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8192068 No.8192068 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone in here who's actually open-minded enough to have read this? What did you think?
Have your read more of de Beauvoirs bokoks, and what do you think of her work?

>> No.8192085

Never read it (don't go near French pseuds) but I have masturbated to a picture of her ass before

Hope that helps

>> No.8192088

I really like The Second Sex. I like that she implicates women in her critique and holds them accountable while also shedding light on the evils of patriarchy.

>> No.8192105

Unless you want to be a sexist pig you MUST masturbate to a picture of JP Sartre now. No excuses.

>> No.8192178

Big dick cis male here:

It's not a bad philosophy text. Read most of it. I like her take on existentialism better than Sartre's. It

>> No.8192192


>> No.8192202

nut butter

>> No.8192205

Simone de Bouvoir is pretty based. You'd have to be a /pol9k/ fag if you were too closed minded to read her stuff.

>> No.8192209

I really liked Tous les hommes sont mortels

>> No.8192213

Second Sex was pretty groundbreaking for its time but it's honestly pretty basic and essentializes gender in a way that's not particularly intellectually coherent upon thorough analysis. I respect her place in history but I don't think the text really holds up.

>> No.8192222

its whatever. like most feminists, shes probably out of her depth

>> No.8192230


>You'd have to be a /pol9k/ fag if you were too closed minded to read her stuff.

You seem pretty closeminded yourself, dismissing an entire board. :^)

>> No.8192238

Shut the fuck up

>> No.8192242
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Top tier comment, not even gonna make one of my own because this one is so good

>> No.8192246



>> No.8192248

Lel shushed triggfeered
Motor xxddddddddXddDdDd XD

My le...

>> No.8192394
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>"LMAO. Jean-Paul, you meth head, do you remember when we raped dozens of our underage students? This was of course around the time you were defending the murder of our countrymen by terrorists along with multiple genocidal regimes."

>> No.8192416

Sartre did literally nothing wrong and neither did Stalin.

>> No.8192459

You're not close minded if you've experienced the idiocy of those boards and then judged them. It's completely different to judging a book you haven't even read

>> No.8192471

Holy shit that pepe is dank

>> No.8192489

it's likely the best pepe i have seen yet (:

>> No.8192503

agreed that de beauvoir > sartre

>> No.8192514

my sexual fantasy to be honest

>oh now how could they have RAPED a SEVENTEEN year old girl! they should have waited six months for her to transform from a child into an adult the moment she blew out her birthday candles! how unethical!

>> No.8192524

Someone in a position of authority abusing your trust like that isn't fun, anon.

It's not like in the animus, it's shameful and degrading.

>> No.8192536
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>*retching sounds* UUUGH, FUCKING DISGUSTING, EWWWWWWW *gagging sounds*

>> No.8192543

Most were younger than that.

>> No.8192545

how else are you supposed to meet 17 year old girls to fuck? of course they're at a school.

did she coerce them? did she threaten to ruin their grades? did she trick them with study sessions turned sexual?

if she said "hey wanna fuck?" and the girl said "okay sounds fun" then that sounds like an open and shut case to me.

>> No.8192559

>how else are you supposed to meet 17 year old girls to fuck? of course they're at a school.
Well you don't go out looking for 17 year old girls to have sex with in the first place unless you are some kind of pedo.

>> No.8192561

if you had actually read anything about their relationship you'd know they were shady and manipulative as fuck.
Regardless - it is morally unacceptable, as >>8192524 speaks. Stop justifying your deviance.

>> No.8192585

Do you have to have read Sartre to appreciate her?

>> No.8192588

In 1977, a petition was addressed to the French parliament calling for the abrogation of several articles of the age of consent law and the decriminalization of all consensual relations between adults and minors below the age of fifteen (the age of consent in France). A number of French intellectuals, including prominent names, signed the petition. In 1979 two open letters were published in French newspapers defending the release of individuals arrested under charges of statutory rape, in the context of abolition of age of consent laws.

Michel Foucault stated that the petition was signed by himself, Nobel Prize laureate Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and André Glucksmann, Roland Barthes, by the novelist/gay activist Guy Hocquenghem, the actor/play-writer/jurist Jean Danet, writer and filmmaker Alain Robbe-Grillet, writer Philippe Sollers, pediatrician and child psychoanalyst Françoise Dolto and also by people belonging to a wide range of political positions.[1]

On April 4, 1978, a conversation detailing the reasons for their pro-abolition positions was broadcast by radio France Culture in the program "Dialogues". The participants, Michel Foucault, Jean Danet and Guy Hocquenghem, had all signed the 1977 petition, along with other intellectuals.[1] They believed that the penal system was replacing the punishment of criminal acts by the creation of the figure of the individual dangerous to society (regardless of any actual crime), and predicted that a "society of dangers" would come. They also have defined the idea of legal consent as a contractual notion and a ‘trap’, since "no one makes a contract before making love".

>> No.8192592

Jean Paul Satre was a babe and had more sex with you because he actually understood other people better than you ever will. You also don't care about rape or genocide, so save me the faux outrage.

>> No.8192606

I yearn for the days when lefties have their heads on spikes.

Either we do it or the muslims will, but the fact that someone inevitably will makes me so happy. :)

>> No.8192616


>> No.8192619

You yearn for the past? The past where more fascists were exterminated across Europe, and when their skulls were crunched inwards and necks were snapped by the swing of baseball bats?

I gotta be honest, for the few leftist deaths there were, me too. I miss the time where reactionaries were exterminated en masse too.

>> No.8192624
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Inshallah habibi

>> No.8192631



>> No.8192635

Post a picture of it.

>> No.8192636


>> No.8192637

well, honestly: anyone>sartre, so that doesnt really mean much

>> No.8192640

Yeah right.

>> No.8192642

Satre's work > Your entire family's accomplishments since the 18th century

>> No.8192646

Disgusting. I'm glad he got aids

>> No.8192648

i fucking know right! Why cant pedos just wait 6 months when the girl finally gets the capabilities to say "I agree"

>> No.8192652

daily reminder that in a couple of years from now its quite probable that pedophilia will start being normalized and depenalized

>> No.8192653

The alt right is perhaps the most consistently cuckolded

>> No.8192657

Chances are pretty high that at least one of them directly or indirectly saved a life. Or at least kill someone who ought to be killed.

>> No.8192659


>> No.8192666


>> No.8192667

>lmao dude, she can't consent, you have to wait another 3 months lmao

>lmao dude, societies can't change in ways i don't like thats never happened lmao

>> No.8192668

>le you can't clam anyone is a pedophile without first solving the sorites problem meme

>> No.8192671

We're actually moving in the different direction.

>> No.8192672

Well, with the exception of my father you're probably correct, since my family was mostly comprised by rural farmers or small time shop owners.
At least Sartre wrote something. Thats an accomplishment. Its just that its complete shit writing.
Go read Heidegger instead. Or better yet, go read East Asian philosophy

>> No.8192684

care to explain?
Do you mean that we're now moving towards a more reactionary socio-cultural zeitgeist? I'm totally not seeing it.

>> No.8192689

Despite appearances, Judith Butler's Gender Trouble is actually the better study, even if you have to go through all that bullshit deconstructive rhetoric to reach her points. Beauvoir is good though, and certainly a better read if you're looking for a starting point on gender.

>> No.8192691

Rural farmers are the salt of the earth, and far more valuable people than subversive communist traitors.

>> No.8192697

You can
Its called puberty senpai

Anything after is just called "a preference i dont like"

>> No.8192699
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>believing in the authority of nations
>nelieving in nationhood

>> No.8192700

It's not so bad to have sex with a girl who just happens to be 17.
However what I'm talking about is deliberately scoping out 17 year old girls for sex.

>> No.8192705

>it's clear and unambigous when puberty ends
>Anything after is just called "a preference i dont like"
Kill youself pedo.

>> No.8192711

I've read it, I don't agree with it, it advocates promiscuity, but it's very well written philosophy.

In terms of renown, yes. In terms of contribution to Western thought, no.

>> No.8192715

I don't "believe" in anything, I'm going to kill you because I hate you.

>> No.8192718
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>> No.8192746


I've been very interested in reading this.
What is the best edition? On Amazon one edition is supposed to have a better translation but is abridged and the other is unabridged but an inferior translation. Can never work out which one to buy

>> No.8192750

When puberty starts they are biological adults, and it starts at the periods for female or sperm production for males

This is the only objective cutoff one can have

Its also the actual term of pedo, anything after is hebephile

Don't hate you bigot :^)

>> No.8192756

Sorry to blow your mind but maybe more things than "reproduction is possible" matters for the ethical side of thing. Are you claiming everyone becomes mentally mature at puberty?

>> No.8192767

That's because you associate to sex more than what it really is at its core

As soon as there's attraction and sexual capabilities there's no reason to stop it other than "muh stigma"

>> No.8192772

I hope you seek treatment for your deviant urges, anon. I really do.

>> No.8192774
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>Everything is biological
>He thinks even if all stigma was removed from underage sex it would be in any way positive for the youth.

>> No.8192776

You can make sensible assertions about mental development, suggestability and abuse of power, Anon.
The German laws make the most sense desu

>> No.8192786

Didn't seem to fuck societies that badly in the past tbqh senpai
This was the same attitude to homosexuality, that it would "harm" society but this was just an excuse to ban something that people thought were GROSS :((

Maybe have a less prudish attitude towards sex and there won't be actually be problems that are really created by society

>> No.8192790

Not even biologists disregard the social component of sex in (hyper-)social animals like us, Anon.
You are making a fool of yourself.

Also the adolescent brain is comparable to a brain on cocain and is only "finished" around 21 yo.

Also Hume's Law.

>> No.8192797

I'm not prudish at all and have said that the German laws make the most sense.
Perhaps you should actually educate yourself on the matter beyond US-laws and edgy French sexual liberationists.

>> No.8192799

Social components have been and are still being dismantled, such as with homosexuality

Societies morph rather quickly so the previous assertion of pedophilia being tolerated is probably not false

>> No.8192812


some boards are punk, some are jazz, some are country.. and that's okay

but some are happy hardcore or hair metal. do you see where im going with this?

>> No.8192813

Actually it was the introduction of romance and love as primary factor in relationships and marriages that led to cultures increase the socially acceptable age of consent, not the other way around.
Also there is a big difference between sex among adolescent and sex of grown ups with adolescents.
One makes sense from a developmental perspective (learning by playing). The other shifts power way out of proportion.

>> No.8192821

>biological adults
This doesn't mean anything.

>> No.8192822


17 isnt even illegal in my country :~)

age is a pretty worthless concept to be honest i could care less



idk why but this made me laugh way too hard

who the FUCK talks like that?

>> No.8192823

ur tumblr-esque ironic insistence on authoritarian taste concerning trivial things is super problematic desu

>> No.8192827

Kill yourself.

>> No.8192837


based anon!

>> No.8192838

>Didn't seem to fuck societies that badly in the past
What are you even basing this on?

>> No.8192840

>if it's not illegal it's not wrong

>> No.8192841

No, they are not all being dismantled. They are being better understood.
One of the main factors that play a role in hebephilia, however, are patriarchal concepts of male sexuality.

Pedophilia isn't tolerated. Pedophilia is a mental disorder (highly related to childhood trauma). However not highly related to actual child abuse. Child molesters are simply straight up rapists.
The stigma is being dismantled, so these people can get help/support.

>> No.8192842


>tfw Hans
>tfw this man speaks the truth

i love this country 2bh

>> No.8192843

>the core of everything we are
wew lad
you understand completely disregarding biology is as stupid as thinking as science is the only truth

every single era except the modern christian one

>> No.8192850

While I agree child molesters are scum, the pedophilia being a mental illness has no basis

Homosexuality was in the same position when it neither was accepted

>> No.8192852



not at all

>is problematic

i know youre just memeing at this point :~)


i never said anything about it being right or wrong, the main implicatio was that being physically attracted to 17 year olds does not make you a pedophile, because if it did it probably wouldn't be legal in like half the countries of this planet

>> No.8192856

>completely disregarding biology
I didn't.

And how do you know that children weren't harmed through sex in those eras?

>> No.8192857
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>getting it this backwards
Guess what? Children can't consent to labor anymore, they can't form contracts anymore, they can't get the death sentence anymore and they can't marry anymore.
Why? Because we have the luxury to let kids be kids and let teens be teens.

>> No.8192859

>being physically attracted to 17
It wasn't about being merely attracted.
>because if it did it probably wouldn't be legal in like half the countries of this planet
You're literally making that argument now.

>> No.8192863

Nobody said anything about children
Before puberty is off limit everybody knows this

>> No.8192871

Yes, it does.
It just isn't researched a whole lot until recently, because of stigma issues.

Homosexuality (male homosexuality) was viewed as a mental disorder, because psychoanalysts were just as retarded as the rest but still wanted to explain everything.
We now have a pretty good idea about what the point of male homosexuality is and how it probably works.
The next step will be female homosexuality, which is more difficult, because women are more... fluid that way. (Not that I'm complaining.)

>> No.8192880

>because women are more... fluid that way. (Not that I'm complaining.)

>> No.8192885

>This was the same attitude to homosexuality, that it would "harm" society but this was just an excuse to ban something that people thought were GROSS :((
I'm not saying it's a harm to society.
I'm saying it's potentially a harm to the people in question.

It's not a matter of
>18 is the age of consent and EVERYTHING under that is rape.
It's a matter of structuring the law so that it protects vulnerable portions of society from shady practices at a time in their lives when they're particularly susceptible to lechers like Sartre.

>> No.8192888

The second phase of brain development in adolescence doesn't happen over night, dude.
And due to steadily decreasing age of puberty onset (because 'Murica doesn't give a shit about your water and food) this discrepancy grows even more since the past couple decades. Especially for girls.

Let them learn about sex with their peers, like everything else. Sex can be a fucked up thing and teenagers should learn all that stuff through play, rather than subjecting themselves to someone who may or may not be using them for creepy reasons.

>> No.8192892

It's not a spook, it's just how the culture is right now. So it is difficult to tell what is "experimentation", what is purely physical, what is romantic, what is a spectrum thing and if any of that shit is even a stable trait.

>> No.8192899

>it's just how the culture is right now
>not a spook

>> No.8192907

I really liked All Men are Mortal when I read it in high school, easily in the top 5 of all the books I was assigned then. I have second sex and memoirs of a dutiful daughter but haven't gotten around to reading them (if I ever do).

>> No.8192922

The point being that homoerotic tendancies have always been a thing among women who also seem perfectly fine in hetero relationships.
When something is so constant in culture and practically explodes like wildfire the second it isn't frowned upon, it takes a while to work through the data.
But it seems that the older women get, the more heteronormative they become.
Barring lesbian porn, which everyone except most homo-men like. And they are missing out desu

>> No.8192931

>The point being that homoerotic tendancies have always been a thing among women who also seem perfectly fine in hetero relationships.
What's you sources for 4th century bi-curious nordic women?

>> No.8192989

Are you implying that race is a factor, m8?
From what I gather from that area however, the only homo-related thing that was looked down upon was being the catcher. Being a top was fine. So I'm guessing nobody complained when two tall blonde chicks started making out in your bed, while you were high on shrooms.

>> No.8192996

>who the FUCK talks like that?
Anyone who speaks English?

>> No.8193015

>Are you implying that race is a factor, m8?
No I'm implying that culture is a factor.
That's not even what we were talking about.

>> No.8193056

>4th century

>> No.8193066

Oh, I thought you were joking.
But you are serious.
Or trolling.

>> No.8193072

You lose I win.

>> No.8193154

>he literally has to appeal to a culture without historical texts to make a point
You tried.

>> No.8193159

He said always.

>> No.8193196

The second you move the goalpost to unreasonable standards, you automatically lose.

>> No.8193205

All extraterrestrials are purple. If you tell me to cite sources you have impossible standards.

>> No.8193238

Not for that conclusion, but for the premises.

He obviously meant the is a shit ton of evidence in most recorded history, whenever it was recorded.
You are just being a massive autist, because every single person here slam dunked every "point" you tried to claim.

>> No.8193244

He didn't even prove that. And recorded history is a minority of history as well.

>> No.8193258

>hurr anyone who doesnt read crap isnt open minded

>> No.8193264

Nobody is this autistic.

>> No.8193269

Nice paradox.

>> No.8193425
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Weil is better


>> No.8193583

>Let them learn about sex with their peers, like everything else.
Fuck off.

>> No.8195494


>> No.8195884


I read it. It is very look (took me about 3 weeks). Definitely changed my perception of / got me interested in feminism / gender theory, so I would definitely recommend reading it. Although, as others have said, her ideas are somewhat outmoded at this point. Still a crucial text and necessary reading to understand what more contemporary theories are responding to.


Gender Trouble is great. I read The Second Sex & History of Sexuality vol. 1 before Gender Trouble, which helped a lot (although most of the psychoanalysis stuff still went over my head). Would definitely recommend reading this as well, OP, but The Second Sex is a far easier text and better starting point. Butler can actually be quite clear at times but at others can be completely inscrutable (to my feeble mind).

>> No.8195887

>Michel Foucault stated that the petition was signed by himself, Nobel Prize laureate Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and André Glucksmann, Roland Barthes, by the novelist/gay activist Guy Hocquenghem, the actor/play-writer/jurist Jean Danet, writer and filmmaker Alain Robbe-Grillet, writer Philippe Sollers, pediatrician and child psychoanalyst Françoise Dolto and also by people belonging to a wide range of political positions.
this reads like a list of people who ought to have been taken out behind a shed and shot

>> No.8195900

>They believed that the penal system was replacing the punishment of criminal acts by the creation of the figure of the individual dangerous to society (regardless of any actual crime), and predicted that a "society of dangers" would come
i agree in principle with these ideas i think.

>> No.8195933

Great response, thanks.

>> No.8196384

>call themselves "the second sex"
>whine about being oppressed

You bring this upon yourselves ladies

>> No.8196406

it's called the second sex because societally and culturally women are the second sex, not because they are inherently inferior though.

>> No.8196415

>Where someone will always take the bait

>> No.8196455

nice quads tho

>> No.8196644

/lit/ is most Reddit-tier board

>> No.8196652

Why? Because it's not full of racist and sexist bigots?

>> No.8196659

It was interesting in the way a conversation with a stranger is interesting in gleaning a person's worldview, but I didn't really care about what she was saying and forgot most of it immediately

>> No.8196662

So what? Go back to r9k if you don't like it.

>> No.8196664

>Because it's not full of racist and sexist bigots?
have you been on /lit/ lately?

>> No.8197456
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>> No.8197473

because of this reply

>> No.8197496

was she french or brazilian