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/lit/ - Literature

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8189472 No.8189472 [Reply] [Original]

Eros is a mysterious energy inherent in the whole of creation, fascinating seekers all over the world. Across the cultures, Eros takes different names but still remains the same agent that has to be awakened from within, since it is the only element that can transform the human psyche. Psyche has to be pacified and Eros’ "fire" has to be transformed into "light" so that he can become the mediator and guide that gently pushes and pulls the seeker towards the source of divine love—Eros the Beloved—that awakens from within, guides and accompanies the seeker from within the inner planes. He is the inner witness, the agent within the seeker that unfolds gnosis, or divine knowledge

>"fire" has to be transformed into "light"

Ellie Goulding Burn


>> No.8189498
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This divine knowledge awakens higher levels of consciousness within him and, in turn, these levels of consciousness aroused by Eros lead the seeker back to the source of light

Ellie Goulding - 'Stay Awake'


>> No.8189505

i clearly see the influences of hesiod's theogony and dante's divine comedy

>> No.8189508

Ban all shitposters and tripfags

>> No.8189514
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The myth of Eros and Psyche describes in detail the inner process of transformation. In fact, Eros cannot be separated from his beloved Psyche, since they are united by a secret and sacred bond, invisible and unconscious in man

...a seeker must transmute the attraction of Eros and awaken the bond with his psyche so that he can rise towards the "beloved," the invisible golden thread that links his consciousness to the universal qualities of beauty and love

>golden thread

Walking on a Golden Line Empire of the Sun


>> No.8189522
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>> No.8189536
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The gifts of Eros affect the emotional and thought processes of humanity, especially those of a seeker who has to learn how to open up and integrate these gifts in his psyche. From the lowest and most physical levels of consciousness to the most spiritual ones, Eros remains forever present, gradually transforming the inner fire into pure light

"All of the love we generate...
There's nothing we need that it can't create..."

Eric Prydz - Generate


>> No.8189550
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This is what we call the Dynamic or Projective Position

Ancient mystics often used the checkerboard pattern in temples and mystery schools. Aside from representing the duality of our existence here on earth, they used this symbol as a way to open up portals of energy. This pattern would help create an environment more conducive to connecting with knowledge and the higher realms

>> No.8189554
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Menopausal women love to think of their fantasy of ''oneness'' (this is why they love Tibetan buddhism, plus all the sexual symbolism of it) after they have been riding the cock carousel for more than two decades.
Knowing that they are not able to stop loving to be supported by men, Women love also to think that they need no man and that they live to help others. This is part of the tactic to enhance their pleasures: women think that they are good people in society, only to feel even more raw, more animal, typically in private, when they are fucked properly by some beta ready to serve them sexually.

Women can become religious only if they are raised like so and basically leave body hedonism before chads and robots try to please them.
But these 2 betas depending on women, they never ever leave girls alone and parents now think that body hedonism is alright, so women cannot be anything else than ''useless whores'' as betas call them.

>> No.8189571
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For the Greeks, the essence of Eros is the unfoldment of human thought, and in Greek philosophy, he is described as a liberating agent who releases and activates the creative process of the mind. Eros inspires and opens the channel of intuition to the higher and abstract understanding and communion with beauty and truth

>so that he can rise towards the "beloved,"

I'm all about the elevation
We can keep it goin' up

Justin Bieber - Company


>> No.8189575

No he's not

>> No.8189582
File: 161 KB, 2241x2497, HeforShe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have a lot to say about women...

Are you a gril ?

>> No.8189593
File: 23 KB, 600x300, george_lopez_54784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sauce ?

sabes que ?

>> No.8190131

You should really go back to /r9k/, anyone who sums up fucking 50% of the human population as "They are all this" is fucking retarded, and inevitably comes from there or /r TRP or some other similar forum.

Even with the very biased worldview they have, they sum up men into a few different groups with different characteristics (still way too simple), but women are all "ugly whore" or "attractive whore", which is dumb.