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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 400x324, snake_kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
821213 No.821213 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have the sonnet from the flyting thread that started things off?

"Her tongue slips in between my cheeks. A snake!" was the first line, last line was something like "Your mom, she gives the best blow jobs!" with better meter.

Searching Google only gives links to a couple dead 4chan threads.

>> No.822139
File: 194 KB, 935x508, snake-sonnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy. Were you in the thread?

/lit/ should flyte again soon, but the summer /lit/ crowd might not have the talent or the patience.

>> No.822148
File: 96 KB, 574x532, snake-sonnet-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A slightly anonalous poem from the same thread that was more boner-inducing than flyte-worthy.

>> No.822155

rEMoeV YuOr_iLlgeAL_CLOEn fO_htTp://wWW.anotNALk.sE/ (TN =_nT) iMmEidaTEly. q gpea y zdbou d x glw c i rtv zxyksdy

>> No.822207

Is this an awesome Joycean pun of "anomalous" and "anon" or did you just make a typo?

>> No.822239
File: 11 KB, 262x345, DCN5293934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, it's me

>> No.822279

Alright, I've been on /lit/ for a while in erratic bursts, and have heard of this, but still don't know what is is. Explain?

>> No.822789

In medieval Scotland, the best poets of the land gathered to participate in "flyting." They insulted each other with obscene verses.

It was a Medievals Scots rap battle, pretty much.

One day some random guy posted an elaborate, well-constructed, iambic-pentameter "your-mom" joke. People got pissed. Shit got real. For two days, the most skilled wordsmiths of /lit/ barbed and quipped. Nothing was sacred. The poems varied in complexity and quality: first sonnets, then heroic couplets, then limericks, one or two villanelles. It was beautiful.

One of the best /lit/-related insults, complete with an homage to Shakespeare, was born in that thread as a response to some other poet's offensive screed.

But, soft! What queer through yonder posting speaks!
A faggot, sure, but what a way to be -
Fat cock inside your ass until it squeaks,
To gargle sperm inside your throat with glee.
So lame! You jest at "thee" and balk at "thou"
While mumbling through lips stuffed with pink, hard dick.
I'll make you choke, you puffed-up sniv'ling cow.
The thought of what you do, I retch - It's sick.
Too bad you cannot write a line that's good:
A line that flows, a phrase that is not crap.
Just end this farce and cede, you know you should.
My poem fucks you: dildo with a strap.
Your anus, raw, a pulsing mass of rot,
I thrust so hard, I'll rupture your g-spot.