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8222987 No.8222987 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever troll the fuck out of your professors?

I mean you could, just for a laugh, or to take a shot at bourgeois society, or just in passing.

>> No.8223029

that's how you get A's

>> No.8223314


It really isn't.

Something I figured out toward the end of my undergraduate academic career (since at this stage you're simply expected to demonstrate that you are articulate and know how to use facts, argue, etc, and not to actually develop large-scale projects or have original thoughts, although those are nice when they happen), is that professors are also human beings who like to get their egos stroked a bit (i.e. reference what they've taught you in their courses especially while writing papers), but not to the point where they actually feel like you're a sycophant robot with no autonomy, because then from the professor's point of view, you're in the uncanny valley.

The point being that if your first object is to get the highest grade possible, you have to learn the professor's personality, and then stroke them off to the appropriate degree. Even shorter: IF YOU WANT AN A AT THE UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL, THEN READ THE PROFESSOR AS A PERSON, LISTEN TO WHAT THEY SAY, FIGURE OUT WHAT THEY WANT, AND THEN SIMPLY GIVE IT TO THEM.

Smart people can appreciate a good ruse as a theoretical joke-abstraction which doesn't impact /us/ personally (but is fun to read about), but even professors have work-product to get through, and in the course of dealing with teenagers they don't appreciate genuinely transgressive trolls (as most of us, also being humans, also don't in our daily routines). The other part to this is that proven academics constantly get emails from cranks, frauds and boring people, so more :^) - tier contrarianism hazards getting filtered out of their own established bullshit meters.

>> No.8223399

>implying lit professors are competent people in even the ivy league schools anymore

>> No.8223459

I wrote whatever the professor wanted to here. If I could detect what stances they had I would write about them so positively it was nearly caricature levels of embrace.

Never forget that one polysci class I had where I wrote about Obama taking away guns and it ended up being full blown nra batshit crazy talking points on how 16 year olds should have a right to carry guns on campus because everyone has a right to carry gun on college campus. I got an A on the paper.

I even with to a very hippy university and I still had a few wing nut instructors and professors. I mean most of them where my stem classes but I still found it funny. Jokes on me though. I took lsd a few times and instead of getting that all we are connected feeling I just became a gun nut.

>> No.8223464

Were they ever? And why am I asking YOU?

>> No.8223552

Freshman year I asked why the Palestineans didnt attempt non-violent resistance and post the results to social media on a massive, civil rights era scale, and why they always have to murder innocents to get their point across.

She was not amused and at the end of the semester I showed up a block late for her final, at which point she failed me with no opportunity to make up, despite my A average in the class. Retook it and got dat A, but lost my scholarship. 14 years later I wish I had just gushed over those poor mudslimes, it cost me like 700 bucks.

>> No.8223575

Yeah. Well sorta.

Pretty much no matter what the topic was I would some how go off on a tangent that would end up with me discussing Jewish media influence, Jewish bone structure, merchant history, etc... It depended on the class. It became a topic of personal interest and I wanted to justify the amount of time I spent away from my studies researching it. I probably should have just wrote a book to sell to /pol/ and storm front.

Anyway, one Prof actually gave me an A once but after several instances of being reported (without my knowledge) I was suspended from the university for a year. It was pretty hush hush because no uni wants the media all over them due to a "rise in anti semitism on campus". The kicker was when the uni newspaper reported an article I had wished for them to publish to the school and municipal authorities. Came back and finished my degree like a good goy. Even joined some pro-isreal, and pro-lbgtq campus groups to make a gesture of amends. Funniest thing is these guys were often more extreme than I was, but I think (((they))) saw it as progress.

Great thing about switching from being a "nazi" to a supporter for Israel is that you still get to troll the fuck out of your campus, but you end up with some support.

Reminds me of the time I picketed the spot Muslims were praying in the library (it was disturbing as fuck, they would pay loudly in the middle of the library) with this on my sign:

>And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.
>Keep libraries quiet!

Needless to say I got a lot of heat by the Muslims for it but I think a lot of people secretly supported me. It was probably some of my finest work on campus. At one point I made sure to be there every time they did it for about 2 weeks. I had to use this equation they use to calculate the time they had to pray at -- so no matter what I wouldn't miss it. Eventually I was told to stop, and the Muslims were given a designated prayer room.

Another thing I did...In every bathroom stall i would write "this is a Sharia law zone". I never got caught for this since it was fairly low key but after I did this for a month there seemed to be an active effort to erase them. I think it was when I started to vandalize the female restrooms...

I was pretty edgy for sure but I actually got a few friends with my more public endeavors. Campuses are the easiest place in the world to troll.

>> No.8223578

I troll profs only so much as to endear myself to them, then I cut that shit out immediately and do what >>8223314 says

>> No.8223605

>back in the day, i really got those stupid butthurt SJW libtards haha! xD

>> No.8223642

Well, why should Palestinians take it sitting down?

Also you were late like a dummy

>> No.8223680
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Tfw had a turbomarxist professor who was proud of his commune lifestyle back in the RAF era in Germany.

>had him in the module for intercultural relations
>his script said on the first page that the module was a success if it is accepted that homogeneity is a myth and that pluralism is accepted as normal and desirable
>write my essay titled "the ethnonational state"
>go full /pol/
>but make it well-researched so that he just cannot mark it down because he dislikes it

I took a huge risk.
results not back yet

>> No.8223697

i never go to class lmao!

one time i went and decided to leave half way through, when he tried to ask me if he should change the schedule to accomidate me better i didn't even turn around
haha i showed that fucker good

>> No.8223748

My College 101 teacher was talking to the class about how rape culture and oppression is real on campus and how the Mattress Girl was so brave to air out her side of the story in public. I raised my hand and said story had been debunked by her Facebook messages to the guy in question and that she'd gone on to make a porno about the incident. The teacher started sputter because she hadn't heard about that and said it was the girl's choice what to do with her body.

After class she told me that I had to meet with her to talk or there would be consequences, so for the next couple of days I hunted down the President of the school in the halls and told him what happened and the kind of shit she was pushing in the class. He couldn't believe it and said I didn't have to meet with her and that the content of the College 101 class would be looked into. She tried to claim that she only wanted to meet with me because I was dozing off in class, which never happened. Now both she and the homosexual grievance counselor give me resentful but also slightly lustful looks whenever we cross paths in the hallways

>> No.8223877

>Funniest thing is these guys were often more extreme than I was, but I think (((they))) saw it as progress.
>extreme is inherently bad

>> No.8223887

you are fucked lol

>> No.8223896

Has anyone else noticed that younger professors tend to be absolute shit?

What's with this "write a reflection on each reading and turn it in each class" garbage? I don't want to write a bunch of shit I don't have any authority to speak to you big fuck. I want to read the shit out of some dank ass books and write a beautiful essay or two while I get knowledge swoll.

And I definitely DO NOT want to go to your stupid fucking undergraduate seminar where the same 5 people constantly chime in to say the same stupid "leeehhhhh look how articulate I am" bullshit and watch the only guy in the classroom who knows anything about the subject (that's you, professor) nod your head, say "Yeah, okay, that's interesting" and pat them on the back for saying it.

Fuck me, what happened to having lectures?

>> No.8223898

Had a professor who never disagreed with anyone. People would say the stupidest things in his class and he'd go "yeah, that's it" or "really good point" nomatter what it was. So we're finally going over Eliot after the professor's slobbered over him for awhile, and at the beginning of class he asks for an annotated explanation of Tradition and Transcendence. Nobody speaks up, so I launch into a schpiel about how it's Eliot rejecting Tradition for the idea of the avant guard. I go on and on, and afterwards people start answering questions with that point in mind (showing they either didn't read it or were too stupid to understand it) and the professor has to stop class and explain this thing for like, twenty minutes.

>> No.8223906


!DUUUDE! I know, this "seminar" shit is so fucking annoying. I don't want the professor to hold my hand and walk me through every goddamn argument of everything we read like I'm some kind of braindead moron, and I certainly don't want to listen to a bunch of 20-somethings take turns delivering their Apple On the Desk monologue to the professor.

>> No.8223915

Yeah, this is why I avoided studying lot in university. That's how college courses are taught now. Your alternative is to find a community with a similar goal. I picked classics, now know Latin and am learning Greek in between intensive lectures and discussions about the ancient Med world.

Shits cash. Definitely beats the horseshit that passed for discussion in the literature department.

>> No.8223921

What do you do if you have a fundamental disagreement with a professor? Specifically, what do you do if your professor insists on putting an activist dimension in everything you're studying when you respect activism but fundamentally disagree with the notion of explicitly promoting any sort of activism via the academy?

>> No.8223928


For the most part my professors in humanities classes have been excellent. I had one good seminar but that's because we had at least two grad students in there who knew their shit and the class was small.

With one exception, the best have been the older professors who knew how to build a proper course out of lectures and reading.

>> No.8223942

lmao so many butthurt faggots in this thread

>> No.8223944
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I have some green text. I am sleepy though, so bear with me.
>Taking history gen Ed
>American history to 1863
>Teacher is from England
>He spends the better portion of the semester talking about England
>His liberal ideas are constantly leaking out during class
>I'm reading Atlas Shrugged on day
>Teacher walks in
>"Atlas Shrugged, really anon!?"
>"What's wrong with Rand?"
>"I don't even know where to begin" he says
>He makes subtle remarks about positivism and libertarianism the whole class period
>Finally finals day
>We must write an essay
>He put bonus topics on board
>'write about what you enjoyed learning about this semester '
>Write main portion of test about assigned topic, civil war
>1.5 pages
>End it with 'and everyone lived happily ever after '
>Proceed to bonus points
>Write 2.5 pages on what I love about capitalism
>Grades come in
>A on the test
>A in the class

>> No.8224014
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Once, in my intro to short story class.
>prof assigns "Hills Like White Elephants"
>explains iceberg theory, etc. but doesn't tell us the story is about an abortion, tells us to come in with our ideas the next class
>I know it's about abortion, and I know a few others in the class do as well
>get to the class the next day
>she asks for our thoughts
>I throw my hand up as quickly as possible
>talk about the description of it, the letting the air in, simple procedure etc. at length, and why Hemingway came at it in such a way because they're discussing a sensitive subject
>she's smiling and nodding
>then I drop the bomb
>"So, all of that considered, it's clear that it must be about the man asking the woman to get a boob job"
>her face when

>> No.8224046

I think you misread eliot. He doesnt reject tradition. Don't pat yourself on the back too hard.

>> No.8224050

Reminder to everyone mad about the schools they went to: it's your fault for not researching your profs before you decided to go there, and for not sitting in on a lecture first.
I applied to 8 schools, got into 8, and visited classes and research my profs at all 8. 7 of them were pretty clearly the shit you people talk about. The 8th didn't have any of that.
>feminism discuss, but none of the recent wave shit, and only if relevant
>revisionist readings in essays were strongly discouraged, and were given poor marks i.e. saying Shakespeare was sexist would get a bad grade no matter how will written
>parroting the teacher's ideas back was a C paper at best
>actual lecture classes with occasional discussion, which the profs heavily moderated so it wouldn't turn into an uninformed wank fest
>essays were the main grading criteria, none of the other grade padding shit
>profs pushed you to write publishable work, and would take extra time after the course ended for the semester if you felt so inclined to take it further
>profs didn't bring in political/ideological leanings into the classroom

>> No.8224051

University is where activism happens, get over it, status quo shill

>> No.8224053

Do you ever troll the fuck out of job interviewers?

I mean you could, just for a laugh, or to take a shot at bourgeois society, or just in passing.

>> No.8224054

Bitch u wrote 4 pages. Are u in 8th grade? Take the cock outta yer mouth

>> No.8224062


>> No.8224067

Kek. What happened next?

>> No.8224069

Come on now, it can't be all schools. Are bottom-tier state schools and private schools that want to be Oberlin 2.0 going to be shit? Yes. Not every educational institution is created equal.

>> No.8224071
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>>profs didn't bring in political/ideological leanings into the classroom

>> No.8224079

My friends in the class laughed, the others just looked on disapprovingly because I sold it so well. She said no, and asked somebody else. Nothing too exciting.

>> No.8224088


>> No.8224101
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Erm, isnt that what this whole thread about?

>> No.8224113

Can you stop posting greenface?

>> No.8224120

Are you that guy who always throws befuddled remarks at the professor during lectures and then looks around the room, hoping to get approving looks from his peers? If yes, than I just wanted to say that nobody likes you.

>> No.8224130

The best way to improve a class you're in isn't to troll the professor but to try to eek the information out of her.

>> No.8224149

>Jewish bone structure

>> No.8224398


No, universities are where people genuinely concerned about remote injustice assemble together and trick themselves into believing insignificant acts and "starting a conversation" provide them with an active role in combating injustice, which role unfortunately often serves as a foundation for an exceptionally self righteous attitude.

I grant that there are a few exceptions to this (probably?) but I certainly don't know of any.

>> No.8224414
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I'll promise to report back. Perhaps even translate my drivel into English, it's only 30 pages.

>> No.8224432

I have a story where the teacher trolled me
>make Biology experiment
>somehow get distracted and let my enzymes die from heat
>plead to teacher for a chance to re-do the experiment
>he says I should simply make up some numbers and hand it in

>tfw he then wrote to that central grading organization or whatever about my academic misconduct

Biology was my best subject together with Economics. Pretty much best in class. Fortunately I still got into the BSc of my desire, but I did learn my lesson. The hard way.

>> No.8224960

congrats on getting accepted into the University of Fantasyland

>> No.8224988
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You can't be an edgy leftist and "troll" your professors. YOU are the establishment, you are actually being groomed for academia. The professors can only survive if their students spew out just as much nonsense as them.

The way to really troll your professors is to say things like "equality is a false God" (the Nietzsche society in UCL was shut down for promulgating this), or come out with some hyper reactionary statement. If that doesn't get you expelled then just identify as some kind of "far-right" modernist revolutionary or "fascist" and you will probably be arrested as well as expelled.

These videos should illuminate things:

Now the """rebellious""" young left are actually just supporting the establishment against those that are *actually* anti-establishment, that is, the new-right.

>> No.8224997

>to take a shot at bourgeois society
>The hammer and sicle

This is sublime b8.

>> No.8224999

What's the nonpleb equivalent of 'awesome'?

>> No.8225015
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Nigga, it was an exam. I wrote 6 pages total. This all happened in an hour and a half.

>> No.8225046

The establishment is a neoliberal and has been for decades now. They believe in social liberties and economically they support the conservative nanny state. Not exactly leftist.

>> No.8225098

ITT: Shit that didn't happen and monstrous persecution complexes

>> No.8225109

I think that you denatured them anon.

>> No.8225333

>taking mandatory "Accelerated Composition" class my first semester
>instructor is one of those young women who isn't full-blown Tumblr but is vaguely soft lefty
>final paper is supposed to be something about social justice, opt to write about how great free trade is because her type hates that (hell, just look at /lit/)

I got a B in the class while like 75% of people got A's, I don't even know why I'm on /lit/.

>> No.8225342

It was """Nietzsche""" club more concerned with Traditionalism and Evola than Nietzsche.

>> No.8225350


That's a shame, because I'm going back to university in September and I was planning on going full Schopenhauer/Nietzsche on them.

It's political science.

>> No.8225947

>every school has multiple professors to choose from

>> No.8225967

>trolling professors with commie shit
>implying professors aren't all marxists

The thing I hate most about you fucking slimy leftists is that you still think it's the 60s. You still think you are the little man fighting the system. Leftists ARE the establishment now. You are big brother. The right wing is tje underdog now.

>> No.8225992

>going to college

>> No.8226040

My last prof gave me a personal handwritten note at the end of the year thanking me for being in her class and for being able to rely on me for thoughtful class discussion. I've gotten along really well with my lit profs. If I was the kind of person to troll others it would be my lazy classmates. There was one dumb guy who always had to comment on everything but he clearly never did any of the readings. Never knew what the fuck was going on.

>> No.8226077

>My last prof gave me a personal handwritten note at the end of the year thanking me for being in her class and for being able to rely on me for thoughtful class discussion.
What if she was sarcastic.

>> No.8226082


you're a retard

>> No.8226085

>The thing I hate most about you fucking slimy leftists is that you still think it's the 60s. You still think you are the little man fighting the system.
this part is true
>Leftists ARE the establishment now. You are big brother. The right wing is tje underdog now.
this part is delusional
when you're so retarded you can't tell neo-liberal and communist apart there's just no helping you

>> No.8226088

Considering I picked my professors using RateMyProfessor for both ease and hotness I ran into none of these issues

>> No.8226094


This works if you're stupid and illiterate, but if you are actually competent to humanistic study you're trolling everyone so hard you loop back around to trolling yourself.

>> No.8226101

nobody truly cares what you think outside of the moment where your prof grades your paper. The best thing to do is not to talk. Be safe. Get something to protect your head like a helmet. Beware. Shut the fuck up. It's for your safety m80. There are dangerous people out there and you can't predict them. Social pleasure is a luxury and a huge risk as well as a waste. Stay in. Keep healthy. Lock your door.

>> No.8226113

She was a pretty nice to me all the time. She was also really open with her dislike with some of the other students. I'm nothing special but I don't go out of my way to argue with the prof about who actually wrote Shakespeare's plays.

>> No.8226127

There is so much disagreement in and among the academic left, at all levels, from the theoretical to the practical, that the fact that you blathering simpletons decry the so-called "left" reveals how truly retarded you are. Did you know, for instance, that self-identifying as a Marxist is currently so out of vogue that it's almost taken as contrarian undergraduate edge? Did you know that Marxist theory has largely been abandoned in academia outside of a few eccentric 80s-90s leftovers? Of course not: you're retards who conceive of everything as left/right, good/bad, in/out. The current multicultural left has almost nothing to do with Marxism. Mostly they are followers of Foucault, who actively besmirched Marx, Marxism, and dialectics in a number of his more theoretical, later works. The fact that you think aping the prof's pet beliefs is the road to an A is symptomatic of the present state of things. A's do go to these people, but artful, insightful, and critical essays that don't endorse any particular program, favoring instead honest attention to the subtleties of the text, do well, too, and rely on more important skills to produce.

>> No.8226130


I can't retreat from the world like that, friend.

I have one more year of university, and this particular course, left to do. I took a leave of absence for no good reason, I must admit.

My first two years consisted of almost constant out-of-class meetings/arguments with my lecturers in their respective offices, due to having constantly given me shitty grades for not adhering to the progressive party line.

It used to bother the fuck out of me. They usually buckled upon being forced to concede that my arguments were both reasonably and properly Harvard referenced.

In the time that's passed, I've come to like the idea of being the black sheep in a seminar of <12 people.

>> No.8226137

>who actually wrote Shakespeare's plays
It was obviously Jesus.

>> No.8226146

In fact, I'd go as far as to say taking a humanistic study is itself a form of self-trolling.
not even a STEMfag :^)

>> No.8226153


>No True Marxist

You're looking at the particular to the fundamental's detriment.

They still find common ground on all sorts of absurdities, such as the antipathy to national borders, moral/cultural relativism, etc.

>> No.8226154


thanks for more stupidly repeating me

>> No.8226259

I had a very obese english professor who hated religion so I spouted Catholic theology whenever I was asked to speak

Fortunately that class was joint taught with a much cooler and thinner professor who graded the papers so I got an A

>> No.8226274

i'm gonna need supporting evidence, otherwise i'm writing you off as another victim-complex

>> No.8226337

Marxists will not be threatened and beaten up on a college campus. Nationalists will. You're establishment, enjoy preaching to the choir.

>> No.8226816
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>asking questions/making remarks during class

After 4 years I've never heard someone ask a question which had any value.
Just shut up. Pay attention. Take notes. And don't bother people with your stupid dumbfuck remarks.

>> No.8226842


What does 'neoliberal' even mean?
What I read it's just another shitty synecdoche so you don't have to use the loaded term 'fascist', which you guys overused to the point of becoming meaningless.

Neoliberal is starting to devolve into the same sort of shit.

>> No.8226895

Literally didn't happen

>> No.8227212

It's the lefty equivalent of RINO/cuckservative.

>> No.8228162

All anons who are underage lurkers going to college listen to this anon
Sometimes I do sometimes I dont
I remember a ghetto nigger who used to spew the most postmodernist garbage out at a new English professor, barely able to hold back his laughter, and she just ate it up and rolled with it.
One time I had a legit Marxist professor and I was doing badly in his class until I started throwing in words like bourgeoisie and dialectics to my essays

>> No.8229177

rofl i finished college with a 3.9 and as a right-winger ima let u know that hard work doesnt ensure a good grade. arguing against an ideologically motivated professors beliefs guarantees you an A- at best. Aping their stances with half the effort would earn you a solid A. TA graders are a wild card though.

>> No.8229317
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Everyone on /lit/ does English degrees kek get my coffee boys

>> No.8229328

that's some nice victim mentality

>> No.8229503


That's all very nice sophomore ('blathering simpletons decry?' Calm your tits.), but as I said toward the top of the thread, if all an undergraduate student really cares about is getting a good grade, then the best strategy is to simply give the professor what they want. In general, this does mean "being agreeable" in one's writings, and aping certain of their words where appropriate. The trick is to do a low level of sycophancy while entertaining the alternatives in your own narrative so that you are at the very least affecting independent, critical thought - as others have indicated, revealing one's own power level may be hugely detrimental, depending on the circumstances.

To be clear, you do write like a melodramatic sophomore throughout most of your post. That said, upon a re-read, your last sentence is literally true. My "agreeableness" strategy does not preclude such "neutral" papers, but it does behoove one's prose to adopt a phrase or three, a word that they really seem to like, that the professor doles out during the course. This too is "agreeableness".

Ph.Ds, independent of their politics, are smart people. They are so smart, that (this part is important) if they're in the /right mood/, then they may entertain a Modest Proposal or a contrarian thesis in the context of a term paper. Catch one in a bad mood, or make your point imperfectly, and your little stunt hazards a C.

However, Ph.Ds are also human beings, and human beings, even smart ones, are not immune from preferring those who generally agree with themselves on things, or who seem to. This is why the easy route, the path of least resistance, in a word /the best strategy to get the highest possible grade/, /if all that you really care about is the grade/ (remember that latter clause, it's important), is to strike a mostly agreeable tone. Just pepper in some of the "push-backs" and deal with them in your own way in the course of your narrative, so that the professor doesn't get completely bored or suspicious reading your thing.

All of this supposes that the student has decided for whatever reason to "play ball" with the academy, by which the academic left may be understood as a nearly coterminous phrase. A reasonable alternative would be to reject it.

>> No.8229861

please dont reply to one of my posts ever again, thanks

>> No.8229865
