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/lit/ - Literature

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8220213 No.8220213 [Reply] [Original]

Why the general public perceives intelligence as a good thing, and reading as an admirable hobby, that they mock anyone who doesnt like to read as an ignorant? Why mainstream culture is obsessed with everyone being intelligent to the point people who doesnt read are markes as hillbillies?

Do people really believe that if the average person was intelligent he would lead a succesful life? They actually believe that everyone from the bartender to the street gangsta would behave better if they read Classical Literature? Is intelligence a meme in current society?

>> No.8220229

>so illiterate he can't even formulate a question correctly


>> No.8221140



As long as you get the idea...

>> No.8221152


I don't know where you're getting these ideas from. The world hates readers and thinks of them as boring nerds.

>> No.8221226


I get them from public institutions and academics that are constantly encouraging reading amongst the general public.

>> No.8221285

Culture is always the greatest hypocrite. It will glorify books and those who read them as "intellectuals", because books and their stories make men wiser. And while doing that, it will belittle those who enjoy good stories and wisdom that is carried trough other sources, like certain video games, and those people will be told they are not doing anything productive. It will be impressed my chess and consider it a sport, while condemning other forms that challenge the mind and improve strategy (again, some video games are on the list).

Culture generally doesn't know shit and is based on hypocrisy, ignorance and deception, which are the pillars of society.

>> No.8221292

>Why mainstream culture is obsessed with everyone being intelligent


what an absolute load of shit

>> No.8221310

mainstream culture is fascinated by the concept and notion of intelligence- and that is about it. they don't like intelligent people. they just like the concept of intelligence, because they see it as a sort of power and would like to posses it. pretty misguided.

>> No.8221322
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>like certain video games

>> No.8221328


The elite craft and guide culture, the elite prefer not to foster too much competition, and thus the intellectual is ridiculed and made a worthless thing in modern times.

The media that displays "excessive" intelligence as a good feature are the minority. Though the school does more to foster this with its current organization.

Not all intelligent people are wealthy, but wealthy people skew on average to a 120 IQ. 110 is also middle class, and 100 is for poor or so.

Admittedly these approximations were from a study on weed use, but there is certainly an incentive to undermine intellect.

>> No.8221384

You are the embodiment of the idiocy i am talking about.

>> No.8221621

wha t you are doing, is just projection your own limited belifes.

>> No.8221652

>good stories and wisdom carried trough other sources
>video games


>> No.8221756

lol this whole thread is jus op trying to justify playing vidya

>> No.8221759


When you see on media that people who doesnt read are considered idiots, you start thinking about these things.


Just like the people that like Strength as a concept but despise lifting?

>> No.8221771


OP here, I am not justifying videogames as a valid source of culture, in fact I believe it would barely clasify as pop culture. >>8221384 is another Anon

>> No.8221786
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>spouts the "le videogame isn't an artistic medium" meme
>expects to be taken seriously.
Vidya is currently in a dark age of anti-intellectualism, just like any capital-based artistic medium, but that doesn't change the fact there are videogames that attempt to be thought provoking by using methods that are impossible in film/literature, and succeed.

If you fail to acknowledge these, then you are nothing more than a pseud or pretentious.

>> No.8221801

>just like any capital-based artistic medium



>> No.8221809

I didnt even say vidya was bad, i just think you're pathetic

>> No.8221827

I'm not him (see new IP), I just think anyone who thinks vidya is bad/has no potential is retarded.

You're right though, he was pretty pathetic. It's like he was trying to justify his addiction to vidya that's consumed his entire life, even though the medium is 95% garbage.

Poor people couldn't give commissions. Only the rich were the ones who paid for art. Now, the rich are making "art" to sell to the poor.

>> No.8221839

>Poor people couldn't give commissions. Only the rich were the ones who paid for art. Now, the rich are making "art" to sell to the poor.


>> No.8221906

games are essentially dictated by the player, hence it isn't art. Without gameplay it maybe art, but with it, nah.

>> No.8221909

>hence it isn't art


>> No.8221959

Not only is that a generalization and arguably incorrect, but what correlation does "player agency" and "art" have?

I think videogames that are an active experience--such as Majora's Mask--where you are the character, you are able to become more invested in the world and thus treat it more seriously. As a result, you're able to more easily dissect and explore the meaning of things within the game, because they're a simulation of real life. In the aforementioned game, you can realize that when you put on the different masks of the different races, you may notice the subtle "differences" when you interact with people. This is definitely one of the lightest examples of the game's genius, but it's still powerful because it uses the players choice to wear a mask to deliver a message.

Videogames can deliver messages based on the actions of the player, meaning that every message you'll get will more likely apply to you than any other medium.