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/lit/ - Literature

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8218719 No.8218719 [Reply] [Original]

Writers of /lit/, have you grasped the power of iambs yet?

Have you learned to hear the bob and weave of English? Melville got it right. So did Faulkner. Have you?

>> No.8218734

Faulker was a manlet.

>> No.8218744

Yes, but my vocabulary is ridiculously small, because English is my second language.

I've fully absorbed the power of the decassílabo heróico, though.

>> No.8220400

Thanks for informing me. I will disregard him from now on.

>> No.8220913

what is a iamb?

>> No.8220923

Did you go to high school?

>> No.8220934


Writers of this 4chan /lit/-- have yet you
grasped the power of trochaic feet? and
have you learned to hear the bob and weave of
English? Melville got it right, and so did
Faulkner. Have you? OP is a faggot.

>> No.8220949
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Bukowski was better than Faulkner.

>> No.8220958
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Writers of /lit/! Have you thrown to the dogs all those
two beated feet? for the father of poetry
dropped dolon's gibbering head in the dust via
mouthfuls of dactyls-- though in the original
Greek. For the manlet clept Faulkner and gayboy clept
Melville wrote mostly in prose anyhow. OP gay

>> No.8220986

writers of lit!
have you felt so proud to escape the darbies of meter?
and have you freed yourself from the bondage of your ancestral ghosts?
i rummage through my wellused heart and can find no syllabic law.
does the grass dance iambic? or do the trees murmur trochaic?
and do birds know caesura?
no; my call is freedom, my song is unmanacled.

>> No.8220991


>> No.8220997

Oft on the Board I have heard my Posters,
Spookers and Memers telling a Tale,
Of Summer Faggots their eyes have sighted,
Two mighty Shitposters who haunt the Chans.

>> No.8221010
File: 5 KB, 201x251, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I am still writing in terza rima
It is the only rhyming scheme that I know
The face when too pleb to learn anything else

>> No.8221381
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>> No.8222581

Ironically, the word iamb is not an iamb.

But check this out:
>the word bed looks like a bed

>> No.8222674

wow you do not know how to write in trochaic feet at all