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8203843 No.8203843 [Reply] [Original]

I've always preferred old books, mostly from the 19th century. The only book i've read and liked that was written in the last 30 years is Metro 2033, though I didn't read many modern books.

I need to modernize myself. Recommend some new novels to someone who loves old russian literature.

>> No.8203872

There's this book that's supposed to be a great beach read called Infinite Jest, forget the authors name, David Poster, or something of the sort.

It's a little obscure, but I feel like alot of the most interesting stories are.

>> No.8203883

what kind of russian literature? the romantic or the realist?

as in pushkin, lermontov, zhukovsky or is it more tolstoi, dostoievsky, chekhov?

>> No.8203898

Both. My favorites: Dostoievsky, Gogol, Pushkin, Turgenev, Tolstoy.

>> No.8203926

Stoner, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Ficciones, The Maimed, The Anatomy of Melancholy, Pale Fire, Jakob von Gunten, Remembers of Things Past, The Book of the New Sun, Petersburg, The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas, Motorman, Catch-22, Watchmen, A Confederacy of Dunces, A Short History of Decay, The Leopard, Ulysses, Blood Meridian, Silence, Infinite Jest, The Road.

>> No.8203930

try like, yourcenar, henry james, beckett's novels.

>> No.8203958

Have you read Burton, Carlyle, Browne, Donne, Browning, Spenser, Borges?

Try reading Gaddis. I'm one of, like, 5 people on here who constantly shill his work here. The Recognitions has this mythic, erudite and epic tone to it which I think will appeal to you, especially since he admitted to favouring those classic Russian authors you mentioned.

>> No.8204018

Most of these aren't really "new" authors, most of them were born in the transition from the 19th century to the 20th.

I was told my writing looks way too old, and won't appeal the modern audience. I need some newer books, written within the last 30 years.

But The Recognitions looks really nice, I might read it.

>> No.8204026

My Struggle by Karl Knaussgard

>> No.8204042

It's one of my favourite novels and deserves a wider audience.

>> No.8204064

>written within the last 30 years.

delillo, whoever wrote JR, salter, pynchon, barth etc

>> No.8204466
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