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/lit/ - Literature

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8196941 No.8196941 [Reply] [Original]

How does /lit/ organise their bookshelves? Publisher, author, genre, chronologically? What do you believe is the superior method?

Also, post your bookshelves.

>> No.8196947
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>> No.8196949

I sort by country of author's birth, then author's birth year. Non-fiction's got its own shelf, not as much order to it, just generally flows from topic to topic.

>> No.8196956
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Last name > chronological order of release > oldest edition

Pic related is my mess

>> No.8196960
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>> No.8196961

I use the Dewey decimal system for non fiction, and for fiction I have three groups: "give-away" in a crate, "to-read" on a shelf organized in order I want to read them, and "read" in no particular order but try to make them fit most efficiently. Not home so no pic

>> No.8196976
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>> No.8196980

How much non-fiction do you have? I want to go Dewey, but it feels a little useless when I've only got ~150 nonfiction books.

>> No.8197184
File: 3.92 MB, 4276x2151, bookshelves 6-22-16 smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's mine, wanted to take some new pictures

>> No.8197206


>> No.8197211

this tbqh famalamadingdong

>> No.8197218

how long have to you been buying books?

>> No.8197228
File: 3.28 MB, 4996x1001, 20160603_000854-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know own if you can read the titles. this is off my phone. one of my shelves. the most recent one.

>> No.8197236
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Around six years. This pic is about all the books I owned six years ago.

>> No.8197243
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my second shelf. when I started to get out of genre fiction as a teen.

>> No.8197250

Where at in your house is that? Looks like a really convenient mantle set-up.

I like your taste, too.

>> No.8197257

that's in the living room of my apartment.

>> No.8197262
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nice view of a brick wall

>> No.8197271
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>> No.8197278
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>> No.8197284
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>> No.8197288
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Well shit, that's a sad view. I was thinking it was something like this pic, a shelf-above-the-wall kind of thing.

>> No.8197292

I've read that Mass Effect book. The last chapters are the funniest blunder I've ever seen. Think The Persian Letters but from the point of view of an author who realized his OCs wouldn't appear in the actual game anyway.

>> No.8197294
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>> No.8197322

that's convenient. I need a bigger bookshelf. no room left.

>> No.8197327

lol my dad gave me that as an Xmas present because he saw me pay the game.

>> No.8197377

[Spoiler] Read it tho, it's pretty good. [/Spoiler]

>> No.8197383

I did like 8 years ago

>> No.8197415

that is the most ramshackle bookcase i have ever seen

>visit anon's house
>look at books
>oh hey the petroleum engineering handbook, that looks interesting
>bookalanche ensues

>> No.8197441

Seriously OP why aren't the boards even screwed together all the way?

>> No.8197446

Post cat picture.

>> No.8197453
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>> No.8197486

I love them, anon

>> No.8197509
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this is my tiniest bookcase

awwww kitties

>> No.8197550

Like this:
>Location (in time, and geography)
>Date published

For example, one of shelves is Ancient Greece. Separated into Epics, Poems, Plays, Philosophy, and History, and then organized by release date. So Homer is first.

For more contemporary works, I group by author before date published.

>tfw you're an autistic accountant
>tfw I get more pleasure from viewing my perfectly sorted shelf than actually reading
>tfw nothing gives me greater anxiety than buying a new book whose location I am unsure of

>> No.8197693

>oh hey the petroleum engineering handbook, that looks interesting
All of my friends are normalfags so I don't think such words will ever be uttered
Well, this bookcase was here when I moved in. I am a student so it seemed worth it to make do rather than buy a new one.

>> No.8197838

nice kittehs

>> No.8197973

I've seen you in a lot of shelves thread recently, what would you recommend for a person that is just starting to read books in english language? I'm a portuguese native speaker, btw

>> No.8198175

I'd think Hemingway and Steinbeck would both be good for early reading. They both have great short stories and novellas to choose from too, if you don't want to go ahead with long works.

>> No.8198332
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Mein meager bookshelf

>> No.8198351
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Am I autistic by organizing my books this way?

Also I haven't read a book since high school please don't make fun of me

>> No.8198355

It doesn't really matter much how you organize them when you've only got a dozen.

>> No.8198407
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my sister just got a kitten does anyone want to see it

>> No.8198490
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I go
Ancient Languages and Amiibos

>> No.8198541


>> No.8198584

I-I'm gonna have a cat right now.

>> No.8198616
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^ jelly of the zaibatsu

>> No.8199208
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>> No.8199632

aww, is that nigger-man?

>> No.8200943

bookshelf bump

>> No.8200971

you'll someday realize that you're a piece of shit

>> No.8201006

>Mongolian Folk Tales with the papercut illustrations
Shit is pure class

>> No.8201043
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>> No.8201122

Have you added anything new to it recently?

>> No.8201138

Most recently I read the Nibelungenlied and Invisible Cities.

>> No.8201229

Fiction section arranged chronologically, then stacks in various half assed sections like social science and bourgeois history and travelogues/art history

>> No.8201281
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>Manga: The Complete Guide

>> No.8201386

I was extremely into manga when I was a teenager. Had more than 700 volumes in high school, which I steadily sold off during college. Only have ~100 now (they go in the bedroom, not out on display).

>> No.8201448

Nope, I do the same thing. It's part of the not wanting your room to look like shit aesthetic

>> No.8201614
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What's going on with your copy of Bleeding Edge, where's all the shiny?

>> No.8201618

Holy hell that picture confused me for an embarrassingly long amount of time, I think my brain is broken.

>> No.8201693
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Just what I have with me in grad school, minus what's in my office. I don't usually post in these threads so this is your chance to call me names.

>> No.8201707

What do you study?

>> No.8201710

Math, but most of those books are in my office because I actually use them.

>> No.8201719

I did an astrophysics undergrad too, though, which is why some of that stuff is there. I didn't know if I'd need it here so I brought it just in case.

>> No.8201734
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I organize my bookcase by which book fits on which shelf. What I don't have room for anymore goes into the ever growing stack in my closet. That's pretty much it. I think I started off trying to group books with similar genres or authors, but that fell by the wayside a while ago.

>> No.8201735


>> No.8201740

By that he means he's a pseud.

>> No.8201751

how's Satin Island? I read Remainder for a Contemporary Lit course and didn't quite enjoy it but felt like I ought to check out more from the author.

>> No.8201767

I loved Remainder but Satin Island didn't do much for me. It was sort of bland. A couple of interesting ideas, but not enough to sustain a full novel in my opinion. If you really like cultural theory you might like it, though.

>> No.8202138

Sorry boys, I was at work

>> No.8202141
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And i forgot to post the

>> No.8202285

I don't like these books

you suck

>> No.8203520


>> No.8203654

it looks like you haven't read any of those

>> No.8203712

Sorry man

>> No.8203802
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Good old used bookstores

>> No.8203807
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Not a bookshelf. Hang from a tree.

>> No.8203825

this looks eerily familiar to an apartment i almost took in montreal

you're not in montreal, are you?

>> No.8203858


>> No.8204268
File: 119 KB, 205x367, 2016-06-24_2214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you probably won't be needing that book any more anon

there ya go, i saved you a bit of shelf space

>> No.8204287

Genre, but I'm not a very organized person and my bookshelves are usually all messed up. I like them better that way though.

>> No.8204365

Well spotted, feels good mate. Feels good.

>> No.8204468
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>> No.8204616

my mom/10

>> No.8204673

Hmmm... by genre mostly. I also have a sort of "to read"-shelf if you will.

>> No.8204680

>being an amazombie

>> No.8205365

kys cuck

>> No.8205390


Cool Faulkner. Just don't forget about Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.8205421


I did a reorganization a few months ago of the literal top-shelf stuff to accomodate space issues.

There are 4 identical shelves, each five bays, or bins, high. The obvious considerations are to keep like material together, and also to store books in a logical manner that befits long-terms storage - bigger, heavier books belong at the bottom of the shelf for practical and safety reasons. Art books, thick textbooks, things like that.

One shelf stands apart from the other three due to space issues.

There is a built-in shelf in the apartment for overflow, which is currently also at capacity.

It goes like this right now:

Basic religious texts and the occult - Philosophy - Philosophy, history

History - History, fiction - fiction

Fiction - fiction, science - science, math

Math/Sci textbooks - Math Textbooks (multiple library books sitting in the little free space left here atm) - Language

Art books - Art/Design books - Animu art books

The other fourth shelf from top to bottom is basically a filing-cabinet's worth of old animu and video game magazines that I refuse to get rid of. There's also some children's books, several having some /lit/ merit at the bottom. Humor and a stack of old MADs are here.

The overflow is Mango TPs that I also refuse to get rid of, but frankly they're not as important to me anymore.

>> No.8205489

Alphabetical by last name, earliest works to latest for each author.

>> No.8205585

Among the most interesting shelves I've seen on lit, largely but by no means entirely based on the fact that you have more Greek works than most. I totally hate Library of America books and their bible paper, but as much as I hate those I love the NYRBs. Have you read Anatomy of Melancholy yet? I've never seen it on anyone's shelf, let alone talked to someone who's read it. Ever since I heard about it on /lit/ months ago and looked into it a bit further, it's turned into one of those books that haunts me and teases me to read it; I just don't think I'm ready yet.

My favorite used bookstore has 40ish Loebs at any given time, and right now there are maybe a dozen I'd love to pick up, but every fucking one of them has a "NEW TRANSLATION!" sticker on the hilariously fragile dust jacket.

>> No.8205613

in this case, a picture is worth a thousand words, anon

>> No.8206461

Same. For me it feels it's the best way to find something quickly and keep it look organized, but I still dislike when different formats or sizes interfere with each other.

>> No.8206507

Library of America is fucking great, isn't it?

I wish there was something similar for English literature.

>> No.8207282

nice Women & Men

>> No.8207625

>children's toys
Also, get a fucking taste you loser.

>> No.8207633
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Organized alphabetically by author

>> No.8207637
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>> No.8207647

by size, ese

>> No.8207649

>paris 1919

>> No.8207658

Honestly got about 60 pages in at the end of last summer, but in the process of moving back to school I got sidetracked, then school started.

It seemed like a good book though -- will definitely revisit it after this fiction binge I'm on right now. I liked the perspective it offers -- sweeping.

>> No.8207701
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The back rows are Warhammer 40k novels, One Punch Man, and the rest of Monster Musume

>> No.8207714

some of us know how to read a book without breaking the spine

>> No.8207727

fuck off frogposter

>> No.8207742
File: 561 KB, 1600x912, IMG_20160625_202156_hdr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. I wanted to edit all three shelves into one picture, but one picture was taken sideways and that looked weird.

Here's my top shelf.

>> No.8207747
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Middle Shelf.

>> No.8207754
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And third shelf. Here's my mannequin chilling around.

>> No.8207762

Those are drawers, not shelves, you fucking asshole

>> No.8207824
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>> No.8208449
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>> No.8208556

But trains usually don't climb ramps that are taller than 2% anon

>> No.8208575

do you seriously only have the shittiest culture novel?

>> No.8208713
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here's my main one

>> No.8208715
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>> No.8208725

How are those signet classics? I've heard the font on those is so small that you can barely read

>> No.8208731

I like your collection, btw

>> No.8208736

I buy most of my stuff used so I'm sort of used to reading pocket sized books like that. most of them have a decent amount of academic commentary which I usually skim after I finish the book. Can't beat the price tho

>> No.8209638

The sun might bleach the paper somewhat, and high temperature from the radiator can warp them. I wouldn't put books there personally.

>> No.8209684

Sure. let me correct my shelves of book and install drawers into them.

>> No.8210221


i like it

>> No.8210236

Yeah, it doesn't take long either, and if you wait, it'll make the first few letters on each page vanish.

>> No.8210270
File: 2.55 MB, 2880x2160, 20160626_143042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my only good looking shelves

>> No.8210271

lol yeah I know. none of my first editions are in that window. it's just temporary until I get a new book shelf.

>> No.8210301

i kind of like those bear bookends

also you have a horse a bit like like mine >>8197509
so i guess you have been to sweden at some point

>> No.8210340

yes, we hosted a Swedish exchange student when I was in middle school for a year and then visited her in Stockholm that summer. Its still one of my favorite trips desu

>> No.8211616

I get it now, the picture is sideways

It took me a while too

>> No.8211896

Genre > Author > chronology

>> No.8212131

I'm been getting rid of most of my books because I am sick of dealing with hundreds of pounds of books when I move and the physical space they take up. I was never going to read most of them again anyway and if I want to I'll check them from the library. I feel freer and lighter without the burden of all those objects, they weren't serving any purpose than being a monument to 'look how smart I am'

>> No.8212688

How often are you moving?

Personally, I've enjoyed the book boxes when I move. It's pretty good for exercise, and they're way easier to pack than most sorts of objects. One of my local bookstores is moving a block away and is recruiting volunteers to help pack and move their books, and I'm even planning to go down after work today.

>> No.8212725

Why buy books though? I've never been one to purchase and collect them, I always get them from the library.

>> No.8212741

For me, I buy them when it's something I'm likely to use in classes in the future, or something I'll need to have another look at. Not that I don't read from the library (how else are you supposed to read OOP academic works), but when I've got it out from the library before to read, it just makes it even easier to choose what I want to buy, since I already know how much I like it and how useful it is.

>> No.8212744
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Doesn't any one here have a library type wall filled with books?

With inherited books and your own?

Being a neet is not an excuse for these examples is it?

>> No.8212753

Does >>8197184 count? It does take up the whole wall, about 13 feet across. I'm still sorting through the inherited ones, but most of what I'm keeping will be in the children's lit section, so probably not impressive to /lit/.

>> No.8212758

Meant for >>8212744

>> No.8212766

I guess it does, I'd like to see them in 1 picture alone.

I have one similar to yours, but there would be no point posting it. My native language is no English.

>> No.8212779
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Unfortunately, I don't have control over the center three shelves, so it doesn't look as neat all together (the other shelf is across the room).

What's your native language? I'd still like to see it, even if I probably can't read the titles. Could still appreciate the look of it.

>> No.8212794

>Think The Persian Letters but from the point of view of an author who realized his OCs wouldn't appear in the actual game anyway
What did he means by this?

>> No.8212805
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>> No.8212971

Understandable. Yeah, I have a couple of my favorites too

>> No.8212979


Post pictures of the orange cat please

>> No.8212997

Have you posted before? I vaguely remember seeing a similar shelf but it had two chairs in front of it. And no kitties. If that was you a few weeks ago, your reading area looks cozy as ever.

>> No.8213007

Those are some fluffy cats

>> No.8213032
File: 2.99 MB, 4608x2592, cat6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than likely me, I scooted one of my chairs over for that picture. Thank you! I need a better couch to get it prime cozy though, not this $100 ikea mess

here you go anon, he's the lovest, other kitty is so aloof

>> No.8213037


What a great animal, orange cats are the best

Thanks dude

>> No.8213148

Since I was a kid we've always had Tabby cats and they are by far the most affectionate cats. I really believe this breed is the best for companionship but there are always so many in shelters, I don't get it.

>> No.8213189
File: 561 KB, 1608x1206, cat9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised he's managed to still be so affectionate--we got him from a family whose kids regularly tortured him (threw him into a fire and burned his paw pads), and he's even been hit by a car ($2000 leg surgery because yeah, I'm that person). You'd think he'd retain some issues, but he's never stopped being adorable, ready to lay in my lap for hours.

I never look around shelters, I know it'd be depressing. I imagine everyone jumps for any unique-looking ones that might be there. I can't deny the fact that the other kitty looks a bit maine coon-ish was what led me to accept her being pushed on me.

>> No.8214071

Through college I moved once a year, then I managed to stay in one place about 3 years before moving again. Hopefully I'll be here a while, rent is good. The exercise is of no interest to me, I work on my feet so time spent on my ass is of way more value to me. It's nice of you to volunteer though, glad you enjoy it

>> No.8214078

>tfw allergic to cats
>tfw want an adorable kitty to cuddle but would sneeze and cry non stop

feels bad man ;_;

>> No.8214117

Nice sen to chihiro no kamikakushi doll there

>> No.8214133


fuck you

>> No.8214158

Just get one anyway, after a while you're body will adapt and you'll no longer be allergic, granted it will take several years, but its worth it to have a pet that generally doesn't even care you exist.

>> No.8214259

Maybe try it out for a little while, like babysit a friend's cat to acclimate yourself? I'm pretty sure I'm mildly allergic to them myself, since I never have a sense of smell and am always sneezing a lot.

>> No.8214307
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These are the ones strewn about my bed at the moment. Too lazy to arrange the ones on my bookself or in my drawer for a picture

>> No.8214334
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>> No.8214383
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I actually built this bookshelf myself. I try to organize by genre and/or author. I'm starting to run out of space now, though. Need to build a second soon. I have a few stacks of books not even shown in picture.

My prized possession here is my complete collection of Joel Rosenberg's Guardians of the Flame series.

>> No.8214429

hey, cool. got any tips for making your own bookshelf? should i just google?

>> No.8214479

Lovecraft has good taste in kitties

>> No.8214480
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Honestly, it took very little effort. I don't know how much experience you have with woodworking or math, but I just measured out the space I wanted to use in my room and height, drew up little blueprints (you can find some online if you aren't savvy enough to draw up your own), then I went and bought my wood and such from a Lowe's. The whole thing cost me about $35. I think even a kid could do it.

The only thing that might hold you back is tools. I used the shop for the theatre at my uni when I directed a play one semester. We had everything you would need like table saws and such. But, you can buy a hand saw for like $5 and make it work. I would suggest using little L-brackets to hold all the right angles together (something like pic related). If you tried to screw into the wood at the end of the pieces you're going to split the wood and it won't support much weight.

I think it's an incredibly rewarding experience, though. It's cheaper, and you get the pride of building something yourself and being self-sufficient. It's more than worth it.

>> No.8214501

Anon, consider phlebas is just as bad as matter. At least Mr. Banks redeemed himself with the hydrogen sonata before he died

>> No.8214508

> letting in that much natural light into that room.

Enjoy your yellow stained books famadam

>> No.8214511

King ey? By chance can you tell me if 11/22/68 was good and worth reading?

>> No.8214538

>not wanting yellow books

>> No.8214551

mulder and scully, love it

>> No.8214631

Most already are, since I buy used.

Anyway, I only opened the blinds for the picture. Weirdly, this apartment has no lights in the bedrooms or living room. Have to do with floor lamps, which don't give off enough light for pictures.

>> No.8214698

Still haven't read that one. And I only have End of Watch because I got it from going to see him speak on his recent tour. Got lucky enough to get one of the randomly signed ones.

>> No.8214702

Why would I waste my free time sorting books when i could just read them?

>> No.8214936

It takes zero effort. When you finish reading one, put it on the shelf. Do that systematically.

>> No.8215127

>reading on a tablet
>thinking that you save money

>> No.8216176
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>another genki vol. I
you fucking weebs trying to learn jap gets me every time

>> No.8216982
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I built my bookshelf myself; carpentry is my day job after all. Used some scrap wood I had laying around, stained it black and threw on some moldings. I had to squeeze it in the narrow space in between two windows so getting one at the furniture store was out of the question. It doubles as a desk too.

The books are loosely organized by author and genre. I have a ton more in storage but since I live in New York City and my room is the size of a fucking fingernail I had to make do.

>> No.8217451
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>nationality / date of birth / date of release

>> No.8218399
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Upper shelf, literature.
Below, medicine.
I just put the upper shelf in random order. Medicine books are in order to make sense in my head.

>> No.8218418

>>8218399 OP here
I'm a spanish reader, so any question about title names or content feel free to ask.

>> No.8218564

What Tolkien box set is that? Looks nice.

>> No.8218809
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>god delusion
Stopped there.

>> No.8220290
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You write awfully. Please do not consider writing fiction.

>> No.8220292
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Manbaby books.

>> No.8220832
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By subject

>> No.8220850

what's wrong with the god delusion btw?

>> No.8222217
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I arrange my books from large to small and only keep books I like or truly want to read. Also how is my shelf?

>> No.8222245

it hurts the feelings of the pseuds on this board who revel both in their ignorance and in their woo special deep mystic thoughts

>> No.8222250

why is your copy of catch-22 pink? mine looks exactly the same, except it's blue.

>> No.8222254

anon i think your house is on fire or something

>> No.8222301
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Haha. Just realized my lens was dirty. Cleaned the lens a bit

>> No.8222406

>Nick Cave
Ma nigga

>> No.8222535

>the phallic quest

>> No.8222540

1. Country
2. By Author (oldest coms first)

In terms of philosophy/history i divide into topics as much as possible. Sometimes it's pretty hard to do so, though i

>> No.8222572

KYS, faggot.

>> No.8222586

Let's see your shelf, feygele.

>> No.8222638
File: 116 KB, 1184x666, edited_1466910754929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Organized by broad categories; Fiction, Philosophy, Reference, Religion/Spirituality, History, etc...

>> No.8222676

Do you live in a garage?

>> No.8222682
