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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 10 KB, 200x237, Max_stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8226885 No.8226885 [Reply] [Original]

>when you realise all the pretentious displays of respect for religion and anything are acts of egoism and all the bullshit everyone speaks can be easily dismissed and it tears lit and all the other pseuds apart

>> No.8226896

>when op is the king of the pseuds

>> No.8226898

>when I realize you are a dumb politician poster and probably don't have a single aesthetic image of a sunset saved

>> No.8226903

>saving images of a sunset
>not experiencing the beautiful futility of life yourself on the moment

>> No.8226906
File: 1.65 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_6783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not op but does this one count?

>> No.8226908

Redpill me on philosophy books that are not based on christianity

>> No.8226916

why is every copy of the ego and his own over $15 on used booksites?

>> No.8226921


>not realizing scholastic metaphysics are about as dope as they come

>> No.8226931

I'm from another religion so i always believe that anything that is based on christianity is another form of gospel.

>> No.8226942
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x800, Screen shot 2016-05-28 at 12.25.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prioritizing ideology over input
don't talk to me or my electric sheep ever again

Nice resolution fampai, did you take that yourself?

I can't say I care much for the ocean/land and the orange/blue gradient borders on stock, but the dark/light/dark contrast progression of the layers of clouds is quite excellent

>> No.8226943

The more and more people talk about stirner the more I want to read the ego and it's own, it sounds like a fucking fantastic book.

>> No.8226948

It's okay, the memes are better

>> No.8227036

>using terms that don't even apply to photography
>contrast progression

>unironically praising an under-exposed program-auto smartphone photo

don't ever mention "aesthetic" again you plebeian dilettante

>> No.8227053
File: 76 KB, 640x480, sunset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating on a visual phenomena for spooky reasons of 'quality' and 'muh medium terminology'

Your sense of the aesthetics is not your own, and has been imprinted upon you for political purposes

Behold your chains, or you will be held by them

>> No.8227422

can't tell if youre serious. your quality of photo just keeps declining

>> No.8227508

Is this what /lit/ is like

>> No.8227615

>I can't say I care much for the ocean/land and the orange/blue gradient borders on stock, but the dark/light/dark contrast progression of the layers of clouds is quite excellent

Are you autistic or do you just like to pretend that you are?

>> No.8228024
File: 503 KB, 500x667, 1450458982336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get too hyped, it takes a while to get good, but the final chapters are amazing.

>> No.8228735

I feel like stirnerposting is one of the reasons why the quality of intellectual discussion on /lit/ has reached an all time low

>> No.8228748 [DELETED] 

As a stirner poster I'll shut up, but the patricians need to re-establish themselves after summer (when's it meant to end wrong hemisphere bros?).

>> No.8228913

>When you realize all displays of anything are an act of egoism

>> No.8228942

Just because a purely egoistic standpoint ends a lot of discussions doesn't mean it's bad.

>> No.8228946

That's exactly why it's bad, and why climate change will literally wreck our civilization, too many egotistical morons.

>> No.8229017

Posting quality is a spook.

>> No.8229069

Everything Strinerposters know about Stirner's philosophy is what they have learned from other Strinerposters. It's pure memetic force. The only way to escape is to actually read Stirner.

>> No.8229249

You sound like a jackass, but in answer to your question:
Guide to the Pre-Socratics -> The Apology of Socrates & The Republic, by Plato -> The Nichomachean Ethics, On Politics, and On Rhetoric, by Aristotle -> The Epicurea -> On the Republic, by Cicero -> Letters from a Stoic, by Seneca the Younger -> Meditations, by Marcus Aurelius -> The Essential Plotinus
After that, Augustine came along, and fused the philosophies of Plotinus with the existing line taken by the earliest Church Fathers, creating "modern" Christianity. All Western Philosophy was more-or-less theology from that point until Descartes came along, and inadvertently paved the way for the re-secularisation of such, though he himself was a devout Christian.
Hume was pretty fucking secular.
The Young Hegelian was literally defined by the fact that they hated Christianity, as opposed to the staunchly religious "Old Hegellians".
The most prominent members of the Old Hegellian movement would probably be Stirner, and Marx. Stirner was a fucking idiot, but Marx is actually worth reading, even if you don't agree with him.
If you want someone vaguely similar to Stirner but with a few more brain cells, then Nietzsche is the obvious candidate.
Once you've read them, some other obvious philosophers to read would be:
Heidegger - Being, and Time
Sartre - Being, and Nothingness
De Beauvoir - The Second Sex (among others)
Bertrand Russell - Too many fucking books to note here.
Ludwig Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, and Philosophical Investigations

>> No.8229256

this man understands quality is subjective

this man doesn't

>> No.8229261

Agreed. /pol/ is even worse, which is funny because they think they're 'red-pilled'.

>> No.8229264

honestly i just hide every stirner thread.
about to do this one now

>> No.8229293

>said the egoist

>> No.8229422

This is not a bad path, I second this path if you are interested in that specific set of philosophers.

Glad not everyone is Stirnertard.

>> No.8229826

t. triggered spooklords

>> No.8229845

stirner is a spook

>> No.8229853

Spooks is a spook in itself.

>> No.8229878

t. triggered spooklords