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/lit/ - Literature

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821195 No.821195 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ I'm trying to write this sonnet, and the word beauty just seems so boring and obvious, can anyone give me synonyms for it? I'm at a block.
Thank you

>> No.821196

/lit/ is not your personal thesaurus

>> No.821198

"fucking hot as shit sexy badonkadonk."

Use it, faggot.

>> No.821201

grow up! seriously, I'd take 3 seconds of your time. you don't HAVE to say anything.

>> No.821204

Your meter had better be good or we'll hate you and won't help.

>> No.821206

> adorableness, allure, allurement, artistry, attraction, bloom, charm, class, comeliness, delicacy, elegance, exquisiteness, fairness, fascination, glamor, good looks, grace, handsomeness, loveliness, polish, pulchritude, refinement, shapeliness, style, symmetry, winsomeness

Wow, not a whole lot to work with there, is there?

It'd probably be better to change your phrasing entirely, rather than use a synonym.

>> No.821211


I'm literally knocking this out

>> No.821215


I would add "pulchritude" as well.

>> No.821218

What is this even supposed to be?

>> No.821224

I don't know, I don't claim to be any kind of penman.
also, this is the best sonnet ever:
My lady looks so gentle and so pure
When yielding salutation by the way,
That the tongue trembles and has naught to say,
And the eyes, which fain would see, may not endure.
And still, amid the praise she hears secure
She walks with humbleness for her array;
Seeming a creature sent from Heaven to stay
On earth, and show a miracle made sure.
She is so pleasant in the eyes of men
That through the sight the inmost heart doth gain
A sweetness which needs proof to know it by:
And from between her lips there seems to move
A soothing essence that is full of love,
Saying for ever to the spirit, "Sigh!"

>> No.821225

That fucking sucks. Kill yourself, OP.

>> No.821229

I didn't write that! that's a translation of Dante

>> No.821231

Your meter went awry in line three and I stopped on line five because you hadn't recovered.

>> No.821235

implying I wrote it, I was saying I liked it.

>> No.821252

Fuck off.