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/lit/ - Literature

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8218996 No.8218996 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any qt girls that actually read novels of substantial merit that aren't feminist prudes? All the girls on my campus read shitty YA and distopian novels. Ever met a girl that really loves to read good books, /lit/?

>> No.8219001

I know one.

She is a Greek lit student and actually knows some of the language.

>> No.8219006

She cute?

>> No.8219007
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>> No.8219017

>>YA and dystopian novels

I don't see the connection. Women I know who give off feminist vibes read political or historical books. The low class plebe women read YA shit.

>> No.8219037

Not much, unfortunately.

>> No.8219040

I don't know if I'm qt, but I love classic literature and poetry. Fucking can't stand the so-called books most people my age read nowadays, not a feminist either but that's besides the point. I wish there were more well-read people in my peer group, I sound like a pretentious edge lord, I know, but I usually have to find older people or come to /lit/ to find individuals with similar literary taste.

>> No.8219047

There is no such thing as feminism. Only normal people and sexists.

>> No.8219049

Maybe it's just my campus, anon. Every girl I've ever seen reading here is reading whatever popular distopian/YA novel is a fad right now. Then, they try to play it off as good literature.

>"The writing may be a lot different from something written decades ago, but writers of this generation have to alter their style to suit the minds of their readers."

>> No.8219054

No, because attractive people have satisfying social lives and don't need to read. You might be able to get the unattractive ones, but unfortunately you're a pseud.

>> No.8219055

you must be from a very underprivileged educational institution then

>> No.8219061 [DELETED] 

>I don't know if I'm qt
so post pics jesus

for a "well-read" person you really seem to lack in common sense

>> No.8219063


>> No.8219064

No, one of the best in the world for health-related and STEM careers, desu. Very few people know we have Humanties related majors though.

>> No.8219065


I knew a few in college. They were so fucking ugly it was almost tragic.

>> No.8219071

so then if you're in humanities it's a shit uni either way

>> No.8219074

There's a meme in society of some kind of entrepreneurial post-capitalist industrial-scientific "productivity" thing, and they are expressing the meme because they are demi-conscious memebuoys floating on a slurry sea of currents you can only see if you zoom out
It's exhausting even trying to give an answer to this question. You need to like phenomenologically bracket every single word and write a book explaining that they aren't even people. They aren't even conscious. They aren't even having "opinions". STEM people are like robots with human skin stretched over them. To say "they are dismissive of the humanities" is implicitly to admit I think there's a "they". STEM people don't even fucking exist. They are a statistical gaseous nebula of random particles wafting across continents and periodically expressing junk they picked up along the way. Why would you even talk to them?
Talking to a STEMfag is literally like being some kind of Buddha, ascending reality, then coming back down and talking to bees who were dudes in past lives. I'm sure these bee niggas can be saved or whatever, but let's just wait until they're back in human form. Don't walk around going "BEES, STOP BUZZING, PUT DOWN THAT POLLEN, LISTEN TO ME ABOUT HOW EVERY CONCEPTUAL CATEGORY YOU HAVE FOR EVEN THINKING OF THINGS WAS SHAPED FOR YOU BY AN UNCONSCIOUS SLUDGE OF MEMETIC POLYALLOY THAT FLOWS IN PREDICTABLE CURRENTS FROM YEAR TO YEAR THROUGH THE HIVE IN WHICH YOU WERE CONCEIVED"

>> No.8219082

Only /lit/ would completely ignore a """femanon""".

Stay /lit/, /lit/. Never change.

>> No.8219086

>run into friend at the bar
>she's chatty as fuck so she's easy to hang out with
>she asks me what I did that day
>mention reading
>omg anon! You should date my friend, she reads too!
>cring internally
>she knows I don't like the idea, but keeps pushing it anyway
>shows me a pic of her reader friend
>hot as fuck/10
>mask my intimidation behind a shield of post-ironic nu-sincerity
>"she looks like she has shit taste"
>friend keeps going on about it because my personality is wrapped up in so many layers of irony nobody ever knows what I'm saying
>probably going to end up going on a date with this Barbie based on the fact that we both read books
>probably going to talk shit about her taste because that's just my persona
Welp. Wish me luck, lads.

>> No.8219087

>that aren't feminist prudes

I can practically smell your bad bo and see the food stuck in your neckbeard

>> No.8219088

>not a feminist either

So you don't believe you should be paid the same amount as a man of equal experience and training?

>> No.8219092

keep your hate speech off of campus

>> No.8219093

Stop listening to David Icke

>> No.8219106

it's not their fault though, blame it on the preference in society for one's ever-narrowing professional specialization.

and to be fair STEM fields are p hard and demanding in a way that humanities just won't ever experience, prolly because of the old responsibility thingy. So STEMlords are really even being selected mildly against talkative happy-go-luckies from the youngest age, because if a stemlord says something painfully wrong even just once, it won't be just thirty kids in his classroom getting out of college thinking Shakespeare was a black woman, it'll be a collapsed bridge and potentially hundreds of dead people

>> No.8219111

Normally, I wouldn't respond to this. However, I'm actually a true normie. Did well in high school, played soccer and football, got a football scholarship to kick and punt at a large college. Hated the college football culture, transferred to an equally large school because I quit playing football and lost my scholarship. Now, I'm finishing up my Masters - bow hunt deer during deer season, fish during the off season, hike, and read. Not everyone who visits /lit/ is a cave dweller. Some of us are really regular people.

>> No.8219113

Please, do consider suiciding.

>> No.8219116



I did it again

i shitposted over the Internet mom

>> No.8219119

Good luck, friend. Try not to talk shit about her tastes, focus on the things you have in common. Also, if she really is good looking, pull out all the stops: pick her up, open her door, pull out her chair, pay for her meal. On 4Chainz, everyone is a big man behind a keyboard when it comes to women. Just be nice, don't sperg, and it'll work out.

>> No.8219122

my personality is wrapped up in so many layers of irony n̶o̶b̶o̶d̶y̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶s̶ I don't know what I'm saying

>> No.8219132

>not sure if this is a shitpost or not

>> No.8219137

Yeah, I know all that, it's more a matter of actual attraction on both our parts. Past the courtesy and the chivalry and the small talk, because at the end of the day I don't want a girlfriend and it's going to take a pretty great person to change my mind about that.

well there goes the top layer

>> No.8219141

>reading for girls

found the pseud

>> No.8219142


>> No.8219148

you're both on a theme park ride through the world of literature anyway with no genuine commitment to the art

>> No.8219149
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This is a shitpost but he kind of has a point, OP.

>> No.8219155


1. You sound like a fucking faggot, work on your phrasing, or, being less of a fucking faggot for that matter
2. Difference between a feminist and feminazi sjw, i think you meant the latter
3. The answer you're looking for is pretty much here >>8219049
4. I myself have not met any cute girls who read at my university. This has to do with where our society is headed with the arts in general becoming less and less important in our education system and the increase in video/film becoming the dominant medium
5. By dystopian you're referring to HungerGames/Divergent/Scorch trials and shit like that, rather than Fahrenheit 451/Brave New World etc. that are classics, or all of them?

>> No.8219165

Maybe the previous two are. I see how you arrived at that conclusion though.

>> No.8219166

>You sound like a fucking faggot, work on your phrasing, or, being less of a fucking faggot for that matter

Ah, okay. Thanks. I'll try harder next time.

>> No.8219167

The closest thing I've found is a girl who reads shit like David Eggers and Juniot Diaz

I'll stick to my Guatemalan qt who reads lowbrow memoirs and paints flowers in her spare time

>> No.8219197

I'm a girl who reads but I'm trans and pretty much everyone who knows me knows me as a guy still, so that's not much help here

>> No.8219204


>this post


>> No.8219265

I fucked a girl a few months ago who considered herself an intellectual because she idolized Sylvia Plath and had read a summary of Beyond Good and Evil at some point. I'm unsightly as shit and she was a solid 9, at least in my opinion, but she was still down for it because she proclaimed she was a sapiosexual about ten times. She was really into getting hurt, which kind of isn't my thing, but I went with it for the hell of it. I'm not sure just how much pain it would take to satisfy that woman because I did everything short of elbow dropping her like Macho Man Randy Savage and she still didn't seem content. It was a very strange night.

>> No.8219286

All women are pseuds.

>> No.8219443
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You sound insufferably up your own asshole. I feel worse for the barbie pleb with the shit taste than you in this scenario.

>> No.8219557


>> No.8219558

>bow hunt deer
>not a neckbeard

>> No.8219605

>Difference between a feminist and feminazi sjw
Same thing. Feminism is female chauvinism.

>> No.8219607


>> No.8219614
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Yes it is. It is also pushed by the elites to keep the proles divided just like any other form of supremacism based on identity.

>> No.8219620

no they arent jesus
I made the second one, technically I don't have proof but if it would calm you I can always shoop it

>> No.8219622

*nods politely* yes it is dear :)

>> No.8219627

>le women should just accept their lot as to not split the class struggle meme

>> No.8219638
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I don't really care what you think honey, in the end you're just another urinal for the plutocrats.
What lot? White women are the most privileged people on the fucking planet.

>> No.8219641


>> No.8219645

>White women are the most privileged people on the fucking planet.
[citation needed]

>> No.8219649

we all are sweetie :)

>> No.8219653

[1]common sense, 06/29/16.

>> No.8219658

really makes you think

>> No.8219661

That's funny. According to the same source you're a bitter ugly loser.

>> No.8219686

There isn't a more pampered and economically well off class of people that I know of. They want to be victims because we live in a victim culture instead of an honour culture these days but they're really not.

>> No.8219688

I don't think that could be deducible based on what I had said and using that source, no. It doesn't automatically mean that you're wrong about it, nor does me saying this mean that you're right, for that matter, but at any rate the reasons that you're offering for why I'm a bitter ugly loser just aren't legitimate.

By attempting to propagate the belief of it being common sense that anyone who opposes covert fascist sexism is a "bitter ugly loser", and expecting that you'll get away with it scot-free on a fucking predominantly male website, without making any actual arguments, just goes to show what a tremendous amount of undisputed privilege you've been conditioned to expect.

That shit might fly with nu-male beta cucks that you surround yourself with in your real life, one possible reason being that YOU are not able to do any better. I guess that we really do prefer rational thinkers over here in the dominant traits gene pool.

>> No.8219689

Isn't that the definition of a feminist tho?

>> No.8219692

Sonce when are women more economically well off then men.
>we live in a victim culture
I can tell by your whining.

>> No.8219697

>What lot? White women are the most privileged people on the fucking planet.

Kek. The only people who believe this are pussies who let women walk all over them.

>> No.8219698
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>I'm a girl
>but I'm trans

>> No.8219702

>expecting that you'll get away with it scot-free on a fucking predominantly male website
[citation needed]
>without making any actual arguments
The irony.
>just goes to show what a tremendous amount of undisputed privilege you've been conditioned to expect
Do think I'm a woman?

>> No.8219703

>Sonce when are women more economically well off then men.
They're not economically disadvantaged in any way, shape or form, do note however that I'm specifically talking about white women.

>> No.8219706

>Do think I'm a woman?
Is there a difference between a feminist nu-male and a low quality woman when it comes down to it?

>> No.8219707

Me desu

>> No.8219710

>Do think I'm a woman?
I was kinda hoping you were in order to save you at least some face, you sad fuck

>> No.8219716

What's a nu male?
Are you triggered?

>> No.8219720

>What's a nu male?
Look into a mirror.

>> No.8219722

there isn't one sharp object on your entire body that could potentially have pulled any of my triggers, you sad fuck

>> No.8219724

That's different from saying they're more [or equally] economically well off.

>> No.8219726
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W-womyn are the best! So m-much better than stupid men like me.

Pls sleep with me.

>> No.8219727

It's a person?

>> No.8219731

>that I know of.

found the flaw in your methodology

>> No.8219736

you really just wanna get laid don't you

>> No.8219740

Than the rest of the population? No. They're just as prosperous as white men but have done much less to deserve it.

>> No.8219741

>confirmed for attending shit-tier uni

Also, go back to /r9k/ with your pathetic 'men vs women' identity politics bollocks

>> No.8219744

>They're just as prosperous as white men
Not without controlling for other factors.

>> No.8219745

I imagine you saying this in a feminine voice and wouldn't be able to help but kek were it not for the fact that in a predominantly female company this kind of reasoning (that since I'm replying it means I was ""triggered"") would probably actually be acceptable and you'd literally be considered, inside that company, the winner of our conversation.

I just hope that you're aware how bad it is when you behave ignorantly like this. I'd rather have a sociopath on my hands who intentionally shills ""feminism"" and all that it secretly actually isn't in order for the world to collapse, than a completely ignorant beta loser.

>> No.8219748

man i really wish people would say this shit in more imaginative ways. i can't believe people type this out and think "yeah, that is adequate. i'm doing the best i can" before selecting five different shop fronts and waiting for the internet to tell them their post was successful

>> No.8219749

Such as?

>> No.8219754

Name me one. Jews?

>> No.8219755

>predominantly female company this kind of reasoning (that since I'm replying it means I was ""triggered"") would probably actually be acceptable
Yeah 4chan is obviously female dominated. The writers of south park are mostly women too.

>> No.8219756

is that how you come to conclusions? you sit there passively waiting for the answers to be revealed to you?

>> No.8219765

No but I assume that is how you reach yours. You're the one touting the establishment's propaganda.

>> No.8219771

>no u

oh ok. you know absolutely nothing about what i support because i haven't mentioned it once in this thread. what are you doing here, pseud? are you purposely contributing nothing to lower the board quality? is that how you're fighting back against women? by being the dumbest man on the internet?

>> No.8219784
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>fighting back against women
>dumbest man on the internet
It's funny because you haven't a clue about who I am or what I think either. I just assumed that you were one of the infantile men in this thread who promoted feminism.

>> No.8219817

>pick her up, open her door, pull out her chair, pay for her meal.
Yeah, the best way to fuck a hot girl is to behave exactly like all the other thirsty m'ladies that constantly swarm around her.

>> No.8219848

The secret is to be good looking

>> No.8219852


My ex girlfriend read only Vonnegut, and she read all of his books twice. She tattooed Vonnegut shit on her fucking body. When we went to the gym, she read Vonnegut on the treadmill.

>and she was an English honors student

>I miss that big fat ass she had

>> No.8219855


I love u

>> No.8219863


I don't really see the issue. Vonnegut is warm, almost banally sincere, and kind of funny, all in a granddadish way. And he's not mindnumbing either.

That a woman enjoys those traits in literature is a huge green light.

Would you have honestly preferred she was an insufferable, pretentious hipster who droned on an on about David Foster Wallace?

>> No.8219874


All right all right it's half bitter posting. You raise a good point about what she was not.

I just never understood why she didn't read anything else is all, then again I'm obsessed with South Park.

>> No.8219875

>Would you have honestly preferred she was an insufferable, pretentious hipster who droned on an on about David Foster Wallace?
Of course.

>> No.8219880
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>tfw you used to be an ugly flabby nerd and always was nice to women but always got turned down
>tfw you shape up, workout and become fit as fuck
>tfw women now flock to you but you no longer give a shit about them and can't be bothered with long term relationships much less nice gestures
>tfw you realize that it's only worth to exercise for health reasons and become sort of flabby again
Thank God I have my books, if I was a normie I would go mad.

>> No.8219883


My nigga

>> No.8219888


That's some real shit. How old are you, anon?

>> No.8219892

Older than I'd like to admit on an chinese imageboard that teens frequent.

>> No.8219898
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>post-ironic nu-sincerity

Chuckled. you still sound like a twat, though

>> No.8219949

I know lots including myself. I've posted about them here before, but can't seem to find it in the archive, so here's the truncated version:

One's a former ballerina who reads mostly theater and can recite long poems in full , one's a linguist (who's also a moderately known webcomic artist) that can read in several languages, there's my youthful rhetoric teacher who looks qt despite having beat two kinds of cancer that reads a lot of contemporary American lit, one that was my co-worker who mostly reads on aesthetics and history, my department's librarian is qt as hell and she reads widely in literature, and there's a beautiful Russian woman I worked with who has a graduate degree in Russian lit from her country and was doing one on English lit over here, etc.

I've also met many, many more at conferences that I don't know as well as the above women.

Even the one woman I know who still reads YA at least is dedicated to it; she reads more than 400 books of it every year, runs a blog about it, etc.

>> No.8219960

what's so revolutionary about that phrase tho

apart from the fact that it's currently summer

>> No.8219968

Are you implying that there's something wrong with that?

>> No.8219985

The majority of men are considered unattractive by women while the opposite is true for women, so if he's ugly that just proves his point.

>> No.8220001

I think the real issue is that women who read things anon rates highly don't move in the same social circles; there's no interaction with anon.

>> No.8220004 [DELETED] 

>tfw mania is more frequently in summer, probably because of increase exposure to light, and less hours spent sleeping (kinda like the ice age summer opposite of hibernating).

Probably fugg more frequently in summer too.

>> No.8220013 [DELETED] 

*and that would make sense, as 9 months later, children are being born in spring (probably more important 10k years ago).


>> No.8220042

That's most likely. Most of these women keep mainly other women as friends, aside from couples dates when they're married.

The only guy I know of who seems a bit anon-ish that interacts with them was dating the ballerina for a bit, though she supposedly broke it off due to his lack of "experience."

>> No.8220055
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>including myself
I doubt any qts would be posting on /lit/, you don't become one of the literati by being pretty.
>though she supposedly broke it off due to his lack of "experience."

>> No.8220071

I don't think loving reading has much to do with how attractive you are. I found the guy who I'd later marry very early on, so I never had the usual preoccupation with finding and keeping relationships that can keep people from developing other interests.

>> No.8220083

What point? And men put a lot less work into their looks so that makes total sense.

>> No.8220093


>> No.8220101

>I don't think loving reading has much to do with how attractive you are.
It's a solitary habit that demands plenty of time, something which socialites doesn't have any of which to spare. I don't think you're some kind of ogre but the fact that you settled early could imply that you simply didn't have many options. Anyway, it's nice that you have a low maintenance guy and all but if you get any kids you will soon realize how precious your time is. You will come to disdain those people who read 400 or whatever YA books per year, because that time could have been so much better spent.

>> No.8220104

To expand on this: you hold that anon only lets himself be held powerless to white women because he's "ugly". So the attractive hold power over the unattractive (those who lack sexual capital), easy enough to say and painfully obvious (one only needs a few examples here, models being dominant in media, people generally being more trustful of people whom they de to be attractive, etc.). This applies to men, women, and all the other twenty-something sexes out there, but let's dig a bit deeper. Since there is only statistical data over men and women this is where I'll confine this. The average man is seen as physically unattractive to women, while the average woman is seen as attractive to men. By far there are more attractive (those with sexual capital) women than there are attractive men. This is reflected well in how women are thought to be the epitome of beauty, Aphrodite is a woman, the Trojan War is fought for a woman, and so forth. You may be wondering, how does this relate to the "white women" anon was talking about. Whites are seen as more attractive in the West, they are the ones who hold sexual capital. White women are the ones who hold the most sexual capital, and the majority of men, having little to no sexual capital, are powerless to it. However, they (the sexual bourgeoisie) are not enemies, they are merely obstacles: destroy the Western idealogy of beauty, which grants them sexual capital, and they lose their power.

>> No.8220106

See >>8220104

>> No.8220108

>you hold that anon only lets himself be held powerless to white women because he's "ugly"

>> No.8220147

Even if you don't, society still grants sexual capital to individuals who embody the beauty values it holds.

>> No.8220167

I don't think it could be better spent in her case, because YA is her career. Her blogging and reviews and whatever else she's doing related to it makes her fairly good money, on top of being something she loves. I'd never disdain someone for that. Someone who read that much without producing anything on their own, maybe.

Reading is more than a hobby for most of the women I mentioned, honestly. They're mostly literature professors, academics in general, writers or otherwise in publishing. When you do it as a job, your "free time" still can end up free.

Anyway, thanks for the concern anon, but I can't actually seem to have kids, so that's probably not going to be a worry.

>> No.8220251

>but I can't actually seem to have kids
Bummer. Well, I have kids and while they're cute you can't get much reading done with them around or anything else for that matter. I barely have time to post here. So take it from me, once you go full normie reading is something very low on your list of priorities even if it is something you love to do.
>YA is her career
Why are you friends with this terrible person?

>> No.8220275
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I laughed.

>> No.8220282

Children are the beginning of the end.

>> No.8220285

I wasn't actually meaning to include YA girl as part of the list of qts, she's definitely not. Maybe in a morbidly obese kind of way.

What I was getting at though was that, even with kids, when reading is your job and not just a pastime, I'd imagine it still takes pretty high priority. Two of the women I mentioned have several children, and they still have very successful careers based around reading and research. Most of the women I meet at conferences have children, yet still produce enough work to publish each year. I like to think I'd be like them. But who knows.

Hope you're reading lots of books to your kids still though! Even if they keep you from reading your own books.

>> No.8220287

That's not the only thing that grants sexual capital. And this whole economizing of sex is pretty pure desu.

>> No.8220294

>I barely have time to post here.

>> No.8220296

All capital is accumulated to get more sexual capital, all for the will to life.

>> No.8220308

>t. Coal Burnner

>> No.8220313

>Can't spell coalburner
This is why I only date black men.

>> No.8220314

I'm not enough of a loser to know what that means.

>> No.8220317

this is what happens when females are allowed into internet forums

>> No.8220322


>> No.8220323

>literally coal burner

>> No.8220329

t. ass-shattered humanities major

>> No.8220330 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 636x382, xdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your life must be really sad. A woman on an imageboard for kids and socially-awkward adults, talking about how hard it is to be a womyn nowadays.

>> No.8220334

But you're probably enough of a loser to be one.