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8225871 No.8225871 [Reply] [Original]

ITT Read, Expected, Got

>> No.8225896
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>> No.8226002

What I read: Chesterton

What I expected: Woah really serious noir shit.

What I got: le absurdist humour

>> No.8226074
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>> No.8226294
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nobody here reads French though

>> No.8227825
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>> No.8227856
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>> No.8227912
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>> No.8228386

well us french do but since most peoples on this board are americans that don't speak anything else than english.

>> No.8228399
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>> No.8228409
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>> No.8228412
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>> No.8229046


>> No.8229251


>> No.8229279
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>> No.8229288

>but since most peoples
It sounds like you're monolingual as well, Pierre

>> No.8229325

> no eggs in "What I got"


>> No.8229330

the castle in what I got looks like the remains of the castle in York.

>> No.8229426

oui nous sont les stupid americains nous ne peut jamais lire la grande francais

>> No.8229455

>no green light
>no eyeballs
>no bootleggers

>> No.8229465


>> No.8229540

Why would you expect pastorial Ireland or something other than the city of Dublin? Plus the what you got should include a boy holding a coin an looking sad and Statler and Waldorf.

>> No.8229543
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>nobody here reads French though
A2 level only, but I'll keep going whatever it takes, because French is a wonderful language, better than English (sorry guys) and even better than Spanish, the two I'm fluent at (I also know some Italian and Japanese).

>> No.8229584
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>> No.8229587


>> No.8229660
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Seriously, is it even worth reading volume 2?

Does he do anything else besides crying every 5 pages?

>> No.8229665

>I also know some Italian
Provalo, finocchio.

>> No.8229666

Leave Ove alone! He's a sensitive boy!

>> No.8229672

Weird way to say whiny faget, Satan.

>> No.8229694

why would you even expect noir from chesterton?

>> No.8229726

Not even wrong. Caesar is so repetitive

>> No.8231311

>I also know some Italian
I can read (and mostly hear) Italian and understand it, because of it's similarities to Spanish, French and English. I could never keep up in a conversation.

>> No.8231335

>Muh romanticism

German literature is superior in so many ways, thank god I'm a native German speaker.

>> No.8231381

Incase you've never read Dubliners, several stories include priests
through out the whole story of The Sisters he describes snuff constantly being rained on by the old priest.
Don Vito played on a show called Viva La Bam that used to play on MTV. It was cancelled because he was suspected to have been child grooming and molesting 12yo at his signing. In the story of An Encounter the children suspect one of the old men is grooming them and they run off in fear that he's most likely a pedophile.

>> No.8231556

Well, German romanticism was good, the problem is that when applied to the XIX and XX Centuries it didn't end up very well.

At least the French somewhat keep it in the Middle Ages when it did fit a lot better.

>> No.8231567


>> No.8231571

is that you mom?

>> No.8231597
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>> No.8231605

took me a sec

>> No.8231629

I can't find an English translation. Do you know if one exists?

>> No.8231635
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>> No.8231648

Is this supposed to be dawn's fingers? Wasn't that an iliad thing?

>> No.8231649
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>> No.8231651


>"how to stage a coup" confirmed by amazon reviews

>on libgen

well this is totally not going to get me on a watchlist

>> No.8231659

What's really funny is that you were actually expecting viking stuff on a book by a guy so called the norwegian proust.

>> No.8231666

I heard it's the most boring of the books, but I wouldn't know because I only watch the show. Like a pleb I guess.

>> No.8231677

It definitely is. Has it's moments but the momentum from the first 3 is completely gone. I also came from the show and read thru the first 3 in a matter of months because of how entertaining they were. Feast is a fucking pain and I've been reading it for almost 5 months. I need to fucking finish it and move onto something else to recharge.

>> No.8231710

I don't even know why I read all the books. GRRM is obviously going to die before he finishes the series, and with the amount of time I devoted to it, I'm going to be pissed. The worst part is that I completely knew this before I began the series.

>> No.8231716
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>> No.8231724

I've never read an Ayn Rand book, but I think I will soon just so I understand this meme of hatred for her.

>> No.8231725

Don't be so hard on yourself, Satan.

>> No.8231728

maybe start with the fountainhead, it isn't nearly as long

>> No.8231734

nice cover

>> No.8231741

And not nearly as psychotically ranting for 40 pages about a man's labor and his inalienable rights to the fruits of which

>> No.8231747

>Psychotically ranting for 40 pages
Jesus, that's gonna be a chore. Fountainhead it is.

>> No.8231880

President William Harrison died after making a speech as long as the one in Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.8231991

i've started to learn french, but i had to abandon it, because i'll move to russia, so i'm learning russian now

>> No.8232005


>> No.8232274

Very inaccurate. Film was also very different from the book.

>> No.8232285

i speak french fluently

>> No.8232286

What does the colour yellow represent?

>> No.8232290
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>> No.8232367

Are you talking about the use of the color yellow in the chart or in the book itself?
Because it's used frequently in the book to denote spiritual/moral corruption (e.g. Gatsby's yellow car, the "eggs" are white/innocent on the outside but yellow/corrupt on the inside, a shit ton of things at Gatsby's party are yellow, etc.)

>> No.8232409

except not inaccurate at all
it's also not saying that the film and book are identical, just that shot captures the feel of the book pretty well

>> No.8232419

I meant in the chart, but I suppose you've answered that too. Thanks. :)

>> No.8232431

It make the laugh. Was not. It's corn, and but it was grain in the it's mean. Ok

6 am 10

>> No.8232445

people have been making fun of her literally since she first came on the scene
"makes fun of ayn rand" could be a square in philosophy article bingo

>> No.8232447


>> No.8232451
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>> No.8232928

at least the creators of the TV-series have been told the ending of the story by GRRM so the TV show will have the ending at some point,

>> No.8232939


Took her 2 years to write that one speech, I had no clue the monologue in The Fountainhead was merely a precursor to the mental gang-bang that was that speech

>> No.8232960

Tebehe, most philosophy is boring wordy bullshit that makes claims that never even attempts to prove in most cases, and when it does it all resumes to "I Think that..."

I doubt any, and I do mean any, philosopher would get even the barest amount of recognition today.

>> No.8232996


>This is how STEMfags who don't understand philosophy console themselves


>> No.8232998

What is there to understand?

>> No.8233003

you're a sad sad man. i pity you.

>> No.8233008

Unjustified arrogance, ho!

>> No.8233027

as i said, it's pity, not arrogance, you jumping to the latter makes me think you have some sort of inferiority complex, hence your rejection of things you can't comprehend as wordy bullshit. I'm surprised you didn't use the word gibberish.

But not to sidetrack, there are numerous companion books to most of the key philosophical works around, I would suggest you utilize them in your future readings.

Understanding something is not what I would project into the outside but merely use to improve myself int he face of inputs from the outside. I do have a certain pride in being competent in some aspects of life but this is a very personal and private things for me.

Good luck in the future to you.

>> No.8233031

The condescension is seeping through every ounce of internet you used to post this.

>> No.8233034
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>tfw I'm not your monoligual strawman

J'aime lire en français, connard.

>> No.8233052

Why would the crow think he's better than the dove?

>> No.8233058

You made a good point, when you basically said "I read philosopie to train my mind".

The rest of the post reads like some who tries to justify his non-stem education.

>> No.8233105

Though I do in fact think non-STEM tertiary education is a bunch of bullshit. Yet I am studying it. I believe that in order to get anything out of philosophy it must be consumed privately. Education (at least where I'm at) is horribly insufficient in socially orientated educating.

And I do believe, know actually, that reading philosophy has more benefits than can be received from minor cognitive improvements or whatever is supposed to be the purpose of "training your mind".

I have a history in both STEM and non- education and am of the opinion that, in terms of pure non-commercially orientated learning, nothing beats private, solitudal learning.

>> No.8233106


Don't expect too much from anyone being compared to proust in the 21st century.

>> No.8233118

not everyone knows french, maybe if you create some french threads on /int/ that might solve that.

>> No.8233125

should i read it though?

>> No.8233255
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>> No.8233444

Ya for sure. It's a short easy read but it's stuck with me for a long time. You're not going to lose much investment if it's not your cup of tea.

>> No.8233636

I think it is

You a fellow yorkfag? If yes, best bookshop?

>> No.8233850

As someone normally critical, I have nothing but praise for Hyperion. The second book leaves much to be desired though, and goes way off the deep end with pseudo religious bullshit. Still had some good moments but Fall of Hyperion isn't worth reading.

>> No.8233891

Anyone got a Finnegans wake one?

>> No.8234202

Expected: beautiful, dream-like prose
Got: baka desu fuck my shit up senpai WWI edition

>> No.8234240
File: 543 KB, 800x929, Theo-Mercier-Le-Solitaire-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

expected: spaghetti
got: pic

>> No.8234596
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What I read: Lost Fleet
What I expected: Master and Commander in Space
What I got: Groundhog's Day

Why is good military scoring so hard to find?

>> No.8234607
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i love you

>> No.8234611

Sci-fi* not scoring. Autocorrect is a dick

>> No.8234622

I'm also confused why he thought it would be set in Cork not Dublin.

>> No.8234647

This series is partially about space sand niggers?

>> No.8234669

I thought it was just a cluster of small houses or something, not a castle.

>> No.8234694


>> No.8234730


>> No.8234757
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>> No.8234764
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>> No.8234857


>> No.8235069


>> No.8235258


>> No.8235260

I think the man was troubled... why beta/cringe?

>> No.8235269


Accurate, and not a bad thing at all.

Unless you're a poof or something.

>> No.8235271
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>> No.8236736


>poor cropping
>Christopher Rowe translations
>missing most of the content
Wanna know how I know you're from plebbit

>> No.8236955

Downloaded and read it off a /tg/ thread, it's actually a pretty interesting analysis of how various coups have proceeded and the commonalities among them.