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/lit/ - Literature

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8208028 No.8208028 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend a good book written by a woman? Do they exist?

>> No.8208049

Anaïs Nin

>> No.8208062
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Painfully obvious bait

>> No.8208066
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>> No.8208069

is it bait because there obviously aren't any?

>> No.8208074

>tfw no chad bf

>> No.8208079
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fish dump thread?

>> No.8208090

Seconded. Be sure to read Henry Miller with her.

>> No.8208128
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>> No.8208137
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Go back to r9k.

>> No.8208146

Wuthering Heights

>> No.8208150

/lit/ is my blog you dumb bookfag

>> No.8208151

What the fuck

>> No.8208156

There is none.

>> No.8208158

>Anaïs Nin

So I just googled her and
>Before Lena Dunham, there was Anaïs Nin

Holy fucking shit, poor Anaïs. From the quotes I read she sounds dignified and intelligent. What a disheartening tribute to be compared to Lena Dunham...

Almost makes me not want to be remembered.

>> No.8208166
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>> No.8208174
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>> No.8208454

Hildegaard of Bingen

>> No.8208478

The only books written by females that I would consider great are To the Lighthouse and The Making of Americans by Virginia Woolf and Gertrude Stein, respectively.

>> No.8208484

Those are both good, but both Stein and Woolf have a number of other good books.

Also, what are your thoughts on Flannery O'Connor?

>> No.8208492

I just read this. Seriously Grade A, would read to grandchildren and die happy.

>> No.8208706

I should have qualified it with those are the only good books by female authors that I've read so far. O'Connor's short stories, I believe, are some of the best ever written.

>> No.8208710

Good lad

>> No.8208711

Middlemarch is the perfect novel so of course.

>> No.8208781

Anglo women writing about 10 year old girls is the most patrician of all genre fiction.

>Essential anglo women writing about 10 year old girls-core
Anne of Green Gables
When Marnie Came
All the Rivers Run

Feel free to add more, please

>> No.8208785

Mémoires d'Hadrien by Marguerite Yourcenar.

>> No.8208808
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r9k arrived

>> No.8208819
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shutup and post books or else you're proving him right

>> No.8208953

Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
Passing by Nella Larson
Mrs. Dalloway
House of the Spirits by Isabelle Allende
Wise Blood by Flannery O'Connor
Not Fiction but:
Against Interpretation by Susan Sontag
For Your Own Good by Alice Miller
Purity and Danger by Mary Douglas

There's more obviously but that's all the stuff I've read and would rec

>> No.8208962


>or else you're proving him right

Haha. Gatekeep these plebs, m8.

Fuck spoonfeeding them.

>> No.8208965
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No to both questions.

>> No.8208970

You can only gatekeep when you have a thriving board where anons can learn by lurking. At the moment /lit/ discourse is worse than /v/ so I'll take any excuse to actually post about books.

>> No.8208999

get some flannery o'connor, you dumb faggot.

>> No.8209175

If it were written by a man /lit/ would be praising it till the cows come home

>> No.8209182
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Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein

>> No.8209193

I tried to prove you wrong, only to realize most of the female authors I've read were translated by men. Go figure.

>> No.8209202

Shooting hot bolts making ovaries incandescent

>> No.8209206

sigrid undset

>> No.8209221

fuck no
dark spring by unica zürn
to the lighthouse

>> No.8209228

Yes, women exist.

>> No.8209284

>Feel free to add more, please
The House in Paris

>> No.8209417

Anita Broker is comfy.

>> No.8209427

Mary Renault Alexander trilogy.

>> No.8209541

Gillian Flynn. She writes mainly pulp mysteries, but they've got legit literary merit in places.

>> No.8209559

Bait/r9k thread but no one had mentioned Jane Austen yet, that hilarious turbo bitch. Her books are perfectly felicitous.

>> No.8209561

O'Connor is mai shirt story waifu

>> No.8209592

nice taste anon

>> No.8209595

Evelyn Waugh

>> No.8209610


>> No.8209611

Memoirs of Hadrian
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
The Age of Innocence
Their Eyes Were Watching God
White Teeth

>> No.8209621

That pic is bullshit, the average man is vapid and self-absorbed as all hell

>> No.8209633

Was a man.

>> No.8209645

De Beauvoir.

>> No.8209651

Was a joke.

>> No.8209812
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Yeah but Nin will be remembered. Dungheap wont.

The Vegetarian
The Waves

And pic related, which i doubt any of you have read. I have this cover too - first edition, 1892

>> No.8209877

I'll take the b8 happily. Marilynne Robinson is really good. Definitely worth reading.

Also, Alice Munro, but she writes short stories.

>> No.8209993

I liked Villette

>> No.8209994

I know this is bait but "The Vegetarian" by Han Kang is very good

>> No.8210615

Pride and Pre-Judas by John Austen

>> No.8210639


>> No.8210643


Stick to theology.

>> No.8210706
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Atwood has some good books.

Pic related. Her best work.

>> No.8210884

Bad book Tbh.

>> No.8210889

Silences, or a Woman's Life
Summer of the Elder Tree
both by Mary Chaix.

>> No.8210900

Yes, I haven't read many because I don't read based on author's sex, but some of the good ones
Hannukah Shekels Origins of Totalitarism and The Human Condition
Flannery O'Connor's.Complete Short Stories and Wise Blood
Interior of a Castle by Theresa of Avila
Edith Stein's Finite and the Eternal Being

>> No.8210913

Oh God please no.
Orthodox theology after 1054 is at best mysticism, but mostly butthurt about Aquinas, and she shows it.

>> No.8210920

glad you clarified, I was about to call you a faggot, you wouldn't have liked that.

>> No.8210930

I read The Second Sex and Ethics of Ambiguity.
Second was really interesting, a lot of history, and I learned a lot.
Ethics was mildly better than Sartre, but still idiotic existentialist philosophy that pales in comparison to contemporaries like Heidegger and Witt.

Are her novels any good?

>> No.8210943


I agree

>> No.8211156

jaaaane eyre
to the lighthouse
op ur trash

>> No.8211158

also handmaid's tale

>> No.8211228

Boys think of big weapons, phallic nebulae and naked little girls in the shower?

>> No.8211231

shoo shoo dumb roastie

>> No.8211240

V.C. Andrews
Anne Rice