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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 9 KB, 181x279, infinite meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8226454 No.8226454 [Reply] [Original]

I already own Ulysses and Gravity's Rainbow, so I bought this to complete my "meme trilogy". I have no plans whatsoever to read it, I'm just going to crack the spine (I bought a new copy to avoid germs) and put it on my shelf. Has anyone actually read/enjoyed this?

>> No.8226456

Read it, didn't enjoy it.

>> No.8226527

Didn’t read it, enjoyed it.

>> No.8227575

Enjoy it, didn't read it

>> No.8227584

It enjoyed read, didn't it?

>> No.8227641

D I D N ' T
. T ,

>> No.8228016

It enjoy it, read didn't.

>> No.8228021

For Sale, Infinite Jest, Never Read

>> No.8228029

Didn't readd-it, enjoy it?

>> No.8228040
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 1405033666664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8228059

Reddit, didn't enjoy it.

>> No.8228066


>> No.8228087


>> No.8228089


>> No.8228127

There's one thing and one thing only that the mods could do to immensely improve the board, instantly, overnight, and that's facilitate more threads about David Foster Wallace. Create them, nurture the ones that exist, guide the discussions, and make sure they stay on track. If we're here to discuss literature, ultimately, we are here to discuss David Foster Wallace. There is no way for a person to grasp the full implications of Infinite Jest and not realize this. We're talking about the smartest man who ever lived. You must realize this. It's not a joke anymore. We're seeing the world degenerate further and further into chaos, and we're standing by and watching it happen. You want to fix this board? You want to fix the world? You want to fix your life? You need only take one step: read Infinite Jest. There is no substitute for hard work, and that's what Wallace requires of you if you are to understand him. If you are to understand not just him, but the world. We're not talking about escapist literature, fan fiction, genre nonsense. We're talking about saving our lives. We're talking about meditating on God. We're talking about communing with the primary presence. This is not an issue to be treated lightly.

>> No.8228143

well memmed

>> No.8228148

don't forget to put a bookmark roughly 600 pages in and another bookmark nestled among the footnotes

>> No.8229336


>> No.8229343


>> No.8229354

There is no way this one (You) post gets to seven without samefagging.

>> No.8229415

He's right, the name says it a all. It's a joke on collage boys that carry big well known books trying to impress girls.

>> No.8229850
File: 1.21 MB, 932x1418, Infinite Tangent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8229868

bravo, anon. a tour de force.

>> No.8229875


>> No.8229913


>> No.8229920

nice oc man, saved

>> No.8229923

I bought it for basically the same reason and did eventually read it. It's not as terrible as you might assume it is from all the memes, but it definitely didn't need to be as long as it was.

>> No.8230890

congrats, you just contributed

>> No.8231340

Truly, a masterpiece of contemporary shit posting.

>> No.8231349

woah! u sure go gettem fire wood!
what a massuh, a genus.

>> No.8231719


>> No.8232033

absolute kek

>> No.8232044
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>> No.8232195

Being the only honest poster in this thread, I actually loved IJ.

>> No.8232439

go home dfw

>> No.8232707

one day I'll write an article in a widely circulated publication about the state of literature and this will be my title, consider it stolen

>> No.8232743
File: 457 KB, 500x282, screaming loudly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no plans whatsoever to read it, I'm just going to crack the spine
>I'm just going to crack the spine
>going to crack the spine
>intentionally cracking the spine
>Thinking a cracked spine is going to fool people into thinking he read it
>feeling the need to put up a ruse like this

>> No.8232993

Do you not think its going to work? why not?
I don't want people to think I am dumb

>> No.8233124

1 if you feel the need to give a false impression like that, you probably are at least a little dumb
2 i was thinking of telling you what's wrong with your plan, but since it would only encourage you to be even more deceitful, i'll just give you this: Anyone that wants to unmask you can do it in less than 10 seconds

>> No.8233149

If you want a really foolproof way into making people think you've read the book, read it.

>> No.8233153

>(I bought a new copy to avoid germs)

>> No.8233443

>I have no plans whatsoever to read it, I'm just going to crack the spine (I bought a new copy to avoid germs) and put it on my shelf.
What the fuck

>> No.8233696

Throw it around, rough up the edges and all that shit to make people think you've taken it to hell and back with you.

>> No.8233760

Thank you for the useful advice

That is exactly what I don't want to do. Don't you understand?

I figure no one would ask and even if they did I could just laugh it off and say something, like, "Oh good ole Dave, that jokester, writing so many footnotes!" and then bait and switch them by bringing them to my collection of Penguin Classics (with footnotes) and say "have you tried out any of these?"

>> No.8233786

Everyone stop replying, it's clearly bait, see below

>my collection of Penguin Classics

>> No.8234043

There are already 4 threads about DFW. The fuck more do you want nigger.

>> No.8235509

thanks anon for letting us know.

>> No.8235533

Who will be there to see it? Your mom, cleaning your room?