je pourrais moins toucher ton front
Et tes lèvres que les premières lèvres
et le premier front venu.

J'ai tant rêvé de toi, tant marché, parlé,
Couché avec ton fantôme
Qu'il ne me reste plus peut-être,
Et pourtant, qu'a être fantôme
Parmi les fantômes et plus ombre
Cent fois que l'ombre qui se promène
Et se promènera allègrement
Sur le cadran solaire de ta vie.

>> No.8266151
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>> No.8266154
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>> No.8266160

them tittays are real

>> No.8266161

>Muh there is no meaning
What's the meaning?

>> No.8266165

In the embrace of someone who loves you and you love back

>> No.8266817
File: 226 KB, 559x346, tumblr_mqehgdOvSU1qd1j94o3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8266954

One word:


>> No.8266974

>stereotyping isn't good
>resorts to stereotyping
Typical white knight hypocrisy.

>> No.8267657

grow up

>> No.8268503 [DELETED] 
