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/lit/ - Literature

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8189854 No.8189854 [Reply] [Original]

>your age

>your job

>your /lit/ related ambition

>> No.8189859

To write okay horror novels and become mildly famous and able to make money

>> No.8189865

>bike mechanic/soon to be electrician apprentice
>I want to produce works worthy of HP Lovecraft, follow in his footsteps.

>> No.8189868
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to live a life of bohemian leisure as a comfy bottom feeder of society while reading good books

>> No.8189883

>Chemical/Materials Engineering student + paid intern
>finish up my minors in Philo and English then hopefully write a book some day

>> No.8189896

My immediate ambition is to finish starting with the Greeks

>> No.8189901

You never finish

>> No.8189909
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never had a job
to find a job and keep reading

>> No.8189932

Wow, how do these come together, you know, STEM and Humanities.
I am about to finish my lit degree was thinking to into a STEM field afterwards.
what say you?

>> No.8189942

I said I will finish starting with the Greeks, not give them up entirely. So, after I finish starting with the Greeks I will continue continuing with the Greeks -- the lesser works of the major Greeks or the major works of the lesser Greeks -- and then I will end by never ending with the never-ending Greeks. I hope that clears it up.

>> No.8189945

Teaching English
Get published by somewhat respectable house; sometimes I dream of making enough to quite my job.

>> No.8189947

infirm NEET unable to work
I, somewhat ironically, wanna be a doctor

>> No.8189956


Which country?

>> No.8189964


Cook for a restaurant

I want to translate foreign language literature. I like the challenge of studying languages and trying to preserve the prose and wordplay of the original work in its new language

>> No.8189967

>your age

>your job
currently a "full-time writer" since my publishing house is paying me to do a tour of sorts to promote my work and do talks etc

>your /lit/ related ambition
be the GOAT

>> No.8189969

>go to university to study literature, then become a teacher

>> No.8190002

>a tour of sorts to promote my work and do talks etc
This is honestly why I don't even try to write any more.

>> No.8190007

Why not?

It's perfectly normal and has been for decades.

It's actually pretty fun. Go to different towns, crash at people's houses, meet literary qts. Better than stocking shelves.

>> No.8190026

Conversational and business English in Japan.
Might teach highschool in China soon though, they have some pretty nice jobs coming out over there.

>> No.8190036

One of the things I like about literature is how it's something I can engage with in solitude. The idea of a great whoring yourself out tour where you have to enthusiastically work the room every time seems absolutely horrifying desu.

I'd rather be le mysterious hermit type of writer but I think that's out of the question these days.

Do you actively maintain a social media presence for promotion purposes and such?

>> No.8190037

>nearly 30
>NEET with dead parents' money
>need to finish my grimoire

>> No.8190048

Currently third shift security, will start teaching English in China in two months.
To get every single person on /lit/ to read DOGBOYS.

>> No.8190051

Is this like a ESL thing or a job you could make a career out of? Teaching in China sounds like it could be fun, I've studied Chinese in HS and it was pretty enjoyable.

>> No.8190052


Your competing in an attention competition and are only using hand essentially. It's possible but you better produce something amazing

>> No.8190060

>been a neet for a week now
>to read nice books

>> No.8190069

The conversational/business school is like a pay per hourly lesson type gig. Usually it's going to be 15+ age and very small groups or 1 on 1 teaching.
You can make a lot of money, but it's 'performance' based which in Japan means students rate you which will give you an instructor grade.
You are paid a base salary which is okay, but the real money comes from repeat bookings, high ratings, 1on1 bookings, special lessons and a bunch of other shit that will earn you bonuses.

The problem is you become more of a performer than a teacher. If you are good looking and funny and tall and white with an interesting eye color you can get a lot of amazing raiting from thirsty housewives.
If you are some low charisma forgettable face you better be an amazing teacher who can teach people a ton without them ever feeling confused or annoyed.

The China jobs are more traditional classroom settings. You can get those here in Japan too but I have no experience with them.

>> No.8190073

>The problem is you become more of a performer than a teacher. If you are good looking and funny and tall and white with an interesting eye color you can get a lot of amazing raiting from thirsty housewives.
where the fuck do i sign up

>> No.8190076

To find my niche in reading and enjoy it for the rest of my life

>> No.8190104

Lovecraft pls go

>> No.8190108

>your age

>your job
Teaching Assistant

>your /lit/ related ambition
To meet a qt brooding wannabe writer and support him in his attempts to get published.

>> No.8190187

Filmmaker and screenwriter
To earn enough for financial stability.

>> No.8190194


unemployed, about to go to college

Finish a manuscript, print it, send it to a bunch of publishers

>> No.8190200

College student
Want to be a curator (not exactly /lit/-related I know, but being familiar with the classics and aesthetic theory helps a lot)

>> No.8190204

late 20s

independently wealthy

try not to kill self

>> No.8190348



living the neo-bohemian dream of welfare money, cheap wine and smelly second-hand books.

>> No.8190360

>Medical doctor
>Write a critically-acclaimed novel someday

>> No.8190382

Have you produced anything of note yet?

>> No.8190384

Of course not.

>> No.8190390


Student, taking some time off because mental collapse

To write a great Western novel. (probably increasingly impossible these days, but Patrick DeWitt did ok)

>> No.8190394

Read more and write better poetry

>> No.8190402

Umm, why not? I'm a girl studying film and it's pretty embarrasing that you haven't made even something of a name for yourself yet. Like, umm, helloo....

>Shane Salerno wrote the screenplay to Armageddon when he was 24
>lan Parker wrote Melody (S.W.A.L.K) when he was 24
>Kevin Smith wrote Clerks when he was 23
>Richard Kelly wrote and directed Donnie Darko when he was 24

Believe me dude, I could go on...like....seriously. My boyfriend is a film major and he's already signed to an agency at the age of 22. Are you even like, ambitious? Or not? I mean it's fine if you aren't but, like, ummmm, what the heck!?!?

>> No.8190410
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>publish my memoir in red ink

>> No.8190415

>I'm a girl
fuck off cunt, no one cares

>> No.8190419

Solid impression of a girl but posting it on here shows it to be false.

>> No.8190420

lol @ your bitterness

>> No.8190428

Terrible impression of a girl, the people buying it (and you) clearly have never interacted with one

>> No.8190438

lol bless us with your mastery of women Casanova

>> No.8190441

Come on now.

>I'm a girl
Why even give (You)s?

>> No.8190443

Why even bother going to China with that kind of a sweet gig in Japan?

>> No.8190447

>low charisma forgettable face

>> No.8190468

Feels bad man.

>> No.8190485

> job
> literary ambition
Win a significant award for my science fiction writing.

>> No.8190486

Organic chemistry (pesticide development)
Get something published I don't care about rich or famous just that some people might read it and see my name on the spine of a book and not just on the header of a journal or paper

>> No.8190491

I shall join you on your endeavor to get every single person on /lit/ to read DOGBOYS.

>9-5 wagecuck logistics salesguy
>read books and smell my own farts

>> No.8190494

I think most writers would honestly hate that aspect of their job and most of the greats would have hated to do that. Your words on paper should be enough but also literature isn't really for the masses anyway until you're dead

>> No.8190497

>film major

>> No.8190502

>owner of chemical factory
>that my personal library keeps growing, maybe one day publish that fantasy saga I am writing.

>> No.8190504

Formerly known as Gaskun?

>> No.8190512

What is a logistics salesguy?

What does your job involve?

Where do you live?

>> No.8190520

Just search for jobs that say conversation school in the description on any site that lists jobs in Japan.

It's a fun job, but the burn out rate is high. Working in Japan is very stressful, and most of the stress comes from the forced competition. You are rated against other instructors so sometimes the work environment can be annoying to.
Everyone is rated for everything. It's like a Japanese RPG working here I'm not joking.

It's not really a career job. And most of these places your not actually full time, they pay you 70% of what they should and you make the rest up in bonuses. The hours are also fucked because most people want to come on weekends and after work you work 5-9 and all day on weekends usually. With two days of whenever.
The Chinese schools on the other hand you have normal regular hours and benifit etc.

>> No.8190522

Hickory, NC. Nice little city, decent hipster scene so decent culture for beer/music/local stuff. I sell freight lanes to various customers (lots of produce) using software that shows me where trucks are going when with how much freight. I basically connect all the dots, if that makes sense. I work on low base salary but with commission make a pretty penny, and the office legit seems like a trading floor for most of the day with people running around like crazy talking on phone checking tickers and what not.

Anyway, check out DOGBOYS. www.vernandsisters.com/dogboys

>> No.8190559


First book is on Amazon and doing well despite lack of exposure. I'm about to drop a few bones on marketing. The people who read it tend to like it but getting the word out is the hardest part I think

>> No.8190641

Post the link please?

Also what's the "Lift" reference?

Do you work in an elevator now?

>> No.8190687

Yeah I work in elevators now. Better pay, worse boss.

Post a temp email and I'll shoot you a link

>> No.8190694

How does one "work" in an elevator?

>> No.8190707

Mounting cables and brackets within the shaft, then attaching and wiring the car itself

>> No.8190710


>> No.8190718

Shaft lol

>> No.8190730

That's not mine but it's funny as shit

>> No.8190751

Damn I meant to link this one

>> No.8190752

Make people laugh and drink
Wrote a book check it out faggots

>> No.8190764

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.8190769
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nice seeing you again! I saved this pic from you, here, take it back.

>> No.8190780

do you know what niche means in french?

>> No.8190785

What is that?

>> No.8190791

Age- 24
Job- Office Admin
/lit ambitions- Publication enough to complement my current income, and someday enough to write full time.

>> No.8190796

No, but going off of the definition on dictionary.com it seems appropriate here.

>a place or position suitable or appropriate for a person or thing

>> No.8190803

(alledgeldy) gas kun's manuscript

I'm not criticizing your use of the word, but remember in common french it means doghouse.

>> No.8190816
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>test grader, proofreader, now also online TA
>have a full-room library, translate some books I like, finish grad school

>> No.8190827

Sorry Gaskun, you're over the hill.

You're a loser, but having been published, you're still a hell lot better than the pseuds here.

>> No.8190829

You got trolled you dumb fuck.

Which book desu?

>> No.8190833

wait, did he get published or did he self publish?

>> No.8190841

Fuck it, Link to book

Buy a copy. Has 1st chapter of book 2 at the end plus links for updates. Book 2 out late August, then 3-11 every 3 months or so for the next three years. I hope you'll join me on an adventure.

P.s. There's jetpacks

Oh yeah. I started writing it after my neice was born in 2003. I finished it in just enough time for her to be the approx age I created the character based on her to be present.

Be a friend... If you read the book and like it, I could use positive reviews.

>> No.8190866

>If you read the book and like it, I could use positive reviews.
The most negative review isn't wrong, though. It really is young, young adult tier fiction.

>> No.8190871

Police Officer
Finish my treatise on anarchist philosophy

>> No.8190873

What does being an office admin entail?

>> No.8190900

Basic shipping & receiving, invoices, making spreadsheets, ordering supplies, calling people... It's the most dull job I've ever had but it pays well enough. Oh and trying to keep the other office underlings from wasting office supplies.

>> No.8190903

>to read a whole book that doesn't have no pictures or nothin

>> No.8190910

you and gas kun are complementary

>> No.8190919

Where do you live?

>> No.8190940

Considering that's what I was going for.... Nail on the head.

>> No.8190945

>At the end I only read every second page, just to finish it.
What the flying fuck? People do this?

>> No.8190951

You don't? Sometimes I skip while chapters as long as I don't lose track of the general plot.

>> No.8190954
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>word is
How did he know without browsing /lit/?

>> No.8191017

>Fennius will have more than to worry about more than just racing as a series of events that will change his life forever are about to begin.

You might want to change the syntax in this sentence of the description to make it seem more professional

>> No.8191024

I know you're baiting but even so this wounds me

>> No.8191209

Yikes. I'll fix it after work. Thanks senpai.

>> No.8191239

Freelancer 3D artist
Write a short story collection

>> No.8191250

Mechanical engineer
To write a poem that doesn't sound awful

>> No.8191290

student coming out of army service
My time in military really got me into writing so I wanna try writing something worth any sort of money, no matter how small. I was a terrible language student so Im not sure if I want to keep this a hobby or pursue further

>> No.8191571

>working at EPS's package storage
>for now finishing /lit/'s top 100 lists

>> No.8191595

>Support assistant for a blind dude in a press office
>Enough money not to worry, enough fame for the right people to listen

>> No.8191597

>Analytics Consultant
>Finish 12 books by end of year

It's all a pleb like me can dream of

>> No.8191618

Sorry everything didn't work out.

>> No.8191648

>that norweigan guy posted this picture saying "im might spend some time in a cabin like this"
>posts actual picture and there arn't any mountains and he has neighbors 20 metres from the house

>> No.8191655

r8 8/8

>> No.8191682

It's still a beautiful cabin with a great view. Unfortunately, he has internet, so the likelihood that he'll be productive is very slim.

>> No.8191696 [DELETED] 

>No Job (Small town, no one hires)
>Attend University, Teach English
>Maybe write a book

>> No.8191701

I sure hope you meant 18

>> No.8191706

>>your age

>>your job
independently wealthy

>>your /lit/ related ambition
finish the first draft of my new novel within 360 days

>> No.8191715

>having internet precludes all productivity
>projecting this much
Not everyone is a weak-willed NEET.

>> No.8191719

>Patent Lawyer
>Become a competent post some day

>> No.8191725

So do I.

>> No.8191741
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It is indeed a beautiful cabin and yes it has internet but no this means nothing in terms of productivity. If I go one whole year without social interaction, or at least no significant social interaction (i.e. outside of cashiers and so on) then anybody, including myself, is likely to develop problems with their mental health. So yes I will be posting on /lit/ during my year in the "cabin" but I will also be spending hours each day reading, writing and editing in the hope of eventual publication. Right now I'm about to go for a joke and when I get back I will shower, drink some cold orange juice and eat a blueberry muffin and then drink some hot black coffee while continuing to browse this and other threads. Fortunately the cabin I will be staying in has a shower though it is very small and it like something you would find in a mobile home or something though it works well. I imagine I will spend many hours swimming in the water which the cabin overlooks and then showering indoors, lighting a fire and reading when the night draws in. I am been purchasing books recently to take with me. I have 30 unread novels and collections of short stories that I plan on taking already. I also told my boss about my plans yesterday and he surprisingly said it was a great opportunity and said my position would be available when I get back although understandably he couldn't pay me between then. So yeah I'm going to go jogging now. First I will jog quickly and energetically with no set rhythm, but then my excitement will falter and I will begin to collect a lot of phlegm inside my mouth and my breathing will become strictly regulated as I complete the final few miles. Thanks.

>> No.8191745



I want to write something completely original and long lasting

>> No.8191790

Test prep tutor
Write 500+ words a day until I die.

>> No.8191792

Software Support Engineer - halfway between tech support and development)
Stop coming to /lit/ so frequently

>> No.8191806


I'm just saying it like it is. Leave my weak will out of it.

Are you trying to be the Norwegian BEE?

>> No.8192195

>Taking care of old people
>Living in a beautiful house or appartment and do nothing but read all day

>> No.8192200

>publish a poetry anthology

>> No.8192201

> Landscaping and retail
>To at least write one goddamned novel and not a short story

>> No.8192277
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>> No.8192440

24, tugboater, none

>> No.8192445

>Student and part time IT guy.
>Write the fantasy book I wanted to write since I was in my teens. Just for myself.

It's been fun at least despite scrapping a lot of it since I feel the prose/storytelling is drivel.