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8190746 No.8190746 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8190749

Your pic.

>> No.8190755

sane, good bone structure

>> No.8190766


>> No.8190767

>Slim to moderately overwheight
>Broken home
>Cutting scars
>Has had no more than 3 dicks
>Not legally retarded

I think I'm over-reaching though...

>> No.8190775

Tall, dark, handsome.

>> No.8190820

a hurricane,

>> No.8190836
File: 335 KB, 2048x1536, 1464812512036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not even a waifu anymore

>> No.8190864

Well, she's a cartoon.

>> No.8190867

blue eyes

>> No.8190880

Bold and Beautiful

>> No.8190882
File: 66 KB, 550x825, tmp_14194-570fe2d023e12009d2d9fb0e73b41a3f96130288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike me not ugly.

Pic tangental.

>> No.8190887

Oh and also not stupid and boring.

>> No.8190908

When I am blind, she lets me see
In my darkest hours, when I need her most, she is always there for me - shining through the night
Every morning I feel lucky waking up next to her

She's not too thin
She's not too large
A round bottom, but a long and slender neck

Her name is Melodi - her family is swedish
She's probably not that special in the way she looks, but I find her perfect nonetheless
She doesn't need me to take care of me either - she can stand on her own

And in the evening hours, when I don't feel like sleeping
I'll just lay my finger down there, oh she's easy to turn on

>tfw your gf is a lamp

>> No.8190914

Also unlike me but you probably understood that.

>> No.8190918

A physical description would end up resembling John Green (tall lanky white guy with messy hair and glasses), but he's almost completely at odds personality-wise.

>> No.8190932

So he thinks wanting to kiss someone and they want to kiss you back, that's simply awful?

>> No.8190953

Yes. Kissing is oedestroan and outdated.

>> No.8191003
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>> No.8191124

Long curly brown hair, wide crystal blue eyes, a solid jaw, a beautiful smile, she's not really tall. She's bright. I love her voice when she hits high notes, when she sings to me in French, when she reads poetry. Some subtle facial expressions appear on her face when you talk to her, you can read her mind by looking at her eyes. I would cry if I could but I feel nothing but despair. She lives 500 miles away. I broke up in December. She may have met someone since. I think I'm going to call her at the end of the month. Just to settle everything, so I can finally forget her. I couldn't gauge her emotions. I couldn't explain myself. I tried - I sent her a mail - but I failed and ended up sounding like a child yearning for a toy he didn't deserve. I feel more at ease when I can talk to her, when I can hear her voice. Some nights, we would speak for five or six hours straight. Yeah, I think I'll call her.
Should I?

>> No.8191137
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Do it then greentext the story in this thread.

>> No.8191162

I'll call her at the end of the month, I said. This thread won't survive.

>> No.8191192

Have you ever seen a banana when it starts molding? You know those little brown patches? Those are banana bruises, not banana mold. You have to leave the banana to truly die. It withers, like a tomato in a time lapse video. Anyway, that banana is my dick in the presence of other girls, ever since I met my beau, Samantha or Super Samantha as I call her because I suspect she has paranormal abilities.

Her hair is like a yellow mop that goes down to her lower back, above her buttcrack. Her eyes are very blue, like this board. Her breasts are enormous. And her voice sounds like a woman in her mid-twenties from the Appalachian region of the United States.

One of her nipples is slightly larger than the other. I can go on. Shall I?

>> No.8191198


>I'll call her at the end of the month

You know you won't you cuck. Call her now.

>> No.8191241

dirty blonde, blue eyes, skinny, short, mutually virgin, mutually socially awkward, hates young adult literature

>> No.8191243

Don't call me that, that's mean.
Also, insulting me won't convince me to do it. It's basic reverse psychology, like saying "you're too afraid to do it".
Trust me, I love her so much I'll do it, I'm always pleased to hear her voice.

>> No.8191255

My boyfriend is tall, pretty, and very mysterious. He's so mysterious I'm not even sure of his real name. Neither is he. He wanders the night, looking for worthy opponents. He wields an rapier in combat, and harnesses the dark powers of the moon in order to power up in combat. He's always telling me, "don't get involved," and "this is for your own safety," but I often follow him and watch him fight. He is fighting a mysterious organization, called Nijuu Tanjoubi. Its boss, the mysterious Karas Cuervo, is said to be able to control the weather. But my boyfriend with his long, flowing silver hair fears nothing. He fears nothing but the safety of me, his girlfriend. He's a little clumsy and awkward, when it comes to romance, but that only makes him more attractive to me. I like to take him shopping and help him pick out clothes, because he's clueless when it comes to such things. "Only battle... concerns one such as myself," he whispered once. But I don't want that to be true. He has a heart, and can love. And he loves me, and I love him. Can it get any more obvious?

>> No.8191331


>I love her so much I'll do it
>at the end of the month

Whatever makes you sleep at night.

>> No.8191337

I'm glad to say I don't know what this is referencing if it is

>> No.8191355

The man I'm interested in claims he's sees a lot of himself in the main character of Camus "The Fall". Haven't read it yet.
Can anyone give me the run-down? Is he likeable?

>> No.8191363

basically Bakhar Nabieva but not a whore and reads books

>> No.8191406

Arrogant, continually asserting almost good points that hint (consistently) at an underlying and internal cyclical self-defeating esteem.

>> No.8191434

I get the feeling that the word "awesome" is going the same way as "epic".

>> No.8191439

It already has.

>an underlying and internal cyclical self-defeating esteem
Not really sure what you mean by this, but thank you.

>> No.8191492

Short, funny, responsible, cleanly little goofball. She's real pretty too.

>> No.8191498

You have it backwards, "Awesome" was just the pre-internet "epic".

>> No.8191499

Is this Sailor Moon

>> No.8191526
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My significant other and I have recently split after 3 years together.
3 weeks ago, I would have described them perfectly.
A week ago, I would list the exact opposite traits of them.
And now I don't care to find love anymore.

>> No.8191536

Nah buddy, give it time, let her go.

>> No.8191537

It's just a pastiche of shoujo anime cliches.

>> No.8191854
File: 38 KB, 552x400, foucault2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're my kinda meatbag

>> No.8191870

the next john green right here

>> No.8191892

She is fire under my fingertips and our kisses are the smoke signaling our reciprocal desires for each other.
My love is tenacity and strength. I look to her to see what dedication to something should feel like. I look to her when I can't find the will to out fourth any effort of my own because she is seemingly full of effort while I'm full of thoughts with no gas to ignite the engines of my aspirations.
When she is mad I feel the urge to run. She can stare right through you and find the one thing to say that will make you question your place. She is no holds barred, she steps over every line you lay down in the sand to see how you will react. She will hurt you because she is hurt, just like a wounded animal.
She is what she will always be. I love her for it.

>> No.8191934

Sounds like a pretty boring dude(tte).

>> No.8191981

literally becoming a nun

>> No.8192027

A librarian.

If you have to ask, you don't know.

>> No.8192073

Oh shit son. You mean she runs around trying to catalogue and store major historical artifacts with magical powers? That shit must be super cash.

>> No.8192092

See? He knows what's up.

>> No.8192110

She hot?

>> No.8192117

Its hard to have a love interest when you don't love yourself.

>> No.8192158

The person is my type exactly and they most likely haven't got a clue about it.

>> No.8192167



You see, at first they don't like anything special. Quiet. Demure. Frumpy, even. Homely, uptight, shy.

Oh, but if you open that door, you get to see what she really is. All that frustration and passion, all that creative intellect that has been bubbling away unscratched for years at a time. The way she moves her hips with purpose, kisses you so hard you can feel your lips bruises, the curious pride you feel each time you feel the scratches on your back sting a little. When she wakes you up with her mouth. When she drags you into a secluded corner of the park on a hot summers day. When she lets you know she isn't wearing any underwear.

When you're sitting at her parents dinner table at Thanksgiving and she starts to play footsie while mother is telling you what a nice young girl she is.

When you know what burns behind that unassuming little smirk of hers.

>> No.8192254

I know it seems like a bad idea but it's been six months and I still think about her.
No offense but you're trying too hard.

>> No.8192258

I'm offended

>> No.8192278
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>> No.8192290
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>> No.8192387

Like velvet used as a tourniquet.

>> No.8192403

>>Broken home

>>Cutting scars
>>Has had no more than 3 dicks

>I think I'm over-reaching though...
Just a tad, good luck anyway.

>> No.8192575

There's a girl, 5 years my junior. The story of how I came to know of her is bizarre, though long, so I won't get into it. In a nutshell, she is the embodiment of my soulmate; she is highly intelligent and beautiful. She grew up with no interest in boys and relationships - she just loves her books and plays and school. She is 18 now, and will be off to college in September. Her innocence will be inevitably spoiled; she's beautiful in a natural way and she has desires like any other human. Though I fear her academic upbringing as left her emotionally stunted, so she will be used by Chad's not worthy of her brilliance. Sometimes I think my infatuation is not that of sexual desire, but as a father figure -- I just want her to be true to herself. She's a diamond in the rough.

>> No.8192593

you sound like a moron desu

>> No.8192598
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>> No.8192611

This is a nice turn, anon.

>> No.8192620

One I live with.
One I live right down the road from.
One I live however many states Florida is away from Texas from.

One I love.
One who loves me.
One I'm in love with.

>> No.8192622

Damn, she is perfect. Do you know her?

>> No.8192628

at her prime, and will grow out of it before im ready. and it doesnt help she is married and with a family.

>> No.8192644


My co-workers have actually been trying to encourage me to write again. Jesus Christ.

>> No.8192695

Long, beautiful legs. Demure with soft lips, delicate almost feline eyes and an unblemished light complexion. Tangled blonde hair usually kept in a tight bun atop her head exposing the back of her slim seductive neck. Never unaccompanied by her boyfriend Tyrone who keeps her playfully trapped under his massive bicep as he puts a roach out on my forehead while cackling and whooping in front of his amused friends.

True love.

>> No.8192779


>> No.8192787

Whore. Slut. Bitch.
Deserves to be dead.
Easy to replace. Remember by nobody.
Absolutely disgusting woman.

>> No.8192794


my gf is all of that, cept she was a virgin before she met me

"broken home" is an understatement. only thing she doesn't have is cutting scars.

been on 4chan for like 6 years now? if i can do it then why cant you?

>> No.8192796

Well, she has a magical personality, is sometimes taken with flights of fancy, is super smart with an alluring voice, has a shiny purple coat and four delicate hooves.

>> No.8192826

Made me giggle. Please enjoy this (You), sir!

>> No.8192831
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As far as looks go she wasn’t really anything special. She was tall for a girl (my own height), but skinny and her height was primarily attributable to her long legs. Additionally, she had rather masculine and severe facial features; undoubtedly her body produced a large amount of testosterone for a woman (her hands were chronically dry and much larger than my own). It really wasn’t her looks that I found attractive, however, but her personality - strange as it is to hear a man say such a thing.
I recognized right away on our first date that she scored very highly on the Hare psychopathy checklist. The way she smirked and said “And now you know my deepest, darkest secret.” after telling me her middle name made it clear that she did, in fact, have plenty of secrets hidden deep within her thoroughly dark soul. I remember thinking it sounded like something I would say.

>> No.8192847

shes a qt german brunette, and is very pretty. thats all

>> No.8192849

Nice taste anon. Librarians are top-tier tsundere lovers.

>> No.8192877
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>> No.8192886

sounds boring, but quiet brunettes are usually top tier. (assuming this )

>> No.8192913
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A young heart with a pretty face is all a man like me needs in my space.

>> No.8192915

The girl I like is extremely fascinating to me. She lives far away and we only know each other over the internet.
Shes smart and funny, she has a peculiar was of typing which I think is really cute. We have a lot in common, Its pretty obvious that we are both interested and attracted to each other but I think because its not irl, I havent been able to make her as interested as Id like.
We havent spoken in a week, around the time I kinda made my feelings known by telling her I thought she was beautiful. She obviously liked that I said that but at that point it went to a new level that I think she just wasnt feeling.
Oh well Ive mourned about it already so Ive accepted the fact its over.

>> No.8192917

As far as looks go she wasn’t really anything special. She was tall for a girl, mostly legs. She had masculine and severe facial features; her body produced a large amount of testosterone for a woman (her hands were chronically dry and much larger than my own). On our first date that she scored very highly on the Hare psychopathy checklist. The way she smirked and said “And now you know my deepest, darkest secret.” after telling me her middle name made it clear that she did, in fact, have plenty of secrets hidden deep within her thoroughly dark soul. I remember thinking it sounded like something I would say.

>> No.8192920

She would be perfect if she didn't have a dick.

She doesn't have a dick

>> No.8192926

ITT: cringe

>> No.8192933
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>tfw you yearn for love and companionship but you're not in love with anyone

>> No.8192934

Is that a guy?

>> No.8192939

>Liking someone is cringy

>> No.8192955


>> No.8192963
File: 1.19 MB, 450x337, 79108.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Would have you preferred if it was?

>> No.8192965

dark hair
nice neck and shoulders
not skinny or fat
slightly toned
not crazy
interested in at least one form of art
has no children and wants no children
trimmed pubes
will let me eat her ass whenever i want

>> No.8192973

Thanks for cleaning it up m8, but my character is schizotypal and isolated so the pedantic speech is part of his character.

>> No.8192974

I didn't choose my parents, and I won't choose my lover.

>> No.8192981

he's intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.8192991
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tfw I feel as if I would be willing to sacrifice myself in anyway to the benefit of my partner...... if I had one. In other words, I feel like a savior, with no one to save.

>> No.8193019

Same honestly. I hate doing so many things like working or general living but anytime I ever had a partner, everything I did made me happy. Because I knew that in someway it was also benefiting them. When I worked I got money so that we could do things, I didnt dread being there .
Its probably not the best way to live your life because you have to do things for yourself but idk that doesnt work for me.

>> No.8193026

This individual looks autistic. How can anyone find this sexy is beyond me.

>> No.8193028

thank god you don't have anyone to """save"

>> No.8193036

Nobody wants a doormat for a partner

Not anyone you'd be happy with, anyway

>> No.8193058

Theres a difference between being a beta pushover that does anything and everything for their partner and someone that strives to be a better person because of the person they love.

Finding meaning and enjoyment in something because you finally have a reason to feel it (having a partner that depends on you and wants you to be the best you can be) isnt being a doormat.
I should mention that Im assuming its a two way street and they do the same. I obviously woudlnt feel this way, or even be with someone that didnt want to work hard for me.

>> No.8193079

She's hot and she's real

>> No.8193100


You just described the secret to a successful relationship. One should not go into a relationship asking the significant other "What can you do to please me? ". On the contrary ,one should enter a relationship with the mentality of " How can I serve you ".
If people understood this train of thought, there would be a lot less divorces.

>> No.8193111

Please tell me you're trolling.

>> No.8193125

lmao I think youre being sarcastic, bc thats not what I said.
No ones serving anyone, just giving each other a purpose.

>> No.8193129

Ask me that again when your wife ditches you for Tyrone because you can't fulfill her needs.

>> No.8193141

You realize you're the one who sounds like a "cuck" here, right?

>> No.8193148
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this tyrone?

>> No.8193157
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>Sacrificing your needs and self for your partner makes you a cuck

Are you calling our lord and savior Jesus a cuck?

>> No.8193160

>Are you calling our lord and savior Jesus a cuck?

>> No.8193168
File: 364 KB, 385x475, 1278520088330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jabil bint Saqib bint Sakoub bint Jamal bint Saloumay plz leave.

>> No.8193170


>> No.8193173

Jesus fucked mary magdalene, if anything he was the cucker

>> No.8193354

My sister

>> No.8193382

he looks like hes in a prison interrogation room. and he keeps looking to the side in these little clips

>> No.8193431
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>> No.8193438

Don't stare at people.

>> No.8193445

A girl who likes peeing and is a furry. Too bad there's no one like that out there.

>> No.8193465

two crushes. i dont talk to either of them, and id be surprised if they knew my name.

both of em have brown eyes (thats a big deal for me). one of them is mixed race with wavy black hair, and the other is white, brunette with one side shaved.

they both like music and reading. one of em is into Orwell and the other into Dickens. i wont say which one causd it aint important (theyre both shit)

they both thicc too btw

>> No.8193472

>brown eyes (thats a big deal for me)
Bad taste.
>theyre both shit
Bad taste.

>> No.8193476

Anime has conditioned me to basically be attracted to redheaded tomboys that never say what they feel, but end up being more caring than anyone else. All the women I've been involved with in my life have had some of these traits, though none of them have been redheads yet. I don't even care it it's dyed or natural, I just a fucking Kurisu in my life.

>> No.8193498

ok then whats the most patrition eye color

>> No.8193505


>> No.8193510


>> No.8193516


>> No.8193522
File: 1.80 MB, 1090x1204, Capucine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related reads Dosto and called me out for being a pseud a year ago at my college's literary club. She's nicer to me now since I've outgrown my pseudness to some extent

>> No.8193527

Call her out on being ugly.

>> No.8193535

Bitch looks like fuckin Joe Piscopo

>> No.8193549


she isn't though. are you an amateur?

>> No.8193556

Not sure if you have shit taste or you're just jealous that I'm at least in le friendzone xD

I see where you're coming from but no

>> No.8193559

>reads Dosto
Is this supposed to be good?

>> No.8193566

I guess it suggests that she might be bisexual or at the worst lesbian due to the nature of Dosto's sublime and its masculine esotericism but thats neat

>> No.8193570

>Not sure if you have shit taste

you clearly look at her with enamoured eyes.
she is obviously not ugly but is not particularly pretty and also shouldn't make that silly face raising her brows like john green on the op pic

>> No.8193574


>She's nicer to me now since I've outgrown my pseudness to some extent

It's sad that you wrote these words, m8. And everyone reads Dosto. Even fucking Reddit does.

She is more than likely the typical safe taste bitch who thinks she's hot shit now because she doesn't read YA like so many her age still do. Oh no, she reads "The Classics". Look out.

>> No.8193577

She looks like a man. An ugly man. Lips and lower face are badly shaped. Expression, eyes, and cocked head give irritating impression. Likes Dostoevky.

4/10, would not even kiss.

>> No.8193582


>or you're just jealous that I'm at least in le friendzone xD

You get even sadder with each post that you make. You should stop making posts.

Stop obsessing over this middlebrow nothing.

>> No.8193585


>> No.8193600
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i don't have one love interest in particular, they feel kind of interchangeable.

what i like the most in people is when they like me. i understand how narcissistic that sounds but it's the truth, the more they're into me the more i'm into the whole thing.

they would be, probably taller or the same height as me. more cute than hot. they can outdrink me. they can't cook very well. it's a plus if they are better read than me but not necessary. absolutely not materially ambitious. fashionable but not in a portland way. kinky but not super horny.

yeah that's about it.

>> No.8193607

Good god if you're that pedantic about facial expressions have fun dying a virgin

I'm just being honest. I wasn't saying that Dosto was the hallmark of feminine perfection, I was saying that it was neat that she could flick through Dosto with comprehension, which you can't deny is something that large majority of girls her aesthetic calibre can't.

>Projecting this hard

Yes, the tone of your reply really exemplifies how qualified you are to evaluate potential romantic partner

I was mocking what I perceived to be the style of diction that his train of thought would be

>> No.8193618

I'm starting to feel bad for you.

>> No.8193637


>>Projecting this hard

Hahaha whatever, m8.

Keep being a servile admirer of this girl simply because she can "flick through Dosto with comprehension" (wow!).

Get over the fact that she made you feel like a pseud. No one cares. Shrug off her middlebrow arrogance and get on with your life.

>> No.8193640


>> No.8193660
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Platinum is a chemical element with symbol Pt and atomic number 78. It is a dense, malleable, ductile, highly unreactive, precious, gray-white transition metal. Its name is derived from the Spanish term platina, which is literally translated into "little silver".[2][3]

Platinum is a member of the platinum group of elements and group 10 of the periodic table of elements. It has six naturally occurring isotopes. It is one of the rarer elements in Earth's crust with an average abundance of approximately 5 μg/kg. It occurs in some nickel and copper ores along with some native deposits, mostly in South Africa, which accounts for 80% of the world production. Because of its scarcity in Earth's crust, only a few hundred tonnes are produced annually, and given its important uses, it is highly valuable and is a major precious metal commodity.

Platinum is one of the least reactive metals. It has remarkable resistance to corrosion, even at high temperatures, and is therefore considered a noble metal. Consequently, platinum is often found chemically uncombined as native platinum. Because it occurs naturally in the alluvial sands of various rivers, it was first used by pre-Columbian South American natives to produce artifacts. It was referenced in European writings as early as 16th century, but it was not until Antonio de Ulloa published a report on a new metal of Colombian origin in 1748 that it began to be investigated by scientists.

Platinum is used in catalytic converters, laboratory equipment, electrical contacts and electrodes, platinum resistance thermometers, dentistry equipment, and jewelry. Being a heavy metal, it leads to health issues upon exposure to its salts; but due to its corrosion resistance, metallic platinum has not been linked to adverse health effects.[4] Compounds containing platinum, such as cisplatin, oxaliplatin and carboplatin, are applied in chemotherapy against certain types of cancer.[5]

>> No.8193686


>Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend

>> No.8194005

Not into me.

>> No.8194008

I'm pretty sure love is for faggots

>> No.8194013

sounds as a phrase from hentai desu senpai

>> No.8194039

A fucking god whom I'll never fuck.

>> No.8194293


or at least


>> No.8194297

>tfw no tsukihi gf
This makes me Platinum Depressed

>> No.8194364
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>tfw wanted to post a legit description but saw this post >>8190766 and gave up

>> No.8194420


We did.

>> No.8195376

This, I'm pretty sure.

>> No.8195589

The girls that like me are caring types who go into social work and elementary school teaching. They remind me of my mother and I don't like that.

Is that because they perceive me as weak, and they have a subconscious desire to care for the weak?

>> No.8195607

stockings and skirts

>> No.8195616

women despise weakness in men.

>> No.8195619


A better choice of word is 'unrequited'.

t. /lit/erati patrician

>> No.8195625

This is wrong, unless they are a garbage person. everyone is fucking weak when you truly get under there skin.

>> No.8195628


>> No.8195639

yeah, surprise: women are garbage

painting with a broad brush here, it's not the entire woman that despises weakness, just their pussy dries in disgust

>> No.8195640
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>> No.8195955

Become the Adele of literature mother fucker.

>> No.8195964


>> No.8196057

Average height ,curly hair,brown hair, brown eyes,high pitched voice
And what I love the most about her: a strong personality.
She always acts rebellious and tries to show everyone that she's strong and doesn't need anyone's help but she someday breaks down and feel helpless
aIlthough we're not close friends i try to comfort her when she needs it
Sadly like this anon said it's >>8190766

>> No.8196075
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>she only dates brazilians and people with brain cancer

>> No.8196099

Also, I am a raging faggot.

>> No.8196121

What's your race, height, and facial attractiveness like?

>> No.8196187

Did I offend you ?

>> No.8196725

they look like a 14 year old boy who plays minecraft all day

>> No.8197144

>Steven Unishit

>> No.8197182

Shes 21. blonde curly hair and blue eyes. Her favorite author is Hawthorne. She goes to church every sunday, worries about my spiritual well being, and is a virgin. She wants to give me kids, and a good life. Im a heroin addict. I can't let her love me. shes too good.

>> No.8197242
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A big, ugly creature, one that's cruel, wicked and bad-hearted. Easily mistaken for a squirrel of similar rodent, he has sallow skin and putrid flesh. In other words, they're the mastermind behind this work of art

>> No.8197276
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I don't have one any more.

I spent so long trying to avoid being hurt, avoiding any and all risk out of fear, never once putting my heart in someone else's hands. Not even when she begged me to do so.

But that doesn't make your heart stronger. It might seem harder, perhaps, but really it just becomes brittle, and fragile, untempered by the heat of want and desire, or the inevitable quenching that rejection and disappointment provide.

The damn thing cracks a little every time I see a beautiful woman smile at another man, strains and creaks each time I hear a girl laugh.

I dared not let someone break it, not even once, and in doing so I've turned it into glass, and now even the most thoughtless acts of pity or petty kindness feel like punch in the face or a kick in the stomach.

>> No.8197331

If you have to ask, then yes

>> No.8198437

What are some great love/romance works? Looking for something that will change my perspective on what I desire regarding my sexuality.

>> No.8198474

This thread reminds me of the last time I was on /here/ about 5 months ago where I asked posters to describe a sunset. 250 replies later I plucked the most beautiful one and put it in my essay as my own.
I like these threads

>> No.8198477


>> No.8198503


woah dosto! that's legit, my great grandfather from siberia meet dosto! he gave him all his ideas. he was the only reader in our family and now he's dead, he must have been patrician ,like you and her!

>> No.8198517

Dry, rather wordy and made of wood.

>> No.8198557


>> No.8198566

5'5ish, blonde, big eyes on a big head. She's qt

>> No.8198579
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He is the most simplistic man on the planet.
Cares not for anything overly complicated and knows how to have a simple and fun time without any worries. Late night Skype calls between the two of us are filled with laughter. Handsome, but rather insecure so he never thinks he'll get any. Little does he know that I think he's astonishingly sexy and would adore to be with him any day of the week because he's absolutely brilliant, but alas, I don't think he feels the same way about me.

>> No.8198587

Please just message the person I promise it'll work out in your favor

>> No.8198620
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>> No.8198628

Why not? I think you should at least try. I'm rooting for you anon!

>> No.8198650

He mentioned at a point that he fancied me in the past, however, I think he's more interested in his studies than he is spending time with me. One of those people, you know? Do you really think I have a shot?

>> No.8198655

>Do you really think I have a shot?
Christ just fucking ask

nothing worse than pansies who spend two years dancing around obsessing about whether you like them or not

>> No.8198664

Atta girl/boy!

>> No.8198727
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>I've been madly in love with him for over a decade
>He's gay
>I'm a woman

>> No.8198730

Well shit.

>> No.8198756

Everything is understood with a shared glance.

>> No.8198770

>I've been madly in love with her for over a year
>I'm gay
>She's a woman

it's a stressful and quite confusing ordeal

>> No.8198778

I like it when my gf sits on my face.

>> No.8198782

Ever heard of Jonathan Franzen?

>> No.8198789

She's that feeling you get when you think the sirens outside are for you.

>> No.8198801

It took me until I was 25 to realize the pantheon of grills who wanted to hook up with me throughout my life and make it super obvious and easy for me but I was too autistic to perceive this in most cases.
I find women to be much more socially in tune than men

>> No.8198849

I love you but of course it's none of your business.

>> No.8198862

He thinks I don't want to touch him or stand close to him him when in reality it's the only thing I want to do.

>> No.8198883

My ex left me a living husk of a man, unable to feel love anymore.

Who i'd like to fuck? idk, some asian chick. Chinese girls are the hottest.

>> No.8198908

she wears a headband and has eyes that remind me of my dad's

>> No.8198923

Grills love it when you answer back at them with equally subtle nods.
A lot of people that have trouble hooking up could fix their plight easily if they paid more attention to body language.

>> No.8198946

What body language? I notice bitches staring at me all the time. All of them, all the time. Does that mean they all want to hook up? This is where it's tricky, because I can't distinguish which ones just want to check me out and which ones are actually interested

>> No.8198954

if you're going to be bland and without detail try /adv/

>> No.8198958
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If you have to ask you need to work on it.
You're dealing with emotions here.
Only advice I can give you is that it's more instinctive than cerebral.
Being relaxed is key.

>> No.8198965
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She's in education for becoming a school teacher, party girl, natural hostess. He body is great and complimented by E-cups, but her face is average at most (pic completely unrelated). She is submissive, never cums but loves to be fucked roughly more than anything.
(She's not my love interest btw., just my current fuck buddy)

>> No.8198967
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That makes me think that I actually do have a love interest. Or rather a girl I'd gf but who I don't know how she feels about me.
That one is a philosophy student and I think I can learn a lot from her. She's tall, with a really pretty face (Pic much more related this time), although she has a slight underbite. A yoga girl and I'm not sure what she's afraid or - she's more reclusive.

Both are six years younger than me, I'm 30.

>> No.8198969

Meaningless nonsense, nice try tho

>> No.8198979

A cute, young girl. Long, shiny black hair that runs down her back. Extremely soft. Smooth, small. Her skin is dark and beautiful, like that of a Romani. Her round little face and her perfect eyebrows make me cry. She will never love me, and I will never be able to love her. Yet I still find myself obsessing over her all the time. There is something in her pleasantry, her acceptingness of all walks of life that strikes a deep and longing sorrow in me. There is nothing I want more than for her to think and care about me, and for me to reciprocate genuinely and earnestly. But this will never happen.

>> No.8198997

Emotions aren't logical.

>> No.8199004
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She swallow

>> No.8199014
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>> No.8199034

I've been in love with this girl for years. It's unhealthy at this point, how girls have thrown themselves at me, but I have said no in hopes that I can get one girl.
She is half Asian, with stunning brown eyes, that make me melt when I see them. Her hair is a dark brown, which flows a little below the shoulder. She is short, but full of the optimism and energy that I need. She has a button nose, and a smile that breathes life into me.
I was at a dark time in my life, where the only thing that kept me going was that I could see her, and that she was still alive. She was my peace of mind, my hope and motivation to keep living.
I thought I had gotten over her, but I have been talking with her again, and all those past feelings have come back.
I hope that this time I will not mess up again. I love her.

>> No.8199138
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Put down the needle and be the man you ought. You are going to make it.

>> No.8199306


>> No.8199320

How old are you?

>> No.8199324

Not that anon, but yes.

>> No.8199334

I recently quit my opioid addiction. I've spent a year with suppressed libido.

God fucking damn it I resent the fact that I'll inevitably end up in the same rut of sappy faggotry that everyone in this thread is in.

>> No.8200058


>> No.8200988

Why won't he love me?

>> No.8200994

Mopey, or clingy girls are a turnoff.
Play hard to get, as cliché as it sounds, the primitive brain is already wired a certain way.

>> No.8201779

15 years old