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8231578 No.8231578 [Reply] [Original]

How do you shake that feeling of elitism? That there is a huge difference( though not necessarily that you are superior) between you and normies so that you can interact with them without an underlying feeling that the conversation is shallow and unworthy of existence?

>> No.8231604

You literally break down every single word they utter and then Turn it deep! idk

>> No.8231609

I mean, for doing Heideggerian idle-talk

>> No.8231612

I'm not really obsessed with showing off my knowledge in any one thing, so I like to engage people on topics that are mutually interesting.

>> No.8231627

That's implying that you actually know what you're talking about

And if you feel superior to people for knowing more and something so inapplicable and trivia night-related as books, you clearly dont know much

>> No.8231746

Books, inapplicable?

You're doing it wrong

>> No.8231749

I think that you are shallow and unworthy of existence anon

>> No.8231759

>How do you shake that feeling of elitism?
thru practice of generosity my man.

>That there is a huge difference( though not necessarily that you are superior) between you and normies so that you can interact with them without an underlying feeling that the conversation is shallow and unworthy of existence?

Small talk can be right speech, friend, as social lubrication it serves its utilitarian function. As long as you don't apply more social grease than what's required and recognize that there is a purpose to the discussion your neurosis should fade

>> No.8231774

I simply consider peasants to be part of the society, who then will make the crops growth, who will waste money so companies can R&D new tech so you can watch porn in 4K?

we're all gears of the machine called society.

you don't want to be engaging in the bore aspects of mantaining society, don't you?

be glad others spend their time making society function so you can shitpost about anime.

>> No.8231800

Edgy af be my teacher

>> No.8231803

Just take off your fedora

>> No.8232615
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I feel this sometimes, though it is usually accompanied by guilt.

It's not that we discuss inherently different things, just at different depths. Worse still, is that they seem to judge you for wanting to dive beyond the surface of a topic, or for playing devils advocate. I can get flashes of stimulating conversation from them, but it never lasts more than a moment.

But then again, maybe (probably), I am just an egotistical asshole.

>> No.8232626

You don't

>> No.8232637

The way I did it was that I realized I'm at best just a little bit smarter than most people. Not too much, just a little.

>> No.8232642

By reminding myself that normies are far more employable, sociable and all-round better people than I

You could be the most intelligent person on the planet but if you spend all your time smelling your own farts it probably doesn't make you a very good human being

>> No.8232643

Do you love them?

>> No.8232657

>though it is usually accompanied by guilt.
because your main projects are social in origin, change that and you'll no longer feel shame

you are deluded by the value you place on higher culture, not wrong in any sense yet so foolish still, ignore the value you place on intellectual pursuits/appreciation/etc and you'll rid yourself of this

dont inhibit yourself


uneven worldview still, you are too socially charged or undistanced
nothing wrong though

this is not the question, but very close

>> No.8232660

Growing over the age of 17 should help.

>> No.8232667


>> No.8232680


>> No.8232705


>> No.8232782
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you cannot escape elitism

even those like me who say that you cannot escape elitism do it in order to feel superior to elitists and those who pretend they aren't elitists still feel the need to be validated for NOT being elitists.

*tip meta fedora

>> No.8232804


Elitism is 100% fine, PROVIDED you actually merit such an outlook.

Schopenhauer had a lot of good things to say about false humility. Nietzsche, more to the point, rightly points out that 'enforced'/expected humility is a consequence of Slave Morality.

>> No.8232882

Still waiting for answers to this.

>> No.8232933


This picture is awful

>> No.8232938

It's not.

>> No.8233015


probably 50/50

We naturally compare ourselves to others in 24/7, so many people probably do in fact think this. So everyone always sees themselves a more or less XYZ than everyone else.

>> No.8233047

I would be ok, if you really were elite in any way.
But chances are you're not, since you're a dumb frog poster on 4chins.

>> No.8233088


Superiority stems from more than just an agile mind. One must also achieve physical mastery to be elite. One must also act in kindness and restraint, for the good of many rather than himself alone.

It's funny though, these truly "elite" people don't see themselves as such. Maybe that's what makes them elite.

>> No.8233095

It's really bad

>> No.8233397


Do I love the people im talking to? In what way?

I wouldn't aay i have any feelings for most people i have casual conversation with.

>> No.8233500

>How do you shake that feeling of elitism?

Get a job and be humbled by "normies" who are more experienced and knowledgeable than you.

>> No.8233548

Why would you ever want to lose that feeling?

>> No.8233635

I think he means that the level of you personal involvement and care for the conversation should be proportional to your care and involvement for the person you talk to.
You can think and say anything with and about a co-worker or neighbor and still live on your terms. But you can't escape being a shitty guy and father if you ignore your children until they are studied adults who think just like you.

>> No.8234026

This. Everyone is good at different things.

For example my best friend is a STEM wiz, I wouldn't have been able to get out of school without his tutoring me.

At the same time I blow him out of the water when it comes to English and history, and helped him in his classes.