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/lit/ - Literature

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8209758 No.8209758 [Reply] [Original]

Post your top 10 booklist here!

Here's mine in no particular order! ^-^

It - Stephen King

Life of Pi - Yann Martel

A Song of Ice and Fire Series - George R R Martin

The Chronicles of Narnia - C S Lewis

The Power of One - Bryce Courtenay

The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown

Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden

The Joy Luck Club - Amy Tan

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Roald Dahl

Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter - Seth Grahame-Smith

>> No.8209764
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1 through 10.

>> No.8209770

Bretty good.


1. The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis

2. The Stand, by Stephen King

3. Red Dragon, by Thomas Harris

4. The Thin Red Line, by James Jones

5. Fear of Flying, by Erica Jong

6. The Silence of the Lambs, by Thomas Harris

7. Stranger in a Strange Land, by Robert A. Heinlein

8. Fuzz, by Ed McBain

9. Alligator, by Shelley Katz

10. The Sum of All Fears, by Tom Clancy

>> No.8209773

If you could reveal your thoughts and reasoning behind the choices, as this is a discussion board, that would be preferable.

At any rate, the choice of picture is admirable. Sun-bronzed thighs, calves and feet are divine.

>> No.8209818


sup Dave!

>> No.8210011

Who is this semen scholar?

>> No.8210018
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>> No.8210034

phaedo plato
the republic plato
critique of pure reason kant
metaphysics aristotle
organon aristotle
being and time heidegger
phenomenology of spirit hegel
aesthetic theory adorno
anna karenina tolstoy

>> No.8210054

>nail polish
>kite runner


>> No.8210065

Brothers Karamazov
Anna Karenina
The Idiot
Crime and Punishment
Portrait of the Artist
To the Lighthouse
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Fathers and Sons
Hadji Murat (novella)

In no particular order

>> No.8210118

If you think that this
Is better than this
You're everything that is wrong in /lit/

>> No.8210124


>> No.8210245

Are you talking shit about my taste, friend?

>> No.8210257

Antony and Cleopatra
Franny and Zooey
Eugene Onegin
1982, Janine
Manhattan Transfer
Inherent Vice
Goodbye to Berlin
All That Is

>> No.8210259

>not liking tan lines
>not liking nail polish
yr loss bud

>> No.8210268

>no cock


>> No.8210279


I can't tell bad bait from summer-/lit/ anymore. I don't even know which is worse.

>> No.8210296

Toenail polish is fucking disgusting though.

>no cock
How do you know?

>> No.8210304
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The Room
White Noise
Against the Day
Hunchback of Notre Dame
The Desert Fathers
Goethe's Faust
A Moveable Feast
Heart of Darkness

>> No.8210307
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>Anything by Yann Martel

>> No.8210346

Volumes 1-10 of Wheel of Time

>> No.8210368

OP is an obvious bait but I don't know about the others. Terrifying really.

>> No.8210775

Heart of Darkness
The Sun Also Rises
The Catcher in the Rye
The Witcher
Poe's works
Bartleby the Scrivener
The Road

>> No.8210825

1. The Prince

2.The Ego and Its Own

3. Thucydes' writings

4. Anarchist's Cookbook

5. On War

6. Rhetoric

7. The Art of War (Tzu and Machiavelli)

8. Berserk

9. Mein Kampf

10. The Communist Manifesto

>> No.8210829



Is she retarded?

>> No.8210857

>joy ruck club
>kite runner


>> No.8210867

high school advanced lit class reading list / 10.

I do like The Catcher in the Rye though

>> No.8210875

have u red the thred

>> No.8210885

>liking Catcher more than poe and the road
Who has the high school taste here, anon?

>> No.8210899

the road is mccarthy's weakest book by far, and poe is a judgment call, the man had his peaks and troughs, while salinger is consistently amazing. you sound like an american buttblasted they made him read good literature before he could appreciate it.

>> No.8210907

The Man Who Was Thursday
The Transylvania Trilogy
Being and Time
Mason & Dixon
Life and Fate
In Search of Lost Time
Journey to the End of the Night
Titus Groan
The Castle


>> No.8210921

0/10 for liking heidegger

>> No.8210929


I like your selection.

>> No.8210940

what's wrong with heidegger?

>> No.8211023

Ulysses - Joyce
Light in August - Faulkner
Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man - Joyce
2666 - Bolano
Herzog - Bellow
White Noise - DeLillo
To the Lighthouse - Woolf
Ubik - PKD
The Gospel According to Jesus Christ - Saramago
The Crying of Lot 49 - Pynchon

>> No.8211060

david foster wallace is the only i have to back me up when i say that red dragon is a great book

>> No.8211129

now i remember why i stopped going on /lit/. it really gets worse every day.

>summer /lit/

>> No.8211154

Approve bro. Good choices

The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon
White Noise by Don DeLillo
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
Siddharta by Herman Hesse
L'Etranger by Albert Camus
Our Man in Havana by Graham Greene

>> No.8211826

i dont even like books. i literally just have a huge book shelf and read like once a month to maintain the appearance that i'm not a giant fat fucking idiot

>> No.8211979
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>John Stewart Mill - On Liberty
>Karl Marx - Capital
>David Wong - John Dies at the End
>Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan
>F.A. Hayek - The Road to Serfdom
>F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby
>Evelyn Waugh - Brideshead Revisited
>J.J. Rousseau - Second Discourse on Inequality
>Neil Postman - Amusing Ourselves to Death
>Edmund Spenser - The Faerie Queene

>> No.8212045

thread should be renamed: the only 10 books you've read

>> No.8212048

Guys this thread is suppose to trigger me right? It's all in jest, yea? I am unsure! please this can't be real

>> No.8212103

Does /lit/ not like Coetzee? He's barely mentioned. I really like Dusklands, and I know people smarter than posters here who like Disgrace alot, I have yet to read it myself though.

>> No.8212115

edgy teen who thinks he's going to be a powerful politician detected

>> No.8212147

I can't speak for the rest of /lit/, but I quite liked Waiting for the Barbarians.

>> No.8212157

it just gets worse and worse...

even the 'good' ones make me sad..so memey

>> No.8212164 [DELETED] 


read a women ding dong
not even getting into your other problems

same to you who only give queen virginia a spot

>> No.8212167


read some women ding dongs
not even getting into your other problems

same to you who only give queen virginia a chance

>> No.8212182

i read plenty of women, they just didn't make it into my top 10.

>> No.8212188

Nick Hornby likes it too :)

>> No.8213656

I can't order them, too much pressure.

Favourite is Steppenwolf.

>> No.8213756

Do people actually bust out Crime and Punishment from their shelves when they are bored or is it a meme?

>> No.8213839

Gaddis, The Recognitions
Gaddis, JR
Cervantes, Don Quixote
Melville, Moby Dick
Beckett, Collected Short Prose
Beckett, Three Novels
Onetti, La vida breve
Hernández, Nadie encendía las lámparas
Mutis, Adventures and Misadventures of Maqroll
Didion, Collected Nonfiction

>> No.8213968

War and Peace
Principia Discordia
Good Omens
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Idiot
The Myth of sysphus
Huck Finn
The Path to the Nest of Spiders

>> No.8213998

only thing on your list I've read was Ubik, and boy was that a wild ride.

>> No.8214024

Melville sets you straight about whales in much the same way a redneck sets you straight about the federal reserve; insistently, arrogantly, and incorrectly. I'm glad I have read Moby Dick but I think I would have hated Melville.

>> No.8214114

There's no use in stating your favorite books without any sort of commentary. This thread is a practice of delusional anons who think anyone has the time to read and commend their shitty lists that have already been typed before.

>> No.8214122
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>> No.8214137

1. Libra (DeLillo)
2. Underworld (DeLillo)
3. Zero K (DeLillo)
4. Great Expectations (Dickens)
5. Mason and Dixon (Pynchon)
6. Blood Meridian (McCarthy)
7. Moby Dick (Melville)
8. To The Lighthouse (Woolf)
9. The Castle (Kafka)
10. Poems of Emily Dickinson

>> No.8214146

not in order.

>> No.8214264

To the Lighthouse, Woolf
Romance of the Three Kingdom, Guanzhong
Lolita, Nabokov
Master of Go, Kawabata
Don Quixote, Cervantes
Storm of Steel, Junger
The Leopard, Lampedusa
Dubliners, and The Dead, Joyce
In Search of Lost Time, Proust (only read first four books so far though)
Anna Karenina, Tolstoy

>> No.8214266


still a pleb don't worry.

>> No.8214522

Sup Bloom

>> No.8214544

I come to /lit/ solely to masturbate to this image. I haven't picked up a book in months.

Does this make me a bad person?

>> No.8214624

Moby Dick -Melville
Siddartha - Hesse
The Castle - Kafka
The Fall - Camus
The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy -Adams
Farenheit 451- Bradbury
Communist Manifesto - Marx (LOL JUST KIDDING)
Steppenwolf- Hesse
Apology- Plato
Nicomachean Ethics- Aristotle
Beyond Good and Evil- Nietzche

>> No.8214710


>read some women

not even once

>> No.8214713

In no order

> The Buried Giant - Kazuo Ishiguro
> The Flame Alphabet - Ben Marcus
> 1984 - George Orwell
> Ulysses - James Joyce
> Winter Journal - Paul Auster
> Mistborn 1 - Brandon Sanderson
> Galapagos - Kurt Vonnegut
> A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara
> Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami

>> No.8214715

i'm sorry the only time you've ever laughed was HGttG

>> No.8214724

Does Kafka on the Shore imply any reference to Franz Kafka?

>> No.8214731

Recommend some comedies?

>> No.8214734

thematically yes. not overt.

>> No.8214737

laughed out loud a few times during BJ Novak's short story collection--"And Another Thing" i think?

Sedaris too, just all of it

>> No.8214743

now this shit i can get into. take me to the farthest reaches of despair.

>> No.8214749

Disgrace is beautiful and terrifying. want to read Elizabeth Costello real bad.

>> No.8214761

This guy "tastes" (>>8210065) are banal, everybody can read a few classics and call them favourites (and maybe rightfully so), the problem is that people on /lit/ are so concerned filling up their charts, their reccomended lists that the only thing that's getting read is typically just dosto, joyce, and few other greats. Nobody reads other things. Taste here is a staple

You memers cant look an inch from your nose

>> No.8214803

Similar writing style?

>> No.8214811

no i wouldn't say so. twisted and all about humans' innate urges.

>> No.8214822

trying to decide if ur a jew or not teebeeaitch

>> No.8215016

If you like hgttg you might like Terry Pratchett. He might be "lol so randum" at times but his philosophy is sound.

>> No.8215037

1-2 - Gormenghast, Titus Groan - The imagination and prose of these books are unparalleled, 'nuff said.

3 - Suttree - Again, the prose is juicy beyond belief, and the utter pathos of the story and its characters makes it more accessible and human than similar monumental books like, say, Ulysses.

4 - The Consumer (by Michael Gira) - Not a very traditional collection, nor even particularly well written, but it manages to get inside you and make you feel unclean.

5 - Grendel - The oscar bait equivalent of books, it's still a seminal achievement, a depiction of historic angst and senseless human industry and tragedy (with, ironically, the monster being the most senselessly tragic character of them all)

I'm not well-read enough to list 5 more.

>> No.8215084

I'll bite and do a non-bait list

1. William S. Burroughs - Naked Lunch
2. Don Delillo - White Noise
3. Henry James - Washington Square
4. Jack Kerouac - Dharma Bums
5. Walt Whitman - Leaves of Grass
6. Joan Didion - The White Album
7. Gertrude Stein - Tender Buttons
8. Chester Himes - A Rage in Harlem
9. Chuck Klosterman - Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs
10. Thomas Pynchon - Inherent Vice *

**I enjoy his other books but Vice sticks with me the most

>> No.8215110

>3 - Suttree - Again, the prose is juicy beyond belief, and the utter pathos of the story and its characters makes it more accessible and human than similar monumental books like, say, Ulysses.
>more accessible and human than similar monumental books like, say, Ulysses.
>more human than Ulysses.

Ulysses is one of the most human books and the inaccessibility is a meme. Will you get every allusion, no, but 80% doesn't require any outside reading. Not that you have to jump into it but leave JJ alone.

>> No.8215113

Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating Ulysses. I think it's a great book. Just, personally, I prefer Suttree.

>> No.8215137

Ulysses is one of the most human books and the inaccessibility is a meme. Will you get every allusion, no, but 80% doesn't require any outside reading.
so is reading The Odyssey before Ulysses not """required""" reading? I'm going to read Dubliners and Portrait first, but I'm hesitant to read Ulysses because I've been convinced that I need to study an Ancient Greek tome beforehand.

>> No.8215142

lol forgot to greentext that quote, my bad

>> No.8215147

China Mieville - The Scar
Mieville builds great worlds with intricate themes with more enjoyable stories to boot than most "literary" writers

Charles Dickens - Great Expectations
I've never been a fan of the dix but i absolutely love this book

Philip K. Dick - Time out of Joint
I love stories of cold-war paranoia and thematically/intellectually a lot of what's written in this book on the nature of surveillance still holds true today

James Joyce - Dubliners
Read this for a class on Irish literature and it stuck with me forever. People forget Joyce was really good at the short stories too

Jorge Luis Borges - Ficciones
I always considered this guy 'your favorite author's favorite author'. Like that guy whose works have great literary merit and are read more by academics but still have casual appeal

other books I would put in my top ten
Don Delillo - Underworld
Gary Snyder - Mountains and Rivers Without End
Tommy Pinecone - Crying of Lot 49
Hunter S. Thompson - Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 72
Haruki Murakami - South of the Border, West of the Sun

>> No.8215159

If you haven't encountered some form of The Odyssey before Ulysses, you're doing globalized modern society wrong.

>> No.8215161

of course I have, but that isn't what I'm asking.

Should I read that book before reading the other book.

>> No.8215168

If you know generally what Odysseus goes through, then no.

If you don't, then yes.

Reading The Odyssey cover to cover is not required.

>> No.8215663

Lots of numbers in those titles. Just something to ponder

>> No.8215668

>read like once a month to maintain the appearance that i'm not a giant fat fucking idiot
I read every day and I'm still a fat fucking idiot.

>> No.8215671

The keks are from the top

>> No.8215998

1. The Road (McCarthy)
2. A Brief History of Seven Killings (Marlon James)
3. A Visit From the Goon Squad (Jennifer Egan)
4. HHhH (Lauren Binet)
5. American Tabloid (James Elroy)
6. The Dead Zone (Stephen King)
7. Siddhartha (Herman Hesse)
8. Hell's Angels (Hunter S Thompson)
9. Metamorphosis (Kafka)
10. The Autobiography of Malcolm X

>> No.8216025

You don't know what you're talking about. My taste, particularly for the Russians, developed wholly outside of 4chan. In all honesty, those aren't my top 10 books because I don't have a top 10 because I'm not retarded. I just wanted to post in this thread and those were the first ones that came to mind. Those books are favorites of mine, but truthfully BK is the only one I regularly attribute as a favorite or "list-topper".

>> No.8216043

Cathedral - Carver
Volverás a Región - Juan Benet
Ficciones - Borges
Dubliners - Joyce
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman - Laurence Sterne
Under the Volcano - Malcolm Lowry
Odyssey - Homer
Yes - Thomas Berhnard
Complete Short Stories - Flannery O'Connor

>> No.8216050

Le Spleen de Paris - Baudelaire

>> No.8216114

Utter plebeian coming through

The Stranger
Journey to the End of the Night
The Gunslinger
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Path of Cinnabar
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Democracy in America
The Alchemist I unironically liked the story
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Tao Te Ching

>> No.8216880

Are English Faust translations worth reading? And so, which?

>> No.8216892

One them is by DFW.

>> No.8216998

>search Comte de Monte-Cristo
>0 results
Get good, plebs. Summer really is here.

>> No.8217041

1. Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe (or Short Sun/Peace/Fifth Head)
2. Tristram Shandy by Sterne
3. Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky
4. Lord of Light by Zelazny
5. Temple of the Golden Pavilion by Mishima
6. Pale Fire by Nabokov (or Lolita)
7. Sound and the Fury by Faulkner
8. The Devil is Dead by Lafferty
9. Tom Jones by Fielding
10. [Cheating like a mother: Norton Anthology of English Literature, especially pre-realism - so much great stuff.]

>> No.8217069

dfw was a troll n faker, iirc dude tried to say he had never read pynchon lol

>> No.8217082
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>read some women
Women are only good at YA fiction and children's novels, and even then they're not very good at it. Why? Because most women are essentially children and the overwhelming majority only pursue interests in a casual manner solely to attract a mate. Except my gf of course, she's different.

>> No.8217104

No particular order:

Speedboat by Renata Adler
Lie Down in Darkness by William Styron
The Leopard by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
A Free Life by Ha Jin
Last Word from Montmartre by Qiu Miaojin
Middlemarch by George Eliot
Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner
Moby-Dick; or, The Whale by Herman Melville
The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosinski

>> No.8217129

1. Flim-Flam! Psychics, Unicorns and Other Delusions by James Randi
2. Outrage: The Five Reasons Why O.J. Simpson Got Away with Murder by Vincent J. Bugliosi
3. Why Not Me? The Making and Unmaking of the Franken Presidency by Al Franken
4. Night Shift by Stephen King
5. Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and the Macabre by H.P. Lovecraft
6. Song of Kali by Dan Simmons
7. Tales from Jabba's Palace ed. by Kevin J. Anderson
8. Dealing in Futures by Joe Haldeman
9. Viva Chicano! by Frank Bonham
10. The "Last Catholic" Trilogy by John R. Powers
11. Why I Beat the Living Shit Out of Fuckers Who Question My Taste in Literature by Anon

>> No.8217150

I'm not particularly well read, just read what interests me.

Naked Lunch - William S. Burroughs
The Woman in the Dunes - Kobo Abe
No Longer Human - Osamu Dazai
The Tunnel - Ernesto Sabato
The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway
The Dharma Bums - Jack Kerouac
Cat's Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut
The Fall - Albert Camus
>Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
>The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao - Junot Diaz

>> No.8217275

Isn't the organon all of Aristotle's surviving works?

>> No.8217288

You mean Notre Dame du Paris

>> No.8217320

I'd like to see The Witcher Saga discussed on here a little more.

Is it too pleb for /lit/'s tastes?

>> No.8217334

>Is it too pleb for /lit/'s tastes?


>> No.8217366

Femme perdue

>> No.8217447

The Metamorphosis - F. Kafka
Faust - J. W. Goethe
White Noise - D. Delillo
Ariel - S. Plath
Death in Venice - T. Mann
Civilization and Its Discontents - S. Freud
Metamorphoses - O.
The World as Will and Representation - A. Schopenhauer
Underground - H. Murakami
The Waste Land - T. S. Eliot

>> No.8217509

Why would you believe otherwise? I actually had the thought of reading it over again the other day.

>> No.8217517

I'm reading Being and Time right now. I like it so far, but it's tedious and at times beyond my comprehension. Any tips?

>> No.8217530

i'm not

it's the collection of his six works on logic

>> No.8217716

Mein Kampf is horrible in the original.

>> No.8217962

Placing your anus directly on a book is very patrician.

>> No.8218083
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pic related

>> No.8218171
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Moby Dick - Herman Melville
Middlemarch - George Eliot
Philosophical Investigations - Wittgenstein
The Book of Master Mo - Mo Zi
Ion - Plato
Story of O - Anne Desclos
Alice in Zombieland - Gena Showalter
Vivian Maier: Self-Portraits - Vivian Maier, John Maloof (Editor)
Selfish - Kim Kardashian
Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace

>> No.8218224


>> No.8218227


>> No.8218530

excellent bait. almost got me to reply seriously

>> No.8218837

if you like Postman check out Marshall McLuhan

>> No.8218856
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>yfw you will never fuck this girl while discussing Nabokov

Is it possible that naked girls with books could be my ideal fetish?
Is that strange?

>> No.8218971

kafka on the shore by murakami
a supposedly fun thing ill never do again by wallace
the art of loving and art of being by fromm
beelzebubs tales to his grandson by gurdjieff
eeeee eee eeee by lin
the hero with a thousand faces by campbell
magick book 4 by crowley
finnegans wake by joyce (never finished, saving for later)
how music works by byrne
end of the story by davis

>> No.8218974

oh wait i wanna switch out finnegans wake for slaughterhouse five

>> No.8218981
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>you will never have a threesome with sheherazade and her sister after telling her a story for a thousand and one nights

beta uprising now

>> No.8219018


>> No.8220405

>ctrl f 'tundra'

>> No.8220426

im glad no one remembers that piece of shit

>> No.8220430

1 - Yılkı Atı
2 - Chess (Schachnovelle)
2 - A Clockworg Orange
4 - Ruh Adam
4 - Notes from underground
6 - Lolita
6 - Cain (jose saramago)
6 - the Picture of Dorian Grey
9 - Samarcande
9 - İsmail

>> No.8220437

>Cain (jose saramago)

>> No.8220441


>> No.8220442

The Brothers Karamazov
Crime and Punishment
Anna Karenina
Tale of Genji
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Human, All Too Human
Archaeology of Knowledge
On the Groundworks for the Metaphysics of Morals

>> No.8221491

does this mean those books are crap?
or are those books a bunch of ass-pulls ?

obviously those books are somehow related to that ass.

>> No.8222111


>> No.8222296
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No order, un-ironic etc..

Silence - Shusku Endo
Our Man In Havana - Graham Greene
Man In The High Castle - Philip K Dick
Neuromancer - William Gibson
Farewell To Arms - Hemingway
Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie
Do Androids Dream Electric Sheep - Philip K Dick
Candy - Luke Davies
Keep The Aspidistra Flying - Orwell

Currently reading Birdsong and Hard To Be A God.

>> No.8223271

proof this board is filled with lefty sjw bullshit. Name a female author and I'll tell you exactly how she is shit.

>> No.8223286

It's nostalgic I like it

>> No.8223290

Awe I feel like I relate to this so much right now. :( I can't just pick up any book and read it I really have to like it

>> No.8223294

Honestly didn't "get" Naked Lunch. Can you elaborate on why you like it? I get that it challenges shit. But it's literally a heroin addict coming off on opiate derivatives and arranging paragraphs of loose prose randomly.
I liked Junkie way better.
The Fall is amazing though, I'll grant you that.

>> No.8223298

1. Hunger
2. The Maimed
3. The Other Side
4. Storm of Steel
5. Wayfarers
6. The Ice Palace
7. Stalingrad (by Antony Beever)
8. Lolita
9. All Quiet on the Western Front
10. American Pyscho

>> No.8223300

recently reread, it's better every time

>> No.8223301

In Search of Lost Time - Marcel Proust
Ficciones - Jorge Luis Borges
Book of Disquiet - Fernando Pessoa
Ulysses - James Joyce
The Waves - Virginia Woolf
The Arcades Project - Walter Benjamin
Breathturn into Timestead - Paul Celan
Illuminations - Arthur Rimbaud
The Recognitions - William Gaddis
The Trial - Franz Kafka

>> No.8223319


Willa Cather.

>> No.8223327

been down so long it looks like up to me - Richard Farina
Ulysses - Joyce
My Antonia - Cather
The Soft Machine - Burroughs
Dharma Bums - Kerouac
Sometimes A Great Notion - Kesey
The Glass Key - Hammett
The Bell Jar - Plath
The Revelation of Dr Modesto - Harrington
Old man and the sea - Hemingway

>> No.8223336

Not in any specific order:
1. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
I was a sophomore reading this upon my boyfriend's recommendation. I struggled with depression, Plath got me. I got Plath. It was 10x more depressing to read this goddamn book but I loved every bit of it.
2. Invisible Monsters, Chuck Palahniuk
I knew this really edgy girl that read it so I decided to read it on a whim and I really enjoyed it because it was super fucked up and had way too many plot twists.
3. A farewell to arms, Earnest Hemmingway
Sad. Just terribly sad. Awful ending. 10/10.
4. Not That Kind of Girl, Lena Dunham
I don't know if it counts because it's a memoir, but it really is a work of art. When I read it I was in high school experimenting with my sexuality and discovering womanhood and the book was really helpful as far as explaining how the culture we live in today ~is~
5. Pet Semetary, Stephen King
I wasn't shaking with fear while I read this or anything... But I was engrossed and that was good enough for me. More of a thriller if you ask me, but still pretty good.
6. Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck
I laughed so hard every time Lenny did something stupid. I'm the worst person ever.
7. Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
I mainly like this one because of the ending. I loved John the Savage and I think his words of yearning to just be a human were the most romantic and poetic words I've ever read.
8. The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Firzgerald
In eleventh grade when I was in regular English, among a bunch of imbicles, I was the smartest kid in my class-- easily. We had to analyze the book and my teacher and I bonded over my thoughts and commentary and it was like we had our own special book club in the middle of all the wreckage that class had to offer.. Brings back good memories.
9. To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
Growing up with a prejudice father, it was difficult to unlearn the way I was raised to think. This book began a series of questions in my mind and understanding and thinking differently. It also started my love for literature.
10. The Wolves of Willoghby Chase, Joan Aiken
No commentary for this one.

>> No.8223339

Are you a whaler or did you watch that national geographic documentary about TWENTY FIRST century whaling

>> No.8223367

How does it feel being a buzzword machine? As someone that's an undergraduate, I'm acquainted with plenty of guys like yourself and using of your vernacular and I've yet to see one that is remotely respectable in any front

Anyway Virginia Woolf; hard mode no muh interpretative prose

>> No.8223779

Too subtle for this board m8

>> No.8223848
File: 3.82 MB, 2800x3000, final 3x3+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8223883

this is a quality post
it's rare to see people put actual effort into bait anymore

kudos anon

>> No.8223901

A1 on movies?

>> No.8223910

La Bataille d'Alger - Come and See - Zerkalo

>> No.8223919

shit A2 sorry, I remember seeing that scene that's capped somewhere before where they take the picture but I can't remember what it's from

>> No.8223923

It's Come and See.

>> No.8223941


>> No.8224001

This is a pretty patrician list.

>> No.8225255

1. “The Aeneid”-Virgil
2. “Absalom, Absalom”-William Faulkner
3. “To the Lighthouse”-Virginia Woolf
4. "The Autobiography of Malcolm X”
5. “Wise Blood”-Flannery O’Connor
6. “Spring and All”-William Carlos Williams
7. “As I Lay Dying”-William Faulkner
8. “Lunch Poems”-Frank O’Hara
9. “Howl”-Allen Ginsberg
10. “Joe”-Larry Brown

>> No.8225394

Neither and I didn't say he is wrong about whaling I said he is wrong about whales. He proposes a whole phylogeny for them that is radically incorrect and states incorrectly that the sperm whale is the largest whale. I wouldn't be bothered except that he practically sneers at the readers lack of knowledge regarding whales while he is spouting this incorrect information.

>> No.8225407

Reddit speaks.

>> No.8226128

>never finished
>top ten books
/lit/ ladies and gentlemen

>> No.8226139

thx m80