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/lit/ - Literature

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8208552 No.8208552 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the Sam Hyde of literature?

>> No.8208559
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>> No.8208609

But for real, Sam Hyde is the Sam Hyde of literature

>> No.8208611

any author that's ever failed

>> No.8208615

That's no matter, as long as they try again, fail again, and fail better.

>> No.8208618

he actually fails worse and gets sadder every time

>> No.8208619
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>Kaileesi sat on her plump saggy bottom and scribbled notes furiously into her Lisa Frank notebook with her gel pen. The notebook was divided in two: left pages were reserved for make-up tips, clothing ideas, gossip about boys, etc., while right pages were for cutting edge science and quantum Nye-Tyson equations. Currently, the left page was full of heart doodles and a note about Scott’s penis size, and the right page was full of 3D block letter question marks and heart doodles.

>The professor, Joyce Nusbaum, was tenured and could not be fired no matter what radical communist opinions she shoved down people's throats, and also she made over a quarter-million DAO tokens per year. Kaileesi had immense respect for Joyce, because Joyce always said such brave and empowering things, like kill the rich and kill all men.

>Professor Nusbaum was busily going through old science textbooks and reading aloud ideas and theories invented by men so that the class could laugh at them. She just finished up with Newton’s theory of gravity and all the girls in the class hooted uproariously because it was so antiquated and misogynistic. The current theory on the topic of gravity, Sarah’s Theory (sometimes called the SarahAshleyJennifer Theory), blew Newton’s theory out of the water.

>The bell rang, and all the chickenhead dykes piled out of the room, stinking of feet and kitty litter and Febreze. Kaileesi hung back to talk to Professor Nusbaum one-on-one.

>“Kaileesi, dear child... The preparations are nearly complete. We begin final testing this afternoon.”

>Kaileesi nodded silently, knowing that Professor Joyce didn’t want her to open her stupid mouth and say some insipid hare-brained nonsense. On paper the professor was a die-hard MegaEquality proponent and total Gender Champion but in practice she was a bit of a misogynist, which was ironic because she was biologically male (most high-functioning and intelligent women, for whatever reason, were biologically male).

>Kaileesi obediently plodded out the door holding her books. Her gross flip flops made a healthy smacking sound as she ambulated her fat body out into the hallway. Plop-smack, plop-smack, plop-smack, like the soundtrack at a Korean nail salon.

>Jaihoo left his class a few minutes after and headed for the cafeteria--but at the end of the hall, the funniest thing happened. He couldn’t remember whether to turn left or right!

>> No.8208620


>> No.8208623

He's such a sad failure that he has his own TV show.

>> No.8208624

>[INTERACT: If you think Jaihoo went left, carry on reading as you were. If you think he went right, turn the book upside-down and read the rest of the book backwards.]

>In the cafeteria, Jaihoo waited patiently. He knew Kaileesi would often times be busy with a “friend” (sometimes Mark, sometimes Dave or Brian, sometimes one of the athletic and cool Skippies), and so he would buy her lunch and save her a seat every day. Today she was on time, and the two enjoyed some nice frothing mugs of Kraft Foods G-Plasm Excel. Jaihoo nibbled on his enhanced vegan herb salad with BPA and Estrosil-XR, but Kaileesi had an organic allergy so she ate a McDonald’s Big Mac from the school McDonald’s. Thankfully in 2016, hate sites like fatpeoplehate and coontown are outlawed, and with no place to convene, hateful bigots simply shrivel up and die. And so Kaileesi was able to enjoy a delicious Big Mac without being judged or ridiculed. In fact she was praised by the school Praise Brigade.

>> No.8208633

so what. loads of faggots have their own tv shows. Ryan Shackler has a TV show. doesn't mean he isn't a faggot.

>> No.8208639

>Ryan Shackler
Didn't know who this was before just now but he sounds like a pretty cool, successful, and happy guy.

>> No.8208644

you know you have failed at what ever it was you were trying to do when your encyclopedia dramatica page isn't even funny.

>> No.8208647

This is among the most retarded things I've ever read on this board.

>> No.8208742

This is pretty accurate.

>> No.8208753

lurk for two years before posting

>> No.8208872

Ever since Hyde went openly niggerdeath, I doubt that show is going to see the light of day.

Hell, just being an Adult Swim show makes it likely that it'll be shown once and never seen again.

>> No.8208915

Drop the elitism bud. 4chan has been reddit for about 3 years now. Now if you have nothing insightful to add to this thread click the big red x in top right hand corner of your browser.

>> No.8208995

>moderate autism
>bad genetics
>bullies at school
>parents getting divorced when you were about 10 yo
>living with your ma doing low-tier job for next 12 years

Sammy is most of us and none.

>> No.8209233

>Ever since Hyde went openly niggerdeath
what did he mean by this?

>> No.8209279

The show is already in production, and a preview even appeared in a stream on Adult Swim's website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wa_nUGqilY

>> No.8209281

It means he does edgy humor while having conservative political views.

>> No.8209291

Hell, this even has an interracial couple in it (white man, black female) so you can't even take the white genocide paranoia angle on it

>> No.8209296

Yeah but the white man is Charles, the most outspokenly anti-black MDE member, so it's probably 2ironic2

>> No.8209304

>tfw sam hyde has to tone down his racism to get on tv

>> No.8209310

Nah, he just has to be more subtle. OR, you know, maybe he's not even actually racist.....

>> No.8209320

Curious what anti-black stuff he said

>> No.8209329


>> No.8209340

Shouldn't that be, "you know you haven't failed at something when even scumbags can't make fun of it" ?

>> No.8209349

If the kind of person who considers Encyclopedia Dramatica a generally funny website thinks Sam Hyde is a loser, then I'm all for him.

>> No.8209353

almost none, except shitting on BLM

>> No.8209361

sam hyde humour is too edgy and "racist" (he is not) for normies. that's why he will never do tv show or have tons of views like h3h3. He is a 4chan tier youtuber while h3h3 is redit.

>> No.8209362

He's right to do that tho

>> No.8209369

He has an actual TV show coming out though >>8209279 . Also the h3h3 guys are popular because they're basically generic YouTube celebs but slightly wackier

>> No.8209370

i agree

>> No.8209377

Cops don't even kill blacks all that much, and most of the times they do it's not hard to understand why. The movement's only gained as much traction as it has because of a few high profile cases

>> No.8209383

The fuck is this

>> No.8209384
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You are right, that's the usual digestive tract of the things here:

>something awful -> 4chan -> reddit
it in particular specifies respectively to
>[channels I will never told you about] -> MDE -> h3h3

Ethan claims openly that he was inspired by Sam's IMG 0612.

>> No.8209387

Where can I buy a coat like this?

>> No.8209388

>consulting encyclopedia dramatica for any purpose whatsoever
>valuing encyclopedia dramatica as a source of validation

this is the rankest plebeianism ever posted on /lit/

>> No.8209393

*tell, I was editing this sentence and haven't reread it

>> No.8209394

I know those channels. Some of them are deleted

>> No.8209399

Yeah, there was basically a peak around 2013, now they must redefine themselves.

>> No.8209404

The ones I know haven't put up much if anything since 2012

>> No.8209408

It can be, I joined xxx just a few years ago, so I could be already late to the party.

>> No.8209411



I remember some threat where the video of him and his homophobic rant was posted and a whole discussion erupted about "wow, this isn't funny at all... like... what's the purpose."
It's so easy to trigger people and to unmask this generation's 'openmindedness' for dogmatism.

You could feel the nu maleness just ooze out of the comments.

>> No.8209416

If it's something you can join then it's probably shit

>> No.8209420

>Ethan claims openly
he claims it AFTER people says it look like mde stuff



>> No.8209435

You can't subscribe to the Proceedings of the Society of Connoisseurs of Good Humor just like that m8 ;), ha-ha.

>> No.8209439

i-its just a tribute... guys...

>> No.8209440

I meant you specifically

>> No.8209441

I don't know neither of these guys, but that creep one >>>>>. shit > tumblrLAD >= the fatty one.

>> No.8209446


There's such a clear distinction between the two. The first one is this easily digestible and ( at best ) chuckle tier content. You see it on every channel. They all play safe. Yet when I'm around other people they seem to laugh their ass off at this shit which only makes me "hehe" at best.

Seems like you can't just have something like Sam Hyde without people going pitch fork.

And IMG 0612 + all the above made me realize why I hate most people.

>> No.8209457

Be polite, we are on the internet.

>> No.8209458

Damn, the MDE video is so much better it's really sad

>> No.8209465

The second one actually has funny editing, writing, sound effects, delivery while the first is just duhhh look at my naked hairy torso while I say platitudes

>> No.8209489

Sammy, I know you are here, post some new stuff.

>> No.8209509
File: 7 KB, 890x66, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit, I googled this and found the pic related. How do you feel /lit/ that he's really coming here and shitposting?

>> No.8209520

Meh, it's not even the classic TLoTiaT so who cares?

>> No.8209524

Good point, I look to great succeses like Dr Phil, Paris Hilton and Glenn Beck or terrific shows like The Big Bang Theory or Teen Moms and I realize Sam Hyde really is a genius and not just a desperate loser.

>> No.8209532

He made this thread. You're probably him.

I'm watching IMG 0612, I'm not sure I get the point. It just seems like Sam's resentful of people who are happy being normal and boring.

>> No.8209533
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He's too alt right to ever reach that height.

Dumb talentless "white men rite???" black bitches like pic related do with their 'humor'.

>> No.8209535

Those shows are popular because the people on them are charismatic and entertaining.

>> No.8209539


If you don't get it, you're probably one of them.

>> No.8209544

Yes, I'm a successful and well-adjusted Ad-exec, that's why I'm posting in a Sam Hyde thread on 4chan at three fifteen in the afternoon.

"One of them" indeed, that's pathetic.

>> No.8209548

So, did you vote remain or leave?

>> No.8209549

Neither, I don't have my citizenship yet.

>> No.8209551


>> No.8209555

That doesn't mean you can't vote, m8 ;)

>> No.8209560


>> No.8209601

people posted the book on the MDE forum when it came out, he may have heard about it there
still holding out for those sweet Likes on your contribution to tlotiat? no one cares about any lit writing project

>> No.8209637

Jessica Williams isn't talentless. She's pretty funny.

>> No.8209650

they're popular because the human race doesn't function, please leave forever

>> No.8209659

theres nothing to get, its the most obvious humor possible, idiots just think they're part of some elite group because they don't find it offensive enough to turn off. I used to like MDE but the novelty wore off.

>> No.8209665

B-b-but muh ingroup!

>> No.8209673

If Sam didn't even contribute to The Penis Was then he is dead to me

>> No.8209678

If you can't enjoy any of them at all, then it probably you means you have a mental disorder like Asperger's or something. I'd recommend seeing a psychiatrist

>> No.8209703

This was six fucking years ago: >>/lit/thread/S738659

Six. Fucking. Years.

>> No.8209709

100% true, except where DFW is sentimental, Sam Hyde is offensive

>> No.8209731

Here's the full story btw: >>/lit/thread/S739986

>> No.8209735

how is that related?

>> No.8209739

I mentioned it a couple posts up because we were talking about /lit/ collabs

>> No.8209747

literally who?

looks like a millenial waste

>> No.8209749


Why doesn't 2010 feel like that long ago?
I feel like life is speeding up like a motherfucker and I don't even notice it.
The world doesn't seem to change that much either.

>> No.8209776

It's 2016 though.

>> No.8209790

lurk more newfag

>> No.8209875

When will the world recognize tghe genius of Sam Hyde?

>> No.8209943

>4chan has been reddit for about 3 years now
so true, the rest of your post was shit though

>> No.8209955

4chan was always reddit.

>> No.8210050

if the man was worth a damn they would make fun of him properly.

>> No.8210060

Or maybe they're just really bad at making fun of people

>> No.8210116


>> No.8210130

Goddammit, that didnt' even cross my mind, but it's so obvious.

>> No.8210139

Sam Hyde is fucking lame. I admit I like 2020 Paradigm Shift just because TedX is fucking ridiculous and it's a good prank but overall his edgy as fuck irony bs is just like so detached from humanity that it's just cringe porn 90% of the time.

>> No.8210219

I didn't think anything he said in that ted talk was funny. the only funny part was him getting comfortable before he started talking lol

>> No.8210303

I'm conflicted. Some of his solo talks are actually kinda good and self aware. But with skits and his friends is turbo retard mode

>> No.8210335

I liked his anime convention talk.


>> No.8210355

No they wouldnt, you stupid roach, because it's a worthless juvenile website for thirteen year olds. You might as well say family Guy or newgrounds.com would totally tear him a new one. i pray you're a child, otherwise youre terribly stunted.

>> No.8210363

I didn't really think anything he said in the Ted talk was funny either I just thought the concept behind the joke was funny.

>> No.8210364

why so triggered?

>> No.8210514

The problem is that mocking Ted Talks had already been done two years before by Reggie Watts, the main difference was that Reggie did it to their face as a comedy act, while Sam did it as a prank for edgy subversion points.
Unsurprisingly Sam has made Reggie Watts a target of one of his pseudo-ironic rants, saying that white privilege can't be a thing if Reggie Watts type of comedy is successful (to paraphrase), basically trying to distance his viewers from the fact that the main thing he's made with a mostly positive consensus had been already done in a far more professional manner.

>> No.8210638

I dunno what it is about him but it all just seems so sad. I can't put my finger on it.

>> No.8210716


>> No.8210737


>> No.8210874

I think it's just that he's about 30 years old but his comedy is still that of an angsty and bitter college kid pissed off at the world. Hopefully he can find a way to refine his work because eventually people will stop caring about a semi-popular, edgy, ironic youtuber.

>> No.8210892

very similar to tao lin

>> No.8210902

>implying 4chan started being reddit any later than 2011

>> No.8211034
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>> No.8211051

cboyardee isn't that underground dude

>> No.8211089
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I had this bad dream last night where Sam Hyde found out where I lived. I was putting away clothes in the spare room of my house with the window open and Sam Hyde pulled up in a decrepit van pulling an equally decrepit trailer. He looked in at me through the window and immediately saw that I saw him and recognized him. He nodded slowly and a creepy grin spread across his face. He went to the local woods to smoke weed with some of his comedy friends. I thought about getting him to sign my moleskine notebook but I was also scared he would camp out in front of my house and I wouldn't be able to masturbate in peace. I didn't want Sam Hyde to eavesdrop on me masturbating and tell the whole world about it in some skit.

It was the worst dream I had all weekend and I personally blame this thread.

>> No.8211120
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>step 5: put on a hat. let people know you're all that