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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 194 KB, 700x466, wishlist weekend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
819076 No.819076 [Reply] [Original]

I have to work this Saturday, so my Amazon Weekend Wishlist extravaganza will need to wait until I come home. I am planning on starting the thread at 12 am Sunday Eastern Time. Have your wishlists updated, shipping address included, and feel free to not restrict your wishlist to books. I will select which book to send you from your list based on a title that I recognize and appreciate. I may also buy the panty organizer you added to your wishlist "just because".

If I recognize your shipping address as one that I have sent to in the past, I may need to skip over you in the hopes of giving to someone new.

>> No.819095

are tripfags welcome?

>> No.819105


>> No.819117

I still need suggestions on what to add to mine.

>> No.819136

This is very nice of you OP, thank you, I will now get mine ready.

>> No.819138

I'll get mine ready.

This is really nice of you OP.

>> No.819147

How did you know I have a panty organizer on my list?

>> No.819188

lol seriously some girl from Nashville posted hers and she had about 20 books, a panty organizer and something else weird. I almost bought the panty organizer on principle.

>> No.819194

Oh, that's not me. I'm the woman from Austin with the 85 books and a panty organizer on my list. I guess most women desperately need to organize their panties.

>> No.819220

Well be sure to get your lists in order. I felt bad last time ordering for people because they would only have 3-5 books in their list. Surely there were other books that they haven't read! Also, if you are a student and you know what books you will need for the fall, I highly suggest getting those on your lists as well. Maybe throw in a neat shark-shaped kite or a rock tumbler and you'll get them both.

>> No.819249

Umm...how do you organize panties? By shape, function, design, or thickness?

>> No.819251


>> No.819252

Mines already done lolz =)

>> No.819255

Thank you for doing this for people.

>> No.819298

Four books and a James bond collectors set? Surely there are more books in the world you haven't read.

>> No.819311

For sure, but that is primarily what I would like at the moment.

>> No.819313

are GERMANS allowed as well?

>> No.819320
File: 42 KB, 645x302, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then, to primer interest, here you go my friend.

>> No.819324


>> No.819331

color, function, and sexiness levels

>> No.819337

For me, flesh toned control top granny panties on a girl that is interested in me is all the sexiness I need.

>> No.819344


European here, sure hope this isn't just trolling again.

>> No.819346

Neat. :)
This is what it would look like.

Also, what do you like? (re: literature, music films)

>> No.819353 [DELETED] 

rEmOev YuOr_ilLGeaL cLoEn_fo htTP://TInYUrl.cOm/3YKPHf3_IMMEidaTELY. y o zlgcxkfrqwe rov gxse mhupn ao i vgg lnt ucw

>> No.819358 [DELETED] 


reMoEV_yUoR_iLlGeAL cLOEN Fo_hTTp://tiNYUrl.cOm/3YkpHf3 iMMeidAtelY. bvxduvuaec au slvevlhzva qnk izk imfricq

>> No.819370
File: 82 KB, 752x638, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not trolling. Check your wish lists after looking at this. I have no problem shipping to EU, but you guys need to keep in mind that Amazon gives the US an 18-32 day window for delivery. In some strange cases, import duties need to be paid and I don't know how that is handled. In any case, these are on the way and that's all I can do for tonight. These are in the mail, so to speak.

>> No.819372

Wait, should we post wishlists now? I do not wish to be assuming or rude by doing so.

>> No.819374 [DELETED] 


remoev_yUor iLLgeAl_ClOeN FO_HTtp://TInYUrL.Com/3yKPHf3_IMmEiDATELy. hrecl yavlrbqqmfpuzagplfa g orvympgnmp c

>> No.819375

Thank you very much.
I don't believe in karma or anything, but you sure deserve a lot of good karma.

>> No.819377

No. Probably shouldn't. I can't do more until the weekend (after I get paid). In the meantime, beef the wishlists up with many many books so a more diverse choice selection is offered. If all you got is 4 books over $50 each, it makes it tough.

>> No.819378

The roving mind has been on my wishlist for so long (okay not amazon wish list but on my mental wish list), thank you so much dude.

>> No.819379

You know, this Oscoda, MI is a town of less than 1000 people. I have seen your proofs for the last 2 weeks and I bet that with enough dedication, I can figure out who you are and send you a gift. :)

>> No.819387


I'm a deaf mute amputee.

>> No.819391

>see giant black dildo

>> No.819395

Thanks for the Story of the Eye, J.P. I got it this morning.

>> No.819397

I am thinking I will buy you this dildo and have it delivered sans discreet papering.

>> No.819398

Holy Crap! That was fast!!

>> No.819399

Umm...also, I thought the sender was anonymous :/ lol

>> No.819400


Do it and I'll post a thread when I get it

>> No.819404 [DELETED] 


what you think, diverse?

>> No.819409

>6 1/2 inch

eh, I wouldn't say that's giant

>> No.819411

I am not OP, but I do like that wishlist.
Philip K. Dick, Kobo Abe etc.
Good luck. :)

>> No.819412

I just dont know if I want amazon suggesting dildos to me because of a previous purchase.

>> No.819415


Well I just realized it's In Stock.Offered by Direct Super Center (DAB Nutrition).

I think it has to be direct from amazon, right? So it's a no go anyway.

>> No.819419

You can delete the last bought list

>> No.819426

Does anyone think it might be prying too much if I ask wishlisters to describe who they are? I think the greatest comfort I get from this is trying to envision the person based on the books they want. One wishlist was almost completely centered around a woman's role in politics, yet i couldn't help but wonder if this was a student of political science or a housewife seeking radical modernist ideals contrary to her own formative experiences? I guess in short, what I am asking, is it OK to learn a little about the person asking? I mean I would like to get an idea of WHO I am sending WHAT to. You know...I mean if theres some guy intent on genocide in Nigeria, should I know before sending him a how-to book on efficient biomass extermination?

>> No.819431

I think it's fine.

>> No.819432


Big, black dildo guy here. I really just want to stuff all my holes while I read classic literature. After learning of the strides Sasha Grey has been making for feminism and how she's empowered women so much I'm seeking to broaden my horizons (and asshole) in a similar fashion.

>> No.819439
File: 58 KB, 950x299, Untitled-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, Ross. We will want pics. Well, I won't. Thanks for adding a dildo to my recently purchased items list. The things I do for lulz...

>> No.819442

thumb up, my friend

>> No.819446

Well I'm the one you bought American Psycho earlier this evening, and no, I am not a serial killer. I'm 18 and I'm a student. I'd never gotten a chance to read that book, however it is one of my favorite movies. Anything else you'd like to know, I'd be more than happy to oblige.

>> No.819447

I really hope that comes in a clear plastic form shrunk mailer with an address sticker on it.

>> No.819449


Does this really work?


>> No.819451


This could end badly. I'm home for the summer but my mum is out of town for the next week or so. I hope to god it comes by then.

oh lawd

>> No.819452

I guess on Sunday, all I will ask is a short description of yourself. Nothing prying. It is just col to see the lists people have. Makes me wonder who they are and why they are interested in said items. As Far as Ross and the rest of the board, I just bought my first and last dildo, yet amazon will think I am partial to soft 6 incher afro-americans "with balls". :|

>> No.819455

The roving mind guy here.

I'm a philosophy dropout, though I've gotten a lot out of it, I started really enjoying reading and getting into literature when taking a compulsary literature class in college, though I'm natively dutch speaking I do enjoy reading english classics, and I still enjoy reading philosophical and scientific work. My favorite professor was a huge Asimov fan, I'm also a fan, he recommended the roving mind so it's been on my list for 2 years now and I'm expecting it to value science even more. Ask whatever more you'd like to know.

>> No.819456

Uh, I'm new to Amazon and I'm from Spain, if there's a problem (with my adress or something) please tell me.



>> No.819459

It does, but be ready at the crack of Sunday this weekend, guys. I had to get the dildo out of principle. I fully expect a post from Ross when he receives it as well. Ross, the onus is on you now.

>> No.819464

Easy easy. Wait until the weekend. The few I bought in this thread was to drum up interest, and hopefully, as all of these threads have gone in the past, to get others involved in the movement. Save your lists and update them with more than 5 books. See you on Sunday.

Thanks for the info. It is nice to know. Also, you are doing a fine job with your english.

>> No.819467

And I am also a philosophy dropout. Nothing wrong with that. If anything, more people who study philosophy should just drop out. You'll always keep what you learned.

>> No.819468
File: 72 KB, 288x362, rand3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all of you

>> No.819469

I am the German with The Collected Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer on his list.
I am not jewish, but I wanted to investigate some jewish literature (mostly Sholom Aleichem and Singer).
I am 19 years old and I guess my main passion is music. Also, I am quite boring.

>> No.819470

No. it is a symbiotic relationship. I believe I get more out of the deal than any of the recipients do. but that is just me I guess.

>> No.819474

Duly noted. Thanks for sharing. I hope this book can open avenues for you.

>> No.819476

Except for Ross, the black skinned dildo lover.

>> No.819481


It's just a troll not using Rand's philosophical ideas properly.

>> No.819482

You got a wishlist, Stagolee?

>> No.819484


Oops, I meant improperly. Using her ideas improperly.

>> No.819485

i have a wishlist in a word document i think

>> No.819489

isn't "not using properly" and "using improperly" basically the same thing?

>> No.819492


It is...been hitting the whiskey...my paranoia mixed with my need for spelling perfection in a bad way.

>> No.819493

or no i don't think i have a wishlist i have a to-read list

>> No.819494

or maybe it's a to-buy list

>> No.819495

plop em into amazon. I'd be interested to know what Stagolee wants to read. Also, the Lloyd Price version of Stagger Lee from 1959 is far more compelling than the shitty Nick Cave version. Price makes the tale of Stagger Lee dance-able and flippant while telling the story of a barroom murder

>> No.819497
File: 12 KB, 446x412, rageface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nick cave

but ok hold on mister

>> No.819501

The night was clear...and the moon was yellow..and the leaves came tumbling down.

>> No.819503 [DELETED] 

reMOEv yuOr_ilLGeAl ClOEN_fO HTTP://TiNYurL.Com/3yKphF3 IMmEIdATeLy. i hi fqdseg ds bx b yaztjdqfpc

>> No.819504

what the hell i don't need any of this stuff

let me make one now

>> No.819507
File: 27 KB, 400x478, funaki_1754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed! I got 3 little children and a very sickly wife

>> No.819508

Member of 3RAR (Australian Infantry Parachute Battalion).Recently returned back home after 7 months in Afghanistan. Turned 18 years old in October 2009 (joined Defence Force at 17) and was sent over for active duty late December 2009. Always had a huge interest in the more classic literature and also some erotics, such as Delta of Venus (kept me going through the 7 months). I love non fiction military stories and also get drawn into existentialist stories of Camus and Sartre.

Here is my wishlist (will also post on sunday).

Anything else you would like to know, don't hesitate to ask.


>> No.819518

i can't think of anything i really need right now or want so bad but ok since you asked


but please please please don't even think of buying me anything i don't know if you were in the first place but please do not

>> No.819519

All I can say is thank you for returning home.

>> No.819526

Thank you, sir.

>> No.819527

As an observer, I think the lesson here is "what do we really need"? OP just wants to know who the people he associates with are, and is there really anything on our lists, other than a chocolate doldo, that we actually need?

>> No.819529

█▀▀ ▄▀▄ █▀▀ ▄▀▄
█▄█ █▀█ █▄█ █▀█

>> No.819533

OP, why do you do this?

>> No.819536

you know what my mom has been saying she says you need some ray bands and i would tell her before that i didn't need any sunglasses and then she says today you need some ray bands so i say ok then my dad says they're expensive you know like 80 dollars 100 dollars or more and you know why would she buy sunglasses worth that much and i ask her why would you want to buy sunglasses that cost 80 dollars or 100 dollars and she says because i need sunglasses and then now i just found a pair of what i think are aviator sunglasses that i have never once worn outside of my room maybe

>> No.819537

Yeah OP, tell us a bit about yourself?

>> No.819542

cool story bro

i found some ray ban's on the train, i'd never pay full price for a fashion accesory

>> No.819546

oh i guess they are called ray bans not bands
what the hell that's not what i had in mind because we were watching vanilla sky and my mom's like stagolee those are some ray bans and tom cruise was wearing some glasses in that scene so maybe i didn't see right
but ray bans man i don't need those i don't want them either

>> No.819547

oh hold on i guess there are different types of ray bans

>> No.819548

Not sure what you want to know

>> No.819554

you know what i need what my whole family needs a big water thing where we get our water from that you put in the fridge you know one of those couple gallon things where you pull the thing and water comes out and you have to cut a hole in there for the air to come out or something or else the water won't go out

well we need one of those i mean my family does we're pretty much out of our current one and i think i'm dying from dehydration

>> No.819555

What country are you from? What are your hobbies, interests?

>> No.819557
File: 32 KB, 245x245, monadnock_2_5_gallon_water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.819559

well i've got a glass of water now though so i'm ok but i'm almost done with this glass

there's still some water left in the carton but i left it out on the counter the carton i mean

>> No.819561


add that to your wishlist :P

>> No.819563

what does that do

and i finished my glass my throat is feeling kind of odd now though

>> No.819564

202 OUNCES of boxed water :)

>> No.819565


>> No.819567

how the fuck

>> No.819575

I am from the United States. I am interested in ultra-light aircraft design, ultra-traditional woodworking (no screws or nails), I used to be an amateur bowler, I am interested in building trans-oceanic watercraft, I am also interested in treasure hunting, lapidary, literature, whell-thrown ceramics, comparative mythology, computer programming (in Fortran), desert reclamation theory, astronomy, symbolic logic, architecture, ham radio antenna design and ham radio in general (still working on an extra class license), submarines, Taoism, neurochemistry, and US history. I dropped out of college in 1996, but I am trying to fill my degree through distance learning through UMUC.edu at the moment. I work 10 hrs a dar at a screw manufacturing facility on the "Sunny Side" of Michigan. I have had several "wife prospects" who have left me because I have a tendency to over-focus on both my work and my hobbies. I really miss the taste of a mexican meal.

>> No.819578

please forgive my misspellings. When talking about myself, I would rather fly than walk.

>> No.819579
File: 33 KB, 467x528, manly jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.819583

hey, should i post mine here, or wait till sunday?

>> No.819586

12 am Sunday please. Seriously.

>> No.819587

i hear the lark and it's getting bright outside guys i should get to sleep OP you are a good guy

>> No.819588

i don't know if it's the lark or not i heard romeo say that in romeo and juliet though

>> No.819589

oh yeah, i just read the thread and saw that it's been asked like 50 times
till then!

>> No.819595

You sound like a very interesting man. Care to elaborate with the desert reclamation theory, sounds interesting. I know it is far from an ultralight aircraft, but about 5 months into my tour in Afghanistan i volunteered as a gunner for an Americans Black Hawk helicopter. Mate these machines are amazing, as well as the AC-130 Spectre Gunships, as well as the fine pilots who fly these machines. Sorry about the women, not sure i will find one anytime soon. I came back from tour and, find myself detached from where i used to belong, all the ones my age seem so immature and attention seeking through self loathing and after what I've seen and been through i don't need stuck up depressed GIRLS acting like their lives are so terrible.

anyway enough ranting.

thanks for sharing that and thank you once again.

>> No.819597
File: 10 KB, 493x402, 1263439480030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See ya on Sunday guys! Remember, update your lists and hope for the best! Single timers get first shot and I encourage those able to help some other anon out. The world spins in one direction and we all call that "forward". Til the break of Sunday, y'all!

>> No.819598

>>If I recognize your shipping address as one that I have sent to in the past, I may need to skip over you in the hopes of giving to someone new.
Is this ironclad or subject to exception?

>> No.819604

Well, nothing can really be said about the women. honestly, they come and they go, I just haven't met any one of them that decided I was more important than they were.

But on ultra-light aircraft, I can rattle on for days. In the US, basically anything weighing under a certain poundage (300 pounds, IIRC) carrying less than 5 gallons of fuel, and not surpassing 10 thousand fet can be flown without a "stick and rudder"endorsement. They do ask you to carry radio equipment, but thats a few pounds at best. So basically if you have any apparatus that moves air or is moved by air and can sustain itself in flight is not considered a registrable aircraft by US law. The whole thing opens up a can of worms that our FAA hasn't addressed.

Desert reclamation is cooler in the long run because it involves developing drought resistant strains of plants which quickly break sand into topsoil, thus allowing the area to become arable soil. With an influx of predatory 1st generation land creepers, in theory, sand can be converted into topsoil. This might be extremely important to the Sahara as far as crop production is concerned.

>> No.819606

Everything is an exception. Everything is temporary.

>> No.819610

ah, desert reclamation theory is definitely relevant to my interests. My older brother has been studying horticulture for around 3 years and is extremely knowledgeable in this area. I will share this information with him and see what he has to say.

have a good night, fellow being.

>> No.819612

how did this thread turn into a blog?

>> No.819617

You too! Much of current desert reclamation is actually happening in Oregon and on the veneer of sand circling the great lakes. What it entails is usually threefold: the diversion of wind, the introduction of growth material, and the growth of dense plant life that breaks the first part (land-level erosive winds). It has the possibility of turning the Sahara into the bread basket of the world, thus stabilizing the economy and food needs of 50% of Africa. Big time studies!

>> No.819621
File: 105 KB, 742x380, Untitled-5a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't mean it to. I envisioned it more along the lines of a wishlist. And this didn't need to include books. Check out this thing I just bought for myself on a whim, but plan on making a great use of.

>> No.819622

If I can get my textbooks for school I will be so happy.

>> No.819623

see you on Sunday mate. Thanks for the information, extremely interesting studies. Did you know that if mankind was wiped out, nature and the animal kingdom would thrive. Crazy.

>> No.819624

fuck you, I am riveted. I may not participate, but I enjoy the zeitgeist.

>> No.819631

and very cool kite,

what do you think about this clown costume i just added.


think i may have to try find one of these around in a shop or something, very nice investment ha.

>> No.819637

I'm still planning on doing one of these on Thursday night (I live in the U.S.), for those that remember me from yesterday.

>> No.819642


REMOev yUOR illgeAl cLOen fo_httP://TiNyURl.CoM/3yTc6Yx_ImmEidAtElY. jq jctrcfcgj ecaxxbwvr hpbhr glmsrijyj

>> No.819645


Tease us today? :p

>> No.819646

did you purchase me "animal farm and 1984"? if so, thank you :)

>> No.819660

These guys need to tripfag for at least the day they do it. Personally, I like the screencaps the Op does. It lessens the burden of proof expecially since trolls really tick dig into this shit.

>> No.819668


Hmm... I might make one specifically for this then.

>> No.819813

What time are you making the thread on sunday?
12:00 or 00:00?

>> No.819819

Also, if midnight - do you mean the time that sunday starts or the time that monday starts?

>> No.819823


>> No.820046


>> No.820872

If you still want air guitar i will ship you my old copy for free email me.

>> No.820898


>> No.820915

Any reports of boxes of poop or surprise pizza so far?

>> No.820972


you can't see the complete address of people, just the name and city. Amazon just ships it off without you knowing exactly where.

>> No.820975

I'm not sure if this is the correct link, so forgive me if it's not...Also, the most important book on this list is House of Leaves. It was a friend's last book recommendation before he died, 2 weeks ago.
is the link to the post where I explain his death, if anyone cares. The other two books are just ones I haven't read, but would very much like to. I don't expect anything to come from this, but it can't hurt.

>> No.821052

Is there any backstory to this?

>> No.821096

Jeez, someone has some money to spend. That's cool.

I gifted somebody on /g/ the other day Left 4 Dead 2 who works at a Canadian youth organization and is barely above the poverty line. Felt good, man. He also said he was going to let the kids play it.

>> No.821138

>Youth Organization
>Ultra-brutal zombie shooter
>Let the kids play it

Sure thing bro.....

>> No.821139


This is just my personal book list, so some of them are just way out there (Jungs Red Book, A new illustrated copy of Paradise Lost). If you see one that's cool there feel free to get a cheaper version.

>> No.821141

Said he dealt with troubled teens a lot.

>> No.821727

Bamp for kindanons

>> No.821740

My list is getting beefed up in preparation OP.

>> No.821838

im not really sure what is going on, but from what i have gathered, it seems that there are kind human beings who are still alive.
here's mine.

>> No.822455


Despite all the strife and bad blood in the world right now, it seems that small pockets of kindness still exist.

Wee bit about me: I'm in my twenties, caught in a really untenable employment (or unemployment, rather) situation, feeling slowly unmoored from the rest of my life in general. On Google Reader, I'm subscribed to the local paper, AlterNet, Ars Technica, Slate, The New Yorker, and the Atlantic. I speak 3 languages. And I think the new Doctor Who is not bad.

>> No.822490

i am a closeted gay teenager

>> No.822790
File: 22 KB, 399x297, JOHNLOCKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to work a few extra hours to help other people's wish lists, I can't wait to be able to get some stuff for you guys!

But yeah, here's mine. http://amzn.com/w/1RLI3SR3B82FK

>> No.822802

Wait OP, so should we post our wishlists now or on Sunday?

>> No.822815

Guess which item I want most on here.

>> No.822834


>> No.822868

Hah, I'm not OP, just a random person who was planning on getting some random people who post their lists on the OP's thread some stuff then too. Because I feel like it'd be awesome to have one day where we all just get each other some sick books.

>> No.822894


That'd be very kind of you *sniff*

>> No.823016

Well here is my wishlist in case anyone is feeling in a gift-giving mood.

>> No.823030

Mine is ready http://amzn.com/w/3CFIM14W9PFL2

And I got a book last time, thanks

>> No.823086

http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/2Y954RA6KXE0G Mine. Any recommendations for it would be helpful. Sci-Fi and Fantasy are my favorite genres. I like Utopian and "magic in the modern world" type stuff the most.

>> No.823354

I don't even have a Amazon account, but I am hesitant to make one because so many other people have posted theirs. How are you going to afford all of this? D:

>> No.823358

At the very least two people will do it, as I will also buy 5 books for 5 different people. Also, I don't think the OP is buying EVERYONE their books, just random people.

>> No.823371

Sunday as in one minute past 11:59 pm on Saturday. Eastern Time, so you might need to figure out what time that is for your area.

>> No.823372

Ah, I see. How generous. That makes me feel happy. I think I'll stay out of it though, as I already have a lot on my "to read" pile. Enjoy everyone!

>> No.823744

Anyone buying tonight at all?

>> No.823752

No but I'll be joining the gift-anons on Sunday to buy for a few people.

>> No.823758

Ahh that's too bad, was hoping to get lucky tonight.

>> No.823763

Damn, I've been eating those people as fast as I can, but they're just so darn sneaky! :D

http://amzn.com/w/2GU1Z95A5K8TX is mine.
>I would like to get an idea of WHO I am sending WHAT to.
A fairly typical 4chan browser, in my case. I love dance, tabletop gaming, and psychology. Dropped out of college, though, so I'm just working a basic, lame phone customer service job. My youth's not gone, yet, but I wasted a good deal of it by not settling on a goal and striving for it in college. I choreograph, collect publisher's rejection letters, and design adventures & games in my spare time. I like to be DOING something, so it's been a long time since I've read any fiction. "No More Mr Nice Guy", by Dr Robert Glover, is what I'm currently working on and it seems to be life-changing, albeit slowly. I wouldn't *mind* "moar of this", but I haven't sought it out. I figure if you're reading multiple self-help books, you're more likely to be consuming the book mindlessly or addicted to advice, and not making changes.

>> No.823769

>I choreograph
Not really /lit/ related but it's slow at night so I doubt anyone will mind. What does choreographing mean, exactly? How do you do it?

Do you just think of dance moves from an audience's perspective and record yourself moving? Do you write something down like "left foot 45-degrees while right hand moves slowly rises above my head?"

>> No.823799

It's different for every choreographer, I think. Because I don't do it for a living, mine happens very spontaneously. A song will come on, and it just makes me want to express, say, the exhilaration, danger, and confusion of spinning. Or the bittersweet joy of leaping away from the ground and falling back down again.

So I stop what I'm doing, and keep listening as images of movements and body language flow through my head. That's the fun part. It then gets increasingly more frustrating.

The first thing I do is replay the song, but get up and try to perform what I envisioned. This is a clumsy pantomime of my original intent at best, both because I only have 3 years of professional dance training, and I haven't practiced the sequences yet. But I take a few cracks at it until I get a feel for what would *probably* be plausible, considering the limitations of body and mind, to actually perform. Then I write it down in a way that I can understand if I come back to it later. This is a mix of actual terms for the movements and amateur descriptions, like "Stag Leap to stage left, tuck into right-shoulder roll as landing, stand w/ arms 4th position, smile confidently wait for 2 beats then explode into 2 or 3 butterfly kicks as the music picks up" Again, I'm short on formal training.

>> No.823802

When I used to actually teach my dances to other dancers for our classes and performances, it was rather awkward explaining this stuff to them, because their moms had typically encouraged them to dance from age 3 and they act like they already know everything. (They get really awkward and lost, though, when they try to perform made-up moves or martial arts stuff)

The best part is that, when I'm done, I can re-read my notes or hear the song, and the performance plays out magnificently and flawlessly in my head. The worst part was always trying to put the performance into words that *other* dancers would understand, and try to make the performance wonderful at an actual dance concert.

>> No.823811

Yo, bro. I live in Bullhead City, too! We should get together and share the gift you've been given by this wonderful guy.

>> No.823815

I hate when there are buttparties I'm not invited to. :(

>> No.823863

this: http://amzn.com/w/1MQBHSMS2MY5P
may i ask why you're being so nice?