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8224406 No.8224406 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Everybody gives his understanding of what a SPOOK is.

I'm tired of all the threads where one anon gives an explanation and two anons will say "that's not it" without improvong upon it

>> No.8224410

Ideology subsumed concepts.

>> No.8224434

"higher causes"

>> No.8224439

What haunts the universe, and has its occult, “incomprehensible” being there, is precisely the mysterious
spook that we call highest essence. And to get to the bottom of this spook, to comprehend it, to
discover reality in it (to prove “the existence of God”) — this task men set to themselves for thousands
of years; with the horrible impossibility, the endless Danaid-labor, of transforming the spook into a
non-spook, the unreal into something real, the spirit into an entire and corporeal person — with this
they tormented themselves to death. Behind the existing world they sought the “thing in itself,” the
essence; behind the thing they sought the un-thing.

>> No.8224441
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A persumed notion that has no ontological manifestation or meaning to fulfill the egos desires. Also, if you don't know about the spook, fail to recognize it as a spook or are fully aware but submit to it, you're still spooked.

But submitting to a spook is not necessrely a bad thing, if it is pragmatic, as the body still has its needs in form of food and shelter. Submitting to society, whilst a spook, can help your ego fulfill its desires.

Either that, or I'm too deep into the society/civilsation spook.

>> No.8224462

Something which you allow to influence your actions despite not being good for you or even your own idea

>> No.8224556
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>> No.8224565

>you like to do X.
>People on 4chan say X is bad.
>You don't do X.

You've been spooked in three easy steps.

>> No.8224573

something you've built up to be of importance in your head but is actually nothing

>> No.8224574

this anon gets it

>> No.8224653

something that hinders your own cause and becomes a cause itself

>> No.8224773

unless what you like to do is a spook...

>> No.8224777

not even then

>> No.8224785

stirner wouldn't agree

>> No.8224790

he would

getting spooked isn't a cure for being spooked, it compounds the problem

>> No.8224805

ok, i see what you mean now