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8231104 No.8231104[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what books will make me feel like a beautiful, well-liked, sexually active woman?

>> No.8231118


>> No.8231139

None. There are 2 (TWO) paths.

>get deep into philosophy and abandon your petty insecurities and desire to be accepted

>Go fuck some guys and satisfy your ego. If you're fat, stop being fat, then go get the dick from mostly any guy u want.

>> No.8231142

The one you write.

>> No.8231149

i am a biological male. i don't want to fuck any guys as a boy.

>> No.8231153

you're beyond the help of literature

>> No.8231154

i'm not asking for 'help.'

>> No.8231156

it's true

>> No.8231161

probably true. thanks, anon.

>> No.8231182

>philosophy will overcome your natural desire to be accepted and liked

okay t. /r9k/

>> No.8231191

>>philosophy will overcome your natural desire to be accepted and liked

thats not what he said

>> No.8231203

it basically is though

>> No.8231329

I said abandon your desires. There are a lot of philosophies concerning this, ex. Stoics/budd/christ.

Obviously you cant move past them completely, but you can learn to abstain and live a far more peaceful, happy life, rather than being stuck in the loop that is putting your worth in others' opinions.

>> No.8231351

OKC is a god send for me. With minimal efforts, I found orbiters very easily and some of them are good in bed (I keep those around the most). I use them for a few months, while still getting providers from the site so that I totally renew the stock at least twice a year.

The best part is that there are all possible men on this site. From the young man who loves to try to impress me thru all the ways that I like to cum, while believing that he has the upper hand, to the sugar daddy who would like to have one last natural orgasm before being on Viagra until he dies, to the 30 yo bored man with some girl who no longer acknowledges him.
Thanks OKC for all the free fun

>> No.8231378

You have two options

1. Choose not to be ignorant and use books to enlighten your mind and make you a respectable intellectual equal


2. Read degenerate Trash Fiction or Kafka on the Shore or some basic bitch shit then go fuck Tyrone and Chad like a whore

>> No.8231384

Your cunt is vile...how does it feel to be >deadinside

>> No.8231389

Let her have her fun. Men get literature, philosophy, and science, and women get to be the centre of a private sexual universe for about half of their twenties.

It's just the circle of life.

>> No.8231393

no hymen no diamond, why would want a girl who finally gives up being vain and narcissistic at 25 after she's already been fucked by 20 strangers? Women are only like this in America I swear. Go cut off your manbun, white knight

>> No.8231394

Maybe the Bible

>> No.8231401

maybe the apocalypse kappa #2028

>> No.8231434

>no hymen no diamond
is absolutely retarded. You know nothing about sex or women if you would rather have somebody with no experience versus somebody who has a broad comprehension of sex and relationships.

>> No.8231444

A woman doesnt have to know how to have sex for me to fuck her. You're just trying to tell yourself its okay that you were a filthy whore and have daddy issues and fuck strangers.

>> No.8231448

sex is something that happens between two people. have you actually experienced it?
it's incredibly un-arousing to fuck somebody who has no idea what they're doing and just lays there.

>> No.8231452

also, all a woman needs is one good "broad comprehension". Having a broad comprehension of sex because youve fucked dozens of guys just means that you're a spiritual desert

>> No.8231459

i actually think that in general people tend to loosen up the more partners they've had, and become more open-minded.

>> No.8231460

That's where you're wrong. The woman literally just has to lay there and get fucked. The man does the fucking. No one wants to end up with a whore and have sloppy seconds just so they can "get a girl with sexual experience".

And yes, I've fucked women. I gave them more orgasms than they ever gave me. And they just layed there every time. The only effort they ever had to put in was when she was going cowgirl.

>> No.8231462
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>> No.8231463

> The woman literally just has to lay there and get fucked. The man does the fucking.
> I gave them more orgasms than they ever gave me. And they just layed there every time. The only effort they ever had to put in was when she was going cowgirl.

lol, okay. have fun with that.

>> No.8231466

I did last night. Your mom did too.

>> No.8231468
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>> No.8231470

disconnected and living in a fantasy, yep. I'm just saying that personally, women like you are absolutely disgusting. If I was one to hook up with strangers like you, you're right, I wouldn't care. But in my humble opinion, you're a filthy slut and I would immediately classify you as such and never be able to view you as an equal. And any partner worth having (a guy that actually makes money) will agree. There's mistresses and there are wives, you will never be anything more than a mistress. And you'll always be unsatisfied no matter how many cocks you take because you're dead inside.

>> No.8231471
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women btfo

>> No.8231473

have fun having more than 100 direct and indirect sexual partners, kappa, might wanna get tested

>> No.8231474

you should be

>> No.8231477

i am a biological male.
i know there are a lot of people with opinions like yours on this message board, but they are so completely removed from reality I don't understand what sort of life you could possibly be leading outside of 4chan. relationships don't work that way anymore. actual human males outside of 4chan and comparable websites do not conceptualize women in the way that people here do, because it is an outmoded way of thinking about human relationships.

>> No.8231484

I don't think that's true.
I have been tested recently, I am clean. just because people have multiple partners does not mean that they are completely diseased.

>> No.8231495

you mean that males on here can actually think for themselves and question the progressive agenda that is forced onto our culture by society and media? if you believe that "reality" is men who blindly accept everything they see or are told because "its outdated to only want 1 sexual partner" then you must be very emasculated.


>> No.8231503

you're literally beholden to the exact inverse of what you are describing of me.
I ascribe to no agenda. I have no idea what the media does to people because I am largely disengaged from it. I am aware of what people on 4chan think, and I can say that it is completely insane, and is rooted on escapism and nostalgia for something that was never good to begin with.

>> No.8231513

>ppl on 4chan are crazy cuz they have opinions and are sad at the state of our society

also, watch out calling people insane if youre a tranny, comes off as hypocritical

>> No.8231518

escaping into the past is not a valid way of moving forward to something that isn't awful. the past sucked, what most people on 4chan want is completely delusional. I think the world at present is awful in many of the ways people here do, but I think their ideas for dealing with it are juvenile and escapist. and are generally making them more miserable because they are just impossible to live up to in the present age.

>> No.8231526


amazing how so many people are programed to think if they're not living like Barbie and Ken then theyre failing at life

>> No.8231531

>the past sucked
how old are you again? I've never heard anyone who grew up in the 60's, 70s, 80s, 90s, complain. You're a millenial, entitled shitlord who has been brainwashed at a very young age and indoctrined into the new world agenda. Fighting for what's right is not something that will ever be "outdated". You rely on the government and want a pristine world government so everyone can be the same (equal) as you call it.

Yeah, the past might have sucked if you were a black living in the south until the 60s, but you're not, youre a mentally ill degenerate product of our diseased american society. You know nothing about the past so stop bringing it up. You're a sheltered, spoiled worm that provides nothing to the integrity of our declining society.

>> No.8231532

Patrick McCabe, Breakfast on Pluto

>> No.8231536

Being a woman in your late teens and early twenties is like being one of the rare few men who is a) a genius, and b) recognized for it immediately in his youth.

Most men are not geniuses, and the vast majority of geniuses still don't get any recognition for most or all of their life. There is just too much competition with other geniuses, too many circumstances stifling your free expression and the chances of your being noticed. A thousand subtle factors relegate you to being a squirrely nerd, unappreciated by your peers, excluded from hierarchies and institutions where you would actually excel, etc. Just being a genius isn't enough - you have to have luck and tenacity to succeed, as a man.

Being a woman is like being one of those rare few guys whose cocktail of charisma is either sufficiently powerful, or whose first major project somehow hits on just the right note, to get the attention of society at large. Then, unlike most of his mental equivalents (who are still languishing as 30 year old virgins in PhD programs or working on a magnum opus that won't be read until 40 years after their death) all the non-geniuses at large instantly KNOW he's a genius, and pay him the respect he feels he's due. Everyone wants to hear what he has to say. Everyone subtly lets him know that they admire him, that he's great, that he's a leader and an important guy. And he knows it. He knows he's great. It feels "right." This status and social capital, even if only vaguely and dimly sensed as a possibility, is partly what motivates all the other unrecognised geniuses.

Every single even moderately pretty woman feels like that guy, for their entire youth. That's how ALL women feel. They have the same level of "you know what? I am great! Haha!" as the recognised genius, but at least the latter is more-or-less aware that he's an exception.

The real kicker about the average woman is that she thinks her experience of having innate importance is the fundamental experience of all humans, including men - including all the unercognised genius men doing 5000x as much work as her just for a shot at greatness, but also including the vast majority of duds who will never so much as warrant a pleasant greeting from another human being. The woman thinks all these men live exactly as she does, at the centre of their own private universes. She can't understand low self-esteem, unwantedness, loneliness, or isolation. And she's instinctively cruel and exploitative to sufferers of these problems because of this.

>> No.8231543

lol, why are you even posting on /lit/? do you have any comprehension of history/'the world'? yes, the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s were fucking shit holes. just as bad as the present. our ancestors were in general just as miserable as people are now, either that or they were totally delusional / disengaged from the reality of their daily lives and experiences, living in an imagined present.

you are making so many unfounded assumptions about me based off of **nothing** that I have said, you're just spouting the /pol/ platform, and assuming that I am a "social justice warrior."

>> No.8231544

This is nice and all but I dislike the whole "these other guys are victims of society" schtick.

If you yourself dont have the wherewithal and determination to get what you need, if you're such a 'genius', then thats your own fault. Some fucking roastie has nothing to do with it.

>> No.8231547

Then you have a desire to abandon desire.

>> No.8231550

there are so many women with low self-esteem, who feel worthless and are literally alone. you just aren't exposed to them because they are, yes, isolated.
you are basing your ideas and everything you're saying off of very rigid stereotypes that are just not true at all of the vast majority of actual human women in the world, which you would know if you got out of your 4chan internet bubble for even a day, and had serious one to one conversations with other individuals.

>> No.8231552

Dont overthink it, he's just arguing a change in values.

If you dont value sex and your social image then obviously it wont be such a strain on your psyche, like most people who haunt these threads

>> No.8231554

Just wrong IMHO. The "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" mentality is fine, but any good society has a duty and healthy self-interest in identifying and uplifting Carlylian heros.

This society is an hypegamous nightmare shithole hat is returning to prehistoric levels of petty social capital being all that matters, and women being dionysiac-tier insane whores.

No there aren't. Again, you just think that women's pissant self-esteem problems are similar to men's actual problems, because you can't conceive problems.

>If you left 4chan for one day!!!!
I'm a doctoral student and I'm married.

>> No.8231559

Petty much this. I think he'd be surprised how many of these 'sluts' feel absolutely disgusting inside and how many of them only measure their value by how sexually desirable they are to other people.

Needless to say: Unenviable.

>> No.8231560

Our ancestors had two goals in life, finding food, and passing on their seed.

I know youve been told time and time again that you're very special and because you've been given a warped, liberal education about "history" that you're automatically right and anyone who says otherwise isn't even worth an argument and its okay to tell them "ur an idiot lol go educucate urself", but to anyone with half a brain (a free thinker) it comes off as the opposite of intellectual.

Where are your sources? Tumblr? I'm serious, show me what you've got to prove that the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's were shitholes and much worse than what we have now? Sounds awfully subjective, eh? You're too brainwashed to ever understand that not everything a tumblr post, wikipedia article, or liberal professor tells you is true. You're too far gone. Our society has improved because of TECHNOLOGY, not feminism or social progressiveness or communism or anything else. Our quality of life has directly improved because of TECHNOLOGY.

>> No.8231562

>The "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" mentality is fine, but any good society has a duty and healthy self-interest in identifying and uplifting Carlylian heros.

I guess you're right in a way, but at the same time I'd rather not depend on something so abstract as 'society' to get where I need to go. As far as I'm concerned its just me and my wherewithal to succeed, if I get help fine, but I'm still the hero of my own story. I can't wait on anyone.

>> No.8231564


Well then maybe you should try saying something smart instead of the whole "im alone so im gonna go out and get fucked by chad" thing

>> No.8231569

I think the advice to abandon desire is misguided. All we truly want is peace of mind.

>> No.8231570

I'm not OP, just a random passing through

OPs position is considerably more pathetic so I'm surprised you managed to link me to that post lol

>> No.8231572

You get peace of mind by abandoning useless desires.

>> No.8231574

Are you insane? technology has dramatically lowered the "quality" of the human experience over the course of the 20th century, and prior. it's moved people further away from the immediate experiences of their lives and has alienated them from reality and other living beings. it's the primary reason that people have felt increasingly miserable and confused as to their misery over the course of the past ~150 years.

>> No.8231575

Yeah, this is completely true. This is something that is stated in every religious text. Just goes to show how warped American thinking has become.

>> No.8231576

Don't blame the gun.

A society is only as good as its values. And look at what our society values today.

>> No.8231577

People have always distanced themselves from the present and the uncertainty of the future.

>> No.8231581

what 'society' in general 'values' has not changed very much, in reality, so much as the way that it is expressed has changed. people are just becoming a bit more honest about their desires. society is just as much 'the problem' as technology, and society has been rotten from its very advent.

>> No.8231582

What do you mean by American thinking being warped. I'm not being confrontational, I just want you to explain.

>> No.8231587

americans think that they can 'find peace' by addition, rather than subtraction and negation

>> No.8231588

Sure, but you can't tell another person which desires of theirs are useless or not.

>> No.8231589

Are you insane? You should throw out your computer, stop going on the internet, stop using cars, trains, busses, or even bikes. You should stop going to the doctor. Never turn on a tv again. Don't use a telescope. Don't fly in an airplane. Stop using weels. Don't even use a bow and arrow to hunt. Go out and kill lambs with stones, I know it's a lot to ask of your weak tranny body.

Good luck living to 30. Never take a shower again, and peace out.

>> No.8231591

Thats why I say dont blame the gun.

Until society can change its underlying "firmware", its values, then the same issues will arise again and again in different forms. We have only ourselves to blame for the mess we're in.

>> No.8231592

Materialism and self gratification

>> No.8231593

I'm not interested in doing that, but I sure as hell will dig into myself and refuse being swayed by those so afflicted.

>> No.8231628

>ctrl+f search for "sade"

tsk tsk, /lit/

>> No.8231683

You could also read Orlando, but you'll need good ankles.

>> No.8231975

What would you say to the people before 1850~ who put all their stock into, say, reading the bible a dozen times a year or all the other repetitive tasks they had to do to survive? Things aren't THAT different

>> No.8232041

The Dud Avocado.

>> No.8232061
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>for their entire youth
>10-15yrs max

Women post 30 who aren't happily married are some of the most miserable people on earth. Being a man is slightly better in the long run, imo