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8232708 No.8232708 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books about gay or bi people? Preferably contemporary, but stuff about Uranians or even the Greeks is welcome.

>> No.8232711

Suicide by You

>> No.8232717 [DELETED] 

The Picture Of Dorian Gray.

>> No.8232720

The Picture Of Dorian Gray.

>> No.8232783

lmao my God America sucks balls.

>> No.8232788

My diary desu

>> No.8232799

is masturbation gay?
is it incest?

>> No.8232817

so glad I live in Canada. we don't tolerate that shit. unless your from toronto (faggot central)

>> No.8232819


>> No.8232823

faggots. gun laws. poverty.

>> No.8233201
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pic related is generally regarded as the definitive work

>> No.8233354

Boy it sucks to live in the only country with poor people and guns and homosexuals, they got rid of them everywhere else

>> No.8233382

>im so glad I live in a country that legalized gay in 1995

canada is 200x more gay than us

>> No.8233400

you guys have San Francisco. that's the faggot capital of the world

>> No.8233726

k y s

>> No.8233736

Flesh and Blood by Michael Cunningham

I'd recommend anything by Cunningham, really. One of the very best contemporary American authors, imhomef.

>> No.8233764
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>Not tolerating something

wew lad

>> No.8233766

canada spends most of its time under a blanket of sky ejaculate and is constantly fingering chocolate donuts

also you gave us justin bieber XDDDD

>> No.8234847

>a fucking leaf telling americans they suck

>> No.8234850

E.M. Forster

>> No.8234867

everyone hates America.
from what I know Canadians are really nice and apologize for everything.

>> No.8234880

>bending over backwards for refugees
>PM is Justin Trudeau, who makes Obama look intolerant
>a fucking leaf

>> No.8234894

Discrimination is a form of generalization.
It is the assumption that all people who share a characteristic are defined by that characteristic, and are therefore the same.

Now, people are voluntarily simplifying their personality to orbit around a single characteristic.
Gay people are choosing to identify themselves explicitly as gay. They have no other characteristics, it explains everything about their personality.
Women and 'minorities' are apparently doing the same thing.
Is this some sort of defense mechanism to avoid personal responsibility? Are they hoping it will let them paint anyone who dislikes them as a bigot, because 'I'm gay and there's nothing else to me, so hating me means you're hating gay people' ?
Or are they just trying to find some way to feel like they're part of a community?

What the explanation, it's a boring way to live.

>> No.8234896

don't get kill at school or movies
don't have guns
don't have stupid southern people
don't have stupid religious people
sexy PM
free health shit
you murder someone you get like 25 years in prison, maybe even less, so yeah if your really don't like someone just kill them
no ghettos
no shit minimum wage
legal weed (coming)
British Columbia
white people. lots of white people
residential schools
shitting on native indians
constantly trying to not be like America
laughing at how cnn is scaring America

Canada not so bad

>> No.8234909

who is the sexy ass girl he's with

>> No.8234911


Jasbir Puar, Terrorist Assemblages

>> No.8234912

apparently the 'one-drop' rule applies to whiteness and heterosexuality only

if your great grandma was a cherokee, you aren't white. if you thought about brad pitt's abs once, you aren't straight.

>> No.8234915
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>if you thought about brad pitt's abs once, you aren't straight.
whew, thank god I only thought about his penis then

>> No.8234916

I don't think you actually know any gay people if you think this can be said of all gay people, or even many gay people.

>> No.8234919

That headline is very misleading.
They count anyone who is not 100% straight as queer.

>> No.8234924

>driving on a road with a few potholes
>accelerating on a flat road towards the edge of a cliff

I know which one I'd pick, Anon.

>> No.8234927

>don't have guns
Canadian education, everybody.
>trying not to be like America
You guys are failing pretty hard, considering you don't have much actual culture aside from ours, except for in Quebec, who most of you people hate.

>> No.8234928

I don't get it

>> No.8234930

didn't you see the American wikileak document on how the American spies in Canada only noticed how hard Canadians try to not be American. funny read.

>> No.8234937

With the rate that Trudeau is shitting out last night's falafel all over this fucking country, it's going to be unrecognizable soon.

>> No.8234942

that's the way she goes boys

>> No.8234971


I think it can be said about people seeking and writing literature that is inclusively gay.

>> No.8234987

>Or are they just trying to find some way to feel like they're part of a community?

Discrimination breeds solidarity in the oppressed. This isn't a novel concept.

>> No.8236563

It more suggests that more people are bisexuals and that it's most likely a global truth. 100% homosexual and 100% heterosexuals maybe in the minority. It's a sad social construct that you see shame in this.

It's just masturbation. It's own thing. (Also looked down on by the prudish twits of history)

Right. So do straights
Gaw. I hate that slur. Like self identifying as a nigger. It really is horrid.

>> No.8236610
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anything ever written by Poppy Z Brite

>> No.8236622


>> No.8236659

>or even the Greeks is welcome.

but they weren't "gay" or "bisexual" anon.

Having sex with a boy who is not yet a man is perfectly straight.

>> No.8236668


>100% homosexual and 100% heterosexuals maybe in the minority. It's a sad social construct that you see shame in this.

Keep tellin' yourself that, champ. Also:

>social construct

>> No.8236680


>> No.8237187

Your reactions to others being different are a social construct. Sex, sexuality, "race", eye colour, height, weight, etc.
Get over it.

>> No.8237456

>self-selecting sample
into the trash it goes

>> No.8237464

I suppose you're kinda right

you're partaking in the form of faggotry right now

>> No.8237471

Kek you talk like you live in an echo chamber with no connection to the outside world. Not everybody can be represented by shitty articles linked from social media and 4chan. Maybe you should think about how normative standards affect media and representation before thinking people willingly accept stereotypes

>> No.8237478

Fuck you, my reaction to the difference of the other comes from deep in my bones.

Race is not a social construct. Eye color is not a social construct. Height is not a social construct. Weight is not a social construct. Sex is not a social construct. It is visceral: blood and flesh and earth and air and fire.

Again: Fuck you.

>> No.8237480

has anyone heard this by Foucault?

"Homosexuality appeared as one of the forms of sexuality when it was transposed from the practice of sodomy onto a kind of interior androgyny, a hermaphrodism of the soul. The sodomite had been a temporary aberration; the homosexual was now a species”

>> No.8237486

>It is visceral: blood and flesh and earth and air and fire.

Oh boy

>> No.8237504

>the ideas of race are different in different places and have changed through time
>Race is not a social construct.

>different cultures have different amount of sexes
>biologists agree that it's more complex than xx vs xy and that intersex people exist
>Sex is not a social construct.

>> No.8237515

Did your Social Construct let you assume he is a boy?

>> No.8237516

stuff it you waterblooded overintellectual faggot

>> No.8237524

the ideas surrounding the thing are not the thing in itself, dumbass.

>> No.8237540

Are black cows a separate race to white cows?

>> No.8237543

>waterblooded overintellectual

I seriously can't tell if this is a joke or not

>> No.8237592
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We're all one race, but I do accept all those differences as simply variety. The social constructs are all in how you perceive them. "In your bones" you're scared of some people, but if they raised you (The one redeeming message of Tarzan, imo) your "bones" would be telling you something different.

Peace out, bitch.

>> No.8237691

pls keep the reddit memes on /pol/

>> No.8237701

there are several different subspecies of cow
I'm racist as fuck, but I don't hate or fear black people, or asians or whatever. And I leave room for them to assert their individuality during our interaction, but in the absence of the individual assertion of identity I will stereotype the fuck out of them based on the color of their skin, the kind of clothes they wear, the posture of their bodies and the patterns of their movement, because I'm not a fucking idiot.

Suck my dick

>> No.8237716

Dont stereotype on color of skin, then it is okay!
You don't have enough time do see the individuality in every person. And stereotype people on clothes is a good way to see their personal social construct on first sight.

>> No.8237724

I'm pretty sure you're dumb.

>> No.8237727


>> No.8237732

I think im gay, but only because all women are whores lol

>> No.8237742
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>Admits his phobia
>I'm not scrrd tho!

Profiling is natural enough, and will often enough lead you to some correct assumptions, but outright racism and the like do in fact trip you and the rest of us up. Prejudice is irrational presumption.
A guy with a swastika tattooed on his bald head indicates a delusional angry bitch, but he could be just a reformed neonazi. A person is also time sensitive material.

Choke on it

>> No.8237750

Grrl. You haven't been to a club yet.
You'll learn soon enough men are the real "whores"

But no, seriously. Stupid social construct. Nothing wrong with liking sex. Exchanging it for money is what makes it bad.

>> No.8237763

I spent years working in restaurants honey, there's nothing you can say to convince me that I'm scared of other races. I probably have 100x more experience than you dealing face-to-face with people of all colors and backgrounds.

It's typical of SJWs like you to hate on white people though, calling a swastika tattooed man "delusional angry bitch" is typical of types like you. Consider that in prison cultures symbols like a swastika can be necessary to show allegiance to the right groups in order to secure protection and avoid an ugly, violent death.

I'm sure we have more in common than you'd think, but then I don't expect you to see that: hysteria is typical of self-righteous women.

>> No.8237767

there is literally nothing wrong with prostitution as such.

>> No.8237769

I would doubt if there are a lot of people who are actually 100% straight. Even admiring a celebrity's looks shows that the person has slight homosexual tendencies. Or in other words you may not like it up the butt but that does not make you completely straight.

>> No.8237770

>Exchanging it for money is what makes it bad.


>> No.8237787

It's not.
Prostitution is the ground of all romantic interaction between men and women.
Any time you buy a woman coffee, dinner, drinks, let her live in your house, or whatever, the implied interaction is that you're buying her beauty with favors. This looks good because it reflects the magnitude of her beauty and his fiscal power. It's a strong social signal.

even if you split everything down the middle prostitution is still the name of the game, it's just played on a different level: she acts as though she's different from the others in a gambit to secure access to your resources OR she's so low self-esteem that she believes that her beauty isn't worth your paying for it.

>> No.8237795

I'm aware of that convention, I'm just curious as to why madame butterfly holds such a seemingly silly opinion.

>> No.8237801

shut up already you fucking cunts

>> No.8237806

>Grrl. You haven't been to a club yet.You'll learn soon enough men are the real "whores"
Get over sexism.

>> No.8237814

I'm an anarchist from a really diverse city area. Bye.

Money corrupts everything. Sex, like everything else, is best free.


>> No.8237816
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It was plainly a joke

>> No.8237819

>Any time you buy a woman coffee, dinner, drinks, let her live in your house, or whatever
Works the other way for me 2bqh. Tends to be we go back to hers, I move in to hers, I always go dutch on principle too.

>> No.8237831

You judge men by their behaviour in clubs. But have you ever been thinking about why men go to clubs? Have you ever wondered why there are always lgbt-clubs? Because there are the places people seek for relationships. Or why do you think lgbt football clubs are rare (i dont even know one)? As a man you need to show you are attracted to someone, because if you only sit shy in a corner you never meet someone. I can only tell for germany.

>> No.8237833


>> No.8237839

>Sex, like everything else, is best free

Congratulations on having made it this far with these beliefs intact, I guess? Of course it would be great if there were no rules and everything was free, except that such a scenario would result in the near-extinction of humanity.


The vast majority of human interaction, sexual or otherwise, is of a transactional nature. I'm not sure how you can disagree with this, but then I'm not sure how you can unironically be an anarchist either so I guess it's not a surprise.

>> No.8237877

>men are the real "whores"
As a permanent virgin, I will never understand this.

>> No.8237900

I was only kidding \:(
Believe me, I know how hard it can be.

>except that such a scenario would result in the near-extinction of humanity.
>The vast majority of human interaction, ... is of a transactional nature.
Fucking Ferengi
I bet you're anti-Semitic too.

>> No.8237920

>except that such a scenario would result in the near-extinction of humanity.
Why not? Why do you give a shit about "the survival of the species"?

>> No.8237925

Gay men have stigma for having lots of uninhibited sex. I was only kidding though.

>> No.8237945

I'm not anti-anyone, I've merely observed that the world is a very cold place. I wish things were different, but I don't know how to change people.


Well, I guess maturity has never been a prerequisite for posting here.

Empathy, compassion, etc.

>> No.8237952

>I was only kidding \:(
I know, you already said.
But i still felt to tell someone, because the sexism topic is full of crazy people, and somebody would take it serious.

>> No.8237965

No really, what you said was hilarious.
You don't know how to change people? Change the game That's what the revolution is all about.

>> No.8237981


Go blow a dog.

>> No.8237984

Would you mind telling me what was hilarious about it? Or outlining how you believe anarchy could work well?

>> No.8238017

is butterfly the most annoying trip on this entire site?

>> No.8238069


>> No.8238145

Giovanni's Room

>> No.8238181
File: 73 KB, 500x500, 98714623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOAT illustrated poem, written in the 80s when AIDS and Thatcher were rampant. Alan Moore knows the score.

>> No.8238205

of course she won't: like all women she is a creature of surfaces. There is no depth to her, she merely adopts whichever view she expects to reflect best upon her.

>> No.8238243

I'd say rather that most modern, socially normal people are creatures of surfaces, and that women, due to the way sex drives work, are more likely to be socially normal. I don't think butters is shallow, I just think she's idealistic.

>> No.8238262

I find it funny that he can't comprehend humanity being able to change drastically if it changed something about itself.

>I just think she's idealistic.
True. Kind words.

>> No.8238267

you're being nice, but she's a shallow cunt regardless.

>> No.8238282

I don't really know her, or you, but I try to treat people decently regardless of how they act, so I don't feel the need to insult anyone.

I'm not talking about humanity changing, I'm talking about the fact that without governments and money our entire infrastructure would be gone and we wouldn't be physically able to survive, let alone at anything approaching a standard of living like what we have now.

>> No.8238296

Can you imagine a writer of talent tackling such topics?
Children of Men got praise for various people as I recall, don't know what you thought of it, but this tragic theme is what starts the story. Later it touches on ecology, sociology, political theory. Can you imagine what would result from this kind of event? Philosophy, Do you not like Stirner, Nietzsche or Epicurus?
Yes, obviously it represents me and what's on my mind. Ambitious, yes. Shallow it is not.

>I'm not talking about humanity changing, I'm talking about the fact that without governments and money our entire infrastructure would be gone and we wouldn't be physically able to survive
You have no mind. No ideas. Just stop.

>> No.8238303

if 50% of todays kids are faggots, then idk how were going to continue reproduction

that is of course if its not "only a phase" or "just a fad" and these kids really are that degenerate.

But even then thats implying that all of the non-degenerates will be forced to impregnate nasty whores whove fucked women and dozens of men

>> No.8238304

is it an insult to call a shallow cunt a shallow cunt?

and besides, no mercy for tripfags

>> No.8238308

butterfree is not really a shallow cunt, shes just using her talents for the wrong cause

also, shes rather older than most of the users of this website

>> No.8238311

>Just stop.

Well, if you don't want to tell me why you think I'm wrong, I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree. Have a nice day.

I think you should take it easy on the internet culture Kool-Aid.

>> No.8238318

internet culture is reality now, you know

>> No.8238327

Eh, I suppose worse things could happen. It's not like reality was all that great in the first place.

>> No.8238328

>idk how were going to continue reproduction
There's far too many people on Earth as it is.
The homosexual community will hardly make a dent in its continued skyrocketing. Ecological collapse will.

Being once anonymous, I give you no mercy either. Partisan hack
My cunt is rather deep. How's yours.

How's that (Oop leaving soon)

You remove money we don't just stop and die. Capitalism supports war, poverty, and tyranny, not our breathing, not our labour, not our love for one another. Your mind is broken or just diseased.

>> No.8238333

You aren't the real butterballs. She ded.

>> No.8238344

you're still being a shallow idealistic cunt

if we remove the infrastructure of industry and gov't, how many will die? You can't count them. But I guess you don't care about their suffering, because you're too busy trying to look cute. You shallow fucking cunt.

>> No.8238349
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Why would she be dead?

Death is in the embrace of 4chan.
Like Persephone, I'm only visiting. B'bye again.


>> No.8238360

You're kind is the reason it can't happen overnight. You'd be the ones killing people because you can't enslave them and force them to die in wars and poverty. Yes, I'm accounting for your chapter.

>> No.8238362

you've been saying "bye" for your last 6 posts.

so like a woman.

>> No.8238366

>Yes, I'm accounting for your chapter.
everyone knows women suck at math

>> No.8238368

Well, I don't have a detailed understanding of how the global economic system works, but I feel like you *might* be leaving out a few practical concerns. Your heart is in the right place though, as far as I can tell, which might count for something. Either that, or >>8238344 is right, who knows.

>There's far too many people on Earth as it is.
Very true.

Ideas are bulletproof, anon.

>I don't care what you think, b-baka!

Not a good look.

>> No.8238435

Thanks for being truthful and being able to unveil the obvious subconscious everyone has lmao

>but I don't hate or fear black people, or asians or whatever. And I leave room for them to assert their individuality during our interaction, but in the absence of the individual assertion of identity I will stereotype the fuck out of them based on the color of their skin, the kind of clothes they wear, the posture of their bodies and the patterns of their movement, because I'm not a fucking idiot.

This is literally what everyone does, miborities, women, gays and transsexual transgressive transcendental tripolar flamingokin all do this. Those who consider these things to be a construct are particularly worse in that regard

>> No.8238477

thank God I don't live in america land of the free home of the faggot

>> No.8238549

>Capitalism supports war, poverty, and tyranny, not our breathing, not our labour, not our love for one another.

First time on /lit/. Is this kind of pseudo-intellectualism common here?

>> No.8238786

>I actually agree with butterfly

I should just fucking off myself now

>> No.8238830

reading confessions of a mask was like reading my diary desu

>> No.8238837

Canada is honestly shit.
The only country that isn't shit is New Zealand desu

>> No.8238873

why Is Canada shitty.
new Zealand is filled with bogans though

>> No.8238877

My Loose Thread by Dennis Cooper. I highly, highly recommend this book.

>> No.8238884

We have an okay PM, Canada has a shit one.
also less muslims in NZ and the 4th best at everything.

>> No.8238890

Canada has the best leader in the world right now. how is he shit? who the fuck is new Zealands PM. I didn't even k of they had PMs. Christchurch is a shithole. new Zealand blows compared to Australia. you guys are like hillbilly Australians. retards compared to them lol.

>> No.8238899 [DELETED] 

>who the fuck is new Zealands PM
>flying under the radar

>new Zealand blows compared to Australia

>> No.8238905
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>Canada has the best leader in the world right now. how is he shit?

>> No.8238918

but that's Andy sandbag

>> No.8240527

>What the explanation, it's a boring way to live.
It's because for the past few decades, the world has only been able to understand them in light of their sexuality. Plus the fact that they've been persecuted and even killed because of their sexuality makes that dimension of their lives pretty friggin important.

>> No.8240591
File: 186 KB, 1088x687, 1463337547499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a burger but I'm honestly somewhat jealous of Canada.
>lots of forests and comfy weather
>supposedly filled with Muslims but never get attacked by terrorists
>gun laws aren't fully cucked like in Europe
>PM is leddit but still better than Shillary
>dude weed lmao

>> No.8241706

Appreciating the epitome of human form is only gay if you also want to take it in the ass

Same reason Greeks werent especially gay. They compared their bodies, minced about naked and fucked little boys because women were highly unattainable and restricted. It was low-lifes and lechers who were exclusively banging men because inadequacy makes you seek an alternative. See: the modern epidemic of alternative sexuality.

>> No.8241712

Isherwood. A Single Man in particular.

>> No.8241744

At Swim, Two Boys
The Confusions of Young Törless
The Counterfeiters

>> No.8241984

I've been trying to hunt down some of Peyrefitte's books in english but didn't find any on bookz or ebooks. Would anyone here happen to have anything like Secret Friendships?