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8231944 No.8231944 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a grill. Can you recommend a book on US history?

>> No.8231947
File: 75 KB, 800x600, 800px-Proper_way_to_drink_rossi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be historical fiction too. Just anything with the US and history.

>> No.8231955

guns germs and steel and killing reagan.

>> No.8231957

Recollections of the Civil War by Charles Anderson Dana

It's important to get a viewpoint from both sides, politically too, so be sure to avoid biased books or school textbooks

>> No.8231964
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I heard Guns, Germs, and Theft was a bad book (kinda like how I'm a bad grill^1), is that not unfalse?

^1Because I do naughty things.

>> No.8231965

A transcript of John Green's Crash Course U.S history

>> No.8231967

Well if you're already American it's too much to ask you to have morals

>> No.8231971

I am an American. We are all fat and ignoranuses.

(The kitten represents my pussy because I'm a grill.)

>> No.8231977

Yea we get it congrats on having your organ

>> No.8231982

God guns and rock n roll by Ted nugent

>> No.8231984

No need to keep bringing it up. I already mentioned it and now it's like you're obsessed.

Any good US historical fiction?

>> No.8231996

William Faulkner

>> No.8232002

You're the one who started talking about it and I'm not sure what it has to do with American history

>> No.8232009


>> No.8232035

guns n roses <3

>> No.8232059
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USA Trilogy, The Manhattan Transfer - Dos Passos
Tree of Smoke - Denis Johnson

Please be real.

>> No.8232062

Really? The b8 gods give us this and nobody says it?

Gore Vidal, America's biographer.

>> No.8232320

>i'm a grill
why say this you self opsessed fat whore
nobody is interested in hearing the fact that you have a cunt, you worthless, disgusting slut

>> No.8232331

Also looking for Alaska

>> No.8232333

no you aren't

>> No.8232335
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>> No.8232354

Are you really so stupid that you can't tell this is bait? Fuck you

>> No.8232359

Tits or get the fuck out, cumdumpster.

>> No.8232434

Thanks for the giggles op

>> No.8232579

Alaska is just west of Canada, why write a book about that?

>> No.8232586

show feet please?

>> No.8232663

Get out and kill yourself

>> No.8234242

"Back to the Kitchen" - Unknown author.

>> No.8234366

see >>8232354

>> No.8234388

>btw guys i'm a grilllll
>pay attention to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Fuck. Off.
Fuck off.

We seriously do not care. We don't care about your day, we don't care about your boyfriend, we don't care about your issues. One thing we certainly don't care about is your fucking opinions. Jesus Christ, why did you make this post? Did it benefit, inform, arouse concern in ANYONE? No. You posted this because you are a solipsistic whore who thinks she matters because guys like her facebook photos. I can hear you just now, you're thinking "but i don't have fa-" SHUT THE FUCK UP. I don't care about your fucking tumblr either. It's a site where you post pictures of yourself for validation, hell it could be /r9k/ for all that matters - you are still an attention whore. The guys that have called you beautiful on omegle have convinced you that you have any kind of worth, guess what: you don't. You're valued for a vagina. That's it. Nothing else. Why you think owning something that 50% of the human population owns makes your opinions worthy of shit is fucking beyond me.

Words cannot describe the utter amount of hatred I have for you. I cannot stand your vapid personality, the way you look so clueless all the time. You are a literal robot who lives for nothing more than getting validation from random guys on the internet i.e. us, and you think we're going to tolerate you parading your fucking boring thoughts on our board? Think again, cunt. Girls like you are the most boring people anyone could ever meet, because you do nothing but talk about some guy you met on here or what was on tumblr or your hair or some song you supposedly like or just SOME OTHER SHIT WE DON'T CARE ABOUT. Fuck you. You have the audacity to expect us to care when you never provide any interesting discourse or state something interesting, you literally just consume and regurgitate SHIT. We whole heartedly despise you, and you should never forget that.

>> No.8234947
File: 167 KB, 624x389, im a grill btw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey femanon here what's the best book on attracting autistic men who spend most of their day on a Siamese Betta Fighting forum?

>> No.8236539
File: 57 KB, 289x450, The Shoemaker and the Tea Party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gore Vidal
Pynchon's Mason Dixon is well liked here

Thomas Paine
The Shoemaker and the Tea Party
Susan Jacoby's Freethinkers
Emma Goldman

>> No.8236720
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>> No.8236727

is this pasta