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File: 499 KB, 880x880, kino123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8224086 No.8224086 [Reply] [Original]

I have tremendous interest in post-structuralist and critical philosophy and how it relates to film. I'm looking for films to add to the chart. I don't usually come here I'm on GoodReads or on /r/books most of the time, and I'm french. Sorry.

>> No.8224125

Only good film in that chart is OGF.

>> No.8224142


You mean 'third-person' perspective.

>> No.8224145

>russell crowe

>> No.8224147

>the danish girl
>it's about a guy

>> No.8224155


>> No.8224162

Master and Commander, Man of Steel, amd Noah are recent Crowe kinos that come to mind.

>> No.8224187

What the fuck is "kino" ? Doesn't that just mean "movie" in Russian?

>> No.8224213 [DELETED] 
File: 1.36 MB, 1656x3220, 1466473148471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/ lingo for a really good film.
It started as a sort of joke classification system. From best to worse:

It's pretty broad at this point. Practically anyone can name kino any movie they like.
>Hey, I think Mr. Deeds and The Wedding Singer are true Sandlerkinos.
>BvS isn't capeshit, it's absolute capekinography.
>But BvS is really a flick though.

Hope this answers your questions.

>> No.8224220
File: 1.36 MB, 1656x3220, 1466473148471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/ lingo for a really good film.
It started as a sort of joke classification system. From best to worst:

It's pretty broad at this point. Practically anyone can declare kino any movie they like.
>Hey, I think Mr. Deeds and The Wedding Singer are true Sandlerkinos.
>BvS isn't capeshit, it's absolute capekinography.
>But BvS is really a flick though.

Hope this answers your questions.

>> No.8224228

Gotta love this sequence.


>> No.8224229
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There's also this joke chart that helped to perpetrate the kino meme.

>> No.8224231


Waterworld then. I can watch that boat and Jeanne's ass all day.

>> No.8224239

fucking kek

>> No.8224254


>> No.8224729

> hermenoytic transgressions


>> No.8224817

This is an obvious joke chart, you imbeciles

>He takes memes this seriously
The fuck?

>> No.8224929

The Danish girl was such unwatchable heavy handed shit

>> No.8224939
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>post-structuralist and critical philosophy
>drinking the kool aid

>> No.8224941

Of course it was. It's tranny propaganda.

>> No.8225019
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>Mothlight and Pacific Rim in the same category

Okay, that's fucking funny.


>This is an obvious joke chart, you imbeciles
>He takes memes this seriously
>The fuck?

I know man. I think these kind of fake charts are really god damn funny but then I get all sad when people start treating them seriously.

>> No.8225102

I don't take it seriously.
I simply explained it for someone who asked.
That chart with 12 recommendations is actually good though.

>> No.8225138


/tv/ has some pretty shit taste

The only top notch entry in that bunch is Enemy, Inherent Vice is good, Sucker Punch, Enter the Void, and Spring Breakers are garbage, the remainders are decent. This holy distinction of Kino is complete fakery.

>> No.8225150

>That chart with 12 recommendations is actually good though.

there's two good movies in that chart. /tv/ is a bunch of plebs.

>> No.8225158

>I'm french.

>> No.8225177
File: 74 KB, 582x407, 1466277023227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sucker Punch, Enter the Void, and Spring Breakers

Forgot to mention that the chart is also designed as a pleb filter.
Yes, it still works perfectly.

>> No.8225185

>Only good film in that chart is Mad Max

>> No.8225345
File: 21 KB, 500x252, 1466729718366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucker Punch (Extended Cut) was a treatise on the objectification of women as seen through the eyes of various nerd subcultures. The prism by which the movie is shown self reflects to the viewer their own ugliness.

It's a hypnotizing take on psychological trauma. It cleverly turns it into an esoteric, theatrical, fantasy extravaganza. Its own nakedness makes people feel shameful and uncomfortable.

It's a movie that literally hates its own audience and spits on them.

>"“I wanted to rub the human race in its own vomit, and force it to look in the mirror.”" - J.G. Ballard

If that isn't true kino, I don't fucking know what is.

>> No.8225357

>It's a movie that literally hates its own audience and spits on them.

like that's new.

la chinoise did it a ten million years ago without having to pander to weeaboos with kung fu fights to make it palatable. haneke does it all the time, etc.

stop pretending zack snyder is some genius.

fuck me this is pasta isn't it

>> No.8225402

This has to be bait. If you're French and into postructuralism that chart should be filled with Godard and Truffaut.

>> No.8225419 [DELETED] 

>fuck me this is pasta isn't it
Yes. Doesn't make it less true. :)

On the other hand, Spring Breakers is a party film parody, a dark comedy, and a post-ironic depiction of the millenial struggle and search for identity. A niche film since it's too avant-guarde for the people who'd feel identified with it and incomprehensible for shut-in nerds who've never experienced something like Spring Break.
Corine really trolled masterfully the YOLO crowd with this one, there were girls who had to leave the theatre crying because they thought Selena Gomez was about to get raped.
Truly partykino.

>> No.8225427

>Yes. Doesn't make it less true. :)

no, what makes it less true is that it is retarded.

spring breakers is good, yes.

>> No.8225432

>>8225357 #
>fuck me this is pasta isn't it
Yes. Doesn't make it less true. :)

On the other hand, Spring Breakers is a party film parody, a dark comedy, and a post-ironic depiction of the millenial struggle and search for identity. A niche film since it's too avant-guarde for the people who'd feel identified with it and incomprehensible for shut-in nerds who've never experienced something like Spring Break.
Korine really trolled masterfully the YOLO crowd with this one, there were girls who had to leave the theatre crying because they thought Selena Gomez was about to get raped.
Truly partykino.

>> No.8225468

literally what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.8225474

>Doesn't make it less true
It doesn't hate it it's audience. It just uses half hearted deconstruction as an excuse for profiting on female objectification.

>> No.8225504

Agree to disagree. Your emotional response is signal that the film achieved its intended purpose.

>> No.8225510


It can accomplish both at the same time, bb. This is l8 capitalizmus.

>> No.8225512

>Your emotional response is signal that the film achieved its intended purpose.

>> No.8225521
File: 30 KB, 413x356, 142029276625283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.8225522

zizek ur drunk go home

>> No.8225526

>GoodReads or on /r/books most of the time, and I'm french


>> No.8225547

Why did it take this long for someone to say this?

>> No.8225548


We can only recognize our shame if it is being sold to us, as if it never belonged to us in the first place. Only then can we consume it safely, letting it pass through us without absorbing any of it, like a cup of oil downed in a single gulp.

>> No.8225554


It is hanging so low for a reason.

>> No.8225598


This chart is for people who don't seek out anything slightly exotic like Bela Tarr , Kieslowski, or Bresson, who are the true champions of film as an art form. The closest someone whose taste lies in these sorts of films might get to art are directors like Kubrick.

>muh commercial edgy trash with exaggerated subtext
>muh "kino"

>> No.8225648

Nah, those directors you listed are already established names. No point discussing them ad nauseam. The point of that chart is to bring to the spotlight newer works with potential to become classics once the dust is settled.

>> No.8225658
File: 18 KB, 236x326, goose and roo roo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how the only two consistently great actors in this chart both have autism

>> No.8225665

It is an actual cinematic term though.


Some of the films in that chart do come pretty close to being kino too, specifically OGF, Spring Breakers, Enter the Void and maybe Lost River.

>> No.8225671

>Tarr , Kieslowski, or Bresson

if you want to pretend to like film, at least namedrop marker, brakhage and that thai asshole instead of these pleb+1 tier directors

>> No.8225678

Bresson is certifiably a patrician director though.

>> No.8225693

This chart is so terrible it made me convulse. Fuck you for posting it

>> No.8225717

Normal reaction.

First contact with kinography to the unitiated can alter the body's basic functions and trigger displeasure.

There's a term coined by experts that's been floating about recently in the kinospheres called 'kino overdose'.

>> No.8225732

>have nothing thoughtful to say about life, death, spirituality, history, theology
>"Bergman and Bresson are dead old guys! Spring Breakers baits SJWs so it's like art amirite???"

You are a pseud

>> No.8225773

I never said Bergman and Bresson are outdated. Only that the new guard has its merits too.

>> No.8225792

Well the films are still rubbish no matter how much they attempt to criticise modern society through metaphors and shock value

>> No.8225817

The only thing triggered is your autism when you posted that disgusting piece of mong propaganda.

>> No.8225827

>well the films are still rubbish
for you

>> No.8225841
File: 81 KB, 1024x768, 1466218866909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a "/tv/ successfully triggers /lit/" episode
I thought you guys were above that.

>> No.8225954
File: 52 KB, 600x338, 1465845650986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People give /v/ shit but beyond the mustardrace vs console and other shitposting, there is a distinct editorial kind of taste to the board. Games like MGS2, Soulsborne, Majora and Deus Ex are elevated and given serious discussion whereas games like Mass Effect or Battlefield are derided for being corporate cash-in shit. /mu/ is a bit more compartmentalized due to the highly individual tastes in music but there is a sort of canon within their respective genres and recommendations favor the new and different over the stale and mainstream.

In this respect, /lit/ is probably the best of all 4chan boards in terms of its userbase promoting a unified editorial taste.

/tv/ however, is mostly memes, gushing over waifus, and /pol/-tier baiting. There's no boardwide context. The majority of threads on /tv/ right now are about Game of Thrones. It's not to say there aren't intelligent posters on /tv/ but I am saying it's inferior to other boards on the internet whereas I'm quick to defend /lit/ over Goodreads, or /v/ over NeoGaf and Gamefaqs, every other board on 4chan over Reddit, etc.

>> No.8225989

Couldn't agree more. Sadly there's still good film discussion to be found on /tv/ occasionally, bit it isn't a priority for the majority of the board, too intent on memeing and circlejerking the newest GoT episode.

>> No.8226001

/tv/ is a high speed, high quality shitposting board with creative and esoteric memers, I'd say it is in fact one of the best boards on the whole damn website, even more inventive than /r9k/ and /pol/ put together

>> No.8226010

Good for shitposting, and sometimes you find quality discussion.
Here's a great Malick analysis that came out from a Knight of Cups discussion thread.

>> No.8226011

>even more inventive than /r9k/ and /pol/

>> No.8226018

Let's not kid ourselves, we all know /r9k/, /pol/, /sp/ and /tv/ are the only boards on this website that actually produce content.

>> No.8226035
File: 2.89 MB, 1746x4245, 1460108474731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The board, although riddled with capeshit and Star Wars, often mocks Marvel and TFA, and prefers DC and the prequels.
BvS threads are fun as fuck, and they anger a lot of people. I can't remember how many times I've been called a contrarian, shill, DCuck, pleb, delusional, etc.

Here's some content that has been produced.

>> No.8226050
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>> No.8226056
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>> No.8226061
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>> No.8226068
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>> No.8226613


Fuck this meme is dank.

>> No.8226747

>...are the boards that invade other boards the most.


>> No.8226833

Kino begins and ends here:


>> No.8226881
File: 43 KB, 493x496, 1466085533276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8227262

/lit/ for this feel?

>> No.8227276

Rooney in Carol always looks either legitimately unhinged or like she's going to bolt the fuck out of there at any moment.

Is that just her face or is her character always spilling mom's spaghetti?

>> No.8227288

literally any of zizek's film criticism books

>> No.8227311
File: 17 KB, 418x351, images-134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a /tv/ meme that she's an actual autist who wears diapers and plays with Legos.

>> No.8227322
File: 211 KB, 817x1222, what are they doing with their hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gosling and (Rooney) Mara are both legitimately strange-acting people, who both happen to also have a talent for acting.

>> No.8227373

>/lit/ over Goodreads
add /lit/ users on goodreads, problem solved.

>> No.8227390


>> No.8228449

wtf I hate kino now

>> No.8228592

Holy shit, that's wonderful.

>> No.8228613

I loved her in side effects, her complete turn of personality was a really impressive performance

>> No.8228634

>The Witch
patrician desu

>> No.8229610

aahhhh the French

>> No.8229635

>tfw the Roones will never blindly fondle your face

>> No.8229689

only god forgives is pretentious drivel. nowhere near Drive tier

>> No.8229696
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>> No.8229743

I'd much rather browse a board that makes entertaining, humorous content than one that takes its arbitrary "good taste" seriously, as if it's anything but subjective. People who think this website is serious business are insufferable.

>> No.8229877

I dunno what the consensus is but Knight of Cups was pure fucking ass for me. Terrence Malik makes a lot of ass movies though

That being said Thin Red Line was pure artistic genius, and I dont even like war movies.

>> No.8229900


Fucking newfag ruining this site, holy fuck. /a/ is the only board on this site creating true content.

>2 games
>a fucking orchestra
>every extension for 4chan
>every archive of 4chan

If /a/ dies, 4chan dies with it.

>> No.8229972

Why the fuck is Suckerpunch on a list with good movies?

>> No.8229978

Glad to see the pleb filter is working as intended

>> No.8229991

is this a serious picture of just a joke most of those movies have shit reviews.

>> No.8229993
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1464351161759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8229994

or just a joke

>> No.8230008

rottentomatoes exists for a reason

>> No.8230012

>any taken

>> No.8230391
File: 298 KB, 600x512, 1467356479146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one left with integrity is Armond White. Almost everyone in the business right now is a glorified blogger or youtube manchild who reviews not for the movie but for clicks and appealing to the internet herd consensus.

>> No.8230395

I don't use YouTube.

>> No.8230405


nigger i don't give a shit what you use or don't use. never post here again you insufferable faggot.

>> No.8230408

Harold Bloom never lost his integrity.

>> No.8230435

Harold Bloom is not a film critic.

>> No.8230443

A lot of youtube reviewers are included on Rotten Tomatoes.

>> No.8230456

why are you so triggered

>> No.8230619

What thai asshole are you refering to?

>> No.8230973
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>> No.8232144

>confusing cinema with cinéma