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/lit/ - Literature

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8213334 No.8213334 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ enjoy any works by women of color? Looking for a new perspective, but don't want to waste my time with a heavy handed story

>> No.8213347

Persepolis was ok.

I have And Their Eyes Were Watching God in my backlog.

>> No.8213354

I really did enjoy Persepolis. That was a cool eye-opener without beating me over the head with white guilt.

>> No.8213360
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when you say "looking for a new perspective" what does that mean

>> No.8213368

So you want "ethnic" fiction where white people are either absent or neutral?

I'd suggest East Asian literature.

>> No.8213371

Looking to read a work not written by an older English guy. Keep myself well rounded.

>> No.8213375

That's not what I'm saying. I grew up in the American school system. Ive read a hundred books from slave perspective or post-slavery African american perspective and that particular genre has grown kind of stale for me, but most WOC authors I find with quick Google search are writing in that genre.

>> No.8213391

zadie is the reigning living queen of /lit/

google around for lists, lots of good work
most of these looks good

you'll have better luck googling around for caribbean women, african women, arabic women writers and so on than general poc
(and don't listen to the 'oh it's all about evil whites' meme, if anything I get weary of reading about troubled mothers/abusive step/dads)

>> No.8213394
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Haven't read any of her other work, but this is actually pretty good. I know she gets slammed a lot on /lit/, but who doesnt?

>> No.8213403

a hundred
more like...3?
list some of them if I'm off

that says more about which books gets popular praise, only one or two of Morrison's books take place immediately around slavery times, Alice Walker has books set in more recent times, Octavia Butler has one book directly about slavery
all of them and more have dozens of books not directly about slavery so look for those

>> No.8213404

check bloom's canon, i think the people of color in there might be up your alley

>> No.8213405

HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahHhahahahahahahahahahaha no.

>> No.8213406

Nella Larsen - Passing is what you're looking for

>> No.8213411

it's her least strong work besides her second, NW is goat
also pretty short!
on the note of passing (Boy, Snow, Bird)...try girl genius Helen Oyeyemi

>> No.8213413

>Does /lit/ enjoy any works by women of color?

Is this a serious question? /Pol9k/ needs to go

>> No.8213421

Their Eyes Were Watching God is a masterpiece, one of the best novels ever written

>> No.8213428
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existential coming of age story and examination of colonialism and a girl/woman's place in society
a lot of schools apparently assign it but still under-read

>> No.8213442

You really think so? I genuinely tried to like it but it was terrible to me, and I'm more left-leaning and have lower standards than most on this board.

>> No.8213509

Read Russian, French, Austrian, Japanese, Swedish, Croatian, German, Belgian and other nationalities then.

>> No.8213510

I read a bit of NW because I'm curious about 21st century fiction. It seemed as if she wasn't even trying to pretend to be not ripping off Joyce.

>> No.8213514

Rec some good Swedish book please? I have read Doctor Glas and some Strindberg.

>> No.8213521

The Tale of Genji. /thread

>> No.8213534

the sections are all different, and honestly if someone's going to be ripped off who better than joyce, worth another shot

>> No.8213547

I think Joyce is one of the worst authors to be ripping off: only truly exceptional writers can be Joycean without it seeming uninspired, derivative and contrived. And Smith certainly isn't an exceptional writer.

>> No.8213565

No meme countries

>> No.8213607

idk why someone who didn't read even 1/4 of her strongest work should have their opinion on her merit taken seriously

>> No.8213618

>only murasaki
>not sei shonagon

>> No.8213943

idk why you are assuming i'm the same person who only read White Teeth

>> No.8215367
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>> No.8215409
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Get this wrinkled-dogs-balls, orange drink sperm drink, wincest-to-sell-copies garbage out of here

>> No.8216936

has some good sentences but agree with >>8215409

there's something mean spirited about this book

>> No.8216951

Sei pls go

>> No.8216972

Barabbas by Pär Lagerkvist

>> No.8216983

Is Danticat good?

>> No.8216988

>Does /lit/ enjoy any works by women of color?

Are Japanese "of color"?

Because Banana Yoshimoto is pretty good imo.

>> No.8217020

Octavia Butler's stuff is amazing.

>> No.8217064

only read her debut, it was good

>> No.8217135
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Kincaid is underrated on here.

As in I have only read her debut, not "read only only her debut".

>> No.8217158
File: 37 KB, 620x372, toni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Toni Morrison: 'I want to see a white man convicted for raping a black woman


>> No.8217185

I too want to see people who commit crimes convicted of those crimes.
A white person being way more likely to get off when they commit a crime against a black person in America (and punishments against black people suspected of committing crimes involving white people being much harsher) isn't new information or a radical take, nice try at derailing the thread.

>> No.8217206

Stop giving /pol/-baiters (You)s.

I bet the OP is the same one that you just responded to and he's devastated that this thread didn't turn into a stormfront circlejerk.

>> No.8217219

If East Asian counts for "color," I probably read more works by women of color than any other demographic t b h

>> No.8217286

It's shit. The kind of stuff that makes realize how hard POC shit is pushed to get its level of credibility

>> No.8217358

Surely you do not mean a white male, as they are arrested at a higher rate then black females like miss Morrison, which is kind odd as one would expect black females being "double victims" to be the most arrested group. Those darn white cops discriminate against white males more then black women apparently. They also seem to love East Asians. And did I say white cops, I meant everyone. Because the stats don't change weather or not the cops are majority black,the DA is black, the major is black. In fact blacks are always worse off in places run by blacks, be it cities, districts or countries.

There is literally no fucking country you can point to where this is not the case.

And lets not forget that those darn blacks are always the least represented and apparently most discriminated in places run by liberals like US universities. While they do great in sports, in the US and Europe. Apparently whites don't mind blacks earning millions of dollars and being national hero's. We just love paying more money to keep a "productive" inner city honor student in jail and out of some danky old laboratory.

And finally for example in 2005 37460 white women were sexually assaulted by blacks, while 0 to 10 by whites. The reason white males are not being persecuted for raping black women is because they don't. To use the fact, that whites don't rape black women to actually denigrate whites is an act of ultimate stupidity or malevolence. But Tony morrison being a double victim can get away with it. http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/cvus05.pdf (table 42 0.336*111490 = 37460)

>> No.8217433

you are wrong