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8199026 No.8199026 [Reply] [Original]

> Reading books with a glass of wine
Do people outside of try-hards who want to look oh-so-sophisticated actually, unironically do this? This has to be a meme.

>> No.8199039

if guys are in their 20s doing this then they are probably pseuds

especially if they are doing this at a restaurant or pub

>> No.8199042

Only women reading stephen king are doing it.

>> No.8199045

A lot of women like wine, so them doing it is probably no big deal. A guy doing it raises questions. Especially if in public. If they're alone doing it, I guess who gives a shit?

>> No.8199046

>not drinking while reading

I remember when I was a contrarian 16 year old like OP

>> No.8199048

OP's right.

Us real /lit/erati patricians read with one or more cups of strong black coffee, depending on the duration.

>Stupefying your mind with alcohol, rather than elevating it with caffeine

>> No.8199053

I drink straight from the jug.

>> No.8199096

> Half sitting, half lying on my bed
> Only in my trousers
> Bottle of really cheap stuff on my bedside
> One hand on my nuts
Feels good, man.

>> No.8199161

I've done it before but I find it difficult to concentrate and always regret it afterwards. I unironically love wine though, especially red.

>> No.8199165

-Everything else
- Wine, whiskey, coffee

>> No.8199168


>Coffee in the 'FUCK YOU' tier

Heh, don't worry kid. I'm sure your mom will let you have your first coffee/Red Bull soon.

>> No.8199178

>mad that I called your "oh so french, oh so existentialist, oh so cynical and SoHo" bullshit out

>> No.8199185

I don't think too much about what I drink while reading, nor what I read while drinking for that matter.

>> No.8199192


>Letting bourgeois bohemians ruin life's most patrician beverage for you

What a shame kid, what a shame.

>> No.8199199

>judging people for their choice of drink
>understanding trivial things through the lens of image and impression management

You're part of the problem.

>> No.8199206

does it count as try hard if it's a beer?

>> No.8199253


>it's a dip who tries to take a bunch of idiots shitposting to stave off their boredom literally

No, Reddit. You're part of the problem.

>> No.8199266
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Well, how else are they going to be superior to everyone on their friends list?

>> No.8199273
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Finally the wine slurpers reveal themselves.

>> No.8199276
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I don't see the problem. I drink really cheap wine though and usually straight out of the pack.

>> No.8199279
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>> No.8199285



>> No.8199287

I will judge you for whatever I like, you little bitch.

>> No.8199294

Of course I do that. Wine tastes great and I enjoy reading. Why not combine the two? Sometimes I also add a bowl or two of pipe tobacco or a cigar if it is early enough to read outside.

>> No.8199299

If you actually like it that's fine. If you're doing it because you think it sounds cool to do, you're a pseud. The dumbest thing I do is sometimes I'll pair a book with an appropriate sounding drink for fun. Like bourbon or rye with Faulkner or cognac with Gaddis. Or shitty cheap beer with Gass's writing about the Midwest.

>> No.8199304

I'm going to steal this idea desu sempai

>> No.8199327


Slaves to the spectacle.

>> No.8199342


>not belonging to the elite class and drinking wine instead of drinking beer like a working class man

Its like you want to be looked down on.

>Wine master race.

>> No.8199346

Love wine and love books.
I never mix serious lit and alcohol, though, because it really slows down my reading after even just a glass or two.
For plebshit I guess it wouldn't matter, but yeah, it seems to mainly be for the sake of posing for instagram pics

>> No.8199352

i have done with some pilsner or aquavit, don't really see why you can't enjoy a glass of wine with your books tbqh

>> No.8199365

> Still thinking that only the elite can afford wine and it's a status symbol
Back to the middle ages with you

>> No.8199384

I've been meaning to try aquavit for a while now. What brands would you recommend?

>> No.8199429

wine, coffee, scotch, whatever. Usually there's an end table.

Why do you care so much what helps other people get some reading done?

Do you think that when people read on the bus they're trying to impress you then too?

>> No.8199440

thats so conformist wtf

>> No.8199443

I regularly drink whiskey and coffee together while I read. I call it whoffee.

>> No.8199489

Whiskey mixes well with hot coffee.

>> No.8199505

I drink a glass of wine or beer every night, and read every night. I also own a home and do it in the privacy of my home. Only an 18 year old Southern murrican who lacks any nuance or sophistication outside of Jim Beam and Budweiser they steal from their dad would think drinking wine is pretentious

>> No.8199508

It can be pretentious. Anything can depending on the context.

>> No.8199514

You mean an Irish coffee?

>> No.8199518

Reading drunk is the absolute worst.

>> No.8199519

Why would it be a meme? A glass of wine literally opens your mind and relaxes the body. This is fact. Just don't go and drink the whole bottle, and don't be a seventeen year-old girl and the one glass will be perfect.
For writing, 2-3 glasses sipped slowly over the course of a few hours is the absolute shit.

>> No.8199526

i intone in my glass: words i read aloud
the glass answers
i do it again
and again

>> No.8199545

I don't intentionally sit down with a glass and book, but sometimes after a glass or two I get an urge to read.

>> No.8199557

I have wine with dinner, I pour an alcoholic sized glass I can't finish with my meal. The glass accompanies me to after meal reading
Feels good

>> No.8199561

Kind of, but without the cream or sugar that typical Irish coffee recipes call for. Just whiskey poured straight into a cup of black coffee and stirred a bit.

>> No.8199679

Switch to brandy. It's much better in black coffee.

>> No.8199686

what about a beer and reading?

>> No.8199734

Yeah a lot of women prefer win over beer as something to drink casually. Nobody's going to guilt trip about getting drunk from wine, as well. As for reading I'll have a chardonnay and a hit from the pipe, thank you very much.

>> No.8199760

Most wine tastes like shit to me because I don't like grapes.

>> No.8199765 [DELETED] 

I do it, it boosts my intelligence by a factor of ten.

>> No.8199779

Maybe just stop thinking you're so important that people read to impress you.

>> No.8199823

where's that graffiti located? i need to know

>> No.8199871

I like cognac but putting it in coffee seems like it'd be a waste. Unless you mean that cheap shit e&j brandy that homeless people buy.

>> No.8199911

> Not living in Italy where we drink wine at lunch.
Stay pleb op

>> No.8199917

Coffee, tea, water or a cigarette. I'm trying to pay attention to the book.

>> No.8199919

Step it up. In France they drink wine while on duty in the Police and Navy.

>> No.8199920



>> No.8199962

Never did like wine, hard liquor is the shit though. I usually drink iced tea when reading but sipping hard liquor while writing is happiness

>> No.8199966


I usually drink a prole beer like high life or pbr while I read. (or when i'm just hanging around at my apartment in general, really.)

nothing 'pseud' about drinking a beer...

>> No.8199968 [DELETED] 

excuse me?

>> No.8199973

>living in a culture where fermented grape juice is pretentious

you're not going to make it op

>> No.8200063

the glass caresses the lip
cold as impending doom
relax in spasms
I'm gone

>> No.8200066

I find people eager or vehement in accusations of pretension radiate insecurity.

>> No.8200068

This is very real. My ex would drink half a bottle rereading Dorian gray some nights.

>> No.8200084

Is it weird that I really miss shitty beer? I think that some others taste better but i long for when I was drinking steel reserves because it was cheap.

>> No.8200087

You're nostalgic for the times, not the cheap beer itself.

>> No.8200091

I do it.

t. Better Than Food

>> No.8200095

If you drink something based on whether it makes you a pseud, you're a pseud.

>> No.8200174

i do, but that's because i'm an alcoholic and wine is my alcohol of choice
honestly my reading suffers as a result

>> No.8200178

one hand to hold book, one hand to flip pages. this is the way it has been since the dawn of books

>> No.8200180

Honestly the only place i've ever seen people show off their reading/drinking combination is on /lit/

>> No.8200183

>poisoning your mind with any substances instead of going natural

>> No.8200189 [DELETED] 

Now is a better time than ever, you fucking maroon.

>> No.8200190

my college roommate and i used to do this ironically. we also made sure to get the shittiest box/jug wine possible for added irony or something.

>> No.8200199

The concept of irony here is so confusing. I've done it before myself. Did I enjoy it because I genuinely would have liked it if not for myself? Was I enjoying acting the part of someone else?

>> No.8200206

so two glasses? wew lad

>> No.8200215

post-irony is the hip thing now

>> No.8200220

Is that why you left her?

>> No.8200237

Total fucking win I'm in the Alpini

>> No.8200245

reading/drink tier list
god tier: Coffee (black)
good tier: hard liquor ( bourbon gin etc)
okay tier: ovaltine
bad tier: chai tea
shit tier: beer

>> No.8200250
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Just gin thanks

>> No.8200277

Don't read drunk, have a drink while you read

>> No.8200298

So literally what the OP was asking?

>Bragging about how much alcohol you drink

>> No.8200301

Would've saved me some time desu

>> No.8200325

Post picture

>> No.8200346

I like grapes but don't like the taste of wine. I don't like alcohol at all, actually.

I drink Ovaltine or chai while reading sometimes, and I like both. Usually have a biscuit or two as well. I have a sweet tooth desu.

>> No.8200348

>saying specifically that she drinks half a bottle rather than that she drinks wine because the half bottle part seems worth mentioning

>> No.8200349

>buying into the capitalist myth of caffeine

>> No.8200351

In India they drink scotch while on duty, come home shitfaced, and then try to rape their wives.

>> No.8200363
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Go on...

>> No.8200861

you can't rape your wife anon

>> No.8200865 [DELETED] 


>> No.8201445

Just left a wine tasting. AMA.

>> No.8201453

What happens when we die?
Liam or Noel?

>> No.8201458

Heaven or Hell, the choice is yours.

Both are stupid names so neither.

>> No.8201486

Do they really spit each sip of wine out after tasting it at those? That sounds retarded.

>> No.8201488

Most people don't feel like getting hammered at a wine tasting.

>> No.8201491

What's the point of drinking if you're not getting drunk?

>> No.8201496

You can, we didn't. It was a private event though so people didn't mind getting a little drunk.

>> No.8201500

Degenerate pleb detected.

What's the point of eating if you aren't going to stuff ourself so full that you want to puke?

>> No.8201505

Pretentious tard detected.

Liquor is specifically made to get you drunk.

>> No.8201508

Is it fun being so blissfully ignorant of historical context?

>> No.8201524

If I wanted to be a super genius and solve cancer ida had gonna school

>> No.8201543

Tastes good, and booze also has subtle effects that are worth enjoying even if you stop drinking before the point of getting drunk.

>> No.8201549

I drink tea while reading and doing pretty much everything else, but wine is my alcohol of choice
a spainbro got me into it, I hated the taste of beer when I was younger and I still do, so it put me off alcohol for a really long time

>> No.8201552

if i bought wine i couldn't afford books

>> No.8202338
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>not reading a book in your sunny back yard with a refreshing glass of cider

The only time I really drink and read.

>> No.8203237

Drank stout on Bloomsday; usually just tea/water, weather depending

>> No.8203296

Is "bro tier" supposed to mean good.

>> No.8203338

>a private event
As opposed to a publically funded wine tasting?

>> No.8203349

As in not accessible to the riff raff.

>> No.8204618

He's right though. 17th century people weren't drinking gin for the delicate flavour.

>> No.8204624

I love to drink vodka as I read but eventually I get so drunk that I can't even focus on what I'm reading anymore so it ends up pointless. still comfy and fun though

>> No.8204627

Are you saying the fact that caffeine acts as a stimulant is a myth? I guess I'm wondering what the joke is here, because it's not particularly funny.

>> No.8204642

It is though, caffeine is not a proper stimulant. It's more of a sleep suppressor.

You need amphetamines if you actually want to be stimulated instead of just being sort of nervous.

>> No.8204914

No, he's not. Beer and wine were not created to get drunk. Neither were spirits.

>> No.8204921

it was a bad joke, i apologize

>> No.8204930
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I can't focus on reading when I've had any alcohol at all.

>> No.8204936

>not reading while shooting heroing while self asphyxiation

>> No.8204941

>asphyxiation as a verb
you might want to cut back a little on the china white

>> No.8204950

Beyond God tier: ovaltine with amphetamines in it

>> No.8204959
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Fuck you are right. What the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.8204961

yes they were and yes they were. hunter gatherers settled down to get faded. that created civilisation.