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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 198 KB, 1247x451, Freewrite but it ain't Free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8223046 No.8223046 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest you fags, how many of you actually shelled out cash for this piece of shit?

>> No.8223062

a portable word processor isn't that bad of an idea but lmao that thing is ugly af

>> No.8223065

>a portable word processor

It's called a laptop, anon

>> No.8223081

sometimes less is more senpai

>> No.8223232

e-ink screen portable word-processor is a great idea -- they just chose an awful meme design that'll age horribly.

Give me a thin-ish but sturdy laptop-style thing with long battery life, usb slot, and no internet connection. I would pay $250 for that probably

>> No.8224115

t. Lord Henry Wotton

>> No.8224127


nostalgic hipster detected

>> No.8224135
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Nothing will ever compare to this old school bad boy.

>> No.8224136


>> No.8224587

Would actually enjoy this as a concept for portable writing, since it cuts out the distractions which come with a laptop.. but as other anons said, it looks like Ayn Rand if she were a portable word-processor.

>> No.8224592

Are they not allowed to call it the Hemingwrite anymore?

>> No.8224597

What's wrong with typing on a desktop or a laptop?

>> No.8224718


If you lack the willpower to not waste money on stupid shit like this, then you lack the willpower to avoid distractions that come with a laptop and just type.

It's a stupid piece of shit, but I can see where the designers are coming from.

>> No.8224723


I'm almost certain that you can buy actual electronic typewriters for much, much less.

My Brother WP1 only cost me 75 bucks off ebay and it works like a charm

>> No.8224813


months ago, some moron claimed he was going to get one and /lit/ made fun of him. haven't seen much about it since then.

>> No.8224831

lol, just googled typewriter, i thought these things were just fiction that exist in resident evil 0 HD and REmaster etc.

why would anyone buy one of these? just write on computer, lol!

>> No.8224853

0/10 try harder. I want to feel something from your efforts.

>> No.8225219

I would legitimately like to meet the type of faggot who buys a typewriter in 2016 (the current year)

>> No.8225224

I use it ironically.

>> No.8225234

another way to drain money from uninspired fags that think
their poor writing skills are caused by obsolete tools.
people in ancient greece wrote things you'll never
conceive with just a scalpel and a flat stone.

>> No.8225375



>> No.8225392
File: 42 KB, 620x434, s4tJ4rk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The japs do it better

>> No.8225406

How much cock do you suck on a weekly basis?

>> No.8225411


>> No.8225413


Depends on whether or not my boyfriend is in town or if he's on a business trip. When he's not here, zero, of course. When he is here, I'll normally give him head at least once or twice a week, but I don't really keep track.

>> No.8225414

Post feet.

>> No.8225418

all they need to do is make a good kindle with a good app and fold out keybord

>> No.8225426


You're not my boyfriend, hun.

>> No.8225620
File: 39 KB, 373x420, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8225628


>> No.8225636

Laptops have mushy and shitty keyboards, that looks like a solid mechanical keyboard.

>> No.8225643

That keyboard looks shitty.

The entire appeal is the keyboard of the thing in OP, nothing else.

>> No.8225747

See, the Freewrite in concept isn't a terrible idea. I'd kill for a portable headless OpenBSD/Linux machine with a Cherry or Buckling Spring keyboard and a monochrome display with excellent battery life. But all that could be optimally delivered at $200 or less, and without that fuck ugly case. Oh yeah, and not everyone uses QWERTY. Freewrite a shit.

>> No.8225756

e-ink still has too much lag

>> No.8225757

Where the fuck are you finding laptops with proper keyboards, all I can find are a couple of ricer gaming laptops that weigh way too much, one of which has a flat non-tactile keyboard anyway

>> No.8225760

>not everyone uses QWERTY
>tipping intensifies

>> No.8225761
File: 90 KB, 500x500, dronemetal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been sitting in my closet for over a year

If I want to write anything I usually use wordpad

>> No.8225767

just end it all now desu
sry for cyberbully, but why would you ever spend money like that

>> No.8225769

a decent idea but unless they can get the price under 100$ it isn't very practical

>> No.8225780

I was hoping it would be the thing that finally got me started writing

its mostly the on the go aspect I found appealing but I never found time to actually use it while I was out

>> No.8225784

small screen
you have to look down
keyboard seems cramped
too clunky
e-ink refresh rate a shit
no mouse for copy and pasting

>> No.8225805

The price on that motherfucker is exorbitant!!! You could just buy a cheap laptop fuck that shit

>> No.8225822


>Literally anything that is being sold for less than ~$1000

Don't blame others for the fact you never went to college, anon

>> No.8225828

exorbitant just means extraordinarily large, seems like your expensive education didn't pay off there mr. bourgeois
>t. (not that guy btw)

>> No.8225839

he's saying that nothing below a grand can't be exorbitantly priced idiot

>> No.8225845

am fully in the market for something like this but at about 1/10 the price.

just reverting to pen and paper in the meantime but if there's anything that's not the alphasmart i'll take it

>> No.8225868

>qwerty is king
>yfw it was made to avoid typewriters jamming keys
dvorak is real kangz

>> No.8225883

Maltron or steno is realist kangz

>> No.8225888

>>not everyone uses QWERTY
Could be French.

>> No.8225905

Azerty peut se fait baiser dans le cul

>> No.8225921

If anyone actually believes that, I have some candy bars I can sell them for $900 a pop.

>> No.8225924

There ARE no laptops with proper keyboards that aren't GAYMURR LEL. The only ones that come close are Thinkpads, but only pre-2011.

but in all seriousness
This guy is right
Alternate keyboard layouts are the only way to fly if you actually spend a lot of time writing. Your wrists and fingers will thank you. It's not even really about typing speed, even though I'm much faster on Dvorak than I ever was on Qwerty; it's about having everything on the home row, and the period/comma/apostrophe being in a sane place.

Seriously, some things may be 'fedora-y' but some memes are real. Thinkpads really are reliable. Dvorak really does reduce fatigue, and the current top-speed typist uses it:

"As of 2005, writer Barbara Blackburn was the fastest English language typist in the world, according to The Guinness Book of World Records. Using the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard, she has maintained 150 wpm for 50 minutes, and 170 wpm for shorter periods. She has been clocked at a peak speed of 212 wpm. Blackburn, who failed her QWERTY typing class in high school, first encountered the Dvorak keyboard in 1938, quickly learned to achieve very high speeds, and occasionally toured giving speed-typing demonstrations during her secretarial career. She appeared on The David Letterman Show and felt that Letterman made a spectacle of her."

>> No.8225929

It wouldn't even cost much more to have programmable layers in the keyboard firmware.

2bh I think the future for what you're talking about would be like a super sweet keyboard with a flip out display. There are already a fair few custom builds that do more than this +are actual keyboards

>> No.8225946

Maltron isn't the only ergonomic keyboard manufacturer anymore, but I agree; ergonomic is the true master race. I'm too poor to afford one, unfortunately.
True enough for plaintext, but keyboards cover much more than just plain english. Dvorak is much, much better for programmers AND prose writers, because of the sane punctuation placement (',./=\?+| etc). I use LaTeX for my writing, and Steno would be near-impossible to use with all the curly braces, backslashes, and square brackets.

FLOSS firmware would be a dream, especially if it came with programmable layers by default.

I mean, there was that one custom Pi build built from a hard drive case, and that was pretty cool. But honestly, I want something full-sized, with Buckling Spring or Cherry/Gateron switches. I'm tired of membrane for every time I leave the house. I can't just take my Model F with me on the bus.

>> No.8225948

>Using the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard, she has maintained 150 wpm for 50 minutes, and 170 wpm for shorter periods. She has been clocked at a peak speed of 212 wpm.
Steno has a world record exceeding 300 wpm. He top speed is like a professional stenographer should be able to do.

There are drawbacks (you have to improvise or build your own steno kit, and sometimes you'll find there's like arbitrary correction for certain words depending on theory), but if you like that home row shit you'd probably take to it quite well.

>> No.8225956

this is the literature board senpai, typing fast or much isn't the concern

>> No.8225975

> There are already a fair few custom builds

where do i find them

>> No.8225990

But if you're going to spend a significant chunk of your day writing, you should be using the thing which reduces fatigue as much as possible, regardless of volume or speed. Besides, shouldn't you aim for the top quality in something that consumes a large portion of your time regardless?

I'm not saying you should always use Dvorak, I'm just saying it's a better quality/best quality alternative for those who want to learn how to type better.

As I said here >>8225946, Steno is great for plain english. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it doesn't do too hot with stuff like programming, yes?

>> No.8225996

Typing fast alleviates the existential burden sometimes m8.

Maltron's more ergonomics for disabled people, but their main keyboards allow for fairly fast typing one handed or both (depending on the keynoard). Only problem with them really is the learning curve and the price. And the lack of a split keyboard some people don't like now. And the fairly dated cheap plastic shell.

>> No.8226012

Look up plover and coding. Also just like there are several different theories that are more biased towards either spoken language (phonetic) or written language in how you press the keys to make a word, you could conceivably make a theory for a particular coding language (this is sort of something I'm pissing about with in my spare time)

The custom keyboard building scene is surprisingly active. Certain things most people seem to use or mention are the cherry mx switches and teensy controllers because they're nearly inevitably the basic ingredients for any given build. Custom keycaps I also quite like, some of the effects are pretty good.

>> No.8226033

>price. And the lack of a split keyboard some people don't like now. And the fairly dated cheap plastic shell.
These are the 3 that hold me back from most ergonomic keyboards. The ergodox and its derivatives (namely https://ergodox-ez.com) tempt me, but $300 is too steep for me now. I know WHY it's $300, and I don't think it should be cheaper, I just can't afford.

Interesting. Thanks for informing me; I thought that Steno was pretty much specifically transcription, because that's where you hear about them the most. But thanks for the reference, I'll look into this. Might get a Steno as my next keyboard; I should have a much better job by the end of next year, so fingers crossed about that. Post about that steno theory here or on /g/ whenever you have something working, I'd love to see it.

>> No.8226109


i mean in the sense of people who are just making barebones keyboard + screen things for word processing. do those exist outside of the name brand ones mentioned in the thread already?

>> No.8226115

Afaik it's better to make a stenotype keyboard than to buy one. There are so few keys it's fairly cheap and straightforward. A lot of people get a second hand or junk gaming keyboard and use plover with that. There's a I think canadian company that makes custom keyboards for futures trading that I'm sure someone has said they've used to make a steno keyboard, but I can't remember the price (it's like a board you can stick extra keys into pretty much).

The whole thing with plover is that normal steno stuff is way overpriced usually because proprietary tech. So this is way more accessible (ie cheaper).

If I come up with anything interesting I might post something here. The steno theory angle is only one part. So we'll see.

>> No.8226133

>make a stenotype keyboard than to buy one
Well, maybe it'll be my first foray into custom keyboards, then. Maybe an Ergodox-style keyboard.

>> No.8226203

I've seen a few that involve a screen and everything. I saw something very close to what I described above, as like a portable word processing keyboard, with internal memory and shit. An easy mode path if you wanted to do something exactly like above would be a custom keyboard with custom firmware connected to a bare bones android system.

>> No.8226499

>am fully in the market for something like this but at about 1/10 the price.

So then you're not in the market, you're outside the shop looking in sadly.

>> No.8226536


the dana alpha smart is about $25-50

>> No.8226556


>Those "come off after 500 presses" buttons
>The eye-bleeding greyscale screen

Like comparing a Prius and a Porsche

>> No.8226588

It's called a Chromebook.
I'm getting one specifically for writing pretty soon

>> No.8226598

For that much money I could buy a barebones low-end laptop and simply uninstall everything on it except for a word processor. With the remaining money I saved I could even buy a decent wireless keyboard to go with it so I don't get carpal tunnel using a shitty laptop keyboard.

>> No.8226614
File: 71 KB, 687x576, 1462076472982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feed the botnet, anon

>> No.8226615

>barebones low-end laptop
or just buy a used Thinkpad
really, really nice ones are $400
the good-enough ones are $150

>> No.8226617

Asus C201. Libreboot compatible, 10+ hours of battery life. Shit keyboard and screen, but other than that, you can flash it and get true Linux on it pretty easy, along with completely deblobbed firmware.

>> No.8226618

Business econ here. He is in the market. Its just that the reserve price for the seller and for him do not match. The fact that he is way under the supply curve doesnt mean he doesnt belong to the demand area.

Please go back to your greeks before referring to any economic term you dont know.

>> No.8226620

You should have finished reading my post.

>> No.8226624

I did, dude. That's why I mentioned Thinkpads. Spend $250 on the computer and $250 on the keyboard. Easy as pie.

>> No.8226643

cut the wireless card. Internet's just a distraction from writing anyway.

Asus c100 is what I'm looking at. I wanted the c201 at first, but playing with the c100 at bestbuy changed my mind. Better build quality, more compact, touch screen for faster scrolling through large documents. Only thing I don't really like is its so small it sacrifices a bit of ergonomics, hopefully I'll find a good typing position