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8201068 No.8201068[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any political movement that isn't falling into the gay left-right dichotomy?

Like giving rights to minorities and protecting them yet at the same time giving also protection to your nation cultural heritage?

Like allowing degeneracy as long as it's between adults and in private spaces?

Like allowing the free market with basic regulations and protectionism of the industries that can't compete globally?

Like recognizing that economic classes can't be destroyed or aren't something undesired but also giving focus on improving the poor people quality of life?

Like using evidence from the politics of both left and right that works and disregarding the parts of the ideology that doesn't work, like the scientific method?

Why can't we do something better than reusing political theory from the XIX century?

>> No.8201069

It's called growing up past 21 and not worrying about this stupid shit and being mature.

>> No.8201133
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The European New Right

de Benoist is the best writer that really brings together a syncretic conceptualism, and not polemical. Antifa academics give him shit, they're also characterised his work as "New Left + German Conservative Revolutonaries"

>> No.8201135
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>The European New Right

>> No.8201155

>Like allowing degeneracy as long as it's between adults and in private spaces?
hahahahahaha you fucking liberal sheep thinking he has 'transcended' anything.
hahaha so le mature xdddd ITS JUST SEX MOM!!!!
Fuck off, attention whore.

>> No.8201177

gays should be allowed to have gay orgies inside their bars, but gay parades should be forbidden.

>> No.8201207


>> No.8201209

Do you have a problem?

>> No.8201218

there should be a separation between the public space and the private.

people should have full freedom in their private space, they should be allowed to fuck ponnies plushies in their houses.

but society is a public space and we should strive for being better societies in the public arena.

>> No.8201223

>movements that isn't
Learn to speak English you contrarian nigger
>desu im so special I need my own magic political orientation just for me

>> No.8201234
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While I do appreciate the sentiment, this isn't /lit/ and shouldn't be discussed - unless you're referring to a specific author.

And I don't want another eternal /pol/ thread on the board.

>> No.8201243

pol is too dumb to discuss political theory.

maybe you can fix this thread by talking about some author.

>> No.8201248
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The LGBT movement is just another control mechanism, More sophisticated than the patriarchal family unit which preceded it, but ultimately just serves the b yrself logic of neoliberalism. You got Lockheed martin floats at pride parades, for godsakes. 'Gay rights' have become a code word for American Imperialism.

>> No.8201251

You're just describing American conservatism.
And that's the problem with conservashits, they're just liberals from 15 years ago.

A true ideology like the one you describe doesn't exist because it is not sustainable. It does not have a logical conclusion, an end goal.

>> No.8201253


You aren't actually explaining anything, you're just fedoratipping.

>> No.8201259
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National Boldhevism is a nice meme. Proto-meme Magic

>> No.8201262

because citizens should follow the social codes, for the simple reason of social cohesion and tradition in THE PUBLIC SPACE.

there should be some common moral well behaving on THE PUBLIC SPACE.

we can't expect the public to be exposed to degeneracy from the west.

>> No.8201266

>control mechanism
I gotta hear/read moar on this.
Please direct
inb4 plebs blurt out Foucault

>> No.8201269

if there is a social code, but everyone goes home and breaks it and are degenerate at home, why does the social code exist? why should people be moral in public but not at home?

degeneracy must be purged. "as long as it doesn't affect you" is a meme.

>> No.8201271

>because citizens should follow the social codes

You aren't actually making an argument here, you're just fedoratipping your liberalism.

>> No.8201276

because you don't want people spitting or shitting on the streets, same as you want your public transportation to be clean and not have graffitis.

the public space should be respected, otherwise there's no point on keeping streets cleans and simply shit on the street like india.

>> No.8201277

Abolishing the private sphere can have totalitarian implications. Remember, Maoists and Christians alike were aware of the power of public confession. Basically you leave the individual defenseless against an all encompassing mass media apparatus controlled by capitalist interests. Media content has become increasingly moral and autoritharian.

>> No.8201280

I spit in the streets

>> No.8201283

I know /pol/ is dumb, and threads like these attract flocks of crossposters - who sadly regress to their usual baiting and shitposting.

I don't know what to say about OP's problem. Politics isn't something you're given as an ideology and adhere to, is something you create by assimilating and thinking and finding your "thing", a Leviathan of you're very own you can use to navigate life - I think Hannah Arendt said something about Politics being man sculpting his Self in time and memory through actions and words. You can't readily find an answer to something like
>Are there any political movement that isn't falling into the gay left-right dichotomy?

>> No.8201284
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Outside of the 'protectionism' thing (which is retarded), it's called 'libertarianism', and it's the GOAT political philosophy, objectively speaking.

>> No.8201288

>the public space should be respected
That's not a reason, that's just fedoratipping your ideology.
See? More ideological fedoratipping.

>> No.8201291

>The LGBT movement is just another control mechanism

Fuck off or cite some sources Alex Jones. I don't want you rambling about Dulce Base and the New World Order and chemtrails and shit.

>> No.8201293
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s m h

>> No.8201294

you want some nigger throwing garbage in front of your house?
you want your public transportation look like damage shit filled with nigger graffitis?
you want people to not pick their dogs shit?
you want to live in India with people shitting up their streets?

you want to live in a clean city?

>> No.8201297

please tell me how your specific idea of forcing the local extortion racket to extort people is the 100 percent accurate one.
Protip: using the word 'fedoratipping' without any substantive argument is fedoratipping fedoratipping

>> No.8201298

>you want
'want' is not an argument, fedoratipper.

>> No.8201299

I want you to shut the fuck up.

>> No.8201302

give me an example of arguments then why the public space shouldn't be revitalized, protected and teach kids to be good citizens on it?

>> No.8201309

That isn't why I told you to shut the fuck up, but also shut the fuck up about that too; the demanding basic things everyone agrees with, without reading how it happens then, "WHY IS THERE GRAFFITI, WHY ARE THE PEOPLE BAD MOMMY?"

It's fucking ridiculous, just research and stop asking us loaded questions children ask.

>> No.8201315

>waaah why isn't everybody a part of my contrarian pseudo-rightwing ideology?

>> No.8201317

you seem to be angry while giving insults rather than engaging using arguments.

maybe you feel intelectually not good enough to answer my claims.

>le adhominen

>> No.8201319

Libertarianism= justifying feudal extortion rackets with spooky moral constructs like 'private property' 'muh NAP'. 'Hard Work' is Good. God (the Market) Always rewards 'Hard Work'. Accumulation of surplus capital is the mark of the virtuous man and God's elect.

Ur just a Protestant cuck after all haha

>> No.8201324

>you seem to be angry while giving insults rather than engaging using arguments.
What argument do you want? I just gave you a very reasonable one. If you don't like aggression, you shouldn't be on the internet.

>maybe you feel intelectually not good enough to answer my claims.
Yes I'm sure that's it.

>> No.8201325

your claims are 'babby's first political theory' tier

>> No.8201327

As a literal libertard I disagreed with everything (I mean duh) but I could follow your argument right up until the moment you unironically used the word 'cuck' in the description of political ideologies.

Also moral desert is real, baka desu senpai

>> No.8201344

I hate this new trip. Honestly you sound like you get ur ideology from bumper stickers. And then say you have no ideology cause 'reality has a liberal bias' amirite?

>> No.8201346

>Honestly you sound like you get ur ideology from bumper stickers
Yes, how did you know.

>And then say you have no ideology cause 'reality has a liberal bias' amirite?
I don't know, you're the liberal.

>> No.8201351

>Honestly you sound like you get ur ideology

people using the word ideology this wrong is the death croak of /lit/

>> No.8201353


>> No.8201409

maybe you wanna teach me and make this thread productive then.

>> No.8201708

>free market
>protectionism of the industries that can't compete globally
These are directly at odds with each other. If a certain industry is failing it's usually because the capital being invested into that industry is shifting to more profitable industries. In a first world country many labor heavy industries simply won't be as profitable as they would be elsewhere, so it makes sense that people aren't building new factories there. This is why over 75% of the US workforce works in services, because we value the services we provide for one another more than most manufactured goods.

Also, tariffs drive up prices for consumers, and even anti-dumping tariffs are usually pointless. If a country wants to sell goods for less money than those goods cost to produce, the only winner is the country buying those goods.

>> No.8201725

>africans can compete againts first worlders
>this is what free market retards think
>suddenly chad can compete against japan

>> No.8201775

>Are there any political movement that isn't falling into the gay left-right dichotomy?
Third positionism and anything with the 'post-' prefix
>Like giving rights to minorities and protecting them yet at the same time giving also protection to your nation cultural heritage?
>Like allowing degeneracy as long as it's between adults and in private spaces?
>Like allowing the free market with basic regulations and protectionism of the industries that can't compete globally?
>Like recognizing that economic classes can't be destroyed or aren't something undesired but also giving focus on improving the poor people quality of life?
Class collaboration (see fascism).
>Like using evidence from the politics of both left and right that works and disregarding the parts of the ideology that doesn't work, like the scientific method?
'Working' regarding this subject is an arbitrary phrase based on value judgements. Political systems can't be said to work or not work objectively.
>Why can't we do something better than reusing political theory from the XIX century?
All the things you just asked for are actually reused political theory, there's nothing new about your ideas.

>> No.8201793

Everyone wants you to shut the fuck up.

Abandon trip.

>> No.8201801

I give you all you need to know.

>> No.8201915


Into the trash it goes

>> No.8201929

do you seriously think africans can compete againts the first world?

>> No.8201946

Do you even understand the principle of comparative advantage?

>> No.8202030

do you think commodities can compare to manufacture and high tech jobs?

>> No.8202062

Almost everything you just described is basically mainstream american politics- outside of alt-right and SJW stupidity, pretty much everyone in US politics more or less advocates the positions stated. Grow up, kid.

>> No.8202068
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Pragmatism is usually seen as right wing, so no.

Progressivism has to be embraced whole hog or not at all. It's fundamentally idealist. Read Suicide of the West. Not perfect, but a good overview of the patterns of progressivism.

Also, you're describing Trump's platform. #MAGA

>> No.8202086

come on niggers, I'm not some omniscient god, I'm really new to political theory.

give me a break.

>> No.8202098

He's wrong, that's not mainstream politics.

Mainstream american politics generally gives you 2 choices:

>Democrat: SJW bullshit, minority/immigrant grievances, handouts, healthcare, workers rights, and protectionism with lip service toward isolationism
>Republican: unwinnable culture war positions, low taxes, gun rights, muh free markets, corporate welfare, foreign wars, outsourcing, with lip service to immigration control

And now we're finally given a 3rd option: workers rights, low taxes, healthcare, protectionism, isolationism, gun rights, IMMIGRATION CONTROL(fucking finally), and reasonable/mild culture war positions most normal people would agree with.

>> No.8202164
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>and disregarding the parts of the ideology that doesn't work, like the scientific method?

>> No.8202171 [DELETED] 

Listen, ok, listen? Listen, I want to assassinate donald trump with the pure giant loads of turds from my ass it's all warm, ok?

>> No.8202268
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>> No.8202271

My poops are going to shoot out like bullets, they're screaming, ok? For the American people, ok?

>> No.8202274

Should've looked up the word 'neoliberalism' before you repeated it

>> No.8202300

Right and left are other words for stop and go

You cant have one without the other

>> No.8202384

Against Inclusiveness - James Kalb

>> No.8202387

It's called being a moderate like most americans

Jesus Christ a political party isn't supposed to be some kind of hivemind where everybody agrees on the exact same beliefs or else you don't belong

>> No.8202406

>Hasn't noticed the polarization of the last decade

>> No.8202830

this isn't even slightly about literature