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/lit/ - Literature

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8238531 No.8238531 [Reply] [Original]

can the best female writers compete againts the best male writers?

>> No.8238566

Yes. In some ways they are much better. In some ways they are much worse.

Female authors, especially great ones, appear less because statistically, not as many brilliant women are born as brilliant men. That, coupled with societal conflicts, both real imagined and often perpetuated by other women, often deters women from such things as literature. Most women invest themselves in things like childcare, teaching, and the arts not related to literature. Most men invest in stem fields.

There are plenty of decent and even good writers of either gender in every corner of the world. The rare amazing writer will most often come from a first world location and most likely from affluence where they have the time, energy, and proper direction to write. Even more rare, a person whose brilliance is brought about because they are intellectualls living in poverty or abuse.

Most great writers have some kind of character deferential that allows them to become great writers. This last is my opinion, the rest is true.

>> No.8238581

anime is real. also no

>> No.8238586

Oh christ. You should have stopped at "yes".

>> No.8238603

consciousness has no gender

>> No.8238609

The best two female writers were mentally insane. Woolf and Plath. Think about that.

Also, no male writer can compare to them. The female mind is truly on another dimension from the male mind. You can compare them, but you can't really say that they "compete" with male writers because female writing is a different genre, from a different mind, than male writers.

>> No.8238616

What's wrong? Are you mad because someone posted a long paragraph in the board for literature and reading?

>> No.8238624

males can learn to be better trans females than most women.

>> No.8238645

the waves is the best book I have ever read. so, yes

>> No.8238646

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Trans females have male minds. As much as they delude themselves to have a 'female mind', they don't, and they will never know what thats really like to be a female. They are simply roleplaying as a female the extent of their life.

>> No.8238647

Men can't write convincing characters for shit. Often women are just better at making a character feel like a real person, not just a devised character in a story

>> No.8238654

most females are simple as fuck, all that emotional intelligence is just empathy and their prose can be learned and imitated.

you don't need to be a women to learn to write like a women.

>> No.8238659


I love Plath, but her lover Anne Sexton was just as good.

>> No.8238662

No man on the entire planet understand the female mind. The female mind has baffled men and male writers for centuries, and even in our modern age of science and psychology, the female mind still is a mystery. That is my belief, anyways. All you have said is a generalization of the female mind.

>> No.8238666

Trans fetishist detected. Go watch some dickgirls and admit you are gay.

Leave the real women alone.

>> No.8238670

But I can easily understand your mind because your mind is composed entirely of memes.

>> No.8238675

most women are fucking idiots.

Pimps exist.

They game women for a living. The female mind is no mystery: the idea that it is comes from male flattery and nothing more.

>> No.8238682

Flawed argument, generalizations


>> No.8238688

Hey /pol/, still haven't found a gf yet? Your parents are getting worried, you know

>> No.8238695

yes. if there were as many women writing as there were men back in the day I think it would probably be even. they would both have great books. I always laugh when I see a thread hating women

>> No.8238696

There was literally no argument. You are the worst rhetorician I've ever witnessed.

>> No.8238697

Self expression and poetry are typically regarded as feminine. Obvious exceptions (Ernest, I see you) but most writers are basically women in men's bodies

>> No.8238703

Pimps exist for males and females.

The logic here I guess is that women do what they are told no matter who tells them. Men have done that from the beginning of time too.

>> No.8238706

If women were so smart then why do we live in a patriarchy?

>> No.8238708

literally a meme tbqh

>> No.8238710

The Illiad explains this.

>> No.8238715

Okay Ignatius. The argument was that you shouldnt be bitching about having to read a paragraph on /lit/. Reading should be second nature to you.

>> No.8238716

Nigga what are you on about. Men have "understood" the female mind to be similar to ours, with an extra dosage of emotion. It's not fucking rocket science.
>All you have said is a generalization of the female mind
>the female mind is a mystery
>g e n e r a l i z a t i o n

>> No.8238720

my parents worry about me for reasons entirely unrelated to my sexual/romantic prowess, which is considerable, don't you worry.

>> No.8238726

>women express themselves
>writers express themselves
>therefor all writers are women, even the men

>> No.8238728

>The argument was that you shouldnt be bitching about having to read a paragraph on /lit/.
Which means you misunderstood what that poster was criticizing you for.

>> No.8238730

I can see why they're worried ;)

>> No.8238733


lol rite? watch me self express my dick all over ya face bitch

>> No.8238738

u mad

>> No.8238741

If you mean to say that what I wrote was unimportant, you and he are entitled to your opinions.

>> No.8238747

If I was mad I would do an angry face >:( not a winky face ;)

>> No.8238754

You are no doubt very good at essays for corsework.
You take a long tine to say very little.

>> No.8238756

We're the same person.

>> No.8238861

Sorry here.

Da woman is sometimes can write good like a man but different. They arent a lot of dem dat can write good becuz not a lot of them wanna do dat and a lot of them are interusted in books n stuff.

Writers who r ok at it can be boy or girl, butt mostly they come from rich places ware u can hire a smart guy to teech them. Sometimes people can be inspired becuz they r poor.

I think dat most good writers have some kind of problems and dat helps em to write good.

It was literally a chopped up paragraph, with new information in each sentence. That's what you get for skimming through.

>> No.8238863

Then don't say "That poster"

>> No.8238866


1) The distribution of talent is flatter in men than it is in women, i.e. there are more men at the top and more men at the bottom. This is basically true for all traits. (This explains both why men largely comprise the elite of any profession and also why men largely comprise the bottom, e.g. criminal, stupid, etc.)

2) Men have more reason to pour all their effort into a talent, i.e. in pursuit of a mate. Women really have to do little more than open their legs. (I'm aware this oversimplifies, but only by a little bit. In most cases where a woman pursues something single-mindedly, it is often a work of vanity [Plath] and lacks the desperation for perfection apparent in masterpieces by men [T.S. Eliot].)

Ergo, the best writers of any particular field (plays, movies, poetry, novel, short story, genre, etc) will be primarily men. Some women might be exceptional, but they are always the exception that proves the rule.

>> No.8238868

Am I being trolled? You can't be this fucking dense.

>> No.8238874

really, stfu. "yes" was enough, bro.

>> No.8239036

I meant you and me are the same person. The first post in this thread was mine.