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/lit/ - Literature

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8216595 No.8216595 [Reply] [Original]

Why is modern literature so terrible?

>> No.8216699

Terrible target audience.

>> No.8216705


publishers getting more handsy with school and uni partnerships

it all went to shit when they started merchandising in libraries

>> No.8216711

blame corncob tortillas yecarthy for de-legitimizing "high literature" into being oprah book club worthy shite

now all we're left with is 2 categories: YAshit and oprahshit

>> No.8216727


>> No.8216732

seriously. this guy gets it.

>> No.8216746

>being this americacentric

>> No.8216748

>hurr durr pulp is of shitty quality thread

>> No.8216811

No one who actually reads thinks the books in your pic are good, OP. People who actually read are also aware of good contemporary literature, unlike you, who does not read.

>> No.8216838

The majority of people don't want to read good literature anymore. In the past good literature was in vogue, so people who didn't care about it would read it anyways so they could remain hip and cool.

Le fire and blood dragons dude midgets lMaO fucking sister weed haha! is much more entertaining for them now that the social pressure is gone.

>> No.8216842

don't forget novels started out as trash for plebs who couldn't into poetry

>> No.8216866

>le born in le wrong generation!!!
youre an idiot if you think that "modern literature" is bad
Those books arent modern literature, those are entertainment books targeted at young adults.
Its just like saying theres no good music anymore because the radio plays Kesha

>> No.8216871

People do say that about music though lol

>> No.8216872


>> No.8216878

Go watch some filthy frank or something you edgy retard

>hurrr look at me guys im totally not a cliche like what im describing lmao im so smart

>> No.8216887

Modern literature isn't terrible it's just drowning in a sea of highly marketed shit for plebs. So it's getting harder to find good stuff, but if you're into it you'll know where to look.

>> No.8216889

I liked blankets
It's like if Tumblr type comics were good

>> No.8216891
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>mfw Blankets is the best thing in that stack

>> No.8216896
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>> No.8216898

I know that, and its stupid and wrong because theres good everything if you really care enough to look.
It was just an example that someone who hated radio pop would say.
Um what?

>> No.8216899


>> No.8216904

>>8216898 (You)
>>8216899 (You)

>> No.8216924

Idk how saying good things are made and are easy to find, if you care enough to look, is edgy and something that a filthy frank watcher would say..

>> No.8216943

Here's your last (You)

>> No.8216968

hunger games is good

>> No.8216996

This is the equivalent of posting a "what's so bad about jews" thread in /pol/

>> No.8217022

Stop trolling by implying other people are trolling

>> No.8217048

this stuff is much better than the children's literature of yore

>> No.8217058
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fucking prole

>> No.8217076

I don't know if it is; I don't read enough of it to know.

>> No.8217180

I liked Blankets and Persepolis doe.

>> No.8217210

No life experience, human agency and motive is gone from the world, no religious framework, no struggle, no tradition. Contemporary literature is done by MFA drones all writing in the same register & key, solely focused on "craft", starting and ending from liberal axioms, wholly ignorant to anything redeeming and epiphanic about life and art, all while not even knowing it. The bucket is empty and won't be filled until we the /lit/ masterpatricians rise up and take what is ours by right

>> No.8217216

I think you mean contemporary.

Also, because I haven't finished my masterpiece yet.

>> No.8217221

that's genre fiction
libraries here put them in their shady shelves

>> No.8217390

>because I haven't finished my masterpiece yet.

When are you set for release?

>> No.8217582

Because those aren't works of literature, they're genre fiction, mostly for teen readers. Go read other books.

>> No.8217682

182 replies 92 images click here to view

>> No.8217702

That's not true.. there's only 36 replies and 3 images

>> No.8218565

thats not literature

>> No.8219451

Wish we could go back to those times

>> No.8219480

At some point, American politicians started to become obsessed with literacy. This is likely a result of our population's kekworthy reading comprehension and average GPA. Because these politicians are among the kekworthy, they confused the symptom with the cause; in other words, the reason why Burgers are dumb isn't because they don't read often, the reason why they don't read often is because they're dumb. Still convinced of the contrary, they started to turn reading into a necessity rather than a hobby. So a bunch of shitty authors started to pump out bland meaningless teenage romance novels, which were then branded as "young adult" by publishers, who shipped them off in droves to libraries and schools across America. Beyond that, the scam I mean self help book industry is booming as ever, and as long as you have a generally happy life, an appetite for giving out helpful-sounding but ultimately vague advice, and a writing ability that surpasses that of an average middleschooler, you too can become the next big self-help guru!

>> No.8221377

It is an illusion.

It's just that today everybody gets to publish, so the good stuff is buried under the shitstorm that emerges when capitalism devours the field of literature.

"muh good old times when everybody was a literary genius" is just a meme, and there was never a time when you had some enormous amount of great writers in a short period of time. It's just that you remember only the best, and not every incompetent person was constantly publishing nonsense.

>> No.8221389


>> No.8221396

blankets is good

>> No.8221404

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.8221409
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>There are still people who don't realize that our material gains have come at the cost of intellectual/spiritual capital

>> No.8221433

Has there been anything decent put out in the last
five years or so in regards to literature? I'm kind of out of the loop as far as recent releases go.

I'm not even going to ask about poetry.

>> No.8221445

>Don Quixote

>> No.8221451

>spiritual capital
lol nerd

>> No.8221467

lmao you fucking mongoloid

>> No.8221479

>implying objective quality

wew lad

>> No.8221492

The most common response here is A Brief History of Seven Killings. Ferrante also have her supporters. I haven't read either so I can't say if it's a actually good or just memes.

>> No.8221562

It's actually quite simple why all modern books are trash, beforehand books were written by the rich, by the scholars, by the experienced, by the well educated; nowadays, books and literature are just another market that everybody wants to get into for the money, because what else is someone going to do with an English degree? So people have to do what's the easiest, focus on the dumbest, largest demographic to earn the most money. These books, that were written mostly by and for this special low educated demographic, are written in an amateur style and are the least mind provoking books that exist but they then sell the most and are considered "Best Sellers" and "Most successful", this creates just another loop, most people now read these books and think they're smart and educated. Telling themselves that, they write more books of the same low intellectual quality and with the same awful style.

>> No.8221571

Take into consideration that what we call modern is a very small period (last 50 years ). Classical literature encapsulates all old literature.

>> No.8221585

When your mom comes home from work.

>> No.8221601

The Book Thief wasn't horrible.

>> No.8221603


Commodification, disintegration of the public sphere, multiculturalism and globalization, collapse of the productive tension between low and high cultures, and of course, the phenomenon that subsumes all of these, the tireless climb of capital to ever greater heights of abstraction, and with it the relentless driving of labor power (both physical and intellectual) underground.

>> No.8221649

Cheers m8, will look into them.

>> No.8221719

Those books are mediocre

>> No.8221728

That was quick.

>> No.8221750
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Music is technically a form of literature, and it's still thriving.

Music is relatively easy and cheap to create, so it is no surprise that the expensive or hard to create artistic mediums, such as film/novels/vidya/etc, are currently garbage.

>> No.8221920


>> No.8221932


add to this the fact that people just want money.
Look at the latest YA literature: Divergent series, the Hunger Games, they had such strong beginnings, and the sequels sucked fat cock. The publishers just want to cash in on the idea, so they rush the author (who usually isn't that great from the start) into 2-3 more books.

It's a money grab

>> No.8221952

this desu

>> No.8221961

>Music is technically a form of literature

I think I've seen it all by this point

>> No.8221971

>Poems aren't literature

>> No.8221978

>Music is written, performed, recorded, and listened to.
>Audio books are written, read, recorded, and listened to.
>Audio books are literature
>Music is literature

>> No.8221983

>I think I've seen it all by this point

>> No.8221984

Alienation due to capitalism.

>> No.8221995

why do you do this in every thread

>> No.8222033

Audio books are not literature, they are recorded readings

Music doesn't equal poems

t. other

>> No.8222052

I was wrong

There were further fields, filled with nonsense I had not yet laid eyes on

Truly the universe is a cornucopia of strange shit


nah im alright fampai

>> No.8222094

Music is a recorded "reading" of written music.

>> No.8222201

We haven't had enough time to sort the gems from the clods. Remember that many great writters die before they get famous

>> No.8222240

someone actually took the time, he put all those books in a compilation, took the picture, and uploaded it. this is satre

>> No.8222629

>Porn is written, performed, recorded and listened to
>Porn is literature

>Me fucking your mother is written, performed, recorded and listened to
>Fucking your mother is literature

Go kill yourself.

>> No.8222679

Valeria Luiselli and Evan Dara are my top two contemporary writers

In other words, read more.

>> No.8223134

Because people buy it. Welcome to capitalism.

>> No.8223168

>hurr durr im really smart guys so ill dismiss these wrong generation stereotypes xDD im observant just look for good music and books, stuff like sufjan stevens theres good stuff too!!!i am very smart.

>> No.8223172

404 literature not found

>> No.8223177

I thought you guys liked Infinite Jest

>> No.8223188

Her final products are trashy, but Kesha herself can actually sing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oa4jGB-8si4

>> No.8223267

This, it seems like literature takes an especially long time to have its classics sorted out.

As a general rule I say you need a decade minimum to judge an era, and that's for fast-changing things like pop music and video games. Literature probably requires at least 50.

>> No.8223283

Definition of literature: "Written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit."
Is music not a written work?

>> No.8223428

It's not just limited to literature, I don't know what happened in the later half of the 20th century that made every art form die.

>> No.8223750

Certainly, but that doesn't entail bad.

>> No.8223754

>Is music not a written work?
Most music isn't.

>> No.8224094

got a big kek out of this one

>> No.8224174

>I wasn't the only person on /lit/ who read and enjoyed blankets

How? I found it completely randomly browsing in a library I'd never been in before. Is it actually popular?

>> No.8224194

Pulp fiction was always a thing, the only difference is that there are more "readers" now than before, and that the the digital age preserves everything.
>In the past good literature was in vogue
In the past
Wrong, no literature was "in vogue [sic]" in the past, today's reading society where the act of reading is lauded, is an anomaly. Back then, instead of reading pulpy YA novels, they wouldn't read at all. It's the same now, people don't want literature, they don't actually want to read,they: just want to stare at pages and be able to boast that they read.

>> No.8224207

But can any of you faggots actually recommend good contemporary literature that isn't pop hip young adult novels?

>> No.8224215

This >>8219480 , this >>8221377 , and this >>8224194

>> No.8224216

Book market has become too big so the good books are drowned in a sea of shit and it has become hard to find the good books.

When the market was less lucrative (and the barrier of entry a little higher) you had to deal with way less commercialized trash.

Past also had a lot of trash but most of it good lost during time because nobody remembers stuff not worth remembering.

>> No.8225035


Perhaps it is due to the encroaching influence of technology in our daily lives, that beauty and aesthetic have lost all meaning. The medium is now more important than the message itself. Our sense of worth of an object has moved from the concept of what an object is, to what an object accomplishes for us. We spend most of our waking hours in front of screens, and spend little or no time studying art or exploring nature. Our values are what have changed. Beauty, talent, and aesthetic no longer matter---this is why we see a major decline in literature, film, music, art, etc.

>> No.8225089
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>"Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road and this moocow that was coming down along the road met a nicens little boy named baby tuckoo...."

It's because they write shit like this, OP.

>> No.8225385

True, I fucking love stupid 80's rock/metal TURN UP THE RADIO, but Kesha is better without the autotune/electronic backing.

>> No.8225588

>Kesha is better without the autotune/electronic backing
I disagree personally but I guess I can understand why someone wouldn't like it.

>> No.8225689

They didn't die.

>> No.8225870


>> No.8225891

Post counterexamples.

>> No.8225903

Everything that appears on these lists that's from the second half of the 20th century:




>> No.8225914

>Angels in America

>> No.8225927

It's one of the most highly-regarded American plays from the late 20th c.

>> No.8225931

what an achievement

>> No.8225951

Too many people think of reading as entertainment. Since every other medium has diluted itself to retain the average normie's attention books too have suffered as a result.

>> No.8225969

O hot damn there are many layers to this


>> No.8226572
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>> No.8226578

What's wrong with hungry games

>> No.8226583


>> No.8227002

the publishing industry in 80% women

>> No.8227315

Hipsterism kept it alive for a little, but when you specifically have to focus on how artsy you are it won't last for long. Unless there's some new form of hipsterism that's brewing that nobody knows about

>> No.8227320

tao lin is good desu.

>> No.8227681

Not him but
>my bloody valentine
>arcade fire
and much more came out in the latter half and beyond

Also Beatles, Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones,doors and Bowie happened after 1950s

>> No.8227697

yeah great keep listing a bunch of shitty pop music as the best artistic achievements of the late 20th c....

>> No.8228369

>culture industry

>> No.8229007

Yeah. Craig Thompson is pretty is pretty well known in the indie comic circles.