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/lit/ - Literature

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8237894 No.8237894 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw can longer appreciate film or television because they're too pleb for my liking

I'll stick to reading, thank you very much.

>> No.8237896

difficulty != quality in case anyone has been misinformed

>> No.8237899
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What if you're too pleb for film and television?

>> No.8238048

lmao what a shit fucking movie

>> No.8238066
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>watches flicks
>surprised when they're trash

>> No.8238097

So basically, you're a film pleb.

You don't even know enough about films to pick out those that stand above the others.

Your own ignorance of the medium, combined with your certainty of your own "Patricianhood" has stricken you with a sort of myopia.

>> No.8238103

>he enjoys watching a bunch of faggots parade in front of a camera for 90 minutes


>> No.8238113
File: 40 KB, 400x531, El Topo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, tell you what.

I'll throw you a bone.

Watch this, maybe it'll help you with your embarrasing problem.

>> No.8238123

This is maybe the worst thread I've seen on /lit/.

Or bait.

>> No.8238124

Not OP. I think I should have started with this instead of the Holy Mountain

>> No.8238135

Jodorowsky is a minor divinity.

>> No.8238146

classic 4chan 'popular=bad' fallacy

>> No.8238148


Fucking pseud trash, kill yourself you 16 old pleb loser.

>> No.8238152


>> No.8238156
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I've read many classics of literature, and I've not once read something that I thought was in any fashion difficult to understand.

There are films, on the other hand, that have completely baffled me.

>> No.8238159


El Topo isn't fucking popular, it just sucks. There is no thinking involved, Jordowsky is a hack art-film director. It's badly executed, it's badly thought out, and there is nothing visually significant about anything. It appeals to LSD faggots who like trippy movies for the sake of being trippy.

>> No.8238162

>confusion is a measure of higher art

>> No.8238180

I heard it was supposed to be good, i've only seen The Holy Mountain, and it's actually laughable.

>> No.8238182

Just watch kino instead.

>> No.8238184

1. It is popular among people who are into film
2. Jodorowsky's imagery isn't particularly hard to interpret, it's all basally linked to collective unconscious archetypes. Jodorowsky was crazy into Jung and always made films with subconscious projections and occidental mysticism in mind. You sound like someone who just watched Mulholland Drive and got real mad because you didn't get a movie that is critically well-received

>> No.8238185

The Holy Mountain is a comedy.

>> No.8238191


All of his movies have only a single layer of depth, one single sheen of pretentious abstraction. They aren't entertaining on 1 layer, meaningful on the second layer, and perhaps relatable to the director's consciousness on the third layer, or any sort of mix of any of those things.

You can't watch it a second time or a third time and really get some real hidden core value behind his films as you would others. It's just pretentious abstract bullshit that wants you to grab towards the air for purely your own interpretation of events and visuals. I hate that shit. It's smallminded and easy as fuck.

>> No.8238197

It's all objective, up there on the screen. I didn't feel I was "grasping toward air" at all. It seemed pretty straight forward. I haven't seen it in years though, but I think I can remember most of it.

>> No.8238202

Is it really your opinion that Jodorowsky is deliberately trying to pull the wool over your eyes to accomplish some mysterious end, and all he cares about is fame and people thinking he is deep? If so, you know nothing about the man at all, and to be honest you seem incredibly stupid for saying that. The 'everything I can't into is tryhard pretentious' stance is so immature and completely indicative of someone who can't actually parse through art to pick out what is genuinely good and what is meaningless.

>> No.8238204

>kino meme

>> No.8238206

>Mulholland Drive

Holy fuck please be bait. That is one of Lynch's absolute worst films. Some of David Lynch's films are decent, but it's so glaringly obvious how badly executed the filming of that movie was.

Nah, talking about films on 4chan is trash. It's a sea of plebby opinions based purely on taste instead of technicalities involved with filmmaking.

>> No.8238216


I rarely call things pretentious, pretentious is an overused word, but Jordowsky has been a staple of that word for over 30 years. Seriously, you just have to trust me. If /tv/ was actually more like /lit/ he would be a funny meme just like DFW.

Say what you want about me call me a cynical shit but I know I am in the right, Jordowsky is disorganized and could never think very hard about the particular subjects we was filming about.

>> No.8238218

So, tell us how you really feel.

>> No.8238221

What subjects was he filming about?

>> No.8238231

>Some of David Lynch's films are easy for my baby brain, but Mulholland Drive hurt it real real real bad
If you actually knew anything about "technicalities involved with filmmaking" you would know Lynch is the one director you can't call on being technically unsound. The guy knows his camera, and to imply that it's somehow possible to detach yourself from personal preferences and judge movies objectively is the kind of sloppy, lazy, ignorant thinking that belongs on /tv/, not here. It's time to fuck off

>> No.8238233

>popular = bad

Uh huh. I've seen all of Lynch's films, and Mulholland Drive is easily in my top 3 along with Blue Velvet and Inland Empire. It's a great film, and just because it's probably the only one most of /tv/ has heard of, doesn't make it shitty. Mulholland Drive improved Lynch's take on dissociative identity that he tried earlier in Lost Highway, and it plays more into his hand because he could be liberal with the mistyness of dream-logic. You need to stop thinking you're better than everyone because you've seen The Color of Pomegranates or Vivre Sa Vie or whatever random benchmark films you've chosen for yourself

>> No.8238691
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You're just probably watching bad movies. Realize that 80% of films that get wide releases are mediocre to bad, and you need to do some digging to find the gems. For example, I saw pic related yesterday and it was sublime

>> No.8238699

That's like saying you can't appreciate books cause its all teen shit or music is all pop music.

You're either not looking or just judging the media based on what you see

>> No.8238718

Aguirre, the Wrath of God if y'all don't know

>> No.8238734

Television might be pleb because of its necessity to be appealing to the masses. There are some good shows out there, though. I, personally, really enjoyed Breaking Bad. But film is in a whole different sphere. The film world is massive and there plenty of great art film that explores the same sort of topics and themes that literature does, just with interesting visual and audio cues, strategies, etc, rather than wordplay, chapter structure, prose, etc.

>> No.8238964
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>mfw IRL dialogue tends to be poorly structured and unrealistic
>real life doesn't even have complex overarching themes

No, thank you, 40-year-old nudist MILF divorcee across the hall, unless you'd like to discuss something other than sex or yoga, I'd prefer to read—by myself.

>> No.8238976

It's hilarious how a plebeian's criticism of any film with a shred of artistry always sounds the same, every single time.

>> No.8239264

Was Klaus Kinjski actually a real actor at this point or did Herzog just pick up the first wall-eyed sex criminal he could find?

>> No.8239271

there have been a number of great television shows in the past ten years.

>> No.8239277



>> No.8239310


>he cannot appreciate a sublime kino

It's no fault of the artist that he cannot paint for the blind.

>> No.8239312

He published a sequel last year in comic Form, son of el topo though it hasn't been translated yet. Honestly his comic work with Moebius is right up there with his kinography

>> No.8239321

You should watch his documentary my friend Klaus. Herzog is pretty much a morally devoid cunt as well, he allowed him to abuse and hit crew and beat his wife

>> No.8239381

same though I can still enjoy some films and the news.
To quote the main character from the last movie I saw:
>I finally realized I cannot waste time anymore doing what I don't want to do

>> No.8239602

it is though, to the pleb. which is disturbing.

>> No.8239611

>too pleb

Have you considered to stop being a pleb yourself?

>> No.8239612

your fault for not watching good film, film that actually qualifies as art

>> No.8239624
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Start with Rohmer, OP

>> No.8239636

>too pleb for my liking
you probably think shakespeare is a great writer too, dont you?

>> No.8239649


>> No.8239656

i started reading because i have watched just about everything worth watching in film... there really isn't ~that~ much. you can watch pretty well everything culturally significant in the north american realm + french, european, etc. in two or three years. i'm20 years old and most people i meet my age have a pretty great knowledge of film. literature is a hell of a lot more dense.

>> No.8239662

"I HAVE WATCHED EVERYTHING!!!" probably seems like a very pretentious claim but really once you get in the habit of finding worthwhile films and conversing with people who also enjoy films, theres only so much you can watch until the act of watching a movie almost seems redundant because you are so conditioned to the structures. i'm so over *avant garde* film bullshit. like someone brought up inland empire... that movie is the biggest crock of shit ever.... and i love david lynch

>> No.8239696
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No shit.

>> No.8239714

Only plebs think that.
He's still a -good- writer, though.

>> No.8239719
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dont start with rohmer

start with omar

>> No.8239730
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what are some of your favourite films?

just curious as you seem to appreciate film, i know /tv is a shit pit but discussion would be quite nice

>> No.8239748

/tv/ is generally quite shitty yeah, but occasionally you get genuine kino threads

some decent kino to start you off:
-sicilia! (quite short too, barely an hour)
-still walking
-2001 (it's become a meme, but there's a reason it's so praised)
-love streams
-chimes at midnight
-anything by tarkovsky and jodorowsky

personal guilty pleasure that I always like to argue is kino despite it being just an okay film:
-layer cake

To most people films are not an art form, they're an entertainment product. There's nothing wrong with that, but you shouldn't become despondent with film as a medium when you're told that the latest avengers film is 9.5/10, yet it seems like utter rubbish to you. It is rubbish. But there are also a decent number of absolutely fantastic pieces of film with real artistic merit.

Also, don't feel like you have to like a movie just because it's 'artsy', at the end of the day, even despite what I've said above, film is subjective at its core and you should only watch what you enjoy.

>> No.8239764
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i was just wandering some of your fav films just to create some form of discussion on here

thanks for the recs, ive seen all of them, is that your favourite from cassavetes?

there use to be an anon on here who met koreeda which was pretty cool

>> No.8239767

>is that your favourite from cassavetes?
yeah, definitely his best

>> No.8239771
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have you seen too late blues or husbands?

>> No.8239776


There's more to film than narrative, though. Fundamentally, it's a temporal-visual medium. Saying the act of film watching has become redundant because of the 'tremendous' amount of film you've seen (doesn't the same apply to fiction as a purely narrative medium?)
is like saying you've outgrown images.

Cinema's a young art-form. There are reams of brilliant films produced every year and plenty of technological and artistic innovations to come.

t. student filmmaker

>> No.8239783
File: 2.08 MB, 1920x2880, silence has no wings .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some of your fav films senpai?

>> No.8239785

yeah, most of his films are good, I just think love streams is his best

>> No.8239804
File: 30 KB, 500x285, ee7bae4fbce592ce47c037960c3a8c62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some good films:

Sword of Doom
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
Days of Eclipse
Ivan's Childhood
The Gospel According to Mathew
The 400 Blows
Les Visiteurs du Soir
The Wild Bunch
The Good The Bad and The Ugly
Lawrence of Arabia
The Seventh Seal
Taste of Cherry

>> No.8239814

I haven't watched a movie for about 8 years, and I never got into following television shows. I don't get the feeling that I missed much.

>> No.8239845
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I like this one.

>> No.8239852


8 1/2
Ivan's Childhood
The Lives of a Bengal Lancer
F for Fake
Zazie dans Le Metro
The Garden of Words
Regle de jeu

Off the top of my head, m80.

>> No.8239866


people should stop using this meaningless word

>the act of watching a movie almost seems redundant because you are so conditioned to the structures

it keeps the dilettantes out

>> No.8239874

>Ivan's Childhood

Tarkovsky's weakest film.

>> No.8239877


Not in terms of photography, imo.

>> No.8239883

the documentary is called 'my best fiend' in english

>> No.8239893

it's pretty easy to watch and enjoy pleb things. they're interesting as cultural products

what disappoints me about film though is that the advances in static visual arts like painting and photography haven't really translated to film. the avant-garde in film generally lacks the same kind of sophistication, except when it comes to lettrism or the situationists for example whose influence is seen in those other media anyway. i don't think it has anything to do with the age of film, since photography has been around for only a little longer and it is still more advanced. similarly music has been around forever and it too lags behind.

>> No.8239900

>music has been around forever and it too lags behind

>> No.8239917


>i don't think it has anything to do with the age of film

>> No.8239943
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some video games still do the trick, at least if you get off on immersion/escapism

>> No.8239956


I'd chalk that up to the monetary cost of producing and distributing a film as well as its fundamentally multidisciplinary (and collaborative) nature.

Paintings and photographs, on the other hand, can be more readily produced and proliferated by a single fringe individual. (Collage film is perhaps an exception.)

>> No.8239993

but anon, film is superior to literature.

>> No.8239996


>> No.8240000

>le ebin non-argument smiley to prove your base pleb opinion

>> No.8240005
File: 105 KB, 519x765, children_of_heaven2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch better movies.

>> No.8240027

probably. that and how commercial it is -- the same with music. that being said though it should be easier now for single individuals (and some cast/crew, if even that) to make avant-garde film in the same theoretical vein as it is in static art, but it definitely wouldn't have the same exposure. maybe it already exists and i haven't found any. i'm not really looking for it though because i still enjoy conventional film

>> No.8240046

also mumblecore is kind of what i'm getting at as a fresh approach to film-making (i guess moving away from the artificiality of narrative film, not that artificiality or narrative can't be used for avant-garde purposes) and that was helped by the availability of digital cameras and editing software

>> No.8240204
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OP is obvious bait but I'll bite anyway. Mediums are only as pleb as you are. Because of the amount of time it has been around, literature is always going to have more great works than film, same goes for painting and music, but there are still an unbelievable amount of great films out there, and there are far more movies than one could watch in a lifetime. That said, I do believe that while it's impossible to watch every film ever made, it is possible to watch every really good film ever made. The terrible stuff from each year generally sinks to the bottom anyway. Here's a list of a few movies I think demonstrate the potential of the medium of cinema and match the quality of literature, whether it be through successfully imitating and utilizing the strengths of other mediums like literature and theatre, or taking advantage of the unique qualities of film as a medium:

The Wayward Cloud
Winter Days
Son of the White Mare
The Tragedy of Man
Barry Lyndon
The Man Who Left His Will on Film
A Brighter Summer Day
Synecdoche, NY
Century of Birthing
Knight of Cups
The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On
Sans Soleil
Goodbye CP
Pictures of the Old World
The Decameron
Cemetery of Splendour
Farewell to the Ark
Out 1
The Face of Another
My 20th Century
The Comedy
Evolution of a Filipino Family

That's just off the top of my head. People who say film is an inferior art form just haven't watched the right movies, I think it's possible to enjoy and appreciate film and literature equally for their different strengths, and without belittling either of them

>> No.8240251

>he enjoys letters on a page

>> No.8240275


It's the opposite problem for me.

It's not that I don't want to watch TV/films - I quite like 'switching off' for an hour here and there.

It's that the more I read, and pursue my literary interests, the more I to read. Seriously. I have a large and ever growing book pile, and can spend many hours a day without making much of a dent. Reading them is one thing, but the actual study/etc is another.

It's amazing that the concept of 'free time' actually exists when there are so many books worth reading. Plebs are lucky not to go down this rabbit hole.

>> No.8240290

>Zazie dans Le Metro

my nigga

Would you agree that this film is a homage to Vigo?

>> No.8240468


Jean Vigo? Not overly familiar with him, I'm afraid. L'Atalante is on my watch-list, though but that doesn't sound terribly playful; are some of his other films?


>> No.8240648
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Well Vigo only has like four films. There's L'Atalante, Zero de Conduite, À Propos de Nice, and Jean Taris, Swimming Champion. L'Atalante is the only feature length, the others are all shorter. All are fantastic and well worth watching, it's really a shame he died so young.

>> No.8240698
File: 956 KB, 696x782, mfwplebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok plebs, listen up
I'll help you a out
Here is some absolut kino, the pinnacle of cinéma, if you will
Watch it and you will see the light

Three Landscapes (Hutton)
Meurtriere / White Epilepsy (Grandrieux)
Pig Iron / BNSF (Benning)
Spiritual Voices (Sokurov)
Stray Dogs (Tsai)
Adieu au Langage (G*dard (must be seen in 3D))

You're lucky a true patrician came to this godforsaken plebeian thread to lift you up to the heavens

>> No.8240707
File: 77 KB, 500x500, pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get out kid

>> No.8240712


>> No.8240727

>(must be seen in 3D))

but how

>> No.8240732

Wait for it to come back in cinemas as it does every once in a while (provided you live in a patrician city and not some plebeian hellhole) or get a dope 3D home cinema setup

>> No.8240735

Can someone please explain to me what Kino is?

>> No.8240745
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a meme

>> No.8240754

A level of cinema
kino > film > movie > flick
(further sub-categories available on request)

>> No.8240756


>> No.8240780

Yeah, I'll be real motivated to do that.

>> No.8240800

Inland Empire was made purposefully to make no sense. It was just a bunch of short experiments Lynch and Dern did, then he just put them all together in no particular order

>> No.8240823


I dont know what the fuck all these niggas be talking about, but as a Hans I can tell you that Kino is the German word for cinema my friend


source? I don't think this is true at all

>> No.8240844

кинo винo и дoминo

>> No.8240867

A medium cannot be inherently bad. Thinking that you're above an entire medium, then making threads about it, is just you showing off how much of a narrow minded idiot you are.

>> No.8240870

>A medium cannot be inherently bad.

Member of the NRA detected.

>> No.8240872

Have you read Finnegans Wake?

>> No.8240887
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>> No.8240893

Strangely literature has made me only be able to appreciate television if it's really good at being stupid because with everything else I just feel like I'm wasting my time because a book could do it better.

>> No.8240897
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>> No.8240901

Why not just only read the best book ever written, then never read anything ever again?

>> No.8240911
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>> No.8240916

I can't afford to get hooked.

>> No.8240922
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>> No.8240962


>> No.8242325

>tfw i'm a huge pleb who thinks it's cool to look down on film

I'll stick to trying to impress /lit/, thank you very much.

>> No.8242353
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Is film related to the history of theatre? Because I have some books on the latter.

>> No.8242687
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>synecdoche, ny
>barry lyndon
>knight of cups
>the comedy

Pleb detected

>> No.8242905

>goodbye CP

Its about when the Tor servers were raided?

>> No.8243442

Tarkovsky, Béla Tarr, Wim Wenders are my favourite directors. There are good films.

Obviously you aren't gonna find any in American mainstream cinema, just like you won't find great literature in NY Times' bestseller lists.

>> No.8243469

>Tarkovsky, Béla Tarr, Wim Wenders are my favourite directors

Yeah I remember my "dude hollywood sux lmao" phase too

>> No.8245481

Not all of Hollywood sucks, I enjoy quite a lot of it, both modern and older movies - but those 3 guys are simply my favourite directors because the made the films I enjoyed the most.

or are you saying that there are movies in Hollywood better than the works of Tarkovsky or Tarr?