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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 800x372, Dust-Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8227217 No.8227217 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ keep the jackets of their books? Why or why not?

>> No.8227248

Not when I'm reading them. After I'm done with a book I put the jackets back on.

>> No.8227261

I use them as a book mark

>> No.8227279

The first thing I do is take them off

>> No.8227280

theyre meant to be thrown away

>> No.8227283


It depends. The short answer is yes, but there's a qualified no. Let's take each in their turn.


OP simply asked if I "keep the jackets", full-stop, period. Of course I do! What filthy mongrel drops money on a book expensive enough to have a dust jacket in the first place (this seems to start around $20), only to throw it out as if it were piece of shrink-wrap, which is often adorned with some pretty, attractive artwork and exterior informative information which is part of the "package" of the book? Dust jackets, although not essential, are a nice "outer coating" for the whole business... when first encountering a volume, or keeping it in storage. And if you treat your books so badly that you ruin the dust jackets all to shit all the time, well... it's a sorry state of affairs. This brings me to the


point, which does not literally apply to me, as I've already said. I keep all dust jakcets. However, /when I am actually reading a book/, I set the dust jacket aside because it is so easily susceptible to damage. Funnily, I was watching old Star Trek movies recently, which prompted me to unshelve my Moby Dick, leaving its dust jacket somewhere safely in the stack. This seems to call attention to the cosmetic nature of the dust jacket, which other anons would criticize. That is, when you're actually engaged in doing what one is actually supposed to do with books, the unimportant frill is to be set aside.

My funny thing is, I actually do read books, but /I also like to have a shelf of books that looks nice/, which I get from my dad. When I got my first place, I consciously modeled my notion of a man's bookshelf on dad's wall, which dominates their master bedroom.

>> No.8227387

I actually find books and bookshelves look better without the jackets in many cases - lots of books have a relatively simple binding underneath that adds a bit of welcome uniformity. The jackets can make it a bit chaotic-looking.
It's sort of like having a bookshelf of leather-bound books if you're too cheap to get leather-bound books.

>> No.8227400

keep on while on shelf
take off to read

>> No.8227469

Reading with the book jacket on is like having sex with a fully clothed woman

>> No.8227479

I would love to throw them away but I'm too afraid

>> No.8227515
File: 32 KB, 480x454, 1411803902574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm the only person who keeps the covers on their books

>> No.8227557

That can be pretty kinky sometimes.

>> No.8227561

i throw them away

>> No.8228136

>implying I understand this example

where do you think you are

>> No.8228407

Do you faggots really have to be pretentious about this and philosophy what is the right thing to do or not. It's a fucking book, do whatever the fuck you wanna do.

You know, sometimes not thinking about this shitty retarded thoughts is the best way to go.

>> No.8228414

so youd say that its pointless to look for an isolated answer to this question because its a moment in the dialectic between throwing the jacket away and keeping it on

>> No.8228415

>Do you faggots really have to be pretentious about this and philosophy what is the right thing to do or not.
Yes. And please use proper punctuation next time.

>> No.8228423

How is that so? You buy a book for its content and to learn from it. Once you read it, you store it and try to preserve it for as long and as good as possible. Jacket might indeed help with that, which is a fucking logical thing to know. And even if you don't use jacket, the book will last at least 200 fucking years if you do not store it under the ground.

For fucks sake, I'm out. I swear people come up with the most retarded questions on this board, since they are the most pretentious.

>> No.8228427

>dude wow i don't even care...

You are not impressing anyone with your mid 2000s edgy teen attitude, it's time to get a job

>> No.8228428


>> No.8228560

clothed sex is my fetish desu

>> No.8228573
File: 321 KB, 1020x866, withandwithout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8228576

this pic gave me reddit

>> No.8228586


Keep if esthetic.
Throw away if a-esthetic.

>> No.8228620

>never doing cowgirl in a summer dress
>never being bent over a table while still in my office uniform

I think I'll keep the dust jackets

>> No.8228621



>> No.8228622

I want a girl to sit on my face in a sundress again.

>> No.8228638
File: 37 KB, 608x608, 1419889544244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you rim?

>> No.8229002

> giving a shit about what people do on an anonymous board
They probably throw away the dust jacket to uphold the illusion that they read the book like that dumbass who believes a book is only read when the spine of a paper back is beat to shit.

>> No.8229005

I keep them if my book has one. I wouldn't have the heart to bin it.

>> No.8229009

i dunno i poppd a bonner on the sex scenes to ride to hell xbox 360 and ps3

>> No.8229053

>You are not impressing anyone with your mid 2000s edgy teen attitude.


I was impressed.

>> No.8229493
File: 447 KB, 2448x2448, sinkodemayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, toss em

>> No.8229507

I prefer both.

>> No.8229545


>> No.8229588

When reading I take them off, but on my bookshelf they are sleeved.

>> No.8229782

I won't buy it if it has a jacket

>> No.8229899


Of course! I am a gentleman after all.