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/lit/ - Literature

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8189963 No.8189963 [Reply] [Original]

What have you bought/borrowed lately?

Pic is my latest haul from the local book shop, cost about $25 total, most expensive book was Directive 51 at $8.50. Why do people pay $30+ for new books that we have piles of?

>inb4 poorfag

Getting the exact same experience for less money is just good finance logic.

The fucking bird encyclopedia is 1000 pages full color hardback, $3. Reference material is cheap as fuck.

>> No.8189981

Bottom right two look pretty good.

>> No.8189987

Sometimes I forget I am on 4chan and that people actually buys these books, lol.

>> No.8189998

I was super excited about them. I love reference books and birds so the encyclopedia was a great snag.

The forestry book was pretty neat. I wanted the Official Handbook they had on the shelf, but when I put it back to check out the red one, some old guy who was next to me snatched it up and walked away, so I had to settle for this one. It has a lot of really interesting information in it.

It's mostly cookbooks and a couple "informational" books. There's literally two narratives there, and they're both pretty decent series, what could you possibly have a problem with?

Or are you just memeing it up because you saw the word Halo and haven't actually read any of the books at all?

>> No.8190009

Why do you fags still insist on making one of these fucking thread every 12 hours? Lay off a week or two, at least.

>> No.8190015

Last thread was almost 48 hours ago. Go figure people might be interested in what other people on a literature board are reading, if it triggers you so much hide the thread and continue fucking off.

>> No.8190016

48 hours ago and you still can't put your handzs away from your dick? Seriously go contribute to other threads, this board is already slow as it is (and I was suprised by how quick you replied tbqh.)

>> No.8190023
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This. I wish I had had the time to read it.Now I have all the time in the world but no means to read it.

>> No.8190024

I rarely come here at all, forgive me for not lurking here literally all day and being familiar with what threads trigger your autism. I'll try to do better.

Orrrrrr, you could go fuck yourself because you're not contributing shit either but a heaping pile of bitching.

>> No.8190029

I've found myself having this problem. I used to have so much free time and I usually wasted it, now I'm lucky to get a few hours a day where I'm not doing something else or too tired from work to concentrate on something like reading. I'm trying to force myself to make time though, it's been way too long since I made it through a whole book.

>> No.8190038

Yeah, I know what you mean. I've been thinking I should read something as well. Not quite sure what I want to read though.

>> No.8190059

I just started reading novellas. It's way easier to commit myself to reading 1-200 pages and since I have a pretty short attention span and they have to condense the stories it's easier to keep me interested.

Directive 51 is what I'm starting next, it'll be the first full-length novel I've read since like high school. It makes me feel really bad, I used to read all the time.

>> No.8190090

But so are you.

>> No.8190093



where do you come from reddit? or tumblr? You seem extremely offended for starting a new thread to post your literal garage sale crap.

And not the good crap either but the stuff grandma had lying around under her oxygen tank to hold it up.


>alton brown book


These aren't books these are dust collectors.

>> No.8190098

I'm responding. I shouldn't be, and that's my mistake, but it's super early here and most of the boards are moving slow so screw it.

You started this chain of non-contribution by bitching instead of just moving on with your life, and now you're continuing to derail thread in some vain attempt to win or something.

Just move on bro, nobody cares. Maybe start or contribute to a different thread and practice what you preach instead of shitting up this one.

I come from all over the internet because I'm not some neet autistic faggot who holds loyalty to one site. I go where the content is, which is everywhere.

They're cookbooks, I cook. Not all books are fuckign narratives and not everybody lives on ramen and Dominos buddy, some of us like to cook for ourselves and our loved ones and the best way to learn is through previous experiences. That Alton Brown book is just a buyer's guide on kitchen hardware, and it's actually pretty in-depth. But you don't care, you're just a contrarian fuck who pretends to hate anything that's popular.

Also, the fact that you're memeing about the Halo book tells me you've literally never read them and you're just being a dick because LOLHALOGAME, which means your literary criticisms mean fuck all to me.

>> No.8190114


There's no hope for you, even your tastes in cooking are terrible. I'm sorry friend for ruining your night.

Send me some cum cookies for christmas.

>> No.8190119


There's a book on cookies and book on chicken, so you're saying you don't like cookies or chicken or salad? This troll is bad and you should feel bad.

I'm sure your tastes are so refined, post your copy of The Bell Jar, faggot.

>> No.8190120

I hate you and I sincerely hope you fucking die.

Do everyone here a favor and delete this gay ass fucking thread, and after that do everyone else in the world a favor and fucking kill yourself, you faggot fuck

>> No.8190121

U mad

>> No.8190124

>Le u mad broh xDDDDDDDD
Nice 9gag meme. I wasn't kidding in the slightest about what I said by the way

>> No.8190128


Are you done being low-effort now? Are you going to move on with your life or at least get more creative with your shitposting?

>> No.8190129

Thread's already derailed for good, just let it go now.

>> No.8190133

Nah, I've got another 30 minutes before I have to leave for work, might as well fan the embers until it burns out. I don't let frustrated little queers bully me out of my own threads.

>> No.8190134
File: 769 KB, 2560x1440, DSC_0260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The black books are about ancient chinese philosophy,they contain the original works + commentary
Volume 1:Confucianism
Volume 2:Taoism
Volume 3:Neo-Confucianism

I think you can guess what is the other stack.
The dust jacket is a little bit old,but the book itself is in excellent condition.

>> No.8190139

At some point I'll be ready to read things like this again. Gotta ease myself back in there with some softball crap first.

That dust cover definitely has seem some times, does the book at least have the title printed on the front like the black ones? I hate when the fronts are blank, because I hate dust covers.

>> No.8190153


Agreed every great author refers to his halo book nearby before reading real /lit/ it helps get the brain moving.

>> No.8190166

It has them printed on.
Even on the spine.
It was 3 dollars for the 2 books of Anna Karenina,so I decided to not give a fuck.

>> No.8190197

3 fucking dollars, man, I can't get a coffe for that, Norway feels

>> No.8190201

At least you don't have to deal with niggers

>> No.8190202

I have been to a used book store where if you buy a book you pay 1.40~ dollars per book.
If you buy 5 books,you pay 80 cents,
Good books too.

>> No.8190217


>> No.8190606

Just keep memeing about a book series you've literally never read, it totally makes you look enlightened and euphoric.

When the local library has rummage sales for super old/damaged books in my old town they sell them a penny a pound.

I don't think I've seen a book that doesn't at least have the title on the spine, that would fucking enrage me to no end.

>> No.8190614
File: 879 KB, 1836x3264, John Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8190625

hilarious meme friendo

>> No.8190644

Holy fuck that's the ugliest book cover I've ever seen. It looks like a fucking 9 year old drew that.

0/10 would immediately throw away dust cover

>> No.8190674
File: 625 KB, 1836x3264, John Green 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8190701

I believe that you own it, doesn't make the cover any less hideous.

>> No.8190704

I like it. =)

>> No.8190744
File: 22 KB, 336x352, 1466392088638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW I read Contact Harvest (and all the other Halo novels) several times.

>> No.8190790

I haven't read Contact yet. I read Fall of Reach way back in high school and loved it and I've been meaning to go back and start the series from the beginning since then because I'm pretty sure FoR is the second book.

Honestly, if you get over the "LOL HALO" meme, they're pretty good sci-fi/fantasy books. Sure, it's not the most refined thing in the world and obviously there's better books but automatically assuming it's going to be bad just because it says Halo is a shit way of thinking if you ask me.

>> No.8190892

Not wrong. I enjoyed them when I read them in high school.