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8213592 No.8213592 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize God exists but he's incompetent and lazy

>> No.8213602

>tfw you realize God doesn't exist outside the minds of incompetent and lazy thinkers

>> No.8213606

no shit we're made in his image.

>> No.8213612
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>tfw you realize if you're not incompetent or lazy you're not a human soul as that is the very foundation of mankind and therefore God cannot exist in your machinery

>> No.8213620
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>tfw you realize you are lazy and incompetent therefore you are god

>> No.8213622
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>> No.8213625

>tfw you want to believe in God but he is not helping you

>> No.8213630

Because he's lazy and incompetent. Belief is different than faith.

>> No.8213638

You are alive, on the internet and literate. Seems to me he has helped you out quite a bit.

>> No.8213641
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>tfw you are god and god is all therefore all sex is masturbation

>> No.8213671


Ok, wrong sentence... I mean when I see everything that is happening around us, I doubt he is doing what is best for us all... but then, I'm just a silly human who could never understand his "plan"

>> No.8213691

His Plan™ is just a shellgame.
>Things get better = God has answered your prayers
>Things stay the same = you didn't believe hard enough
>Things get worse = God works in mysterious ways

>> No.8213697


>> No.8213699
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Is God just fucking with us, then?

>> No.8213712
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>tfw you realise the question of God's existence or non-existence is irrelevant because the result is identical in either instance

>tfw Spinoza was right

>> No.8213726

>things are better now then they were before therefore things are good

You will never know god